Hair Fall In Women | Causes & Treatment | Dermatologist

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Hair fall in women

The cycles of growth (anagen), resorption (catagen) and rest (telogen). Under certain circumstances a higher percentage of hairs cycle into the resting phase, and a woman may notice a sudden onset marked shedding. The exam usually reveals “normal” hair density and good scalp coverage on global exam, because more than 50% of the hair must be lost before hair loss is clinically apparent

Causes of hair fall:

Stress: exams, weight loss, crash dieting, after birth, any personal stress, typhoid, dengue, malaria, high fever, severe sickness, general anesthesia, postpartum, and drugs . In drug-induced TE, increased shedding of the scalp hair occurs 2 to 3 months after initiation of the offending drug which could be antidepressents, blood thinners, certain antihypertensives, retinoids and certain antibiotics. Post partum: certain changes in hormones thicken the existing hair and push the hair follicles into growing anagen phase. Once the hormone levels fall down to normal after delivery, the hair shed. Nutritional deficiency: Diet low in protein, iron deficiency, zinc deficiency. Hormonal imbalance could be the cause.

Shedding usually remains for 4 months, in 6-8 months shedding will stopping and slowly the hair will grow back.

Genetic hair loss: gradual thinning

Diffuse alopecia areata: significant thinning but not in patches

What is normal?

100 strands a day.

How to tackle it :

Visit a dermatologist to rule out other causes of hair loss

We need to differentiate between diffuse hair loss due to shedding of resting hair and female pattern hair loss which has an underling hormonal abnormality and genetic predisposition.

¥ Important points in history: onset : sudden or slowly progressive. Any area affected more than other, hair care routine

Few things to do if you have hair fall:

• Blow dry or hair straightener

• Be gentle on wet hair

• Vigorous brushing makes hair brittle

• Avoid hairstyles which tug and pull on the hair. Tie hair loosely.

What medications to take for hair loss (telogen effluvium):

The shedding may last 2–4 months, and visible re-growth may take 6–9 months. Counseling a patient with telogen effluvium involves reassuring her that the increase in hair shedding is temporary and that the resting or telogen follicles are healthy, and capable of full re-growth; no specific treatment is necessary for the hair.

Underlying deficiency needs to be addressed. If iron deficiency, take iron supplements. Biotin supplement should be taken for at least 3 months. Biotin should be at least 10 mg a day.

Minoxidil: use 5% solution once daily at night or 2% twice a day. It can lead to increased facial hair, wear a head band before applying minoxidil. Wipe your forehead and ears after applying. It is completely reversible after discontinuing medications. Side effect is itching and irritation, this is due to propylene glycol in the lotion. You can use a foam formulation to avoid this side effect.

Things to remember when having hair fall (telogen effluvium) :

It is temporary and full regrowth is seen

Eat a healthy diet

Do not go frantic with hair care products and shampoo

Avoid colouring or straightening your hair

Tie your hair loosely, no tugging pull.

Consult a dermatologist to rule out any other disorder.


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Disclaimer: Content provided on this Youtube channel is for informational purposes only. This video is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment or medical advice. Information on this Youtube channel should not be considered as a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional. Please consult with a physician or other healthcare professional regarding any medical or health related diagnosis or treatment options

Hello, this is dr. chad pond and today i'm going to talk about hair fall, hair loss in women, it's causes and how to treat it. I need videos related to skin and hair transplant. If such content is of interest to you, then please subscribe to the channel. Hair loss is a common complaint amongst women. Today, we get a lot of patients who complain of hair fall on a daily basis so, and they are very worried that you know they're going to lose all that hair or go bald. So, while today I'll be discussing what are the usual causes of hair loss? What could be the factors that are triggering this hair loss and how we can tackle the situation? There are many different causes for hair loss. There are many different types of hair loss, but the most commonly seen hair loss are of two types. First is chronic telogen effluvium, so patients who suffer from telogen effluvium come with sudden hair loss and they're very worried that they're going to go bald, so that is the most common cause of hair loss seems chronic telogen. Effluvium second, is female pattern. Hair loss, which is like a very slowly progressive, hair loss. We wear in the patients complain of thinning of hair on their scalp and the there is increased visibility of scalp over time. The hair do not grow long anymore and the scalp becomes visible. So that is the second most common, which is the female pattern. Hair loss in this video I'll mainly be discussing the telogen effluvium caused for hair loss and what it's presentation is and, in the second part of the video, we'll be discussing the female pattern: hair loss. We get a lot of women who complain of sudden loss of hair. You know in the preceding one one or two months they suddenly noticed a lot of hair fall. This is a very common complaint today. First, we need to understand the different phases of hair cycle right, so all the air in your scalp are not growing or together. There are different phases that our hair goes, which is known as the anagen phase, which is the growing phase. The catagen phase, which is the phase of resorption and the telogen phase, which is the resting phase, so at the end of the telogen phase there is shedding of hair. So, on our scalp, a proportion of hair - let's say about 90 percent of hair follicles - are in the growing phase or the anagen phase, and this phase lasts from about two to six years and about 10 % 8 to 10 percent of hair are in the telogen Phase or the resting phase - and this phase lasts for about five to six weeks, the proportion of hair which is in the telogen phase is expected to fall. That'S why we say that losing about fifty two hundred strands in a day is normal, because that many hair are in the tuition fees and at the end of the telogen phase, they do fall then giving space for the new hair follicle to grow the hair follicle. When it is in the teal erosion of the resting phase, it goes up and becomes more superficial in the skin and then there's a new hair that is growing beneath it. So when that hair above sheds, the new hair from below grows out, so it's a normal cycle. So whenever you is losing a few hair, do not panic! It is normal to lose about 6,200 strands of hair, so in this condition called telogen effluvium. There is a sudden, the hair loss which is severe okay, so you will notice that you're, you losing about 100-200 strands of hair everyday and it gets quite alarming to certain patient and this hair loss is diffused. There are no patches as such, no particular area, which is affected more than others. It is usually a diffuse hair loss, though in certain patients they do complain of emperor recession, meaning thereby this temple area shows more pronounced thinning of hair. So that could be one of the features. Otherwise, usually patients complain of diffuse hair loss. We cannotice balding. After at least 50 % of the hair present on the scalp is shed. Then we can prominently notice that there is thinning until then you will not be able to make out any kind of baldness or visibility of the scalp. So what is the cause for this hair fall? Stress is the most common factor stress in the form of maybe going through an exam or undergoing or huge in weight loss in a short period of time crash dieting or, if you've just recovered from an illness. If you've had high grade fever, either due to dengue, typhoid or malaria or any other illness, or if you've had any nutritional deficiency or if you have hype or hyperthyroidism, all this can lead to hair loss. Even after a major surgery in which you've taken general anesthesia or after giving birth to a child that can also lead to sudden hair loss, one of the most common cause story is crash. Dieting, you know doing a liquid diet losing a lot of weight. In a short period of time, depriving your body of protein, which is a very important factor in hair growth. So all this can lead to sudden hair loss. Having a very heavy blood slowed during menses could lead to iron deficiency anemia. So even and the efficiency can lead to hair loss, even intake of certain drugs such as antidepressants or blood thinners or certain anti hypertensive medications or any antibiotics or even retinoids, could lead to hair loss. So if you're, having a sudden onset of hair loss, you might want to look into the kind of drugs you are taking. Hair loss after childbirth is also very commonly seen. So there are certain hormonal changes during pregnancy, which kind of thickens your hair, which makes it longer and pushes the hair into the growing phase. So when these hormones come down to normal after childbirth, you will notice that the start shedding. So you must not worry too much. Eddie usually lasts for about three to four months and it will be controlled once the hormones normalize. So when does delusion effluvium occur. This usually occurs after three to four months of any insult or stress that has happened. So, let's see you had an exam today or you had illness today you will notice the hair loss after three months right, so we always get into a detailed history of the patient and try to look into any event that Goods precipitated this hair loss that occurred About three to four months prior, this hair loss usually lasts for about four to five months and spontaneously results. Sometimes it might be prolonged to about six to eight months, but remember that there is full hair regrowth. There is no damage to the roots as such. Just the shaft is shedding so the root will give rise to new hair and there is high likelihood that you will regret in your natural, normal density, so how to tackle this hair fall. So whenever you notice an alarming degree of hair fall. Make sure that you visit a dermatologist so that you know if that hair fall is either normal limits. All it needs to be treated so visit the dermatologist who will look into the different factors which could be causing the hair fall and also try to find out the underlying cause. We usually look into the history, try to find out if there were any implicating factors that took place about three months back, like I said before any stress in your life, any event that could have triggered this hair fall. Once we get into the detail history, we also look into your menstrual cycles. How frequent they are. How much do you bleed now? What is the duration of the cycles? We look into that as well, along with that, we also look into the history of taking any oral contraceptive pills, sometimes when sujin therapy for a long time and stop the treatment, then also you could notice hair loss. Also, we take detailed history and examination to rule out any hormonal imbalance or any signs and features of polycystic ovarian disease, which could also be the reason for your hair loss. I have a detailed video on polycystic ovarian disease on what the features are and how to tackle I'll be linking the video and I card above you can click up to watch along with history and detailed examination. We might also order for a few blood tests, so we want to look for any thyroid. Abnormalities, look for the serum, either levels in your body if there is any iron deficiency or if there is any zinc deficiency. You know these are the usual causes for hair loss in women, so we might run a few blood tests to see if there is any underlying deficiency or any underlying abnormality. After that, we want to look into your hair care routine. So there are a lot of people who use you know straightness on a regular basis or hot iron, or blow dryers on a regular basis and a lot of hair care products which could actually be damaging your hair. So we want to make sure that you avoid it when you have hair fall so whenever you're experiencing hair fall, make sure that you're not using any of these heating irons and using blow dryers and also using any of these thick hair care products. So we get a lot of patients who want to undergo keratin treatment, so I usually tell them to wait until the hair fall is under control before you go on for any kind of treatment, so you would also want to put a hold on coloring, your hair Until the hair loss is under control, because all these factors might not be the cause for your hair loss, but they do chef, initely aggravate it and in kind of heating and any kind of calling or straightening your hair or any treatment, might damage the shaft and Make it more brittle, so you will have a lot of great cage which, along with the hair fall, might make. You feel that it is aggravated the hair loss, so you might want to wait before you undergo any such treatment while you're having have fun. So, when you're experiencing hair fall, what are the things that you must do? First and foremost, be very gentle with your hair? Do not wear any hairstyle, which kind of pulls or tugs your hair, no tight, ponytail or high ponytail, which kind of tugs your hair. So you will avoid that and go for any loose hairstyle and also avoid vigorous brushing of the hair and be gentle when your hair is wet and a lot of patients worry that shampooing. That hair regularly could be aggravating that hair fall new. Please shampoo, your hair. At least two to three times in a week if you are working out or if you have to go in a dusty environment or you have a lot of sweating or you sweat, a lot during the day make sure your scalp remains clean. So you want to shampoo your hair and keep the scalp clean, so just by avoiding shampooing is not gon na. Stop your hair loss and also champagne. Your hair is not gon na increase your hair fall right, so you want to keep your scalp clean use. A gentle shampoo now and be very gentle with your hair when it is wet and do not use any blow dryers or straighteners. While you are having the hair for other than this in certain patients, we like to give supplements of iron or zinc. If there is any deficiency that we are suspecting - and there are certain studies which show that nearly biotin supplement might help with hair growth, though a lot of studies do not support, so you know it is up to the ceiling physician to make the choice you could Take iron and biotin supplements for about three to six months: it might help in the hair growth. Also, there are certain lotions that we give. If you have a lot of hair loss, the most prominent one being minoxidil lotion so minoxidil how it acts is that it improves the blood supply to the scalp. Hence the nutrition that is, the head is increased and the hair tends to grow longer. They are pushed into the Hannigan face, so the thinner hair gets thicker and the hair phone is controlled. But remember that when you first start minoxidil lotion, you might notice an increase in hair fall for the first 10 days up to 3 weeks, but it will get controlled if you continue it, and this minoxidil lotion should be continued for about 3 to 6 months. Usually in females, we prefer to use 2 % lotion twice a day. Otherwise, if that is tedious, we even prefer 5 % lotion once at night, so minoxidil lotion is usually well tolerated, though certain patients complain of itching or irritation or even sometimes contact dermatitis to the lotion. This is due to the component of propylene glycol in the lotion. So you could use a foam formulation there, so the form formulation of minoxidil is better tolerated. It does not cause irritation, dryness and flaking, and you know brittle hair that some patients complain of when they are using lotion formulation. So foam can be used twice in a day. Overall. Minoxidil is a safe medication to use, but women do experience increased facial hair. They do notice that the hair on the sideburns on the forehead or in the lower jaw line area has become thicker and are looking more prominent and darker. So this is a reversible side effect. It gets completely reversed once you stop the medication in about 3 to 6 months, so you need not worry, but this is something that you need to be prepared for. In order to minimize the side effect, make sure that you wear a headband before you apply them in aqsa dilution, so that dilution does not trickle down on your forehead and on the sides of your face. Also, after you finish the application of the lotion, you might want to wipe your face and ears so that there is no residue of minoxidil in this area. This might help in meaning this side-effect, along with minoxidil lotion. There are certain hair serums which contain tap pixel or pro-capital that is available in the market. It'S use is still not very scientifically proven there, not enough studies to prove that they improve telogen effluvium, but in our experience we see that it does improve. Hair fall to a certain extent, so the choice of the lotion to use and the frequency of application can be decided by your treating physician and also it is important to discuss with your doctor all the medicines that you're taking when you go for a consultation. It is a good idea to carry all the medicines with you so that they can have a look there's any implicating drug. We could stop it for some time is possible, so these are the options for hair loss control. You could discuss these options with your treating physician, who will take the decision as to which medicines to give and whether it requires to be treated or only reassurances enough. So a certain patient just need to be reassured that it is going to get better over time and your own certain cases treatment might not be required. But if you have a severe hair loss, then we do prefer to put you on a minoxidil lotion, along with a few oral supplements, so relax take a healthy diet. Exercise regularly, don't worry, you're not gon na go bald. It is not gon na shed completely. It will be controlled in a few months until then, you'll just have to be gentle with your hair and be patient with the treatment. If you found this video useful, please hit the thumbs up button and also subscribe to the channel. If you like, such skin and hair related content, then you can follow us on other social media handles such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Thank you for watching you

Ritika Raj: thank you ma'am. seriously I wanted someone to assure me that this is just a phase. I recently recovered from typhoid (I got ill in Dec 2019) and your informative video actually helped me to calm myself down as you explained about the reasons. thank you so much ma'am.

palak chhabra: I’m so glad I found out this video, I just wanted someone to assure me that it’s just a phase, I had some stressful time of my life in the first 2-3 months of the year and I started experiencing extreme hair fall by mid April. I’ve been trying to do do a number of remedies but nothing worked. It’s been like 5 months now. I’m satisfied heading your words.

Angel Agnes: Thank you so much for all your videos, a doctor's word is always best, n i get a very clear explanation from you while there are so many confusing things over the internet. Thank you

brainudge: Instead of purchasing products that are endorsed by affluent brands, which claim that they are anti hair-fall, we should try exploring/researching about what our needs are, before picking one. For more information about the factors that need one’s consideration before choosing the right shampoo, and to know about what undervalued shampoos(and oils) we recommend for anti hair-fall, do consider visiting: (Available in various languages, including Hindi, which can be chosen from the top-right dropdown)

Prachi Devardekar: Hi mam for frontal bladness in female. Which treatment is best?? I loss my 60%hair in 1 month. H/o Dengue feb 20 .

Deepshikha Gupta: Hello Mam, this video is very helpful and I have a doubt please clear that I'm using "aloATM 5% solution" (Minioxidil, Tretinonin and Azelaic acid topical solution)but it contains alcohol so is it safe for my hair or not please reply. Thanks

Kasturee Naidoo: I was diagnosed with chronic telogen effluvium caused by child birth. My hair started falling in chunks 3 months after birth. My daughter is now 4.5 years old and I still suffer from hair shedding. The volume of hair on my head has reduced by two thirds. Is it normal for this condition to last for years? I just want it to stop now. I miss my thick head of hair.

Anshika Singh: My hairfall has escalated so much during this lockdown idk why, i'm just 18

LP: Thankyou so much for letting us know this, I was really really worried and also lost hope of getting my hair back. Thanks you very very much for restoring my hope. <3

C Lekha V: Can you please demonstrate how to apply minoxidil for hair and the necessary precautions to follow. Also how do we stop using it to prevent the shock loss ?

Vinay kumar: very informative video maam.. i was also suffering from hairfall issues but finally used planet ayurveda products and it really got my hair health better..

BHAWNA KUMARI: Hello ma'am, 3 months ago i was suffered from dengue and typhiod i am experiencing hair fall..should i take any medicine for it..or wait for some months

anu garg: I visited a local famous dermatologist. But you know I got dissatisfied as he saw my hair from 3 -4 feet away with a torch and prescribed some medicines and did not ask even a single question.It may be due to corona but just got the money for the slip Nd spent less than 5 minutes on me. And started cutting a new slip for next patient then I asked him can you plz explain me the medicines and cause for thinning of hair he said your hair cycle is disturbed. I don't know without knowing anything as a question answer he prescribed me some capsules I am taking two capsules which are biotin Nd other is some vitamin. Can you plz tell is it possible to know the cause from such distance and like this....?????

n S: mam..thank you for your videos.. is it okay to use minoxidil until 4 weeks of pregnancy...

Mouli Majumdar: Hello! Dr. Anchal, it's been 3 yrs I shifted from Delhi to Hyderabad and have started losing a great deal of hair in recent years though thought of going to a dermatologist but somehow didn't happen so. I came access this video and found it suggest

Vaishnavi Shirke: Hello Mam! I am having hairfall from roots everyday..Now my hair volume is almost half..I did hair smoothing a year ago..what can I do or take in order to reduce my hairfall and grow my hair up in volume? Can you help me here please?

Devika Jayasinghe: Very well explained. Thank you doctor.

Aishwarya Chilukuri: Madam u have suggested emolene moisturiser in winters for oily and combination type skin this one contains propylene glycol as its active ingredient so does using this cause unwanted facial hair growth

sonal dutta: Please Doctor make a video on safe and effective shampoos and conditioners.

Priyanka Jaiswal: This lady has all my prayers... Thank you Miss for explaining all this ✌

mitzy1586: Hi...thank you for your informative video!! But I have a question. My hair is curlier than usual. I have wavy hair but it's turning more curly. Could you tell me the reason for it?

KAJAL PATEL: Mam I'm suffering from heavy hairfall from last 3-4 years.. I'm 19 years old. I have no thyroid problem , iron deficiency or anything. I have taken multivitamines and vitamin b tablets also for 4-5 month... Tried so many oil and shampoo but can't see any positive effect. Nearly 200-300 hair loss in a day and more than five hundred while washing.. Mam please suggest me what should I do.

Réka Papp: Thank you, Miss! It really calmed me down to hear this!

Rajneesh Arora: Please add one detailed video for hives and combination of fungal infections

Karen Guu: i LOVED your information! very complete, clear and useful

Foodie Lover Kitchen: Very Amazing Explanation.. Mam..Thank you a ton..This video Really very helpful and truely worth for sharing and caring...Thanks alot.....

Supriya Velpula: Hi Mam - I am very much worrie about the hair loss though I don't tie my hair tight I still lose 50-100 strands the moment I take the hair tie off. I have dandruff problem please suggest.

may: Very helpful information. You explained well.thank you

Snehal Mogal: I am 23 years old moderate hairfall My Doc suggested me proanagen tablet for 1 month....Is it useful and for what duration & dosage i need to take to see the effects ?

Jayalakshmi Ganesh: I have taken isotrerinoin for about 2 month and stopped. It’s been 2month since I stopped and now I am facing hairfall... can I use the cream u suggested?

Liya: Dr is there a way to increase the density of hair for those having less hair from birth itself?

Beauty 🧚 and the Beast 🦁: Thankyou mam Which minoxidil brand you refer for hairloss nn how much should be applied

glen dsouza: Hi doc,. Is diffusion unpatterened alopecia (dupa) permenant like male pattern baldness is or is it reversible with proper medications and treatments?? I'm a 20 year old guy.

Bhairavi Patwardhan: Ma'am, please tell about trichotilomania ..

Riya Ghosh: Hello mam,I was suffering from typhoid and after that I have started loosing my hair,I have lost 70 % of my hair

Tarun Chauhan: thanku mam for your views Being a teenager i also have problem like hairfall . then one day my family member suggest me to try products of planet ayurved and their team gave me supplements to stop my hairfall and for growthing hair and my hair grew within two weeks. thanku to the team

The Healing Zone: What about stopping an antidepressant, would that cause hair loss?

Liinn: Hello mam i like your videos. Can you do a video about hair products that helps with damage, dry and frizzy hair

Akanksha Rawat: Hi doctor ? Wanted to know which is the best multivitamin for hairfall.also do dht blocker shampoos work for female pattern baldness.if yes, then which one is the best ?

Hema Ram Kumar: Does rice water help regrow hair stronger? Can it be used to thicken ur eyebrows?

radhika joshi: Thanku really helps alot

Sidra Khan: Could you plz suggest mild shampoo for oily scalp

Ananyaa M: Dr,Aanchal , i need one help from you i apply oil and use ayush shampoo.... but after that my hair gets dry and i am not allowed to use conditioner also can you give me some suggestion for this problem

Shalu Dhama: Hello mam.i was suffering from typhoid fever and after that i have started loosing my hair .i have lost approx 70% of my hair.i have completed 4vmonth treatment of hairfall (minoxidil 5% and vitamins ) but still having hairfall from root.what should i do now

Rahul Negi: Mam i used minoxidil for beard and my scalp hair shedding like crazy then i stopped minoxidil its been 20 days still my scalp hair are shedding please guide something right know i can see little bit patches on my scalp

zombsgaming: Mam I m experiencing hairloss for about 11 years consulted several dermatologist , never met a doctor like you.Unfortunately , I m here in UAE, cant visit you , and this hair loss pushing me in severe depression , I visited Dr batras clinic yesterday , Dr said you r in stage 2 to 3 , 40% roots dead , she said cause of ur fall is stress nutrition deficiency and dandruff .can you suggest me should I go for homeopathic treatment ? I m feeling extremely drepressed n helpless ...pls suggest me

Ruth Jazmine: Dr I want to ask, why my hair suddenly shedding and in the early fall more than 300 hairs a day. Im worrying my hair and I have collect my hair fall and it's just like half of my current hair quantity. Could you please explain

a banupriya: Mam I am ur great fan I used your moisturising cream really it's make wonders in my skin mam pls suggest me a shampoo and conditioner and serum for my dry hair mam pls

Nasrin Rahimi: Thank you very much for all this help full information, you guide us at your courtesy.

Paula baker: Good Afternoon I have a few questions.... I have Grave Disease due to hyperthyroidism.... I have been experiencing hair loss... a lot of hair loss... the only thing that was added to my routine was Estradiol Patch 0.05mg twice a week.... well my doctor thinks that the patch mg’s was too high and he has dropped the mg’s to 0.025mg patch twice a week.... truthfully I haven’t used them because I have been so nervous about it because it has truly taken all my hair out... I’m not bald but I have less than an inch of hair from the bottom of my crown down to my neck... I can cover it because I do still have the top, and some sides left.... which is long enough to cover... the reason for the patch is because I was having horrible Hot Flashes... My Endo doc said the amount was to high (0.05mg) and it increased the testosterone level in my system and with that my hair started falling out.... (all blood work was fine... lil low in calcium/vitamin D) he said I could use Rogaine to help stimulate the hair follicles and I guess it has Minoxidil in it.... My questions... 1. Should I see a Dermatologist? b/c my hair is still coming out even though I stopped the patch over two weeks ago.... 2. Should I take the 0.025mg of Estradiol? The Hot Flashes are back and wakes me up in the middle of the night...But I’m nervous that if I use the patch even at this low dose that it will be worse... 3. If I start taking anything that has minoxidil in it and my hair grows back will I have to continue using it or will my hair start to break off again if I stop using it? Some what heart broken over my hair, embarrassed and don’t know what to do.... please HELP! Thank you in advance and excuse any mistakes I’m texting on my phone.....

swagota dey: Mam i have facial hair problem so i am afraid to use minioxidil instead m using follihair it ok?

enchantress: Please upload some videos on prevention and cure of greying of hair!

Renu Rana: Ma'am my hair fall too much and scalp visible too widely Hairs falls approx 200-300 per day and approx 500-600 while washing what should I do?

Sunanda Pandit: Beautifully explained...

hitting the bull's eye: Mam I had dengue and post dengue my hair started to fall out from the roots directly and from every part of the scalp. My hairs used to be thick, strong and really shiny... More that 60% of my hairs has been lost already. Can u plz plz plz recommend a good doctor in delhi who can genuinely diagnose and give correct effective medicines.

Juli Kumari: Mam which is best growth for hair rice water or onion water

SCON sasi Kala: Mam I'm 19 , i have severe hair loss & got alopecia since 7 month, tell me the solution mam

anjali davichan: Thankyou so much maam ... Im a medical student and i completed all your vidoes in a day ... I ve been prescribed minoxidil and it works wonders ... Ive been using it for 2years now and never stopped using it because of fear of hair loss if i discontinue it ... Will i lose hair if i discontinue. ..??

Shruti Choudhary: I am 16 and I have noticed excess hair fall and also less hair in my temple areas. I have had stress due to board results and broken friendships all at the same time. I had been crying for months. After few months of lockdown, I started to gain weight (also bcz I didn't exercise) and also had irregular menstrual cycles. I think I also have iron deficiency or low energy bcz I feel dizzy for like 5 secs unexpectedly at any time of the day. The dizziness is even worse during the first and second day of menstruation ( I am literally on the bed whole day with a lot of cramps). Now watching this video I feel everything is connected somehow and also that I have totally messed up with my health. I am going to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Preethi Gowda. R: Detailed information, thanks a ton Dr. .

Yaqoot Barkat: Dr , i am having excessive hair fall tell 1 year after rebonding , now my hairs are so thin and still not stoping hairfall , so what should i do now ?

Nakshatra Rao: Ma'am do you have a clinic in Mumbai, for private consultation ?

Ryken Heart Barcos: Dr can I ask Im still 13 but im having A Hairlost my hair is thin already and im afraid.Im also having a Dandruff since i always use different Shampoo every month.Can Ask you what shampoo or Things should i use or do Doctor??

Simhikha Simhukha: Hi doctor. I was fallen sick in the end of January 2020 and found I was attacked by migraine.. And I was in bed for 1 month .. I was 29 years old but untill my 29 yrs I had no migrainal problems.. Later I was prescribed by a doc with some medicines which I too k fr a while, and discontinued coz I hate tablets... Later in April I turned 30 and found some changes in my periods and body... I saw myself putting weight then normal... I hv bcm chubby then fluffy.... 2nd thing is I had found having my periods soon then the cycle and I had less amount periods this time.... Normally I bleed for 3 days but this time I had bleeding for 2 days n then on 4th till 6th day I had little lumps coming out... after few days I did also trim my split eds of my hairs ... Later soon after triming my hairs I started to find so much of hair fall n I dnt understand if it's the timing, or hormonal imbalance , or migrainal attacks I get often n stays long or etc.. I see my hairs falling from roots long n thin lengthy... I am so worried n I curse myself for cutting my split ends. U know I started to b superstitional since then having cut my hair in the pendamic year.. Pls let me know what can b the cause,, is it normal.. Is it coz I turned 30 ..?? Nvr in my life I had this much hairfal . Not even normal fall.

rachu rachel: Ma'am I had taken antibiotics (Azithromycin-600mg) for a long time of about 15-20 days for 3 times a day. After 3 months of this use I started seeing sudden hairfall of 100-200 strands a day. How do I control it. Does procapil help in my hairfall and hair regrowth from baldness ???

Foodies: I hv lost more than half of my hair in last 5 days m totally in tnsion I hv consulted to dermatologist she said don't worry it is happening only coz of covid stress bt I was nt covid+ what shld I do hv tried everything whether that is hoome remedy, ayurvedic oil nd medicine, nrml medicine nd NW I don't knw what to do plzzz suggest something

Roshan Pokhrel: does tretinoin cause hair fall ?

kakali biswas: Nicely analysed

Little world: I have been facing this problem for 5 years . I am 21 years old . 5 years ago I had thick long beautiful hair but now it's really thin . What to do . I went to dermatologist but it didn't work .

Mahesh Bansal: Mam please recommend me good shampoo for hairfall and frizzy hair .

Nidhi: Can you suggest a mild shampoo that we can use about thrice a week?

Samia Benaziza: I read that putting homemade garlic oil on scalp (for hairloss) might severly burn it and cause dark patches that won’t ever go. Is it true ? I use between 500g and 1000g of garlic in a liter of oil.

P L: Dr. Anchal, My Daughter age 18 facing hair loss problem, her hairs are thin and weak please suggest. thanku

Maryam yasin: i have used minixidol for 7 months and i got no positive results

ayushi Khare: Mam I am taking Adgain capsule from last two months but getting no result should I continue it..Or Not....kindly help me

Aradhana Mishra: Mam mujhe dengue hua tha aaj see 1 month phle aur usk baad Mera hairfall bhut jyade ho RHA h .. I loss 400+ strands upto days... I consulted with the dermatologist they recommended me the minoxidil 2% nd vitamin follic acid capsules after checking my CBC test .. nd I also done my thyroid test bt it's normal ... But still having hair fall what I can do didi

Musfirah: I was having a severe hair loss after my delivery... It's a 7th now and I lost 3/4th of my hair... Plz tell me how to take care of my hair

mr indian hackers: Please mam make a video for open pores treatment

Ambika Raje Singh: Mam I've been suffering really heavy hairfall....since august I never had this type of hairfall ever. I don't know what is happening My braid has become so thin. I can't even look at it without having tears in my eyes

Sakshi Sawant: Mam its much helpful information thanks for this ....and hearing you is like be continued to be .. for time and time .

Viji M: Mam shall I take becadexamin capsule 1 at morning and 1 @ night for hair loss?????? Plzzzzzzzzzz reply me mam....

Manisha Yadav: mam suddenly my hair started falling and its very severe and I don't thyroid problem also my age is 20

Namrata Sahu: hello dr.... minoxidil2% and finasterid... also female uded this product?

Shubham tayde: Curly hair from home video please mam

Jy Ga: What do you suggest for genetic hsirloss

SUTANUKA CHATTERJEE: Since dec 2019 aggressive hair fall... Prior to that 17 Aug 2019 onwards it all started

aani: Ma'am i am 17 and I have heavy hair fall since 1 month what should I do and it is thickning

nikita kumari: Hello mam now Iam in kota .I am having hairfall from root everyday ,now my hair volume is almost half i did hair somthing 2 years ago .what can i do for stop hairfall and grow new hair plz i am really so depressed plz help today i am first time show your video .in kota hairfall excessive bec all know here water problem. plz help

Nimisha nimz: Mam iam suffering from severe telogen effluvium from past 2 yrs. Dermatologist suggested minoxidil 5%. But i think it doesn't wrks for me. My hair is shedding day by day. Even baby hairs are too shedding hair line is becoming more visible. Hair strands are becoming brittle. What to do mam. Thyroid levels are normal before 2yrs, when i lastly checked. Mam please tell me any remedies. Will this hairfall stop..? Or i will be bald..?

Hetu Patel: Hello ma'am i have suddenly 80% hair loss so please guide how to recover my hair

mahrukh: Very informative

Falguni Bhimjiyani: U should make video in hindi bcz 20-30% hair fall cycle nd all is very technical.

Namrata Dsouza: Thank you Dr.

Mehreen Sajad: Why does my hair break so much even when I don't use any heat based products and I also experience quite good amount of hairfall. What to do?

karthika: If we stop using minoxidil after 6 months all the hair that has grown will remain??

khushbu Pandit: Hello Dr.... My age is 25... I have thin hair... N recently I seen excessive hair loss so much so that my scalp is visible... N no new growth is seen.... Pls suggest me good remedy... as thining is very vigorous...

rKrishnaveni cbseap: Hai mam I m having thyroid issues (hypothyroidism) More than 100strands of hair loss Wat to do mam? Plz kindly reply I hope you will reply

This Tae: Dr I ironed my hair 6 months ago. And now one fourth of my hair remains . Is that the cause for it. I did it only for once. Plz reply me. Your video is really essential.

Nelly Saves: Can you recommend any gentle shampoos? Im asking because I hate shampooing because that’s when I notice the most hair fall so I usually try to avoid it thank you!

BLACK WOLF OFFICIAL: My hair is going when i am comb my hair How i control it I use olive oil but it is not work This video is very important to me

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