How To Grow Curly Hair That Doesn'T Grow (Products And Tips)

My favourite hair growth tips for curly hair that doesn't grow or just simply breaks at the ends, to help promote healthy root growth and length retention. Sharing my current scalp and hair care routines that will hopefully teach you some new tips on how to grow long healthy hair so you can reach your length goals.

❤️Products mentioned ❤️

Innate Life Scalp Treatment for Normal Scalp

- use code “INNATEMELL15” at checkout for 15% off

Exfoliating Loop Scalp Brush:

Aveda Pramasana Purifying Scalp Cleanser:

Olaplex No.4 Bond Maintenance Shampoo:

Olaplex No.5 Bond Maintenance Conditioner:

Innate Life Herbal Hair Mask

- use code “INNATEMELL15” at checkout for 15% off

Aveda Damage Remedy Daily Hair Repair:

Aveda Be Curly Curl Enhancer:

Aveda Confixor Liquid Gel:

Innate Life Rose Hair Elixir use code “INNATEMELL15” at checkout for 15% off


#HairGrowthTips #CurlyHair #ManesbyMell

DISCLAIMER: This video was not sponsored. The description may contain affiliate links. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. Thank you for your support!

Are you tired of shedding breakage not seeing your roots grow? I know you are probably feeling extremely stuck with your hair growth. I mean that's why you're here? That'S why you're watching this video, you want answers a solution to your problems and I'm gon na give that to you today, because whether you're someone that maybe you feel like my hair is growing, I can see the length that I'm not seeing the length if you Know what I mean, or you could be thinking, my hair is forever the same length and it just doesn't grow or hey, maybe you're someone whose hair grows like a weed. You can't keep up and you're just here for me girl. Well, if you are someone that is wishing to grow up their hair, keep watching this video, because I will go into all of the details about hair growth, hair growth from both the roots and length retention. All the info, you need to know from best practices, the nutrients, you need a hair, routine products to use and all that jab so that you can achieve the looks and the length that you want. I hope you're all ready for a bunch of remarkable and trademark Abul sayings the first. I want to start by pointing out that there are two types of growth: there is root growth and then there is length retention and there are different aids that we need to achieve both of these things. So, first, let's start with the root growth where it all begins. Healthy hair comes from a healthy self. Don'T you need to sculpt? Why am samanda? That is true, but I also mean self. A healthy, nourished body and mind will produce hair that shines TM. Our hair growth, along with other cellular functions of the body perform best when we are our healthiest and our hormones heavily affect that. So if your hormones are currently out of whack well, then your hair growth cycles may be compromised, so making sure that our bodies, our bodies, are getting the essential vitamins and nutrients that we need will promote healthy hair growth. Here are some of the five vitamins and three nutrients that you need to promote growth. You can get these lovely nutrients by taking supplements or better yet by eating food. Next, let's get into the nitty-gritty about scalp care. Healthy hair begins with a healthy skeleton. The most important thing here is having a dedicated scalp routine, because let me ask you this: do you have a skincare routine for your face? Well, then, you should also have a scalp care routine for your scalp, because scalp is skin. So I want to talk about the best practices for a healthy scalp, there's about three things: three essential things that you need: one nourishment nourishment and treatment, two stimulation and three clarification in any order. So allow me to go into detail about these three points. There are steps and products involved, so if you need to take notes, take notes. First, we're gon na start off with treatment and nourishment now the dangers of having dry scalp is dry, hair and possibly breakage from the root. So, whether your scalp is oily dry built up or you have scalp conditions like psoriasis, dandruff or eczema, taking action to treat these conditions will only benefit your hair growth. From personal experience - and I know most, people with curly hair have a dry scalp so for my dry, itchy and kind of flaky scalp. Once a week before I wash my hair and before it cleansed it again and then worry about over drying. My hair, I condition and treat and nourish my hair. This this is from the innate life. This is a scalp treatment for normal scalp, so I've been using this one for a while and it nourishes my scalp with every single thing it needs like ingredients. We'Ve got coconut oil, castor oil, shea butter, olive oil, all these different things, vitamin E literally every nutrient everything, that's nourishing that your scalp would need. I'M massaging it right into my scalp. I leave it on for hours and then, when I wash it, it usually have to wash it twice, because otherwise it's like colds greasy up there, but I really have some moisturizes, the follicles and your skins and I've literally felt the difference where my roots are much Softer than they used to be my hair used to get a lot more wiry at the top, and my scalp does not get flaky anymore and it is key for anyone experiencing hair loss because it's got the castor oil. It'S got your global oils. It'S got everything you need PS. I have a video on dandruff versus dry scalp, so if you're not sure what should you have, then you need to check out that video. This leads me into my next point. Stimulation truth of the matter is our scalps. Do not get enough care because we do not daily brush her hair or stimulate it as often as we should, as often as it means so, by stimulating your scalp through things like scalp massaging, you are promoting blood flow to the scalp blood flow to the scalp Means oxygen to your cells, which means healthy cell production and faster hair growth, and, if you feel like you can't get right in there with your fingers to scull massage there's lots of tools. This is one of my favorite scalp massagers. As you can see here, there's a looped brush because not only does a scalp massage, but it also exfoliates. So this I would like to use before I put on the treatment to loosen up any dead skin flakes to exfoliate those and then nourish the scalp underneath with the scalp treatment yep. That'S that's the spot right there. Now, after all, that is done. We need some clarification. Let me clarify what I mean by clarification. You need to exfoliate and cleanse your scalp again as you would your skin. So as often as any buildup occurs, and everyone may be different, you need to make sure that you are letting yourself breathe. Exfoliating off any product build-up that you may have - and this is a scalp cleanser that I like to use that I use right into my scalp to cleanse and then I follow through with my hair, conditioner and shampoo. But I know that taking care of my scalp care and that's it nourishment stimulation and clarification. These are the three things that you need to be doing for healthy scalp. So now that we have a healthy scalp, we can focus on maintaining the length of our hair. The rest of your wash routine would begin. You would use your regular, shampoo and conditioner and since we're talking about length retention, I do like to use the olaplex, shampoo and conditioner, because it will prevent your hair from breaking whether your hair is color treated mechanically damaged. Environmentally damaged or just fine and fragile, these ones are really good to repair the bonds of your broken hair next healthy hair hair, the hair. Yes, this is what we're here for so hair that has been compromised here. That is a higher porosity from chemical, mechanical or environmental damage, or here that is naturally finer, fragile and susceptible to more damage. You need to nurse the hair to keep it nice and strong. So let's go into those best practices. Number one. We'Ve got to keep the hair nourished. You need to be deep conditioning your hair at least once a week if you really want to grow it. So for me my hair is dry and it is porous from lightening and color damage. I need both protein and moisture in my routine, make sure you see my protein and moisture video if you're not sure which one your hair needs. So I try to get a good balance of both one I do like to moisturize. I want to moisturize my hair. First, before I use protein to lock it in a strictly moisture mask that I've been using lately is also from the innate life. So this is the herbal hair mask. This actually has natural detanglers in it it's got slippery elm bark and, of course it has shea butter, sweet almond oil. It'S called marshmallow root and they're all certified organic ingredients, so I've really been liking. To put this on my hair - and I have been using this weekly as I have my scalp treatment in on my ends before I shampoo, that's kind of like a detangler and a hair softener and a pre shampoo treatment before I go in and cleanse and moving On so I know from the hair mask and get my moisture, I like to make sure that I'm getting a balance of at least some protein in my routine by adding it in my styling products. These probably look familiar to you. If you watch my videos, these ones always giving me a good balance of protein and moisture because they all have small doses of protein in it not too much to go overboard, but enough to give your hair that bounce and that boost of protein. So this one I put in especially because my hair is then bleached and damaged. So this is the damage remedy daily, hair repair, which is protein and heat protectant for defusing, then I've got micro cream and this has wheat protein in it. So that gives me strengthening and bounce to the curls, and then it can fix. Your gel is my job, it's my finisher, and it has a Brazil nut protein and ruku protein to help strengthen. So all of these give me a small little dose of protein without going overboard and then helping me achieve my protein moisture balance and last but certainly not least, you need to maintain your hair throughout the week as it starts to get drier. So every morning I get up and to refresh I take a little bit of a light oil. This is the rose hair elixir from the innate light, which smells like roses - and I like this because it gives me a blend of 15 organic oils. So it's gon na cover all the bases and it's got this little dripper. So I take two drops mix it in my hands and I just use it to smooth and tame frizz and flyaways and just to rehydrate my hair throughout the week, because hair that is, hydrated has good elasticity and good elastic hair does not snap off and then One last point that I didn't want to point out because they know no one wants to hear this, but you need to trim your ends. Trim your ends will guaranteed help. You retain the length. Remember it's better to have healthy hair, then long, hair and healthy hair will grow long, so keep it healthy and that's it done. I'M done no lasts no time at all. Having said that, allow me to close off this video with our comments of the week. Come to the week is some Shannon. Thank you for saying the words that everybody thinking and our question of the week is from Amanda, not my sister Amanda, who is asking how I lighten hair without leash, which is how he lightened my sister Amanda's hair. I used was called pilots color because I am a hair professional and I know what I'm doing, and you know one day in the future. Video I'll show you guys simply how we do that Amanda's hair you'll just have to stay tuned so make sure that you are subscribed to this YouTube channel turn up a little bell for notifications, because every single Tuesday we put out new videos and until next time This is main spine now out. So a lot of you guys have been commenting on my hair growth and do you think my hair is healthy? My hair is gone so long, my nerves grow. Without your perfect salad, my hair doesn't grow curvy, I feel so linked. I just needed to point that out because well, your girl's got ta eat.

Jennifer M: I wish my head hair grew as fast as my body hair...

Rebecca: Anyone else wish you could send a strand of hair off to a lab and have them tell you what products would work best with your hair type? Thanks for the video! Needed this

Helen Kerins: After two years of keratin treatments and long hair, I'm cutting it this Friday and letting my curls loose!! I'm excited to apply your tips to my curly hair journey

Bunny: You're the most helpful curly hair YT channel out there! You explain everything, let us know what we need to achieve what we want, and cover so many topics. I always look forward to your videos! Thank you, you're a huge help, Mell.

Nadine P.: Amanda needs a raise with these editing skills. ✨

Debbie Atkerson: Yes, two years later and my hair was getting shorter and shorter! I really had no idea..."chemical haircut!" And my high dollar hair professional never told me. And she called my curly hair "frizz" and "dead ends"- that should have been the first clue! Thank you for this video - I wish I'd had this info right after I bleached, highlighted and flat ironed my dry curly hair.

driftingofftosleep: Got my hair care notebook ready for a new page of notes! Thank you Mell for all these wonderfully educational videos; my hair is looking better than ever because of your tips!!

Vida Betances: back at it again with the unbiased, original and sensible curly hair tips! love it

287firey: Every time Mell shows a product I'm like "Well now I need to buy this". Seriously though your videos have educated me so much about how to take care of my hair and bring out it's best qualities. I'm not in love with it myself but I'm dedicated to letting it be curly and work with my natural texture. Your sister's video about how about her journey really resonated with me because I've experienced a lot of the same things. Keep being you and spread the knowledge!

Tiffany: You and your sister are amazing! Thank so much! Your videos have been so helpful to me. I'm 26 and have had NO IDEA how to deal with my curly hair my entire life. I probably have like 3a 3b curls. And I have just begun to be able to get it under control for the first time. Thanks for all the great tips! Waiting for my first silk hair scarf to arrive in the mail now! I had no idea about what steps i was supposed to be taking with products or what to use either. Like curl creams!!Just bought the not your mothers curl cream yesterday and wow what a difference and to think I've gone this long without knowing I just needed to add some damn cream to fix most of this! Thank you so so much Mel! I'm sure you've helped many people like me, god bless you

Jessica McManus: I love your videos Mell, you always make me laugh my hair has grown so much since following the CG method definitely cowashing for 5 mins (the massaging) and really working the conditioner into the ends of my hair has contributed so much to my hair growth

Pallavi Gupta: Hi Mel, this was such a great video - so full of useful info. I love the way you simplify the process of hair care in easy steps. Please also do a video on taking care of hair in Hard Water. Thanks!

Christine Dior: Thank you Mel for this amazing video! I'm so glad to have you pop up in my YouTube feed because I think your content is extremely informative and covers a lot of the questions many curly haired women have! Keep up the great work you are doing and I look forward to your next video.

Kisha Grady: Hi Mel. Your wealth of knowledge and comedic delivery is exactly what I need. Thank you!

Amber Abbott-Farr: Another spectacular video!!! I've always known about root growth and length retention, but not necessarily the different kinds of care! You are such a joy to watch! Even if I didn't need your advice I would watch your videos just to watch! You are hilarious and so very real! Can't wait for next week's video!!!

Meera Gupta: I have been watching your vids ever since I started my curly hair journey in May, and I literally can't thank you enough for all the HELP you have given me. My hair dresser, while she's great, she doesn't know curly hair like you do. I feel like I know my hair better than she does now! Thank you, and when you come out with your own curly hair line you better let me know!!

Sarah A.: Girl thank you for changing my hair’s life! Will work on my hair with these new nuggets of wisdom.

Lynxnu: My hair grows like a weed, I'm just here for you Mell.

Adriana Sparks: Hey, Mell! Can you do an updated hair routine with everything you do as well as the products you use? that would be super helpful.

Kelly weeks: You’re so refreshing!! I love your sense of humor and approach to loving your curls! I’m 53 and have very fine 3b blonde (lol) hair. I straightened my hair until 4 years ago and have since become an absolute product junkie while trying to embrace my curls. However, my hair breaks and I have very little length retention. I cannot get it past my shoulders. I used to have fine hair but more of it. I mostly use Aveda Be Curly creme, the protein Damage remedy (again just recently) and Shea Moisture products. I deep condition weekly, air dry most of the time, sleep on a satin case. Is Olaplex the key?? I’m almost ready to give up

kz74: You are so very helpful! Thank you for these great videos! I am just starting to embrace my waves/curls and though I’m feeling frizzy and stringy at the moment, I have hope. Thanks again!!

Jean Ali: I love your videos. They are informative and so much fun. Thanks for making the Curl Quest that much easier. Had an amazing appointment with you today, you are SO talented, beautiful and humble.

Min erva: The SCALP SEGMENT of the video is something I always tell my clients!!!! Yay! I could refer them this video since they think I’m crazy! ✨✨✨it’s the foundation to a house, the base to a flourishing garden! I love it! Thanks again!

Vianey Torres: How many times per week or month do you clarify? Also, do you recommend clarifying the same day or day after applying nourishment treatment?

Holly Taylor: Dude you literally SAVED MY LIFE (Aka my curly hair which is practically the same thing lol) with your coconut oil cause I was lathering that stuff all over my poor scalp and you me understand when to reach for moisturizing products and protein. THANK YOU SOO STINKIN MUCH. you're the mvp in the curly community!

HeyLex: Literally took a full page of notes My hair has the same curl pattern as yours and is growing out, but not as fast as I’d like, haha. I know patience is key, but I’m trying these tips out!

jeffsycks: I’m here to LUST after your gorgeous curly hair! You are so beautiful! And your hair is growing out, and getting fuller! Your get prettier with every video! Thank you for sharing your beautiful curly hair and your humor with us and thank you for making this video!!

Sandywich: Hormones! Ugh! I am finally growing back my hairloss from my second pregnancy. It became so sparse and fine with a lot of bald spots . Thanks for this video!

Gemma Roberts: Thanks to discovering your videos in the last few days I’ve cut my own hair (really short), spent a tonne on new products & brushes etc & in just a few washes my hair is looking the best it’s ever looked plus I now have something to watch whilst my husband watches YouTube videos on cars! You’re so funny and informative all in one. I do go to bed after watching your videos dreaming of hair though ‍

just_me_ being_jess: Watching this two years later. I gave myself a pandemic hair cut and needed 2 cuts to fix it ‍♀️I am ready to put the effort into growing out long, luscious curls.

Anathema Device: And here I am again after letting another stylist ruin my lovely curls. This the fouth time and I am so done I very much wish I could come see you. Thanks for all your tips and tricks!

ItsIzzy: when I was younger my hair was soooo long and it would grow so fast but now it barley grows

Julianna Cesario: Hi Mel! Love your channel. Can you make a video on the easiest way to untangle curly hair? And would you recommend untangling it everyday?

Diana: Mell, your videos are amazing! thank you :) A question on detangling, one day after wash day my hair (3c) is completely tangled from head you recommend detangling it every day? but then I feel as loosing even more hair...

tracemelater: I love your content! Thank you for another funny and informative video. Going to go love my scalp <3

YMac: Thanks for your super helpful videos! Question, does the gel I’ve put in my hair earlier prevent masks / hydration treatments from getting absorbed into my hair?

Kimberly Calderon: I have questions: how long should we massage our scalp? And how often should we clarify? Love your videos by the way. ❤

Simone Alana: I think my hormones are all over the place after having a baby and my hair and curls are affected each time I have had a baby. Great video

Yancy: Bruh when she said do you have a skin care routine, you should have one for your scalp cause it’s skin... a light bulb just went off for me no? just me

AmericanGirl: My favorite is Natural Hair Growth Oil with Caffeine and Biotin. I buy it from Amazon. It’s thick and (to me) scent free and it has really helped fill in my hairline! I’m 49 and have a hereditary receding hair line, my mom and grandmother had same thing. It’s awesome!

Annie Merizzi: I've been waiting FOREVER!!! THANKS SOOO MUCH You have help me feel ready to staet wearing my hair in its natural state and down. I do NOT know what i would have done if i hadn't passed over one of your videos. My mom is happy cause i am know using hair product (wich i refused to use a few months ago). I trust you with my hair. Never missing a video again.

Farrah Hylton: Mell you need your own tv show! You and your seester are hilarious yet so informative.

Lisa Joyner: That was amazing! So many great tips and information on healthy hair and growth. Your hair has gotten so long since I have started watching you since the Fall!

Lola Sunshine: So excited for new video! A video suggestion I would say is can you do one about drug store hair products verses salon brands? Some people say even the “natural” drug store is bad like she’s moisture etc thinking only salon & higher brands are good for curly hair. But I trust your opinion most in the curly hair community. ✨

Ashley Ballerstein: Love your video always giving me something new to do with my hair and I can see the changes to my hair. Thank you for being the most amazing person ever!

Lucy Powell: Girl your personality is on point! I really enjoy watching your videos

Scarlet Beckett: Mell is one of the most beautiful, funny and intelligent youtubers I've ever seen. I always feel happier after watching her. Luv u, Mell!


Mythic Destroyer 11: I love your videos! Soooo helpful. Wondering if using multiple "thickening" products daily can damage your hair? Example (thickening shampoo, conditioner & stylers). Also could you mention your thoughts on Overtone color depositing conditioner when you make your High Lift hair color video!

Victoria Robles: I love your attitude in your videos. You make watching your videos so fun. Other videos are a little boring. I love you so much and girl I love your hair!!!! Thanks for your videos! ❤️❤️

Hidden Sonata: You are popping girl! Love your style and the good information you provide. New sub here. Keep it up!

Danielle Simmons: Awesome video, Mell! I was wondering...could you make a video about how to care for low porosity curls? My hair is unprocessed 2c/3a curls and I haven't found any vids on YouTube that explain how to show my hair type the love it needs. Good products, styling techniques, treatments, stuff to avoid, etc.

Keyla Garcia: You are AMAZING girl! I love ❤️ your videos. Keep it up!!!

Vanessa Jiménez: Thank you so much, Mel! Since I found your channel, my curly hair routine has improved....!

jessigreer: A healthy I drink wine and eat potato chips while taking in another fabulous video from you lol

Harley Myers: You’re my curly hair guru. I would watch any video you put out even if it wasn’t a video I needed

Firuze Akbulut: I just can't have enough of you! I wish you could post every day to make my day (:

Chrysantha Piano: I chopped off 4 inches off my hair the other day, and this was the interaction with my sister (who has wavy-straight hair): Me: Do you like my hair? =D Seester: Uh...Sure? Did you do something? Me: I CUT LIKE 4 INCHES OFF. Seester: Oh. It looks nice. But it looks like it always does. You always have your hair that length, don't you? Me: (;n; )

Jupiter May: This is the first video of yours I’ve seen and girl count me as a new subscriber! You are cracking me UP! Great editing! Great information

BeautyWearsBoots: My hair grows pretty quick but I'm a type 2 in transition so anything I can do to get more root growth and push this along is WELCOME

Diane Solbach: Girl, you crack me up! I'd follow you even if I didn't have curly hair! ☺

Hannah: I've noticed my hair is so much stronger and healthier from doing olaplex as well as deep conditioning regularly. I'm taking my time detangling, wearing my bonnet etc... But I have pcos and it just doesnt look as good as it used to and i have regular big hair shedding periods which means it doesn't really ever get long

Margaret Lopez: Love Love LOVE your videos. I have a question. I know you said it doesn't matter which order you treat your hair as long as you do all three, but did I hear you right when you said you do your scalp treatment and the deep conditioner at the same time? That makes sense to me but I once was told to do either or...never both on the same day...but she wasn't a hair professional like yourself So what the master says, I shall do. Please educate me oh knowledgeable one.

Dottie Dean: GURL. I have lit--....LITERALLY watched 10!!! 10 videos today ( I got no patience ) on hair growth videos and...this is solid info. Love it♡♡ subscribed

Erica TM得: Hey Mell! Can you use exfoliating shampoos to clarify and wash at the same time? Like 2 birds with one stone?

Cesia Saravia: Another great video! Thank you so much mell!

Karla Henry: I’m just here for you girl and to show my friends cause my hair grows soooo fast and I don’t know how to explain to them how to care for their hair lol

Marina Renhe: Hi Mell! First wanted to tell that I'm loving every video I've watched. Just wanted to ask, I'm on a tight budget, which other clarifying shampoo would you suggest to use? (btw, will be buying the innate life scalp treatment! need to take better care of my scalp!)

Madeleine Vargas: Love love and love this video ♥️ Thanks for the heads up

TreesLouise : Any other suggests on what to use during the week for hydration on dry hair? The shipping is too much for the innate life products to where I live :C

Jojo M: Awesome channel, love watching this channel. Funny and educational!❤

Badgal27: “This is what we’re HAIR for!!!!” I adore this girl.

Micah Torres: You're the only person I've found who's hair is actually as curly as me and you help so much!

Mini Mousè: Heyy so I said this in another video but here I go; I have 4a/ 3c hair so is there ANY way to stop curl shrinkage that wont damage my hair? When my hair is curly it goes to my shoulders but when it’s straightened it goes past my butt and it’s soo annoying that I’ve worked so hard just to find out my shrinkage is the problem

Mxoxox: Love how she went into detail of every product

Jennifer Sanchez: My hair is starting to grow, but I have really tight curls and a lot of shrinkage. Do you have any tips on how to loosen my curls naturally?

Lynn Briggs: My hair grows fine! I'm just here for YOU GIRL !!

Sigrid van Osch: Hi Mell, I have been using Hair Jazz for hair growth and it has worked really well. But only for a few months in a row. after about 3,5 months it just builds up and makes my crown area oily. So. I've used some ''regular'' shampoo to solve that issue. Can hair get exhausted from the extreme growing it has done in a couple months? Or is it something else? Hair Jazz's customer service didn't really explain anything (cuz they dumb). Everytime I asked them a serious question they give me half answers. Or they confirm what I explain, hat I had already suspected at that point. Well yeah. Love your vids and I'd love to hear from you.

Squidge: During my “middle school” phase I straightened my hair so bad and just neglected it overall so now it’s really damaged and short

Morgan Richards: My nape is so curly and rough at the end of the day, when it gets too long they separate and looks like I have holes in my hair. I want long hair but this discourages me so I’m constantly cutting my hair. It hasn’t “grown” in 15 years. It’s always been the same length I don’t know how to make the back look full while growing. My hair is 2c/3a and thin and fine

bowsack1: After treating the scalp with the innate life, would you use a clarifying or regular shampoo?? Or co-wash??

000snow000: So I've tried putting a tiny bit of coconut oil on my dry hair to tame frizz but it looked soo greasy! For this reason, I'm super hesitant to use oils/elixirs/scalp oils etc. Any suggestions?

Jennifer Turner-Oliveira: You are so stinkin’ hysterical while being informative and entertaining!

Lee Trader: So I need to vent... I did the big chop at 50.... do you realize how big of a step that is for someone my age? I went from having silky straight fried hair ... to a brittle coily Afro... as it grew it started to look good..., I was actually loving it... then I went to a professional.... what a mistake. This white beautician... not saying any bad about white beauticians but they usually know nothing about curly hair.... unless of course they have curly hair... like real curly hair, not that hair that has a wave and will make a cute curl around your finger... anyway, long story short I asked for highlights.... told her she shouldn’t use bleach... she said a light bleach won’t hurt.... BUSHWAH! My hair looked great when she first did it, but over time the highlighted hair has broken off... that means the frame of my face coils have broken off.... WHY! I swear they should have a course in beauty school labeled “ Just for white girls....” and this is coming from a white girl. Anyway, so it’s a new year.... I’m not sure how I’m going to get a hair cut because I trust no local beauticians ..... anyway, wish we had MEL everywhere....

Thankful and Grateful: I love your videos, so informative and funny. Do you have advice on how to keep hair moisturised during the week? I have 3c hair? Will oils help?

Heather _: Mell, since I live in a VERY humid climate, do I use an emollient, humectant, or moisturizing product?

G G: Can you please make a video on going blonde with curly hair? There's tons of videos on how to care for it after or prepare for it but not a lot of videos on how often to lighten your hair, highlights vs balayage vs pintura which one is best for curly hair etc!!

Angelica Torres: Hi Mell. Sooooo... my hair grows super slow. I’ve tried scalp massages with the top oils but my hair is fine and thin and seems to fall out a lot more whenever I do that. Is that normal??? Also how often would I need a trim if I don’t see super visible split ends???

Chris Kolovos: Great How to video ! youre definitely giving me some ideas about what i should do next on my channel!!!

Lisa Costigan: Yay!!!! Love this as always such GREAT info n tips for us curly hair gals

Lesly Sarmiento: Honestly, I was literally praying that you could do a video about this and I got so happy when I got your youtube notification. I found you about 3 days ago and I absolutely loveeeee Y O U !!!!

debbiefloss99: Should you use Olaplex shampoo no4 and conditioner no5 only once a week? It’s expensive in uk so not sure whether to try it or not? Great video Mel

Smile be happy: Great video thank you so much

Lindsay Brower: Mel have you ever tried or heard of Kevin Murphy products? I heard they were good for that protein balance and they have a couple of curl products so was curious :)

Rosa Garcia: Love your videos ❣️

jose martin chilet: I ABSOLUTELY LOVE UR VIDEOS, you are not just an truly specialist on hair but such a funny and lovely person that can make someone smile really easy ♡♡♡ i stan you queen and i'm sending you lot of hugs from Peru... thanks for the amazing info and for being who u are ♡

Arwaphernelia: gurl i absolutely love your videos u inspired me to take care of my hair again! i have some questions like, Lush products: yes/no? How to manage 3b/3c OILY scalp but dry hair? Are "natural dyes" like henna any good?

feliciaG.: Hi Mell, my hair grows fast, but I have trouble with retaining length. My hair is low porosity, fine but dense . What products would you suggest I use to retain length and get the right amount of protein as well. Please if you can watch my hair video I’m new to You Tube for Curly Hair Videos. Maybe you are able to see my texture and curl to help you with making suggestion. I want to thank you in advance. I know I need to make my video shorter but I just posted it. Still learning how to edit videos.

Ti Awesome: Awe shit that makes sense. I had my son few months ago and my hair thinned real bad!! Like Cruella de ville but with some curls lol. And my curls have gone completely bonkers!! Less definition I need to figure out my hair to bring my curls and thickness back. Hopefully its possible

Cxilyx: Omg I just found ur channel and I’m already a sub!! Your videos are entertaining and super funny <3

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