I Tried The Curly Girl Method

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Thank you to Function of Beauty for sponsoring this video! I finally tried the curly girl method, which you guys have apparently been recommending for FOUR YEARS?! Turns out, it might actually be working for me! The curly girl method is a hair care routine (with many different options depending on your specific hair type) that focuses on hydrating your hair properly and bringing out your natural curls/waves, which some people may have just been brushing away their whole lives! (like me)

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A bunch of you guys have been asking me for years to try the curly girl method and i finally started it. What is the curly girl method? It'S a specific way of taking care of hair that is wavy curly. Basically, anything, that's not perfectly straight. If all of this is new information to you, you're, probably looking at me right now like rachel, i can see your hair, your hair's straight. That'S what i thought, which is why it took me, 32 years to figure out my hair's not actually straight, and you know what i bet there are a bunch of you watching who think you have straight hair when it's actually not perfectly straight signs that your hair Might not be perfectly straight as if you get a lot of frizz or if, when your hair is wet or after it dries. Naturally, you've got like a little bit of wavy stuff like this see this or maybe the rest of your female family members have curly hair and you just never really thought about it. This is a picture of my mom's hair before she brushes it. I have no excuse the only way i can describe it is like you know when you were a kid and you learned that the word breakfast actually means like breaking your fast and you're like oh, i never thought about it. That way, i feel like it's like that, like it's been there this whole time, i just never looked at it that closely. Now i don't think my hair is as wavy or curly as it would have been if i had tried doing this years and years ago these days, my hair is a lot thinner than it used to be i'll. Put some like images up of what it used to look like and with that level of frizz and like natural waves that i had. Who knows what my hair would have turned out like if i tried the curly girl method then, but i'm trying it now. I have been for three weeks: i've been uploading photos to instagram of my progress so far. I say progress, but i've been trying different methods of doing my hair each time. So i don't know if it's necessarily progress as much as me experimenting differently. Each time i try it, the curly girl method is extremely complex and every single youtuber does things slightly differently and there are a million different things. You have to learn like what is plopping your hair. Do i need hair proteins? Do i have to buy a diffuser? Am i supposed to cut my hair a specific way? It'S a lot, so i have absolutely no idea what i'm doing yet. Keep that in mind when you're watching this video, it is not instructional, for example, the last time that i washed my hair, which was about a week ago. I didn't use enough gel and over time, all of like the little wavy bits that i had it just kind of like fell out. Apparently, maybe that's just kind of a problem when you have really long heavy hair, like the gravity weighs it down. It seems to be a normal thing, with the curly girl method that your hairstyle like falls out a little bit each day after the first day that you style it. Another problem for me is that i was doing the japanese, permanent hair straightening thing for a long time, and even though it's been a few years, maybe about this, much of my hair is still permanently straightened, which means i'm not gon na be able to get like. My natural curl pattern out of this because it's permanently straightened, but i'm not ready to cut my hair. This short, we're, probably just gon na, have to wait another year for me to cut off all of my permanently straightened hair. So i don't even think i'll be able to get like really good results until then, but it gives me some time to practice with different routines and methods until we get to that point anyway, i'm not going to show the showering process for this most of what I do with the curly girl method is afterwards with like different products for styling, but what i do in the shower is, i condition first and then i shampoo, and then i condition again conditioning first made a huge difference. I never realized how dry my hair was, and apparently this is like a really common thing, with people who don't have perfectly straight hair. My hair basically just absorbs handfuls of conditioner. It'S like i'm rehydrating astronaut food. It feels like it must be that dry, because i put the conditioner on my super wet hair and then it just disappears into my hair. Is that normal for the curl? I don't know right now. The shampoo and conditioner that i'm using are from function of beauty, which is also today's sponsor, turns out with the curly girl method. One of the most important things is not using sulfates or other things in your shampoo and conditioner that can build up in your hair. Over time and function of beauty doesn't have sulfates, they don't have parabens, you can choose not to have silicons. If you want it's also vegan and they use recycled plastic. I'Ve been experimenting with a lot of different products for the curly girl method and, honestly, the function of beauty, shampoo and conditioner that i'm using give me the least amount of frizz. So it's really good timing for me to discover these products around the same time that i'm trying to start this method, because it seems to work really well for me, you can pick whatever goals you want for your hair. One of mine has always been less frizz here you can see. I told function of beauty that i have straight hair, because that's what i assumed until three weeks ago, you could customize everything down to the color and scent. As you can see, i picked the same. Colors that i chose last time because i still like these colors the best, i'm also going to use their deep conditioner today and their leave-in treatment that i got last time, which is really fortunate because it seems like a leave-in is a really important part of the Curly girl method so super glad. I picked that out last time you can get 20 off your first set from function of beauty. If you use our link in the description box below i'm gon na get to showering and i'll be right back all right. I am out of the shower. I'M dripping water all over the floor with my hair. I don't know how else to do this, so i didn't do anything with my hair in the shower. I didn't like scrunch it at all. It'S already drying really quickly, but i think it'll be fine, because the first step, i think that i'm supposed to do is like use a leave-in, i'm so nervous like what if i mess it up now, so i have no idea what i'm going through uh-huh. What is that? What this is do what are you doing um? So this is a leave-in treatment which is supposed, i don't know, seal and moisture. Normally i do everything in the shower. So when i get like hair stuck to my fingers, i can just rub it. On the wall, am i supposed to scrunch in the leave-in treatment? You also made a video with the japanese straight perm three years ago too, but now you're doing the opposite of a straight. I know which was supposed to be a natural hair. The past couple times. I did this. I did the scrunching in the shower um, which made it even more curly like much more curly than this, but uh this time, because i wanted to do products. Oh no, don't have time for this. I don't know how curl cream works. Yeah porky! I heard you dinner time loose moose time to like make sure it holds. I think my hair was just a little bit too dry. I just kept adding more mousse until my hair was a little more wet, and now you can see curly cue thingies are happening. The other thing that i learned for what i'm supposed to do after this is uh plop, which is using a 100 cotton t-shirt or towel to do this like wrap my hair up in it for about 20 minutes, i'm glad my t-shirt comes in handy. Fortunately, we started making 100 cotton t-shirts, so i'm gon na leave it like this. For about 20 minutes and we'll see what happens. It has been 20 minutes ish and we're gon na go ahead and take out my hair plop. Is this itself called plop? Is the the process called plopping? I don't know okay duh, my hair is still really really wet, it looks really curly or wavy or whatever it's supposed to be. I don't know specifically what my hair is gon na be like i don't have a diffuser. I think i need to get one at some point anyway, i'm gon na, let it air dry, which will take a while, so we'll come back again in a much longer. While it's been a couple hours. My hair is not completely dry in the back, but it's past midnight and i'm falling asleep. One of the things that i saw a lot of people say in their videos about the curly girl method is creating a cast where your hair is crunchy and, like you want that and then after your hair dries, then you scrunch out the crunch. So like it's a rhyming thing, you scrunch out the crunch, so i guess that's what i'm gon na do now, but before that, i'm wondering if you can see the difference between my um, like my natural hair and the straight perm hair, which is like down here. I don't know if you can tell, but this is like much straighter. That'S my old, not curling, hair. I use the word curl a lot in this video, but, like i'm not saying like my hair is curly curly because i know for some people. The word curl has a very specific meaning, but i mean any hair: that's not perfectly pinned straight there's a chart of different types of curl and they're all called different things anyway. Let'S scrunch up the crunch, if i can do do that, it's supposed to like make your hair, not look. You know like this 80s crispy hairspray kind of hair. It should just make it like a little more fluffy rather than like crispy. I believe i mentioned before, but i don't know what i'm talking about so while my hair was drying, i watched even more videos about this and brad mondo says that everyone's got at least a little bit of a wave to their hair. Everybody'S hair has a little bit of wave. He said that, like maybe one percent of people have actual perfectly straight hair, there's probably one percent of people who have really in straight hair and even though i know nothing about like curly hair. Yet i went really quick from being like no, my hair is straight. My hair is not curly to being like, you've got curly, hair and you've got curly hair and you've got curly hair. I might just be a little over excited, but without what you just did, you would not look as curly as it is. It would dry most. My hair would dry mostly straight, and it always has my whole life, which is again why i didn't know until i was 32 years old, that i could have a little bit of waviness to my hair, which is a little sad because i think curly hair is Super beautiful and that would have been really fun to have found out like a long time ago, but whatever i cannot tell you guys how excited i was when i tried this for the first time and then i saw like little curly things happening in my wet Hair and i was like oh my gosh - i can't believe this is happening, there's just something to like learning something new about the universe when you're like in your 30s, i get it and i'm absolutely delighted. Can you tell june that it's starting to look less crispy and more like wavy? I guess, if i compare with the five minutes ago and to this maybe i can tell mosley okay, there's lots of like little wavy bits going on, but then i also have some spots that are just kind of more straight and then look at this. This has a whole thing going on the hair at the back of my neck has always been more curl, more curly than the rest of my hair. It'S always been thicker um and i think it seems like it's also natural for people to have different curl patterns within their hair. So they're, not all just one type of curl. It can be multiple types, so i've also seen people use like an oil or some sort of serum at this step, which i don't have and also i don't know if i should do that, my hair is a little frizzy still, but maybe not too bad. I guess the thing that i don't like about how i mean i i like all of these waves that happened, but what i don't like is just this weird flat spot like right at the top of my head. How does it look yeah i like it? It looks very yeah it's cute. A few weeks ago, when i cut your hair, i took a picture from the back, so you can see the container send me those photos yeah. I can see the comparison, curly, hair rachel on the right and straight hair rage on the left. Anyway, if you guys have any advice for me or anything uh, i would love to hear it and, if you think maybe you've got slightly curly hair. If your hair is super frizzy or when it dries, it still has like waves already. Then maybe you should try this thing, but i can't give advice like i would just have to suggest you start looking up stuff because there's a million different ways you can go. Thank you for watching bye,

Rachel & Jun's Adventures!: Thanks again to Function of Beauty! Remember you can get 20% off by clicking my link: http://cen.yt/functionrachjunadventures I FINALLY DID IT. YOU CONVINCED ME. Maybe my hair isn't as straight as I thought it was??

Meggsie: It's been a weird year. I found out that neither me or my hair is straight.

Cantara Bella: Omg as a black woman, I thoroughly enjoyed her discovery of her natural texture. Welcome to the conditioner memes hon. Hair be drankin it all up

NewChapterASMR: I can't stop being mesmerized at how gorgeous your hair is, straight or curly. That colour is just of the gods

A Mass of Fools and Knaves: I think all curly girls can spot non-straight hair from just one glance, even when it appears straight

lanoslibrary: as a black person with 4c hair I've always hated my hair and wished for it to be straight so I could look like the other girls in my class but it makes me so so so happy to see people so excited about having curly hair and embracing it because it really is a beautiful hair texture and no one should ever tell you otherwise

Tammy Leung: I am Chinese and after 30+ years I finally found out that my hair was in fact curly (I used to think my hair was just fizzy, damaged, dry and bad). Then my grandma told me that I was born with curly hair. -_-

KelseyPanda: My mom has pin straight hair, my dad has curly hair, so my mom never taught me how to actually do my hair the correct way because she doesn't have to do it like that and my hair is just ALWAYS frizzy, I learned not to brush my hair to not mess up the curls but it still gets frizzy. I just tried this this morning and my hair already looks SO much better and my curls are actually more defined rather than looking like frizzy limp ramen noodles .

André Luiz Barbosa: i'm sure when you get the chop it's going to be a huuuge difference! those straightened ends are weighting your hair down and keeping your waves and curls from fully forming

Lyn: "When I get hair on my fingers, I just rub it on the wall." I didn't know other people do that too. I get hair all over my hands when I shower.

Red: Rachel being overwhelmed by the steps needed to maintain curly hair is painfully relatable

My Merry Messy Life: So glad to see someone with an account as big as your’s talking about the curly girl method! The word needs to get out - it is so good for all kinds of hair with texture. Most of us were taught the wrong way to care for textured haired and thus why we hate it and then end up straightening it. Curls and waves are so beautiful and I hope that standard of beauty is finally changing.

Rebecca Spencer: I just recently realised that my hair was wavy (and not "fluffy" as my hair stylist said) and started the Curly hair method. Unfortunately my mother has decided my hair is an absolute state despite me trying to inform her that it's a process and straight hair isn't the absolute for healthy "neat" hair

Rhyannon Ashford: I love how Jun is like "yeah babe, it's curly I guess."

ים ליפשיץ: Your hair has TONS of potential. I have no doubt that if you continue treating your hair with the curly method it’ll just get curlier and healthier with time. Your hair is naturally thick and seems very strong and healthy despite getting it permanently straightened. I think with the right haircut at a curly hair salon and your hair will flourish! Keep going that way♥️ (plus avoid heat, it’ll just ruin the whole progress and make your curls repair slower and slower). Most importantly-don’t give up on your curls!! Keep up with the curly routines

T K: It hurts my heart seeing people well into their lives not knowing their hair’s full potential. Curly hair is gorgeous…:)

Valerie Ellison: My friend kept her hair long for years and she thought she had straight hair. She decided to cut it to shoulder length and was surprised to find that she had loose beach type curls. She had always wanted curly hair and was so happy.

Katherine Sharfe: You should get the Denmen Brush! It had amazing results with my daughter’s wavy hair!! We weren’t having any progress until we bought it and wow!! Her barely wavy hair turned into gorgeous curls when wet/even more curlier when it dried ❤️

NamiiCho: For real curly hair method is sooo healthy

Sofi Lesquerre: I hope when she gets a cut that she asks them for a layered cut for curly/wavy hair. That would help her sooooo much. Good luck on this beautiful hair journey ❤️

lillypop48: I know this has nothing to do with the video, but can I just say as a black women that it's honestly crazy to see non-black and especially white women discovering their hair after growing up and seeing my peers desperately try to straighten their hair each day before school and it looking mostly fried lmfao. I genuinely believe that the natural hair movement within the African American community taking off on social media has contributed to this realization for many, and it's honestly great to see! We do not all have to have pin-straight hair all the time, even if it's cute sometimes!! Regardless if you decide to stick to rocking your curlier hair or not, it's always nice to know what your actual hair texture/pattern is!!!! Anyway I just haven't seen as many people talking about this aspect of the curly girl method, and I think it's important to mention <3 Best of luck to u and ur hair Rachel! :)

Glorified Person: Thinking your hair is straight when in actuality it’s curly is definitely a thing!! I used to think my hair was supposed to be naturally straight, I thought it was damaged smh. I have very curly hair, like 3c/4a type but somehow I convinced myself my hair was straight also I’m black so...

Shannon J.: I love your hair wavy! P.S. - To get even more definition, apply your products on SOAKING WET hair. Also, don't forget to clarify once a month with a sulfate shampoo and then follow with a deep conditioner for 30 min. to prevent product buildup.

V A: God bless you describing “the hair at the back of your neck” being curlier and thicker which in AAVE is referred to as your kitchen

Paraticristi: Frizz is a curl waiting to happen~ I didn't know this before my late 20s either. I always thought my hair was straight, but just really bad at it. It was a revelation realizing it wasn't bad at bring straight, it was just wavy. I've been able to apply that lesson to so many things about myself where I thought I was a bad at being [x], and later realized I'm not a bad [x], I'm a perfectly fine [y]. Whether that's being neuroatypical or falling outside the cisheteronormativ. I'm not falling at being the "default", I'm succeeding in being me

dems: Can't wait for Rachel to level up her looks for the 11th time. Didn't think it was possible, but here we are

Katie: My hair is straight on top and wavy underneath, so I always assumed my hair was just straight. But I've almost entirely stopped using heat tools on my hair, and I've noticed the waves are starting to get a little more prominent! That is, until I brush it. Then it all goes away :(

Kelsey KINE: I have super curly hair, I'd love to give you a tip! Day after washing and styling your hair, get it a little damp again and scrunch it dry (or see what happens without touching it at all, curls form better undisturbed) and do that every day until you wash again. Test with different levels of wet and try multiple times a day re-wetting. My curls get so much more defined with day or two old 'dirty' hair

P J: Omg!!! I remember watching your permanent hair-straightening vid & was thinking about doing that too because of my natural frizz & NOW I wanna EMBRACE my more curly hair thank youuu

Katherine Fuentes: This is definitely a journey, for me it happens the exact same thing, I'm 35 and only a few months ago found out my hair was not straight, and I always wanted to be curl, I even went multiple times to hair salons to curl my hair, but it was curly all along an nobody ever told me, so I'm super excited about this discovery. It's a hard process, for beginners like us but it's totally worth it. My hair looks soooo different now, a lot more curly then when I started. I recommend you to buy the satin *thing* (sorry, can't remember how to say that word in English, Spanish is my native language) for your pillow, and there's also like a microfiber towel, I think it's called plopping towel. That's gonna be my next step. Good luck with your journey!

Tina So: "remember when you were a little kid and you learned that the word 'breakfast' means breaking your fast" me, at this moment, in my 20s: oh.../oh/

horohorosrin: Started the CGM recently, I'm trying to absorb all the info I can. I thought my hair was low porosity, I mean... I never used heat, anyway. I'd just let it hang, basically. But it really does drink the conditioner up. I'm beginning to think I'm dry at the ends and oily at the scalp area... but even before getting sulfates and silicones out of my routine, I'd let my conditioner sit and soak in, and by the time I'd go to rinse, it'd be gone. I would feel none of it in my hair, and I'd swear it'd still feel dry. I had split ends and breakage like crazy.

Crystal Perfecto: I would absolutely recommend getting a diffuser to get you those really defined curls more consistently throughout your hair. Also I really like the gel from Ouidad. It's good for all curl types and really holds my curls after I shower. The products are a little expensive so just try the gel to see if you like it. I always knew I had curly hair but I never knew how to get it until recently. I'm so glad to see you're going through this journey!

DD Tuss: My hair turned around about 7 months into the method. I went from wavy to 3a curls.

sarah 221263: i have a tip that helps me for the flat top! especially it helped when my hair was long. Wash your hair upside down if you can in the shower. Another tip, which is for definition, is when you wash out your conditioner, try using colder water, if you can't use cold, just use more luke warm. And try less water pressure when washing out conditioner. And when washing out your conditioner, don't pull your fingers through your hair much if you can- scrunch as the conditioner washes out. And, when you're just about washed out the conditioner, grab your leave in/whatever your first product is, and get it ready in your hands, put your hair under the water again so it's fully dripping wet and then immediately scrunch the product in while it's still ridiculously wet hehe, then continue with your routine quickly and gently so you can get it plopped before it dries too much. Try not to over scrunch while applying, you'll squeeze all the water out too fast. Another tip for the flat top, you should get little hair clips/claw things (the metal ones are good) that you put into your hair at the roots straight after you take it out of the plop. Unjaded jade talks about that in her hair routine vid, and she also uses function of beauty! Try not to scrunch your hair much or at all after it comes out of the plop, wait until it is almost completely dry or completely dry to scrunch out the crunch. Also, a loose pineapple/ hair wrapping /hair cap and a silk or satin pillowcase can help the curls last longer through the week. And you can get refresher sprays or similar that you can use in the mornings to re-spruse your curls. Also if you're looking for a different product line after function of beauty that is more affordable + has more curly hair stuff, i would recommend noughty haircare's curly range! Also, remember to brush your conditioner through in the shower before rinsing it out, and try not to brush your hair when it's dry.

May Hemm: Me, in the 1% of people who have pin straight hair naturally, watching this to see if there's any possibility that I might have some sort of texture:

LaBelle Candel: This just encouraged me so much. Even with my naturally curly hair I never really knew how to manage it. Not until now in my 30’s just like you, have I intentionally began doing the curly girl method and it’s been a lot of learning and felt over whelming at times so seeing you embarking on this journey really helps me feel like I’m not the only one

Rae Amelia: I used to think I had wavy hair that was trying to be straight. I'm so prone to frizz and, growing up, I had perfect ringlets at each of my temples. I also used to have a fringe that bothered me because it waved outwards, flicked and curled at the ends and wouldn't sit straight. My hair has never had problems holding a curl, even when I tie it in a bun and take it out later, my hair holds that curl. When I get out of the shower, my hair is still pretty straight with a wave, but holy crustacean I might actually have a more prominent curl if I try. The clues have been there all along

I R: I'm 32 and just now embracing my natural curls too! It definitely helps me to put my product in while in the shower, with sopping wet hair. I also detangle in the shower and comb hair in with a wide tooth comb while conditioning. I'm so excited to see how things so in your curly hair journey! My hair has improved so much since I first started, stick with it :)

Natalie Dokter: That's me!! If I don't do anything special to my hair, it dries wonky-straight with weird bends in back. I'm getting into the CG routine and my hair is totally different! My waves are much like yours now! Hooray for wavy/curly hair!

Marika Thornton: This video was so helpful! I've been wanting to learn how to style my own hair. I have a similar hair type, and i know zero about doing hair. Thank you so much!

Icmie Vieto: My hair was just like yours, when i started the method as time went by, it just kept getting curlier and curlier. You're doing amazing! Each hair is different and it's truly hard to figure out what works, but is worth it ✨

Stephanie Hill: No need to feel bad Rachel, I just recently caught on to the fact that my hair is naturally wavy, and I'm 49! I got so excited when I saw my hair becoming more and more wavy, the more I worked with it. I've wanted wavy hair my whole life! Also, yours looks beautiful.

Olivia Carey: Stick with it!! Curls/waves take time to bounce back after a lifetime of straightening and/or perming. Also a diffuser is really going to help you out! I always flip my head upside down and diffuse it and it adds SO much volume to my hair. And you can always reactivate your curls/waves with a spray bottle of water (and maybe a little extra product) if they start to look a little sad after a night of sleeping on them or after a few days. The Curly Girl Method is such a great starting place, but it’s really prescriptive—you’ll figure out what works best for you! Personally, it’s a little too involved for me, but a lot of the general guidance is helpful.

Paula Robles: Don't worry, it took me like 18 years to realise I wasn't actually straight Wait, you were talking about your hair? Nevermind then

Tamara: What might also help is the wavey girl method! It's very similar to the curly girl method, but more applicable to wavy hair opposed to curly hair. It's a bit less strict and uses foam instead of gel

Júlia Morais: You are doing great Rachel! I used to have relaxed hair and learning to treat my hair the best way was really fun, but overwellming... keep in mind that there are a lot os diferent ways to take hair of you curls, and a milion "right ways"... so don't worry to much. The most important thing is to have healthy hair and not to damage with heat! I hope you have fun with it all!

Cream Puff: I'm sooo happy for you! I always thought your hair was actually curly instead of just frizzy

Shara Williams: 10:02 i honestly thought that hair-care specifically for curly hair was for like… 3A, maybe 2C, and curlier Considering ive been growing out my hair for about… quite some time (i started as a kid when i saw ankle-length hair in tangled and was fascinated. I continued because my parents kept threatening to have me cut it because i wouldnt experiment w hairstyles—spite is a powerful motivator—and later both because of spite and because i do actually prefer having long hair… also historical hairstyles!) I only started actually bothering to condition my hair halfway through quarantine, and i was on a swimteam year-round for years (i doubt chlorine is good for hair). I am not any better at brushing it or making sure my split ends get trimmed though

Anne Griswold: Anyone else get the feeling Jun has no real idea what his wife is doing, but totally supports it 100% since it makes her happy. It does look really pretty Rachel, I hope you keep us updated on your journey of curly hair discovery.

Alejandra Fulgencio: I’ve noticed the same thing with function of beauty conditioner and my hair! The whole super absorbing thing- I honestly think it’s just the conditioner isn’t good with lathering and spreading because this is the only conditioner that does it with me. I use like twice or three times the amount I normally would!

Lara Toledo Millán: From the first time I saw your straighten video, I already know you didn't have straight hair!! I do have a really silk straight hair and I never had frizz or those "difficulties" I'm glad that you actually notices this, I hope you find the best rutine for you hair ❤️❤️

Meru Ayano: So I had medium curly hair when I was a child and now (I'm 30), I have beach waves (basically what she has in the video here after plopping). Mostly because I used to keep my hair very short and blow it straight a LOT. It didn't help that I constantly dyed it too. Now, if I want it a little curlier than that, all I do is flip my hair over my head and wet it down in the shower that way, then scrunch it with a towel to get the excess water out. I put either FrizzEase leave-in conditioner in my hair, or an easy curl cream (I like the FE better though. Not only does it smell fantastic, but it doesn't look like I have product in). What I've learned most over the years (before YouTube and such) is that everyone's hair is extremely different. I HAVE to wash my hair every day. If I don't, I get a gross two-inch oil slick from my roots closing in on the 22nd hour. I wash it every day, condition every 3 to 4 days, but I ONLY condition my ends and the top o my hair. I don't rub conditioner into my scalp (unless I have a rare case of dandruff), or my roots. I just kind of swipe it over the top portion as my hair is slicked back. I also only brush my hair like once a week or so. This really helps to maintain curl. Plopping has no effect for me, I've noticed, but if I don't want to leave my hair wet (although it dries rather quickly), I take my blow dryer with no attachments and grab my hair so it's not weighted down by it's own wetness and blow it dry that way in sections after my over-the-head wetting down and towel dry. If you do want curlier hair, make sure you find out what your hair needs from you first. More conditioner? Less washing? More washing? But one thing I can say is the quickest way to lose your curl is to continually bleach your hair and stripping it with heavy-chemical-ed shampoos. I normally go for Argon oil or keratin based shampoos and a intense moisture revitalizing conditioner. I do dye my hair on a regular basis, but I do not lighten it. I don't think I've put bleach to my hair in a good ten years. Not saying you can't do that, but it will be harder to maintain curl and keep your hair healthy if you continue to bleach it. I dunno if this helps anyone, but I got ten years under my belt of getting my curl back for my specific hair type! I also only get my hair cut every 6 months to a year, because (guess what!) I don't have split ends. Good luck to everyone!

Y. Taborda: You should try "aztec clay and apple cider vinegar" hair mask, it really helps to recover your natural curls

Ang D: As a fellow curly girl, there is a reason it's called your curly hair journey. It'll probably take a year before you actually figure out what your hair likes. Give yourself some grace it's actually really hard

HisokajhopechrollomingiKilluaHinata Whore: I haven’t been the same since you explained what breakfast means. I realized even in Spanish it means the same thing cause “ayuno” means fast and “des” it’s like “un” like undo and breakfast it’s “desayuno” so basically it means to undo fasting. I really feel like I can die now

Maddie Y: You’re so delighted because girls with straight hair want curly hair, and girls with curly hair want straight

Froggie cansler: ahhh, this is so exciting!! your curl pattern will heal over time and become for consistent as well as more bold, you could say, as you persist in this journey!! so awesome! you have coils! you can tell from the back curl but even with your longer straighter hair, you can see the you hair curls around itself, it doesn’t just wave. ive always been envious of coils because i have s wave curls. i’m super excited to see how your pattern becomes more distinguishable.

Yumi Inamura: Love it. I also didn’t know my hair was so wavy and I’ve always hated how frizzy it was. I am so much happier now with my new hair… also not having to use a hair dryer is the best

Andrea Rouillard: Okay but Rachel being excited and kinda lost but trying a thing she's very enthusiastic about and Jun, who I don't think completely gets it, is just.. behind the camera being encouraging and a little lost, but ultimately supportive and idk they're individually very cute and extra cute together and I love it

alyssn wonderland: as someone who transitioned from chemically straightened hair as well i can tell you that products and drying process are EVERYTHING. you could use the same product but in a different order and get a totally different result. the more consistent you are with taking care of your curls the more curly they get. and getting the ends makes a huge difference as well whenever youre ready good luck i absolutely adore your hair!

gonzo dr: I love your curl/wave pattern! Especially with that color, sooooooooooo gorgeous!!!!!!!! <3 When my hair has grown a little longer I will try this too and I hope mine look like yours! I have old pictures of me as a kid when there were definitely some waves going on hehe

RubyMoon507: The struggle in this video is sooooo relatable. Unfortunately with how frizzy and wavy my hair is I never had any excuse to not treat my hair as curly... but i did it anyway.

Яна Стоянова: It took me 21 years to figure out i had 2a-2c hair as well so glad you are up for trying to bring yours back as well. A little assumption about the dryness of your hair - maybe it is low porosity

ash: My god I remember once someone on twitter said “if you have to scrunch, your hair is not curly,” and that messed me up and I stopped scrunching my hair but then it got all dry and damaged again and I just decided to ignore that ignorant ass statement and my hair looks, feels, and IS healthier when I take care of it with all the various products as it NEEDS the moisture. Glad this popped up on my recommended and I’m glad you’re going through this hair journey.

Nikky K: Girl same. I'm 20 and I just realized that my hair is actually not straight. I solved my "flat top hair" problem by flipping my whole head down while scrunching my hair and when blow-drying it, I'm parting it differently for more volume.

Roadkill TheBrave: I have really oily skin, so my scalp gets hard granulated dandruff if I don't wash my scalp regularly. I have to wash my scalp every other day with sulfate free shampoo, but I'm very careful how far I wash it. I use a ton of conditioner, leave in conditioner, oils, and conditioner treatments which have helped restore my curls a ton while keeping my scalp from being an issue. Keep going darlin it's amazing the amount of progress you'll make in a few months and adjust where you need to.

BooknerdJebbi: I've been trying to care for my curly hair for a long time and I think I can give you some tips. 1) never shampoo anything other than your scalp. The rest of your hair truly doesn't need it. Deep-conditioning is your best friend. 2) you always need much more product than you think you do. The leave in should turn frothy almost and fully saturate the hair (if the leave in is too heavy you can mix it out with water as needed, but definitely use a THOROUGH amount, if you know what I mean). 2.5) you don't need that many hair products after the shower. Loc works for most and you can do less. A leave-in and then a gel or an oil or a mousse should work amazing. 3) a diffuser will help you a LOT as you have longer hair. It will help you dry it before the weight drags it down. (plopping also works but then you should leave it on preferably until it's fully dry, not just 20min) 4) any spray bottle with water will be a godsend during styling, you don't need a fancy one. I find the hair needs to be sopping wet for the best results, most people claim it should be a dryer than that. 5)never ever EVER brush your dry hair with anything other than your fingers, and even then don't . 6) a good brush is a strong ally. One for detangling and a different one for styling is best but I make do with just one fine. 7)yes water and product will go everywhere including your clothes walls floor and mirrors. Try not to get product all over your skin and then forget to wash it off (pretty sure I gave myself shoulder-acne from the leave-in as I have shoulder length hair) 8) After you're done styling, DO NOT TOUCH your hair until it is fully and completely dry. 9) avoid any kind of straightening or high heat high manipulation styling. And don't ever let anybody near your hair with thinning shears or let them thin out your hair. It breaks up the curl pattern and messes you up for real. 10) Good luck! Don't feel like you have to learn everything all at once take it in your own pace, I'm several years in and I still get lazy about it sometimes.

GoVocaloider: Welcome to the curly hair community!!! :D I love how it looks on you! Both the curly part and the flat bit at the top! Seeing you excited at the prospect of bringing out the natural curls in your hair, brought a joyful tear to my eye. I think every curly haired person has had to have a bit of a journey and discover their specific hair care routine, and what does and doesn't work for them. Some of us are still figuring it out and there's no shame in that! It will probably take some time, but you will eventually find what works best for you and for your hair. Keep trying and having fun! :)

Tsunayoshi Sawada: This is hilarious to me as a black person. Especially when she started talking about products and stuff like that. Her reaction was me when I had to start taking care of my own head, my mom was just like figure it out!

cornilla: Rachel just do anything that suits your hair! Obviously since you're still experimenting, it takes awhile to form a routine. I have the same hair length and totally get it when you said the gravity be pulling down your hair Check out videos on about refreshing curls!

Neko Inaru: Seeing this video makes me very happy, because i remember 4 or 5 years ago, I was sitting in my room watching your japanese straight perm video, hoping to get it myself. Now here we are and i love my naturally curly/coily hair and i wouldnt change a thing about it!

Hyldr Klein: When I was in middle school, I had 2c 3a mix. But being Asian, we were never really properly taught how to be curly. Heck I was even bullied so hard for having curly hair because almost everyone around me had pin straight hair.

TSIM: I KNEW it was glad your finally embracing the waves

Liyan Black: This whole time I assumed she knew that she had curly hair and just wanted to have it straightened

Erica Vauter: Please I felt so called out in the beginning of the video. My hair is EXTREMELY frizzy and everytime I let it air dry it has a little bit of a wave to it but I never thought anything of it because it would always goes away after I brushed it. Also, every single one of my female family members have SUPER curly hair so I honestly have no idea why I never even considered that maybe I do too. Thanks for the help!

BO0 H0O: Your guys's videos are so comforting, like I would watch one and already feel comforted 20 seconds in.

xpolarisx: My hair actually used to be very straight when I was a kid but it became wavy/curly after I hit puberty. Hair texture can apparently change over time. Happy to see you embracing your natural hair because it's beautiful

Denise Flynch: I love seeing this learning. You got this. On the right track. You have beautiful curly hair

artcutie1995: “Normally I do everything in the shower, so when I get hair stuck to my fingers I can just rub it on the wall.” Relatable.

xXthemonkeysXx: I’m so happy that your going natural! I understand how it is to have to learn about all of the curly hair stuff because I got my curls from my dad so I never learned how to take care of them Also one tip I have is to look at more wavy hair stuff and try to find people with hair like your <3

Kaspleen: I am not sure whether this sounds silly, but I find this amazing. I hope that it will help your hair. It is certainly making me question my own

g u: YAAAS. I absolutely love your wavy hair!! And I can totally relate to that excitement when you first see your hair forming wavy/curly patterns! It took me a lot of time to realise and "accept" that my hair is more wavy/curly too. I have Asian roots and I'm just always used to seeing my family or other Asians with straight hair. It always kinda made me feel like my hair should be straight too... But I'm so happy that I've found videos on Youtube that have thought me a lot about curly/wavy hair so I can give my hair the care it needs. :) Also what was very helpful to me was finding out your hair porosity and density by doing some simple tests to help you find the kind of products that are best for your hair type. :D Welcome to the Wavy/Curly Girls Club!! <3

Luna Silvermoon: Your curly hair is so gorgeous!! Continue on your curly journey, it looks amazing ♥♥♥♥

Shiki: This is shocking see her being shocked about not having curly hair. I totally thought she had curly but wanted straight and that was what the perm was for o _ o

AliaSilver: I was today years old when I realised I needed to care for my wavy hair different to most people.... seriously, I knew curly hair needed care, and there was straight hair care, but I always assumed wavy hair needed the same treatment as straight hair....

Veronica Bigham: Heyo! Awesome video, and I'm so happy to see you get excited about having curly hair! I just wanted to make a couple of suggestions, since you mentioned at the end of the video that you're not crazy about the straight hair halo at the top of the head. To combat that I recommend scrunching your hair either upside down, or if that's uncomfortable, you could flip your hair to one side and lean over scrunch, then flip to the other side and scrunch again. If you're upright, that heavy wet hair is weighing down the crown section of your hair while you're scrunching the bottom portion of your hair. I really hope that makes sense, and that's just a suggestion that 100% makes a difference for me! I also recommend using a hair oil, especially since you said your hair really drinks up your conditioner in the shower. Think about it: conditioner sits on your hair for a few minutes and then we wash it out, so you're only benefitting from using it a very small portion of the time. I always scrunch my hair with oil, and that helps me to evenly disperse the oil since the hair is damp, and the oil is really getting worked into the hair during the scrunching process. I've always preferred to air dry, because using a blow dryer with a diffuser just allows me to get my hair frizzy way too quickly when I'm not paying attention. It's a bit of a learning curve but it will save you a ton of time if it works for you. I have dark red hair and I find that frizz is really noticeable, since the frizz is super coppery. Anyways, my mom is a hairdresser so I'm lucky I had resources growing up to teach me how to take care of my wavy/curly hair, so I really hope this info doesn't come across as a lecture or me telling you what do do, I'm just very happy to share any knowledge to encourage your curly hair excitement :) Good luck!!

Sapphic Solace: This is the perfect timing for me to see this. I haven't kept up with this channel for the past year, but today is the first day I actually try the routine!

Dancik: OMG not a native speaker and she just literally blow my mind with "breakfast"!

Master Jennifer: As my hair lengthens, my curls are disappearing So maybe I'll try this method Edit: Also, after I shower I braid my hair into two pigtails which will kickstart my curly-ness. I debraid it in the morning and scrunch it a bit and put in some leave in conditioner and mousse. Maybe this'll help someone?

alexa.b: Oh dear. Thanks for trying this, and for appreciating the effort we do to upkeep our curls it really is hard, but for someone who's dome CGM for a few years now, sometimes the whole routine thing gets really tiring and you'd just cut it to a simpler routine Props for doing this though. Wash day is indeed arm day

Ashley: I'm so super happy you're trying to get your curls! I remember watching your permanent straightening video and I had a feeling that you didn't really realize that you had curly hair since you were talking about how frizzy it gets. It IS going to take about a year for you to really know what your natural curl pattern is, and you are right in that your long hair is weighing down that curl. That's also why the top of your hair is falling kind of flat. BUT you can do some stuff to mitigate that. For example, you might want to consider a lighter weight curling cream, or a curling foam. Also, the leave-in may be weighting down your hair, so you can try a hair mask/deep conditioner instead. You also might want to be careful to not over condition your hair as time goes on. And after you plop, you can take clips or bobby pins and scrunch up/twist/curl your roots before you let them dry (You DEFINITELY need a diffuser). Also, whatever function of beauty uses to keep hair straight is POTENT. I am biracial and have CURLY hair (3c-ish). Their stuff makes my hair look like yours after the permanent straightener. When it's time to renew your bottle, you may want to change up your request. (Def keep the anti-frizz though!) The thing I like about the curly girl method is that it's ENTIRELY customizable. There is no one size fits all curls. I would love to see another video in a few months to see how you are. Your curly hair will be really different and you won't notice until you compare before/after photos.

Random One: 0:31 Yep! I just started my new routine today for my 2B hair! I thought it was straight, but it got a little wavier and i noticed frizz and i realized im brushing and washing it wrong that its killing my curls. So i'm gonna fix it. It worked so far but not much and i keep finding out more and more info and ig i still did it wrong. But thats okay im going to keep trying!!

Lexi: I can’t wait to see it. She’s had her hair straight for so long. I’ve recently learned how to take care of my curls. Every time I do them now, they come out so nice. I used to straighten my hair all the time, thinking curly hair was not as attractive and straight hair was the more dominant style. Now I rock my natural hair and it makes me feel cute.

Claudia Rivera: Congrats on starting your curly hair journey! It's been about 6 years since I started mine and it's still hard keeping up with it. I'm too lazy to do it properly lol Pro tip: you want to make sure your hair is completely dry before scrunching it. Your hands can suck a lot of the moisture you worked so hard to put into it causing more frizz. And remember if it's frizzy when it's wet, it'll be frizzy when it dries. Loved seeing the change in your hair, it's looking great!

Tiffany Gough: I enjoyed watching this and learned a few things I want to try, since my hair is very similar to yours. I highly recommend layers though, if you haven’t tried yet. You actually can cut your own layers pretty easily on long hair (plenty of good vids out there). I’ve been cutting my own hair since the start of covid and I always cut pretty dramatic layers to give my hair more movement, whether I’m doing it myself or at a salon.

Anita Marie: I noticed my hair was pretty wavy until I started bleaching it in high school, now my hair being natural again its unfortunately gotten thinner but starting to get its wave back! I will def try these methods!

Maimelodie: OH MY GOD!!! I would have never guessed you have actually curly hair! And watching your video made me realize : I have curly hair as well!! I never knew and was always so jealous when people had curly hair. Definitely will try this method!!!

I'mJustMe: I grew up thinking I had straight hair too because I've always had my hair really short (like nape length). I only started noticing the waves when I started growing out my hair.

RavenMelonai: CUTE! I'm so happy you're finding your natural texture and learning proper curl care! I grew up when straight hair was everybody's goal, so I heat-straightened mine for a lot of years until I decided to avoid all sulfates and silicones and heat styling and let my hair recover. We have similar hair texture (I'm also a redhead with long, fine, wavy-curly hair) so I hope you really love it. I use a lightweight oil to control frizz and add shine after I apply a leave-in and curl moisturizing cream.

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