Cutting My Hair With A Bomb Disposal Robot

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Safety Third:

Thanks to @Allen Pan - Sufficiently Advanced

And the talented engineers who built the Lobster including:

-James Sarrett

-Mark Setrakian

-Adam Yates

-Peter Abrahamson





I just handed myself a freaking pair of scissors in my robot arm. This is the coolest thing ever: okay, there's some hair right. There we're making chips. I have a dirty gas station back out here right now, hello little willys today, i'm gon na try to cut my own hair to avoid the touch of strangers, but first a very special announcement. I started a podcast with nile red peter schriepel, the backyard scientist, alan pan and maybe some other guests have you ever had like the government, show up to your house and tell you to take videos down. No i've never spoken to the government. Kevin kevin kevin kevin. Yes, i have. The first episode is already online: it's safety, third, we're gon na record once a week. So if you want to hear you know us talk about science, we don't talk about any check it out. There'S a link in the description below. I look like crap, i haven't gotten a haircut in about six months and i'm starting to look. What do i look like like crap? I don't know what i look like right now, but this is kind of embarrassing, but i'm afraid of getting my hair cut ever since i was a little kid, my mom would drag me down to supercuts, where a stranger you've never met before will touch your head And make you uncomfortable and then they they mess your hair up, and you look weird but you're supposed to smile and your mom gives you five dollars to go put on the counter as a tip, even as an adult. Even if i found a picture of a hot man with a hot haircut on google that i want them to replicate, they still mess it up, you're 12 years old and you have a bowl cut and no no girls are interested in you because you look like You'Re eight: this is i'm just i'm digging up like year old trauma at super cuts. We'Ve been trained to cut hair perfectly wrong. So, no matter how you like to cut you're gon na get the cut you like. That'S not true at all. I hate it. I hate it they're lying they're lying. Look at me. My hair looks like a dick. You know what i don't have to deal with this. I want to build a robot, so i can cut my own hair and i know just the place to do it at my old job. There is a robot that was built to dispose of and disarm bombs. I'M gon na commandeer a bomb disposal robot for my old job. Let'S go to my let's go to my old job. Let'S get in the car and drive on down to my old job. This is my old co-worker james boss. Do you want a grape yeah? This is the second time that i've seriously abused this company and my old co-workers. The first time was six hours of water jet cutting is that kind of the second time i feel like you're, not very good at counting that was the most agreed. I agree that was the most recent. Did anyone talk crap about me, but after that? No okay, thank god. This is the lobster. The lobster is a tele-operated robot we built for having lots of dexterity so that it could be used to, for example, open bags and examine them remotely. There'S a 3d viewfinder right here, a 3d camera on the front of the robot and when you click this little foot pedal down here, these awesome robot arms come out and i can control them with my actual hands. The lobster is so nimble and delicate that not only can it disarm bombs, but it's capable of doing surgery on a grape grape down there. The scalpel right, through the almost cut in half, tear it in half open wide. That'S a good allen, but william. How are you going to cut your hair with that robot? Oh wow, thanks for asking, let me explain the lobster stores these little tool, attachments that lock onto the claws, and so i designed my own scissor attachment to build. Did you know that i started working on this at the end of 2019? It took me two years to make this not because i'm bad at cad, but because i am a procrastinator there's, no way, i'm putting these scissors anywhere near my face until i get a little bit of practice in it. So, let's try something a little bit more challenging something you guys have been asking me to do for years. I'M going to take this man's pants off. Are you ready? We need to go in and gently grab. I can't even look, oh my god all right. Oh, my god, oh this doesn't feel right now his zipper has been undone and i am prying open the zipper, my god dude look at it. Look at it yeah. You can see his wiener all right, i'm gon na untuck. Your shirt, don't be scared. I don't i'm very scared. I can't you can't just tell i'm gon na not be scared. Come a little closer. Come come towards me all right. Now we're going to investigate what's inside your belly button. Unfortunately, there was nothing in alan's belly button except a couple of skittles and half a green bean. Don'T worry worst case. Is we just accidentally rip your penis right off and five minutes later you're getting significantly closer to naked alan was no longer wearing pants. Normally you pay money for a view like this and it's finally time to test out the scissor attachment that james has secretly been working on because he takes over everything he takes over every project. You ever start. If you show it to him, he starts working on it. Look at him he's finishing the attachment, hey james. You want a job then. Finally, for the first time in my entire life, something was wrong. That wasn't my fault. You see that that was weird. That feels like a bug the gripper is twisting. It should not be twisting like that. So if we put a tool in it, it's gon na go haywire. I really need a haircut, but i also really need to keep my eyeballs uh we're doing some uh epic gamer moment repairs because james's invention is broken, as we've got our scissor attachment and our buzzer attachment you wan na grab the scissors perfect. Now it's locked in all right: the scissors are working, there's a giant servo called the dynamics, hole, that's driving the scissors open and closed, and we simply trick the robot into thinking it's one of the other tools, and so it just works. The buzzer attachment's way easier. It'S just vh viewed to the cheapest electric trim. I could find so i donned the 3d visor ready for my haircut me all right i'll, be with you right in one. Second, sir. Thank you. I'M going to hand off to my dr octo arms. This is amazing. I just handed myself a freaking pair of scissors to my robot arm that i now can open and close. This is the coolest thing ever. The first step of cutting hair is to uh get it wet. Well, we're not gon na do that, because it's a robot brush, it doesn't look like it's doing anything all right, so i'm gon na then i'm just gon na i'm just gon na start cutting my hair like what's the worst, that's gon na happen. Okay, not a whole lot of hair came off with that bite. Okay, there's some hair right there we're making chips. Are these scissors just crap? Yes, oh, i should use nicer scissors. I wasn't making any progress with the safety scissors, so i got rid of my attachments and switched to the buzzer all right. The buzzer is working much better, but there is still just too much hair, which makes it almost impossible to make any progress it just binds off, but at least we're cutting some hair off. Can i please okay? Can i can? I please put it on top of your head. I guess you already. Did we have the exact same hair color? Do you want to take it off now? It'S like a shitty, too big. It doesn't look bad, i'm just trying to get this mop off. You know how time flies when you're having fun well. This was the longest 30 minutes of my life, slowly chipping away at my hair until i finally was left with what might be the greatest haircut, i've ever had in my entire life. All right, don't laugh. I have a dirty gas station back out here. Maybe he's born with it, maybe it's methamphetamine, and then i let james have a go at my hair because there's no way he could possibly make this any worse. So this is okay with you uh. As long as the person is touching you via robot, i think that i might just hate getting my hair cut. It doesn't matter who does it looks like i live in flint michigan and drink, nothing but tap water. How do i fix this? I don't want to go, i should i should go to supercharge william. Why do you see this side is long and that side is shaped? Yeah, it's style turn around. It'S called style. He used a robot yeah, it needs to be fixed. Okay. This is kind of the style as best as you can get to that well, good, to know that my profession can't be taken by a robot. The lobster just might be one of my favorite robots ever and it was built by a team of extraordinarily talented engineers who spent a ton of their life learning these skills to build such robots, which is why this video is sponsored by kiwico. This is a steam learning kit that will help the future innovators of tomorrow learn about engineering, math and science, and it's all packaged in a really really entertaining explorative box that comes with all the materials they need to build cool science demonstrations. I would have killed for something like this as a kid. This is kiwi co's, animation, contraption, it's a complete learning experience to help develop deep roots. It'S really difficult to inspire yourself or kids to want to learn, and this is exactly how my mom motivated me by providing me with materials that let me explore things i was interested in this whole experience is so well thought out and well documented and the art Is great like there's just nothing but good things to say about this? Look, it's a cool little gear animation, but if you want to get 50 off your first month of kiwico, you can go to william50 the little brainiac nerd in your life. Don'T deprive them make them smart and make their brain grow big and then they'll get a well-paying job and they can take care of you when you retire. You want to grow old and decrepid and not have anybody paying for a nice retirement home. No get your kids into steam, get them kiwi coke, so they can pay for a nice retirement home.


Al Sl: let's just acknowledge how chill his ex boss is considering all the shenanigans

Jonathan Allen: HR: No, Will, it still counts as sexual harrasment EVEN if you use a robot.

Swamp Cooler: "And now you know my profession can't be taken by a robot" Stuff made here: *laughs in superiority*

Parcley27: Now I want a tshirt that says “I did surgery on a grape with a lobster”

Chrysippus: His ex-boss seems like the nicest boss ever.

Ren: William: "This is my old co-worker james." James: "Boss." I like this guy.

CockatooDude: Dude William's old boss is like the coolest guy ever.

Mr Naesme: "At least my job can't be taken by a robot." Yet, young barber lady. Yet.

- 3lectr1x -: “It can even do surgery on a grape” *seconds later* “RIP IT IN HALF”

Jay: His boss seems like a really cool guy. Also its crazy to me that nearly every SuperCuts I have ever been to is right next door to a Gamestop

wei: His ex-boss is literally the mvp of this video

Ragu: 8:00 “maybe he’s born with it, maybe it’s methamphetmine” Said Jesse pinkman to Walt

SpinewireUK: Did the robot hurt you? Allen Pan: Yes, he didn't phone... he didn't write...

Kat: It feels like Allen will get a restraining order after this, my question is, who's getting, William or the robot? If it's William doesn't that mean he can just drive in the robot and assault poor Allen again without breaking the restraining order?

David Gehlhaar: Lmao I love how your old boss takes it all in stride. Seems like a cool guy.

Allen Pan: Your robot owes me dinner ️

Saint Bro'Dee: I won't lie. James stole the show, you need more of him.

Ciphrang: The fact that caretaker had to talk to the hairdresser for him like the unruly 12 y.o. he is... just so perfect. Thank you for leaving that in. :)

Ravenous Travis: Will's really good at finding ways to take literally everything like 27% too far.

Reba Goldin: I had to pause at "at my old job" YOU HAD A JOB?! You have the vibe of someone who has never adulted in his life, a real world peter pan. My mind is blown

mark anthony abot: Ladies and gents, he's still alive and even looks more homeless than ever

CheezeWuz: "it looks like I live in Flint Michigan and drink nothing but tap water" William Osman 2021

GreenDog3: “It’s good to know my profession can’t be taken by a robot” dude she just roasted your entire channel lmao

Gabriel's Logic: James is a great guy. Hopefully we get more of him on this channel!

King_Brando: 40 seconds into the video and I literally want it to be over so I can watch this podcast, all I can say is THANK YOU FOR MAKING THAT PODCAST I CANT WAIT

luis241661: this has to be one of the funniest videos i’ve seen in a while thank you dr osman

Thoop: My jaw actually dropped when he said he started a podcast. Thank you for alerting me to this masterpiece

Markus Geimer: The hairdressers reaction was priceless!

Beaver Ronald: How come the only thing caretaker says is “William!”

Juice: "Its good to know my job can't be taken by a robot." Stuff Made Here would like to have a word with you

Polarose Dachshunds: One of your best videos ever lol, I laughed so much! Your old boss is hilarious

toijg avnnr: "Glad to know my job can't be taken by a robot." It can be but not by William.

Jackson Gault: This is the only channel that always has me rolling on the floor, dying with laughter along with you guys.

Thedudeamongmen Gs: That robot is genuinely one of the coolest things I've ever seen and I want one

Heismyrock3: I’m a hairstylist and I’ve always wanted to be able to cut my own hair this way

Jerome Demers: the gripper connectors for those accessories is freaking clever! I also notice that Zoe (Chomp) from battlebots works at applied invention!

Jonathan Strength: dude, i have the same experience with hair cutting. i hate having my hair cut. i had great clips and super cut haircuts my whole childhood. it was awful. thanks for this.

Tim Robb: I have to say, your friends are amazingly resilient hahah Do you think that maybe a proper hair dresser, with some actual skill, might be able to operate them to a degree where they do a good haircut, but remotely?

Mike Tibbits: “It looks like I live in flint Michigan and drink only tap water” I laughed so hard

die •: 2:58 i want to imagine his boss is just watching this unfold through a window, and immediately regret allowing him to operate

Tripple: 6:00 I agree, it is amazing! That you hand your scissors in the future with cut hair on your back to your robot arms in the past with no cut hair on your back!

Philip A Covington: I remember this guy I worked with back in the early 1980's. We all thought he was kind of a nut, but he would tell anyone who would listen about this robotic hair cutting machine he invented. From the looks of his hair, I don't think it worked very well... He also talked about an invention of his (his name was Ray), which he said was a radio wave laser driven by a two-phase power source. We called it the "RAYZER-TWO-PHASER". LOL.

S: I will never get over the craziness of those videos. Love it 10/10

FartyFat: We need more James cameo. He's hilarious.

Sean Matherne: William, I am exactly the same with haircuts. I’d rather just shave my head or have my wife (who doesn’t know what she is doing) cut my hair than pay someone else. Going get a haircut is one of the more stressful things I can think of. You’re not alone!

Hlebuw3k: "good to know my profession cant be taken by a robot" just you wait until someone creates an AI that does it perfectly

chonkycat: The way he pet his friend with the lobster hand was hilarious

SpamReciever420: I live for the energy in these videos where it's shenanigans ending with Willie roasting himself

WiKa: James seems like an great dude and a boss you could get along with

dolita windo: At the end from the stylist: "Good to know that my profession can't be taken by a robot". Gold.

Ragmatical Rachel: having my significant having to explain I tried to cut my hair with a robot is couple goals.

Drachenbar: The ridiculousness and absurdity of the unpantsing part had me dieing laughing

Street Peter: "I look like I live in Flint Michigan and drink nothing but tap water" had me laughing so fucking hard

Clair Beth: For the first time in my life I genuinely let out a shocking amount of audible laughter at a YouTube video. The cut to the robot combing his hair took me out. WHEN I SAY I WAS NOT READY.

illiacvie: 5:12 you know someone really good at something when they know what is wrong with only visual clue. it can be software, sensor reading in controller or robot.... but he knows its from wire.

JDXFrags: Can we just appreciate how well the Supercuts lady did fixing his hair

graveeking: James is an absolute legend! You should make him something for his birthday or Christmas!

Mattimotion: "To avoid the touch of strangers" is the most relatable inspiration for a project I've seen so far

Amanda Croft: "Well at least I know my job can't be taken by a robot" This is fucking ridiculous and I love it. I'm literally crying

Thomas Gourley: From some Google research, the best I could find about this company is that it's either an office of Northrop Grumman, who had/has a contract with the U.S. Army for one of these bomb disposal robots, or more likely Applied Minds based in Burbank, California who does research with Northrop Grumman and helped develop the Lobster.

Jack Ball: Your old boss is great. If he was my boss, I'd never leave lol

Nathan Jones: I can't believe you'd leave a job with a boss that cool! I'm jealous.

Life in Jars?: Man, this is crazy

BoBits: hi William i love your videos. Make more videos please, i have a video idea too! its that you make the robot you used in this video hold a laser and then you can use the laser to cut out a cat photo or somthing

Tim Verburg: The precision on that robot is amazing

TwisteDxBoi: Haidresser: "It's nice to know that my job can be taken by a robot" Like did she see his hair? I think that's evidence that her job *can't* be taken by a robot

Ryan50Ryan: I've literally always wanted to do this. Cutting my own hair in the 3rd person. Except.. not badly.

Rvve Duio: 7:13 The stories spoken by this man’s eyes could fill libraries

Mr. Byybz man: your company designed that? that's actually my dream job, to work on stuff like that. i mean, literally, i've just finished applying to college to work on stuff like this

Jack: OMG THE PODCAST!!! honestly I've been going insane because I ran out of podcasts from youtubers I actually like to watch, this is going to be perfect since I mostly watch science youtube

Odin Tillgren: You know what, gotta give props to Supercuts for making that salvage job

Baby Slayer: “Good to know my profession can’t be taken by a robot” lmao that had me dead

CaptainActionGaming: I like how you had access to the special robot arm rig, AND you built the adapter to let you use the scissors, but you still used a cheap crappy set of scissors instead of actual haircutter's scissors

DukeOfEarle88: Cool video Willy! Keep up the great work!

DeclanIsGaming: I laughed way to hard when William tore the grape in half

rumpusgumpus: Will is like that one kid who treats that one really nice teacher like a best friend in school

DyCherii: I would love to cut my own hair with this robot!

Tim Solinski: 7:06 The moment he remembers why William doesn't work there anymore. All those repressed memories flushing back.

Kylie Yi: Imagine going to the barber, my dad is a hair dresser so I've never had to endure going to supercuts

R Orsi: I see you stopped uploading videos. I just want you to know that your videos is one of the best things to cheer me up when I'm feeling kinda down. Hope you are doing ok buddy, I would love to see more content.

Yogurt : This man is living in a video game

Lørd Particle: Now I realize he was letting his hair grow out so he could cut it with a robot

Andrew Paramonoff: In this video I've seen at least two more jobs that could be taken from people by a robot.

Brandon Walters: The burn of Michael was great!! Wish they would make more content together

Hunter: You should of told that lady that said “Good to know my profession can’t be taken by a robot.” That not yet. Lol

Baran Orak: When it randomly cut to pulling down Allen's pants with a BOMB DEFUSER, I actually lost it laughing.

Thomas: No barber I’ve ever been to has actually cut my hair the way I asked them too lol. It doesn’t necessarily look bad but it’s never even the slightest bit close.

Timothy Rhode: Back in 2017, during a FTC robotics championship, there was a science fair demo going on. A display had a 1:1 real time robot control with haptic feedback. Blew my mind as a 12 year old.

0MindSwept0: Up next, making it move smoothly and automating it so it can give you hugs that feel meaningful

Paris1127: William: this robot was designed to defuse bombs Also William: let’s takeoff someone’s pants with this robot

Zen Fures: still turns out better than michaels haircut.

Charlie Earley: Im in much the same hair situation. The most clever comparison ive heard was "you look like someone who'd have a manifesto"

Pemo: there should totally be a VR controller made with the same sort of finger-rings and pully system to register which fingers are closed/open and with the right materials could be pretty dark inexpensive

Microscoft _98: "good to know my profession can be taken by a robot" I died

Mr Same: Imagine having a work from home job that cuts hair thru the inter webs

Cookie Cutter: *now this is the future way of back massages*

Mr.deacle: What if you got a professional hairdresser to cut their own hair with this...?

Bold City Photographers Shane Jeffers: "I'm going to take this man's pants off" ah.. that answers the question why your old job is letting you mess with their robot

Daegan: Did anyone notice that Will's new haircut looks almost exactly like when he just put his hair ontop of his old boss's head? The irony is incredible

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