Matte Paste Clipperguy John Amico Professional Hair Care

Use clipperguy by John Amico Matte Paste for seapration and hold with no shine. Click here to order and to learn how to become a John Amico salon, member or distributor.

Hi I live in Zune. I am a team leader with John amico professional hair care, and I wanted to take a moment to tell you a little bit about one of my favorite John amico items. Product knowledge is not knowing how to pronounce the ingredients on the label and why we have phenol oxy ethanol in the product. I think I pronounced it right. I don't even know why it's there and what it does, and I don't need to know product knowledge is what it is. What the product is, what it does and how to use it. Clipper guy by China, Mieville Matt based medium hold one of my favorite items. Well, one reason is because it's clipper guy, it's part of the three-piece clipper guy John amico line, which is power gel classic wax and matte paste today, because I need to put a little bit in my hair. I got a fresh haircut yesterday and I'm shooting some videos here tonight that I kind of look a sharp, so I need a little product because haircuts are never done without product all of the clipper guy products share a common fragrance and they're all inter Mixel. We'Ve got firm, hold light, hold and medium bowl and we've got shiny, thick medium shine, no shine and shine. So we've got a really great combination of all those factors with a little bit of inter mixing, you do amazing things, Matt paste. It'S got no shine. It'S designed to provide medium hold, you can put it through that hair and it's better when you put it you dry, I have a little bit of gel in my hair and it's later in the day, so it's lived in a little bit, but I'm gon na Take just a little bit: that's maybe a little more than I want. I'M gon na take just a little bit of Matt face. I'M a peanut map paste in my hands. I'M gon na warm it up and it kind of looks like it went away, but it's there and then I'm gon na put it in my hair. I'M gon na walk it through really good and you'll notice. My hair's never gon na wet-looking and it says everything can hire the crispy and those are sighs hold advice because I've got some medium hold. It'S got a matte dry, finish perfect for a flat top. Some of you may even like to use it during your flat top cutting a little bit of power gel in wet hair blow, it all dry and blow it all up, and then the back paste goes in dry for control and cutting and for the final finish, You'Re going to love this product from John amico, if you're, a John amico leader you're, going to recommend and suggest that all of your salon members are buying and selling it using this and when you're talking to end-user consumers guys are gon na love this product. The fragrance is gender neutral enough that our short-haired female clients - they love this one too. It is one of the best selling of the three in the line and the clipper guy who john d'amico line, supports the M line and all the great stuff that we have available. Eivin'S ooh calm, as my website don't forget to finally there and on Facebook. I'Ve got Ivan zoots John amico team, Facebook group. Please join the group and if you found this video and you're, not a John amico member contact me through the website press. The talk to me button send me an email, let's get connected and let me help you build and grow your business as a member of John amico professional hair care thanks for watching and have a great day.

Maurizio Agostini: Good high and tight!

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