5 *Hot* Hair Care Tips For Older Women From A Celebrity Stylist (#3 Is Amazing!)

In today's video, I ask a celebrity stylist to give her top hair care tips for older women. You won't be disappointed! :)

You know, at our age, there are many things that we don't have control of when it comes to our appearance. But, there are two aspects of our look that can instantly make a difference - our smile and our hair!

Unfortunately, when it comes to hair care for older women, there simply isn't a lot of good advice out there. You can find literally thousands of YouTube and Instagram stars giving advice to younger viewers.

But, as an older woman, getting good hair care advice is a challenge!

This is why I was so excited to have the opportunity to sit down with Denise McAdam today. I hope that you find her hair care tips useful!

What extra things do you do to take special care of your hair now that you are getting a little older? What did you think of Denise's advice? Let's have a chat!

Get more tips for how to get the most from your hair after 60 here: http://sixtyandme.com/tag/hairstyles-f...

Find our more about Denise on her website: http://www.denisemcadam.com/

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Hi everyone, it's the market manning here with sixty and me. This is the place for women who are aging beautifully, come to be inspired. My guest today is Denise. Mcadam Denise is a very well-known hairdresser in the UK. She'S been doing her magic for 40 years now. On celebrities and royal royal family in the UK and she's worked with so many famous photographers and inspiring people, and she shared with me that one of her first hour jobs was doing the hair of Grace Kelly, and I just am so amazed that you experienced Denise. I'M very thrilled to have you here with us on our show, so thank you for being here. Thank you. Thank you for inviting me. You know I asked you to come on to tour, because hair is a big topic for our women and one of the things that we're all concerned about is how to take care of our hair as we get older yeah. It'S a big. It'S a big question. I mean here is I mean sometimes you could alter your hair to get a little bit thinner. Yes, you may notice that and it might even have to be a hormonal sickness. It could be got related. It could be diet, you know. Sometimes you may have to take a supplement, something like bitter skull, which is a superb supplement. You know it encourages booster blood supply, very good of you feeling a little bit worried about hair loss, so any thinning, mm-hm, and also the fact that green here and white here is now only two layers. So it's thinner already and that's where with you, you want to put some lowlights and your highlights. You actually do boost the thickness of the hair as opposed to how many three and what is a normal head of hair new layers. Yes, you can don't to because you lose the color pigment and retain so it is tiller, it is thinner and it'll, be maybe slightly frizzy or the cuticle slightly opened lose it you're eating healthily is a really bit is a big issue in taking supplements, and I Think just I'm looking at it slightly differently and you know, maybe I suppose, when you're younger, you can just grab it a clip and run out the door. Maybe you have to make a bit wherever it might in fact it you're wearing a beanie cap, you're walking the dogs, but you may have to pull pieces here around your face. Next, there's just a bit more effort. We put a baseball cap on before. You might think about it, like the new ring in just something to glamorize what you're doing right we're not trying to be like her daughter's, because we had that time and they've done it. We'Re gon na Karthik is our try to embrace it differently. So so here is, you know it is. It is important because if your hair feels great you can you can pull on a scrappy track so want the jogs and still feel good yeah. No, you! You are right, it really doesn't. We identify so much of our overall personality with our hair. I know when you are laughing laughing when you said that about the hair on your face. I wear Berets a lot and now it's like it used to be lots of hair, and now it's like these little bits and I have to go okay, so we know that healthy living and keeping the hair health is great. What about things like the texture of the hair, I mean: are there any products to help with that 2 to 3 strand? Yes, I mean there at you. You can use some fine serums or some oils, not as you don't go oily too much, because I can be a bit dehydrating. You can use some nice earrings in your hair. I mean ok to put an interest in turn handed, but warm them up. We will just warn them off because that's how they work, they need the heat, see the beauty just. Have you worn them in your hands you're halfway through the battle said, I mean gee, you couldn't you can put watching your dry. Yes, things like that and conditioners is vital because it is ported to smooth that huge go on it and keep it healthy and shiny. So are there any products that you can explain? I know that you were, I mean when we took last time. It was at hair sprays that you use and dry shampoos. I mean. Are those things like that, but can make the hair more volume more volume, whose are absolutely fantastic. I'M a big fan of a new kms product. You asked me what it's called. I can't ok, we'll find it actually in a goodie bag, the launch of a salon here and born the other night, and it was in there a goodie bag to pay a mess. I'Ve never heard of is it? Is this part of the kind of gold? Well, family and it's with professional products are really top styling products. Some of the best hairdressers the world worked with kms, don't con us yeah and you know I've never mentioned I mean. Do you actually have a website? You know you have an Instagram, don't you account because I have Instagram, which is a bit of me and my dog's, my poodle Sundance in you know bits and bobs of what you're doing and website my website app to see needs updating. I'Ve got to come into this 21st century other priorities, I'm typical hairdresser when I've got you in the chair and you've got me here. I can tell you: have this new much? Well, I'm happy! We'Ve got you here because it's like we're all sitting in your chairs today, like you're there and we're here so chair, chair questions, okay, so texture! We can help with them this with the sprays and with the dry shampoos. What about lengths? I mean what we've talked about: shorthair medium hair. What what do you think is the best? Well, I mean NEVER, is you know, I'm all for long hair as well, because there's some wonderful and mature models out they were long hair balanced upon the other day on earth, in fact today on in Wow yeah yeah. But what you'll notice is she's not wearing it to here, like this she's wearing it to here, maybe to one son? Yes, yes, you'll get a little bit of profile because here when it's up, but it's gray and longer, it is actually more attractive than here when it's just hanging. So if you want to just keep it down, then you want to go into the land, but you've got Chad's lavish ball playing needed up a sharp bulb. You can have a bob with layers. Have it may be graduated, you got the back, because a lovely profile is just as important as looking front on so forget must hang in it's not a good look, and it's also, if you see lots of ladies, that I seen in my cell, with it they've Likely agreed and that's it they're, just let it go agree and the hairstyle looks like a football uses that round kind of Luke. You want a little driving. Even let me just blow dry, the fringe. In fact, you've got going here just blow dry, the hair line, just to give a little bit of shine to the cuticle and a bit of 10 strips with it. It just creams the face and looks a bit work on us. You'Re super natural with your hair, though, to - and I really like that approach him and I think a lot of people tried so manicured about their hair and, like you you're like such as you say, let it let it be natural, let it be alive. I always think it's fabulous and she has get longer here, but it's layered. She wears it blonde. She probably highlights it more like myself, which is joanna lumley, yeah, she's, great you, Ana lovely stunning know, she's got highlights lowlights highlights. She keeps it kind of in a Bobby she and she layers it sue, but you know she always looks fabulous and I think it's very beautiful of them. It can't be longer and fuller and you're a slightly longer as well. I know you've got a little bit shorter, it looks really kind of choppy and young and thank you I like this link, feels that gives gives you a skip in your step, yeah and um. It'S not about not feeling your age or anything or somebody senior new. Ten years younger, it's about feeling good yeah, you know giving Goodin and each is just a number absolutely when you've got all this experience. Well, I know that you've just reached that magical number feel good talking about, but Joanna Lumley's got very thick hair. I noticed that with her her hairy or maybe ever you say, she's got extensions or something in her hair, but she might use extension point she's working professionally for her every state because she has highlights enough yeah. If you worked with her, I have many years ago when I was a microphone she's lovely, I know she is the biggest fan of Imogene. Is that right person they got? We start using imaging, which must be ruled for 3540 years ago, now imaging for those who don't know it's a supplement. It'S a hair for hair. It started with skin, and now it's gone into the near nosy. Well now you've made me inspired. I don't take any, but I don't know what's in those vitamins, but probably be vitamins and if you taking them in food, then that's great and that's absolutely fine, but if you're not in your diet is not as great, then it's good idea. Okay, so there's are some good things to think about, but I've got one final question for you about. Just how to you know me just get on with you. Your Harris is changing your changing his bangs or, as you school it in the states fringe. No, it's a fringe in the UK in the United States. So yes, and they yep guys, do you know why it's cold bangs? No! But well it's you know the horse's tail. Yes, what is when it's caught for sure than in America, especially in America, for the radishes and things of that him very sharp? Yes, only cut it shot, it makes a bang noise and that's how the Morrisons actually comes from that from the bang of the moors. When they cut when they cut the finger then eat the tail of the horse. So it's very good, not very sharp here, cut very sharp, Luke. Okay. He looks very sharp and fringy that's kind of how is so. Why is it free it'd be called can-can? Okay captions, does it make you look younger? Do you think actually is because someone who's got a fabulous, boring it sure yeah? Why not you get very happy rhodes, happy forehead, you know then sure, and then it's fantastic. So it's all about your nose and your chin and the shape of your face. I'M always go for a fringe, because even when i can all enjoy, i cut it back in very quickly because my use them currently that i find the fringe easier to blow dry. But if i want to wear my hair curly, I use that you're more one length. Nicole, looks nicer. If my hair is curly layered sure it looks a bit old around ever since better blow dry. It'S is kind of working all these out together, but I mean I'm very Pro soft fringe. I like that, look and also equally, I think, there's no right and wrong. It'S about your face, shape and you're near texture. Well and there's options you can do in between. Like I sometimes well, this is getting a bit long now, but sometimes we'll have that cut a little bit shorter, so it still comes down into the Bob, but it's nice for the science, but just slightly slice them in a bit. Maybe slightly choppy. You know. No! You know sort of actual defines, do you know strong light source off which many loops good and then what you can do is, if you with yours, no you get on through it and just make a nice band, but really worked the band remember. So we do that at all lovely big bed, but then afterwards work it. Let'S work it down and it goes into that lovely beach waves. But looking good for your, you know for your me here, like you just said it, which is: if you've got high forehead and you've got a nice forehead, then just don't wear it with the fringe. But if you mind well, I I get lots of comments with my I've, my crazy eyebrows, because they're not very good and they and say wear bangs that you want to hide your eyebrows a little bit or you want to just detract from the honest I think They look great awesome, I think very nice. I think the fact that - and it's also about it's in your face, shape as well, and you put your bleep smile and you you smell quite broadly new anyway soon, if you, if you shorten that, no, it might not. Look just because this is my Arian technique with my eyebrows present. Okay, I think we've done a really good job here, talking about tips for women over 60, what to do with your hair, and I cannot thank you enough Denise for all of your great advice and sense of humor about this. It'S not that serious. This hair thing, thank you. Thank You. Denise hi, everyone. If you enjoyed this video, please consider supporting me on patreon. Our patreon supporters help us to make a bigger difference in the lives of women over 60. All around the world they get exclusive videos live. Video shows discounts and much more so please look for the link on this page. It is somewhere down here up there and join our tribe of women in our sixty and me community, who are actually making a big difference in the world challenging aging stereotypes. So, thank you so much for your support.

c1re5an: Great tips! I definitely think it's worth investing into hair care& styling if you have grays. I noticed that with gray hair here and there I definitely have to keep it clean and neat, otherwise it looks dirty even if it's not (I think it's the white hair with different texture vs the darker strands). It's something I didn't need to pay attention to when I didn't have grays. Now I'm 32 and have so many grays. It's a daily journey.

The Midlife Gallivanters: I so enjoyed these tips. Denise is so funny! I need to watch the video about going grey. I'm only in my early 50's but love your channel. I find so many of your topics so interesting... Belinda xo

V. 1954: Layering is key. Also, I wash my hair only twice a week. When I was younger, it was 3 or 4 times.

diane Sanders: This 65 y/o widow from Indiana appreciates your informative videos! Grace Kelly is my all time favorite actress! I wish you a happy, prosperous and healthy New Year!

A Sassy Senior: Great tips - I really like her cut. Can you post that supplement you both mentioned? I couldn't make it past your accents!! LOL of course your accents are the origiinals. thanks

Kari Kelley: What are the hair supplements that she recommended?

Frances Linda: Margaret, I love how you look with bangs.

Marti Bruneton: At the end of the video... there is a photo of of you with bangs or fringe...I think you you great in the last  photo !!

epd0126: you should have a necklace challenge where your viewers send you a beautiful (maybe a bit eccentric) necklace for you to wear on camera

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