How I Take Care Of Short Bleached Hair || Low Cut For Women ||








Hie there Vee Gang,

It's your girl Vee Motsi and a warm welcome back to my Youtube channel. This is day 29 of my 30-day challenge, where I will be posting every day for 30 days on YOUTUBE. I am so happy to be able to take you along this journey. I am so excited to have you here on yet another episode on my channel. In this episode, I show you how I take care of my short bleached hair.

Thank you so much for coming through. I truly appreciate it.

See you in my next upload.

Camera: Canon EOS 90D

Lighting: Natural Lighting and Ring light


Hey guys, how are you doing it's a golden multi and today i'm going to be showing you how to take care of your low-carb grease hair subscribe. The first thing that i do i used to cut my hair about two weeks ago. I'M gon na go in with the two in one shampoo and conditioner from delft, and i'm just going to put this in my hair for like five minutes and then i wash it out and then i'm going to use soon. After that, an egg actual mayonnaise and olive oil, hair conditioner and i'm going to add olive oil and make it kind of like a oil treatment. Yes, because you know when you beat your hair, it kind of messes up with your roots and it there's a lot of fallout sometimes, and i brush my hair often so i have to make ensure that you know i don't want my hair to be falling out In order for that not to happen, i do my own version of oil treatments and it works. For me, you can also add avocado. If you have all right now, we wait. Oh my gosh. I will pause this go wash my hair and i'll be back. Okay, so i just washed my hair, and now i am okay, i'm going to go in with my k, mayonnaise that i made with egg olive oil. I don't have avocado um, i'm just going to put it in my hair for like five minutes, and this is all before i actually take my actual shower but yeah. So then the washing off process is lovely hectic and you let this stay for five minutes. Okay, so now that i've washed the hair mayonnaise out and i've done my young oil treatment, i prefer to air dry, my hair, of course, i'm going to like just you know, dry off any excess water, and then i'm going to allow it to air dry for, Like a little bit all right, so i'm gon na go in with this hair, scalp and conditioner hair food africa is the best herbal growth super hair and scalp conditioner with olive oil. Okay. I don't use too much because i do have short hair, so it will make sense all right put it around massage this scalp and then this is coconut oil. It'S good for the hair. I need it. Oh, my gosh, it's just open all right and i'm gon na take some not too much as well. All right make sure it's everywhere everywhere everywhere in the hair, all right! Now that that's done, i'm gon na add some hair gel as well be back in the gym all right - and this is the hedge all i'm gon na go with. I'M not gon na, take a lot as well and then brush. I prefer a brush to an actual comb because i feel like it does the job better. So yeah guys, that's basically how you do the thing. That'S how you take care of your short bleached hair. Thank you so much for coming through. I'M so excited that this is day 29 of my 30 day film-a-thon. We are nearly done. Oh, my goodness me invite you to like subscribe and comment, and i will see you in my next upload. Thank you so much for coming along with me on this journey. I love you mom, and that is how you take off your short beach hair. Also remember to subscribe to my youtube channel. You

BlacknBlending: I struggled bleaching my hair but finally managed, was not happy because I was losing the color. Thank you for sharing now I know what to do

Carol Jamu: Those are really great tips I think about bleaching my hair but I'm scared

Kamo Boshielo: I definitely needed this, I didn’t know what to do with my bleached her

Rufaro Sihle: Wait !? Oil treatment ?? Aaaahh THANK YOUUUU lmao my boyfriend bleaches his hair and it always falls out cause he does it a lot so imma definitely tell him this

Anothando G: I loove the cut you look beautiful, im definitely going to come back to this when I bleach my hair

Lauren Matthews: I bleached my hair once long ago but it didn't suit me It looks good on you

simpsm: Definitely considering bleaching my hair once it grows. Will check out similar products in SA

Tanyaradzwa Chapangura: Thank you You’ve helped a lot

Sasha Nauleen: This hair suits you so much

Azana Jezile: This hairstyle really suits you

Chantal Mkhonza: I've been thinking of bleaching my hair now that I know how to take care of it babbbbbbyyyyyyyyy imma do this❤❤

Lethabo Maboi: I'm not gonna complain coz technically we go through the same

Vanessa Mutirori: Now I'm thinking if I should bleach my dread look so cool with your short hair you rock it pretty well Oh and that Tekere song is my soooooooong!!

Andile Hazel: Challenge almost complete

Kea Mooketsi: This hair is so easy take care not these big bushes of hair we have

Yothatsmoe: I wanna bleach my hair but I’m scared

Minenhle Ntanzi: Where were you when I needed these tips when my hair was still bleached

Mufaro Mazodze: Dove's products are actually really nice

Lindiwe Dikgale: I'm so use to seeing a new video everyday. U have spoilt us, I hope nothing changes

Xalowm Xae: I need to try this cause my hair is bleached

Rufaro Sihle: Day freaking 29!!!!

Sasha Nauleen: We like before we watch!!

Fadzie Chekera: One more day

Yanelisa Ketiwe: Not going to the salon anymore.

Carol Jamu: First comment

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