10 Step Curly Hair Routine (That Works!!!) For Perfect Healthy Curls By Lana Summer

Your go-to 10 step Curly Hair Routine so that you get perfect curls every time! This is the basis of my wash n go, it allows me to grow my hair long fast and keeps my curls healthy and shiny. Please like and subscribe!




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If you’re looking for no-nonsense advice and honest opinions, you’ve come to the right place! I share my beauty tips and healthy lifestyle with you, so that we can all win! Everything from curly hair care, to acne prone skin tips, to current events and what we can learn from them! Sorry not sorry, you’re my family now, enjoy your new home!

Ten steps are all you need to have some of the best curly hair days of your life, Moses, Lana here and today, I'm showing you guys my ten step, curly hair routine. It'S how I get perfect curls pretty much all of the time, but you guys know that we've curly, hair curls always turn out differently, but with this routine, this is going to like ensure success most of the times so thumbs up the video. If you needed this drop me a comment in the comment section down below tell me what your hair texture is and let's jump into the video. So my step, one is really simple: I don't pre-poo, I don't really tank all my hair. All I do is I take me and my messy head self into the shower. I usually wash my hair about once a week and during that week I can be doing all kinds of hairstyles. I can be at the gym so by the time I get to this stage. My hair is looking crazy step. One is to get your hair wet. That'S the starting point. You wanted to be lukewarm, you don't want to be taking your piping hot devil held showers when you're washing your hair. Don'T put that on your hair, because that can be damaging that can dry it out. You don't want that, keep it luke war. Okay! So, for me, that's like kind of in the middle and you're going to want to soak your hair. All the way through some people's hair can seem kind of waterproof. I remember that's what my mom used to say about our hair, which used to what I had when we were kids. Oh, your hair, honey you've got a big storm coming. What it means is very low porosity, not letting water in that's a story for another day. It might take you longer, but you're gon na need to get your hair wet. So number two you've got wet hair. I'Ve got wet hair in the shower. Next thing I do, is I take a shampoo. I don't always do this. It depends how often I'm washing my hair like when I was in Hawaii. I was at the beach every day. I was in the ocean every day. I don't want to be using a shampoo every single day, so sometimes let's skip it, but for a normal routine. For your weekly, routine, you're gon na want to use a shampoo, it's already washing hair once a week, if very washing hair every two weeks, three weeks, whatever it maybe you've, had braids in for a long time. It'S come to wash to take shampoo. Usually it's good to use. Sulfate free, shampoo, stall fates are basically a very a drying ingredient that is usually in cleansing products. Hand washes dishwashers and shampoos is strips away oil. It strips away grease it strips away dirt, but the problem. Is it also strips away the good nutrients that is in curly, hair curly hair needs oil to stay healthy and with the sulfates are stripping? It away leaves your hair dry, so you're gon na want sulfate free, and that way your hair can stay nourished and healthy. There are tons tons of sulfate free shampoos around I mixed it up every single week, like just keeping it honest, keeping it real with you guys. I literally mix it up every single time when I use them this one was flora and Cole. It'S a citrus one. It smells really nice, you don't need to put shampoo on all of your hair. You don't need to be putting it here there and everywhere unless, for some reason your hair is particularly dirty. If you did tough mudder good if you've got chalk like hair color chalk. In your hair, or something like that, maybe you want to do that, but for the most part, it's okay to use shampoo on your scalp and the tops of your hair, usually where the product build up is where the grease is where the oil is. You know, maybe you from sleek products, maybe you've been using a lot of edge control. You need to get that garni to refresh your scalp and you know cleanse all of that off. So that's where you want to be putting the shampoo freeing up the scalp, allowing it to breathe again when you do that your scalp is cleansed and then, as you raise your hair through you're gon na be able to push that through the rest of your hair. It'S gon na cleanse the rest of your hair on the way out. Some people prefer to use a sulfate shampoo. Some people do get a lot of product build up. Some people get a lot of grease and they want to use sulfates. That'S fine! I'M not saying you can't use sulfates, but this is what I do and for me this is the healthiest way to care for my hair and then you're gon na rinse, that out using lukewarm water or once again, number three is to condition your hair. This is so important for curly hair conditions. You need conditioner in your wire. Conditioner is, what's gon na, put your hair into a good condition, you're, giving it nutrients you're, giving it moisture. If you have to wash your hand a while or if you feel like it has particularly dry or if maybe you've been in cold weather, anything that's gon na dry, your hair out you're, probably gon na, want to take a deep conditioner. So that's what I did, because I just felt like my hair was feeling dry. It'S always best to opt for one that doesn't have silicones in it. I do use a few. Have silicones cuz, I just feel like they're. Just the quick fix silicones will leave your hair looking shiny. They are harder to remove, which means that you might then need to use a sulfate shampoo to remove the silicone, try to use a conditioner that is as natural as possible. There'S a whole bunch of conditioners on the market, these days that say: they're, 98 percent, natural 99 % natural. Just look for something that says deeply moisturizing conditioning those are going to be good for you. Some of them say that you can leave it on for up to 10 minutes, some of them up to an hour. Some of them even say you can leave it on all night if you want to, but I would be careful about that because it's not always the best idea to leave your hair in a wet state for too long. So I would try to look for one. There is say between 10 and 30 minutes. For me, that's a good time frame also because it takes less time it's more convenient. So that's what I did this time. You don't feel like your hair needs. A deep condition. Opt for a regular conditioner once again, silicone free, sulfate, free, paraben, free phthalates - you don't need those in life, so I run that all the way. Through my hair, I completely saturate my hair in conditioner what every single strand of hair to be conditioned number four. This is the time when I eat angle, because conditioner a good condition. I should also have a lot of slits lip. Basically just means it makes your hair slippery. So when your hair is slippery, it's easier to detangle gon na get less breakage she's gon na run into less tangles. It'S gon na be easier to do that. You can finger detangle, which some people want to do. I don't like to do it because it messes with my nails. It makes my nails brittle, so I take a wide tooth comb or I take a brush and with the tangling is always best to start at the bottom and work your way up. That way, you can get rid of the tangles at the bottom and slowly work. Your way up. If you start detangling from the top down, you're gon na run into a whole mess you're gon na rip loads, a hair out. Don'T do it start from the bottom, like this? Let'S slowly work your way up how you do tangle your hair number five, so I decided to make number five a step all by itself because I think is pretty important and it's one that not to be overlooked. So number five: you don't want to rinse off your conditioner unless it says you can leave it in, but most of them ask to be rinsed out and it's important to use a cold rinse. This is what I do do it, but when I do, my hair looks a million times better. The reason for this is because cold water is gon na seal the cuticles on your hair. It closes them up like they kind of shrink, it gets the cold, and that is what really is gon na. Look the moisture into your hair strands, which it's not gon na come in. It'S not gon na come out of your hair. Your hair is less likely to come frizzy because frizzy is like where the cuticles are raised. That'S another whole video by itself. Basically, you're gon na want a cold rinse. Your hair, it's gon na make your hair smoother shinier. So when I do this, I usually step out of the shower. You put my dressing gown on. I don't want to be cold. I wanted your quadrants or myself unless I'm feeling brave and I just called her it's my hair alone. It'S number six. So this is where people can get confused. I know my sister like every time I tell her a different thing about her hair. She said, but you said to do this, but no you said no you're saying to do this. So number six is a leave-in conditioner. So I know we just conditioned our hair and then we rinse it out, but this is different. This is a leave-in conditioner. This is something that is going to continue to condition your hair right. The way up until your next wash day, hopefully you're gon na, want to add some more moisture throughout the week and these are usually formulated so that they don't leave flakes and that kind of thing they're designed specifically for this job. So I squeezed out all of the excess moisture from my hair. I kind of smudged my hair a little bit because I don't want it to be soaking wet at this point and then I go ahead and I've run a leave-in conditioner all the way through my hair and make sure it's evenly disbursed. I comb it through where it is reaches the room with my fingers. That way, my hair is more moisturized. I feel like it stays shinier throughout the week number seven. So once you have raked through all of that leave-in conditioner, you need something else. You need another product on top cold, defining cream or a cold, defining gel or custard a mousse of putting a lotion depending on your hair texture and your hair thickness and your cold pattern. Depending on all of that stuff. One of these is going to be more suitable for you, generally, the looser your curl pattern, the thinner, your hair, the lighter the product you're going to want to use and the thicker your hair, the tighter your Col patter, the heavier the product. You'Ve got ta want to use, so mine sits in the middle, so I generally use oceans, milks and creams and gels from my hair like a loose, a loose gel. If you have maybe got waves, you might even just want to use a mousse or a milk or a lotion, and if you have got super tight, kinky coils, you're gon na want to maybe use like a thick pudding or a custard. You know something like that: they've got such cute names like pudding and custard. No, but it's like a hair product is like a heavy cream. Try not to leave big clumps of this through your hair cuz. The likelihood is that that will go clumpy. A lot of these products tend to go flaky if they're not properly spread through your hair. So just try to do that brush it through. So I brush mine through, if you don't have time to brush it through just rake it through your fingers, do the best that you can and try to really evenly cover your hair, because if you don't then you're going to end up with patches that are really Defined really soft and silky looking and then areas that are frizzier. If you don't want to do that, then just do your best do your best. I will do my best. I know we're busy we're busy. We'Ve got. We got responsibilities, we're never supposed to batteries. Now. Eloise number eight is to scrunch your hair, like I only really started doing this properly. Just like a few weeks ago, I feel like I used to scratch my hair, but I wasn't doing it right like now. I feel like I finally understand scrunching, so when I scrunch my hair now I take a microfiber towel. I gather my hair up and I really really scrunch it together, like a really really pressed down hard, so I'm gon na squeeze out the excess water so that my hair dries quicker and in doing that, it really helps her like set the coals in a springy Place - and you just really want to squeeze down pretty hard when you do this, I think like before when I used a scrunchie, so just like this, whereas now I'm like like this, I can spend like 10 15 minutes scrunching my hair, but I feel like it's Worth it in the end, I'm annoying it is the air dry. I feel, like I get the most defined curls, the prettiest curls when I've left my head to air dry. A lot of us don't have time for that. So if you don't have time a next best recommendation would be to diffuse your hairs. So finally, number 10 is styling just a little bit here and there cuz I could edge on my hair. I can take it all down. I'D look like okay, there's curls, but look good. You know like and you just style it so it looks a certain way. So generally I just kind of like play with it so I'd which way. Usually, I will find that there's more definition on one side than the other, so I just flip my hair over. I think I flip it this side there's like more definition, and I will generally always lay my edges. I feel like it's just not completely. If I haven't laid way edges because it could just look kind of fuzzy for that I've been taking this monoi oil from arrest, the toothbrush just helps and don't worry. I don't use this on my teeth, this. It'S just a hair toothbrush. We just go along and we do that. Your edges are not gon na stick around all week. That is something that you're gon na have to do every day, but it literally takes like five minutes. If that's the only thing you have to do in the morning for your hair in you're, good you're, good, your Gucci everything's fine, that has been my 10 step hair care routine for curly hair. I really hope it helped you guys out. You can just remember that there are 10 steps, then, hopefully you won't forget anything. 10 steps are all you need to have some of the best curly hair days of your life. So just remember ten steps and if you feel like you haven't done one come back to this video, so that is everything for this video. If you enjoyed it, please remember to thumbs it up. It means a lot to me and it really helps this video to get seen by all the people that need to see it. So I would really appreciate it if you guys did that so don't forget to subscribe to my channel. I see a lot of you guys coming back commenting on my videos all the time and then you come and you say oh damn, like I didn't even realize I wasn't subscribed to you like what are you doing? Why are you playing just hit the subscribe button? It'S just right down there or decide and leave a comment. Tell me your hair texture tell me whether this video is gon na help you and also, if you're gon na, show it to anybody. If you could show it to your whole family. That would be great I'd, highly appreciate it and I'm sure they would because everybody wants good hair days, also get me on Instagram, I'm over there, all the time, posting aesthetically pleasing images. Thank you guys. So much for watching and I'll see you guys in the next video bye, bye,

Anonymous Lux • 56 years ago: Wet Shampoo Conditioner De tangle Rinse off conditioner with cold water Leave in conditioner Another oil (curl defining gel) Scrunch Let your hair air dry Style

Alanalee Hughes: I have thick hair but a loose curl pattern. My hair is confusedly

Juwan Gaines: Im glad to know I actually do all of these steps(except step 8)! My 1 year hair journey is coming along amazing on my youtube channel thanks to you lana

Monique: I definitely think this video was helpful, but I would absolutely LOVE a video about your night time hair care routine. I haven’t seen one of those on your channel before, and I really wanna know how you keep your curls looking so nice without having to wet, brush, and style every morning... or maybe you do do that? Like I said, I’d like to know your secret for lasting curl definition especially after a long day of wearing your hair a particular way.

Diana alnahhal: The amount of likes on this comment is how many people have curly hair

Natasha Hollin: My whole night time routine hair,skin,body and all 1. Get in and get my hair soaked 2. Shampoo on my scalp 3.rinse 4. Men's body wash on my armpits (I sweat alot) 5. Let sit 6. Do my conditioner on the ends (not my scalp) 7. Put my hair up in a really loose ponytail to let my conditioner set 8. Wash my body 9.rinse armpits and scrub 10. A in shower face mask and cleanser (cleanser first then the mask) 11. Rinse my face and body and everything 12. Then rinse my conditioner out with colder water ( even if i am gonna freeze to death) 13. Shave my legs and everything at the very end 14. Get out and brush my hair in sections (bottom to top) 15. !!!NO HAIR PRODUCTS!!! 16. I hate using hair products before bed so if i do use them it is for the whole day but I would repeat the previous steps more thoughtful than i usually would 17. Get dressed 18. Brush my teeth 19. Charcoal mud mask for acne 20. Stridex pads for my dirty skin 21. Aveeno lotion to soften 22. deodorant (Secret's clinical strength $13.00 ugh) 23. A&D ointment on any cuts,scrapes,burns,or bruises,or lips (if needed) 24. vaseline on my lips 25. Burt's bees mango Chapstick (yep I'm a vsco girl, and i oop sksksk) 26. Perfume (also if needed) 27. Put my hair in too braids with scrunchies (no hairties) 28. Grab a water bottle (I tend to get really thirsty thought the night) 29. Clean up 30. Read at least 2-3 chapters of my book im reading ( the collector,im on page 152 chapter 31) 31. Pray 32. Go to bed I would normally do this all in i'd say 2 hours but if i spent too long on homework or something I would shorten my shaving,skincare and stuff, that would make about 1 hour and 45 minutes so I have 5 minutes to go online like instagram,snapchat,tiktok,YouTube anything really. Cause it only takes me 5-10 minutes to fall asleep. That means i would be asleep by my bedtime to be healthy and energized for my following day or week Thanks for reading if u did ,I know it was long oops

Ilze Amos: I've been hesitating going back to my curly hair routine out of concern for what lies before me, but thank heavens for Queen Lana! Always coming through!

Nuriyah Rogers: I've never tried this curly hair routine but I've been looking for a good curly hair routine and I think this one is gonna work because my hair is just like yours long thick and curly so thanks I cant wait to try your hair routine...

Michaela Oren: I appreciate how simple you made this. I already do all this now but I really could have used this a couple years ago. Good job Lana!

C B: How do you keep your hair looking defined between washes, though? Mine gets frizzy and flat after getting up the day after Wash day :(

Meghan Rossouw: This literally helped so much! My hair looks the same as yours, the thickness the curls everything, so this really helped ❤️❤️❤️

Sarah kivo: What I learnt in ten minutes is that I have been doing my hair wrong but now I know how to care after my hair. Thankyou so much. I feel like you really know what you are talking about and I will do what you say ❤️

Adrianna Lewis: This was soooooooooo helpful. Been trying to figure out where I've been going wrong with my hair and I'm pretty sure it's because I detangled twice. Was getting too much frizz. Thank you! Do you lock it in after the pudding/custard with like a gel or anything?

What ?: The problem with my hair is when it’s wet its pretty curly and looks fine but later it dries up and gets poofier and the curls aren’t as defined. I don’t use much products tho either cuz I don’t have time or money for that. I basically just shampoo it once a week and put some coconut oil in it, first few days it’s curly but later in the week I end up just rocking a puffy Afro(and by the way my hair is pretty much always frizzy how can I fix this

Natasha Isaak: Hi Lana!! I have 2b to 3b hair with medium porosity. I did this routine today and I definitely feel that I have finally managed to coat every single hair strand in product. This should be one of my best hair days so far. I only did one thing differently. I used a sulfate shampoo and washed all my hair (roots and tips) because the last few weeks I've had a lot of product buildup and my winter curls were having trouble transitioning to summer curls. Questions: Do you cowash during the week especially since you work out and have a hectic lifestyle? My roots tend to hurt after 4 days of no washing. Does this happen to you? What to do to prevent it? Also do you use oils (JBCO, red pimento, & peppermint)?

ImaneBerkani: I just tried the 10 steps and it's really working. Thank you for your advices my hairs looks pretty =D

Sincerely, Jii: I am a simple woman I see a Lana Summer video and click instantly My hair varies from 2c-3b

Cássia Melanie Francisco: Mine is 3c/4a and I’ve been trying to embrace it and you definitely helped! Thanks to you, I know how to take care of my hair ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I was horrible at it before

Alejandra Ocampo: I can’t seem to go any more than 2 days without washing my hair from how tangled and frizzy it gets over night. Do you have a video that shows your routine between washes? Tips on how to refresh our curls without needing to completely wash them.


J K: Your hair is gorgeous and your so right about the steps I started this a few years back and what a difference. I have a mix 3a-3b high porosity and keeping a silk scarf or silk bonnet on at night to sleep is a must. I hear many women complaining about their curls but beautiful curls require maintenance and can look amazing if you take care of them. Love your curls

Melissa Lask: Lana!!! This is my first time on your channel and though still in the middle of your video, you’ve got a new instant subscriber! Not only are your curls lush and lovely, you have such a casual way that’s SO relatable to anyone just starting out in their transition (or maybe aren’t transitioning per se, they just want an adaptable routine to remember for their curly hair in general). The way you approach things is so inclusive and non-intimidating , and that’s what a lot of people honestly need in a sea of drastic “don’t ever do xyz or your hair will fall out!!!”. The process can be overwhelming enough, without feeling like everything you do is just wrong and dangerous. I’m not new to this, but I *always* click on wash day routines when I see them! And yours didn’t disappoint! I’m actually about to jump in the shower now to do an evening wash, but I know what I’ll be coming back to for more videos while my DC is sitting for 30min! Thank you so much for being such a sweet ray of sunshine ☀️ I look forward to so much more of you! ♥️

Michelle Khong: Awww this is so helpful,it is so difficult to take care of curly stubborn hairs,but with ur tips my hair will definitely get better and pretty ✨ thanks a lot beauty ❤️

Kayla Marie: im committing to getting my hair back healthy this year!!! thanks for the tips i cant wait to see a difference!!

bella: ahhhh Ive just followed this let's hope my hair looks peng tomorrow!! and I love how you made it more generalised so we can use whatever products we already have at home

Widow: My Hair is literally like the before in the thumbnail, I never knew what sulfate in shampoo was, I never knew sulfate free shampoos existed, and I never use conditioner even tho I always have some bc I thought it wasn't good for my hair. But now after watching this amazing girl and her tips I will start using these products!

Zuzanna Czerwonik: Hiya girly, amazing video honestly I’m trying too get my damaged curls back becasue I used too straighten them everyday for school last year and they are so frizzy etc, and your video was probably one off the best ones I watched you just get straight too thr point which I love. But I do have a few questions for you are if your willing too answer them… so the shampoo can be any shampoo it doesn’t need too be any special curly hair shampoo?, when you said about the deep conditioner would a deep conditioning mask instead off a deep conditioner be okay? And then on top off that a normal silicone free conditioner?? Thank you ☺️ xo

Lex Benjamin: Your hair is my absolute goal length; we have pretty much the exact same curl type and mine only just about touches the tops of my shoulders! Been natural for 10 months and CG for 7 months!

Maliope Skull: This is actually really helpful. I come from a family that doesn’t really accept their curly hair, so I’m very thankful for this video, I learned a lot ❤️

lady warrior: Thank you so much for this. I am white...have straight very oily baby fine hair. I style way differently. My daughter is biracial and has beautiful curls that I've been struggling to get done and understand how to do. I've just recently gotten her into "it". She just entered sixth grade and middle school and loves the curls. I've got to get one more styling product however am going to take this advice you have here. Her curls are more amazing the more I learn. Now need styling tips as the "bangs" don't look so hot so going to your page to look. Thank you again!

Ijeoma Eke: Another life saving video exactly when I needed it. Cuz I just realized I bought the wrong curl defining product. Thank you Lana ❤️

Kaity Jay: Pleaseee make a video about how to keep low porosity hair moisturized and maintained!

Jessica Jovel: Thank you for explaining everything, even of some seem obvious, it's nice when people don't skip explaining them

Beth Payne: Is it just me who always watches these videos and now I really wanna wash my hair haha needed this so much honestly!

Amazing Alloosh: I really loved your way, I’m gonna try it once a week and see how my hair will look like

Mabel CG: Hi Lana!! ur hair is looking AMAZING in this video, like WOW, this new scrunching method is really working for u!! Can you also share the products you are using, the leave-in, gel? LOV U! <3

Amk _270: This video is very useful... thank u soooo much for uploading it. I have curly hair but also really frizzy and I learnt how to control it from your video. I am really surprised from the results especially after me straightning my hair each time I took a shower soo I heat damaged my hair! Anyway thank u again... ly

sleepy panda: Your curls are gorgeous, absolutely beautiful. ✨✨✨

Sana KK: Thaaaannkk you, finally someone who has explained how to keep curls in thoroughly! Xx

elionol astacio: I have 3b,3c 4a curls and your videos are super helpful thank you Lana

shafiek adams: Wow lana I did not straighten my hair for two weeks and followed your routine it's awesome

Saxon Welsh: This helped me soooo much and i will definitely be showing my sisters :)

Elshu G: Thank you so much that helped a lot, mainly coz I've got long hair and I had troubles trying to get the perfect curls but now I do.

Zelda Margo: Wow! I love your hair! I can't wait to try this method. I have 3A-ish hair but it's SUPER thin, and I'm trying to find the perfect method for me. I tried to diffuse my hair last night and I was wondering if I got electrocuted by my hairdryer when my hair came out because it was so frizzy lol. Can't wait to try this! Thanks!

Derrick Jennifer Watkins: My hair is 2b/c, low porosity, waist length, thick. Good tips! Thanks Lana.

seelia teresa: You look so pretty thank you so much for the tips✨

Volleyball 4life: Omg thank you so much my hair is literally so perfect now

Vicky: this makes me want to make a before and after I would do those steps with good product vs the one I'm using now (basic shampoo and conditioner that are probably not good for my hair xD). Plus, mine are fried because of the one and only, wonderful bleach ! So I think it would be good trying this out ! thank you ! :)

Melanie Mejia: A tip also is if you have low porosity hair since moisture is hard to get into the strand don’t rinse with cold water since it’ll close it and it’ll be hairs for products to absorb. Do the cold rinse if you have high porosity. Porosity is the most important it is the base To your curly hair routine.

Adriana Luna: Omg thank you sis this video has definitely helped me understand some curly hair products and porosity

Zuzana Kameníková: Thank you for your video! I have curly hair and always had problem with my hair routine... ❤️ thank you again very much

Dia: I love this! However, I have an issue with one side of my hair. On the left side of my head, my hair frizzes all the time, even if I take more care with it. I don't know what it is, but nothing keeps it from frizzing and I never like wearing it down because of it

Daj May: Thank you so much for getting to the point!

veggie: "If you have looser, thinner hair go with lighter products" I wish I could but it's so humid where I live and I don't want to look like 1st year Hermione Granger

Aavani Randhawa: THANK U QUEEN OMG I tried your advice and my hair is amazing its perfectly defined soft and silky

Jessica Bagneris: Low porosity, 3b/3c tight fine curls; makes my hair stay looking really short; I want to get my hair longer but because the curls are so tight, it’s hard . I do all of the steps and all of the steps from your hair growth videos

Sarah Aristizabal: What's the best way to determine your hair texture? I feel like I fall somewhere between 3A/3B but then I have this chunk of hair on the top/back of my head that is frizzier and also more of a wave than a curl?

Sarah Vance: I hope this hair routine makes my hair look amazing like yours !!!

Chris T: Thank you so very much for sharing!!! This is extremely helpful!

Reilly-Jane Rosecrans: I have about 3c hair but it’s very fine but thick at the same time! I really struggle with definition on the top and feel like I HAVE to section my hair to distribute products and define. Do you find having your hair parted down the middle helps during styling?

Variety of Ree: I will Definitely be trying this routine!! I am new to the long/natural life... I and realize more and more everyday that I ain't about it. Lol. I have about 3 different textures and 4 different curl patterns goinz on... I have my "French" in the back (from my momma's side) which is a loose, silky curl... (then it gets to my dad's side around the middle) and it's a tighter, more course curl... then it's a frizzy, hot Mess at the top (I don't know Who's side that is) and the curls are tighter on the top right, but looser need extra work.. and prayer on the top left.... Idk What to do. I cant' wear it down anymore now that's is long because that back part grows Way faster than the rest, and I end up with a curly mullet Every Time. -_- I will be trying this next wash day, hopefully it helps! :-) THANK YOU! Ree

Lou Nyx: Thank you for your precious advices

Hannah O: YES!!! Thank you this is awesome super helpful

Desiree Rodriguez: omg thank you so so much i have like wavy to curly hair i use to straighten my hair every 2 days but i wet my hair did the steps and then let my hair air dry my hair looks so nice curly not frizzy and i cut the split ends thank you so much i feel so much better bc i’m hispanic and from where i’m from ppl have wavy hair to curly and i got questions a lot about my hair now i’m not and i don’t have to worry about damaging my hair every morning thank you

Shakzer SS: Great video, happy to know i do all of these (except deep conditioning and i must admit i live my devil showers XD). Could you please do a video on how to refresh your curls. I have 3a/b curls but my hair is so thin so the curls never want to say past day 2

Fern Biswas: Okie so basically, my hair is heat damaged. It's crazy heat damaged. I've been straightening it my entire life and I only began wearing it natural and following the CGM 3 months ago. It has gotten pretty good BUT it's very inconsistent and still VERY damaged in the top layers. My hair underneath is perfectly healthy. I have tight TIGHT 3b curls underneath, almost to the point that they're 3c but not quite. in the rest of my hair, it's 2c-3a and some strands are so damaged that they are 2b! PLEASE HELP MEEEEE!

PaigetheMoonChild: My hair is so weird. I've just been embracing my natural hair for maybe a year-2 now but especially this last year and I've noticed how difficult my curl pattern is lol I have a lot of spots where my curl pattern is a lot like yours (3a/3b I believe) typically my top layer since it's shorter layers and then throughout I go from 2b-3a/3b but some pieces just don't like to curl lol I have a lot of breakage because my hair has weakened due to health issues so it tends to get frizzy easy and I find my curl pattern loosens as soon as I sleep or lay on it which is hard since I shower at night. Does anyone have any tips? Especially for the breakage :(

Jenny Ahn: Wow you are so beautiful and have amazing hair! Thank you for the helpful tutorial! <3

Dani Parducci: I have a similar texture as you and have medium to high porosity. My hair has natural and healthy porosity. 3b/3c. I usually finger detangle very carefully my hair BEFORE I wet my hair. Yes, while it is dry. I've found that my hair is more weak when wet, so if I do it carefully I get a lot less breakage when I finger detangle while it is dry. Also, if I shampoo before I detangle, then my hair gets even more tangled from shampooing... After I shampoo I put on conditioner and then a heat cap on (deep conditioner is just conditioner with some heat so it can enter the hair folicules). I leave it for 30 min and then I rinse it. I only use flaxseed gel to style. I feel like leave in conditioner weights my hair down way too much. It's like hanging out with conditioner on your hair that is making it heavier.. After the flaxseed gel I separate some coils and then leave it to air dry. It takes 2 hours to dry, and then I separate more coils for more volume. A lot less steps than you. Literally just 1. Detangle, 2. Shampoo, 3. Conditioner with heat cap, 4. Flaxseed gel and styling, 5. Air dry, 6. Separate coils. Done. Easy.

Vilya: I have the exact same curl type just with slightly less volume. Your videos are a gift from the gods

tani pd: I literally forgot that curly hair turns out differently all the time THANK U!

egoísta: omg at first i hated it cuz I thought it didn’t work, BUT ITS CUZ I WAS DOING IT WRONG. I DID IT RIGHT AND MY HAIR LOOKS BEAUTIFUL!!! TYSM <3333

Cheyenne: For step 7, can olive oil work? My hair is really thick, I have tight curls, and it soaks up a lot of water easily. It also gets very dry if I don't constantly moisturize it.

Rosa: Hair wet Soke hair Low water Shampoo Not all over your hair(shampoo) Push hair Rinse hair Condition hair 19 persent natural Brush hair Rinse condition Cold water Leave conditioner Sceaze hair Braid hair lotion Unbraid hair Brush hair Scrunch hair Gather hair Scrunch it hard Style hair very good Oil

kyra: this video was rlly helpful thank you so much! ❤️❤️ i am wondering though, what do you do with your hair at night so they dont lose their form n stuff? bc i put them in 2 braids every night n afterwards they just dont look the same anymore

Samantha Steer: Thickness: Medium Curl type: 3a, 3b Texture: Frizz prone, not defined flat and wavy at the roots Anyone have advice for perfect looking curls with no frizz, definition and any help for flat wavy roots would but much appreciated

gangster pro: My hair is thick and dry. I litterlay tried everything. I am gonna try your tips now, i hope it will work. Nice video btwX

ItoshiiBaka: I'm not curly, but I wanted to find something helpful for my brown friend. Her hair looks like your pre-shower look, I think, and she's really trying to do something with it. I want her to love her hair.

ACATALEPSYEPIPHANY Wanderlust: I had a very curly hair and always get teased since I was a child. They always tell me that I was born unlucky having such a hair. I was always shy about and so I always tie it. Now that I'm already mature enough to understand to love yourself and do some health care. I finally decided to stop rebounding my hair and just let the curls grow.

Mishka Harck: Thank you so much for the help i realy needed it my hair is so cute soft and curly now thanks

bcredbby: Hey Lana! So I have 4a hair thats shoulder length and I've noticed that my roots are much thicker than the ends (when every I do high ponytails it's a tragedy), do you have any tips to get thicker ends? Should I just cut off the ends?

tani pd: I literally forgot that curly hair turns out differently all the time THANK U!

Asmaa: thank you so muchhh! i have curly hair but i never know how to enhance them. what do you do at night to reduce kinks?❤️

D Gav: This was such a great and informative video, the only thing that sucked was having to skip like 6 ads

Ameira Mekari: This video is super helpful and i have very dry curly hair so this helps so much

COCOJOON: pls do a night hair routine, my curls never look good the next morning cause of how i sleep

ThreeTheScienceBee: This helped sooooo much thank you

blckrainbow: Your hair is beautiful and your voice is really soothing! Can you do a video about your eye make-up application? It looks amazing, especially the eyeliner :)

flower petal: Gorgeous hair!!!

Keisha Bakah: love your curls . what are you doing before u go to sleep? I have been natural for a few weeks (before that I had my hair straight, because it was easier for me) and it takes really long in the morning, because I have to wet them first, style, blow dry etc. Do u have a tip what I can do before going to sleep so I don‘t need that much time in the morning? I‘m gettin so tired from waking up one hour earlier

Boujie Bubbles: lana could you do a weekly hair routine? i feel like i have to reset my hair everyday so some tips would be wicked helpful!

Jay: Hi Lana! So I have a mixture of 3b curly hair and 3c curly hair. I live down in Baton Rouge and it tends to get a little hot down here. Can you PLEASE make a video that is only about which hair products are right to use and some that you recommend to people that have my type of hair. Can you also include it with what type of products are better for warmer temperatures?

Jacqueline Ramjee: Hi, I liked your video. Clear and detailed. Please can you describe your in-between washes routine. What do you do during the week, do you put something on everyday?

Hi iammona: Thank you thank you so much this very helpful ❤️❤️❤️

golden247: My "curly hair routine" is like 3 steps and im alright with leaving the house like a broom. I just wanna sleep longer But I still love her videos

Nevaeh: Thank you sooooo much every day I have been having to wet it and then put gel in it and then diffuse it and it’s just not heathly thank you soooooo much like this is a life saver xx

pastel venom: This is the first video I’m watching in advance. I don’t have such curls but my children will. I have another 8 years or so to figure out the best method ✨

Sorena Kimberlin: Lana, whatever type of curls you have mine are the exact same so this video is pretty helpful for me, thanks xx

Julia Brozoskie: thank you so much this has helped so much because i never know what to do with my hair because i'm the only one in my family with curly hair.

shafiek adams: I'm a girl your curly hair tips and hacks worked my hair is healthy now!!!!!!

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