5 Stupid-Easy Healthy Hair Tips (You Should Start Doing Today)

  • Posted on 09 May, 2020
  • Hair Care
  • By Hollee Wood

Are you ready to learn some insanely easy healthy hair tips that you can start using today?

Girl, you’ve come to the right place.

It’s no secret that healthy hair is vital to your overall look. Let’s be real… nothing turns heads like a luscious, shiny mane on a put-together woman.

But daily heat styling, environmental factors, keeping up with the latest hair color trends, and even washing your hair can push you away from your healthy hair goals. It often seems like you just can’t win, right?

But have no fear… this blog post is all about quick, actionable things you can start doing right away to get healthier hair as soon as possible.

So here are my 5 top healthy hair tips that you should probably start utilizing like, today, if you’re ready to start living that ultimate hair dream.

💡TIP: Pin this article to your Hair Tips board on Pinterest so you can always come back to it when you need to! 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

Your hair is one thing that everyone else notices, so take care of it! Here are 5 incredibly easy healthy hair tips you can start using today!

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Tip #1: At-Home Olaplex Treatments

Olaplex No. 3 Hair Perfector.

If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you’ll know that I’m a huge fan of the Olaplex #3 treatment. In fact, this is probably the single hair product I’d recommend for healthy hair.

The thing is… this product kinda revolutionized the hair industry. It gets in your hair and repairs the damaged protein bonds on the molecular level. In other words, it literally repairs your hair structure from the inside out.

This is one of the absolute best healthy hair tips in the world.

It’s not a conditioner and not the same thing as a deep treatment. Olaplex No. 3 is a bond builder that can actually repair hair damage, whereas deep conditioning treatments just nourish and strengthen your hair, preventing damage from happening.

The downside?

The only downside to using Olaplex is that it can get a bit pricey over time.

My recommendation would be to start by trying it (you can get it on Amazon). If you’re an immediate fan like I know you will be, Sephora sells a “value sized” bottle, which is much more cost-effective if you plan on using it often.

Tip #2: Lose The Dead Weight

Closeup of hands holding comb and cutting hair with shears.

“Cut your hair if you want it to grow faster.”

You’ve heard that before, right? Well, here’s the thing… cutting your hair will definitely NOT make your hair grow faster (since hair growth comes from the scalp).

BUT you should absolutely get regular trims if you want longer, thicker, healthier hair. Let me explain…

When your hair gets damaged, you’ll eventually get split ends. If you let them go, they’ll eventually split further up your hair shaft, causing more and more hair damage.

And let’s face it… nothing says “unhealthy hair” like a head full of split ends.

But if you get regular trims, your hair will appear shinier, bouncier, and much healthier. Not to mention, this will stop the breakage in its tracks before it gets the chance to cause further damage to your hair.

And when you prevent breakage from happening in the first place, it’s almost kinda like you’re making your hair grow faster. See what I mean?

You don’t have to cut a lot of hair off (unless you want to). If you’re trying to grow your hair out, just commit to a light trimming of the dead-ends every few months. It will make a world of difference.

Tip #3: Be Wary of water

Woman washing her hair in the shower.

Okay, are you ready for a lesser-known healthy hair tip? It might even blow your mind a little.

This one is all about water and washing your hair.

Water is like the essence of life; nothing can exist without it. It’s pure, natural, and everything good, right?

But did you know that too much water can cause hair damage? In fact, when your hair is wet, it swells and forces the cuticle up. Over time, this can lead to breakage and damage.

► That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t wash your hair or ever get it wet. Maybe just wash it less often, don’t let it stay wet for too long, and remove excess moisture as soon as possible.

► You can also try using a pre-shampoo treatment to add a layer of protection before you wash.

► And since we’re on the topic, I should recommend that you only use a high-quality sulfate-free shampoo, since sulfates are bad news. They strip your hair of natural oils, which leads to dry, dull hair that is more prone to damage.

► A few last-minute tips for washing your hair:

  • Be wary of the water temperature. Hot water dries the hair out and causes damage.
  • Hard water contains minerals that build-up in your hair and cause issues. Try using soft, clean water to wash your hair, or clarifying often to remove the minerals.
  • If you swim, wear a cap, or use treatments designed to protect your hair from the water/chemical exposure.
  • When you get out of the shower, “towel-dry” your hair with an old cotton t-shirt. Follow up by blow-drying your hair (using your fingers) on low-heat to remove the excess moisture, before moving on to heat styling. Which brings us to the next healthy hair tip…

Tip #4: Use Heat Protection

Woman curling her hair in the bathroom with a flat iron.

Does it surprise you when I say that pressing your hair between two 400-degree hot plates isn’t good for it?

I know, I know… heat styling is part of our everyday lives, but it’s also a huge culprit of unhealthy hair. But it’s also necessary for pretty hair.

So what should you do?

► If you can avoid heat styling, do it. Do you absolutely need to flat-iron your hair on the weekends? Probably not.

► And you can also try using some no-heat curling techniques, like braiding your hair before bed or sleeping in no-heat curlers. You can even utilize braided hairstyle trends, or wear your hair up some days to give it a break.

Anything you can do to minimize the amount of heat damage to your hair will help.

► And when you do need to heat-style your hair, always, always, ALWAYS use a heat protectant. These products are designed to nourish your hair and shield it from the hot hell you’re about to put it through.

Tip#5: Take Care of Your Scalp

Woman with long, healthy hair massaging her scalp.

One of the best healthy hair tips around is to focus on the health of your scalp. Think about it… hair is created in your scalp. If you have an unhealthy scalp environment, how can you ever expect to grow healthy hair?

Luckily, I have a few quick side-tips you can do to optimize your scalp for healthy hair growth.

▶︎ Start by providing your scalp with the nutrients it needs to grow hair. Certain minerals, vitamins, and even proteins are vital for hair growth, and if you’re not getting them in your diet, your hair will eventually suffer.

I’ve previously written about some foods that supercharge hair growth, or you can look into a vitamin designed to give your body the nutrients it needs. I’m a big fan of the SugarBearHair gummies… they’re delicious and made with high-quality ingredients. It’s a win-win.

▶︎ Next, you can benefit from products like the Nioxin 3-step system that was designed to refresh your scalp, clean out your hair follicles, and even stimulate hair growth. It’s the absolute best product for a healthy scalp; read more about it here.

▶︎ Last, but not least… is the easiest healthy hair tip you can start doing today, at home, for free. I’m talking about scalp massage.

Did you know that studies have shown that just four minutes of daily scalp massage can increase hair growth?

No joke… scalp massage increases blood flow to the scalp and hair follicles, providing them with the nutrients needed for healthy hair. Plus, it’s relaxing and has tons of other health benefits.

Start doing it today, and your scalp and hair will both be happy.


FAQ IconHow do I get healthy hair?

To get healthy hair, you’ll need to eliminate (or reduce) the source of damage and work on eventually trimming all damage out of your hair. Certain types of hair colors, heat damage, and elemental damage are all things to avoid when trying to make your hair healthier.

How do I make my hair healthy and strong?

Taking vitamins that encourage hair growth will provide your body with the nutrients it needs for healthy hair. Additionally, creating an optimal scalp environment and reducing the source of hair damage will encourage strong, healthy hair.

How to make my hair grow faster?

There are several ways to encourage faster hair growth, including daily scalp massage, taking vitamins designed to encourage hair growth, minoxidil treatments, and eating a clean diet.

Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts Icon

Everyone wants healthy hair, but sometimes it’s hard to find… especially if your hair has been through some trauma.

But even if you have the worst hair in the world, help is on the horizon.

Start utilizing these 5 amazing healthy hair tips, and your hair will start looking better before you can even say “breakage.”

Until next time,


► YOUR TURN: What do you think about these healthy hair tips? Are you going to give any of them a shot? Drop your thoughts in the comments section below! 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼


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