Deep Cleaning My 4C Hair!! | Mini Rant

  • Posted on 06 January, 2022
  • Hair Care
  • By Anonymous

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Facts about me

email: [email protected]

age: 20

ethnicity: African American

height: 5’3

What'S up you guys, my name is legs. Let'S try this again without those. What'S up, you got okay, what's up you guys, my name is likes oily legs and today i'm back with another video. You already know that's what i do and i'm here for you and someone [ __ ] um, regardless of what's happening, we're gon na be here all day. You wanna know why hold on yeah we're gon na be here all day and we're gon na be here all day, because let me start first of all, y'all not gon na get me again last time. I didn't turn on my ring light, but i got it. This i got it this time, yeah stop playing. I forgot to turn on my ring. Like my last video, i don't know if y'all seen my last video but check that out, i hope y'all know i've been gone. I hope every. I hope i posted that video, but anywho y'all we're gon na, be here all night. You don't know why, because i don't know if y'all can tell what i don't know what the hell is, giving it's just not giving. What the hell she's supposed to my hair is so mad at uh, it's over with it's over with the fat lady sung it's over with. Oh my gosh. I have to try to wash this and detangle this and it's not moving. It'S not moving. This piece fell and it hasn't moved since and i'm scared. Oh my gosh y'all. I guess we have a lot of catching up to do. I need to stop doing this. I need to stop doing this for referral. I need to stop doing this, but you guys, i don't know where i've been, don't ask because i don't know i need some chapstick. I need some lipstick. I need something, not lipstick, never lipstick, good thing. I always keep some lip gloss right here with me. Anywho guess what let me tell you about what's going on, i think i want to upgrade your life. I can't just sit here and start ranting before we even get into my hair. I don't know what's happening. I need to understand even funny, not even fuji. I just want everything to be aesthetically, pleasing to me at all times like i just want to. I don't know, i don't know what i'm talking about, but it is what it is. I just really want my [ __ ] together, i feel, like everybody, wants their [ __ ] together, but who really has it together and you guys know i can't see right. You know so i'm gon na just stop kidding and stop pretending like. I can see it, i can't, but i hate the glare. Do your hair. I can't do this. Okay, look at the back y'all! Oh. I thought i had a bald spot, [ __ ]. I thought i had a bald spot. I had to stop recording for a minute. I promised you i did it i had to stop. Recording i was like is that i promise you. I felt a bad spot, but regardless i know i'm wrong for having my hair even out like this. I'M dead wrong, but whatever reference just hop into it, y'all why every time i laugh and breathe and hear her. What is that y'all tell me for all the doctors out there do i need to come back and try this again. I don't know. What'S up you guys, i know y'all, probably like [ __ ]. How did you even get here like? How did you get from point? A to point b, you went from a b to c and now you're here, look at my hair. By the way. I wish that my hair would stay like this for a normal state like i have to put hard thick clay in my hair to see what my hair would look like. Like look at that. Oh my gosh, it's so warm! I want to cut that off though you see that long like, i don't know what it looks like, but i just want to cut that off locate that extra long piece and just kind of even it out, because it's like the layers, look it's like out. So i got played whatever i feel like now, i'm just in the mood to like talk like i didn't want to do my hair on video only because that [ __ ] takes forever. It takes a super long time. Look at how i just ruined this. Whatever um it just takes a super long time and it sucks, and it's like i don't want to do that. I just don't. I don't want to record - and i have this one lash that's hanging on by a thread and like we're trying to keep her because she said i'm a met. I have this clay everywhere in my lip gloss, um all over my shirt as y'all can see all over my chest. I tried to wipe my arms off because it gets sticky, but look at my back, but for real, but that's okay, because i know this shower is gon na hit different because i'm washing my hair and it was just clay being all over my back this clay. I put on my face sometimes so like i know it's nothing, but the good deed. I saturated my scalp with it right there, because i try to get my edges real good because, like we know, we need to deep clean those edges. We don't need to clean all that, like it is. I don't really do this mask often. This is my third time doing this mask since the first time you guys saw me do this mask, and i just don't do this as often as i feel i should, but it's like, i often don't want to do it as often as i do, because, like This, when i wash it and take it out, it's going to be a bomb wash and go. So i suppose that's anybody. I don't know if i'm gon na wash and go right now, but i do know for facts. I wish that i could wash it go, and it'll still sit like this, because this there's a different level of just like just seeing how long my hair is, how stretched it is and like like. It was really a time when i was like this like. I was really little haired out here, a little bitty fro now my bangs, which was my bangs once and i are just shrunken still because they're still, you know what i'm saying like. I still pull that. I just don't want to, because it's not crunchy right now but like at my shoulders like it's at my shoulders and it's still shrinking it's just like. Oh my gosh, like i look, you have a lot of hair and i'm proud of myself. I'M i really do i feel so proud of myself. Sometimes i think about it. I'M like damn. I have a lot of hair and i used to feel so insecure and so but hurt and so weird about my hair, but like just keep holding it down, keep watering down the floor. I promise you because i'm only like i know it seems like a long time, but when i say i'm only like three years out here, like i'm like three, maybe almost four that'll have the date on it, so it'll known somewhere around there, but i've been natural For a little bit now like, and i don't even take merely as good as good hair like speak, i don't take nearly as good care of my hair as i used to and as i should maybe like you know what i'm saying like. I just don't, and i knew that if i hop back up there back on that bandwagon baby it'll be over, but it's just like this is my youtube channel. I don't really want to do hair all the time like i do not. I protect my natural hair. I put it away like i don't want to sit up here and do my hair like every week, every two days for y'all like if y'all would just like to watch me if y'all would just like to just watch me like do other things. I just don't know, maybe i just need to stop playing and just start doing other things and then you'll watch, if you like it, and if you don't you don't it's like, but it's okay, because, like literally i got braces and y'all didn't even know because i've Been so m.i.a that, like i never even spoke on these - and i was only gon na - have to have braces for like six months and i was like okay, i could rock that out for like six months, but it's just like damn. Y'All ain't even been on the journey with me because it's like i've been so like, like i've been so like in the cut like where you been like lashes, i got my lashes done. Y'All know that was like a lifelong dream and i still haven't even produced that to y'all like i still haven't even shared, that with y'all and that kind of sucks like i've been bored like. I don't have no friends and like when you don't have no friends. It is different because, like y'all, my friends y'all, my only friends like i was talking to y'all and i feel like y'all cut me off whatever so yeah. I think i'm gon na wash this out in the shower. I just been ranting, but it's been five minutes, but it's like what else can i talk about? I could clean this bathroom and talk. Maybe this bathroom is [, __, ], filthy and you guys can't even see it, but it's covered in clay. It is covered in clay covered in clay. The mirror has clay, i'm covered in clay the wall. I think the wall's okay, the floor is gone, the [ __ ] and the counter is pissed and everything's bad. So i feel like i just need to get on a good routine and it's like i have this job and i'm a dental assistant, and you guys know that, because i have a video about getting ready to work and you know what's crazy. I hate the fact. Like i don't wear wigs anymore, like i haven't worn a wig to work in so long so like i've been forced to wear my actual hair out and lately i've been wearing scarves and lately like i've, been you know what i'm saying. I said oh no, but it's just like it's kind of hard doing things with my hair because it still has to be out of my way. You know, and it's like i remember one time i had my hair up in a big puff on top of my head, because it's like a ponytail for me, like that's the cool because i go to like it is what it is. Why am i leaning over doing like working the doctor's leaning over too, because we're looking into the same mouth my hair gets caught in his light? Excuse like at this point i'm going to like what is this like, like what am i supposed to do so i'm trying to wear like a little scarf. I don't know like i want to see how far this could go, but it's just like. I want to keep my hair protected. I low-key do want to find somebody who could just braid my hair down like i just want to find someone who can braid my hair down. I will blow my hair i'll braid it down and take it out every other month every month, but literally like i just wanted like i just that's what i'm thinking like. That'S what i'm that's what it's giving like! That'S what i want to do, because i have to find a way to put this hair away and i want to cut it. I want to cut it. I need a haircut. I'M sorry. I am willing to admit that i haven't had a decent haircut. Yes, i trim my own ends, but i haven't had a decent hair cut in like since i cut my hair off, i've never had a haircut, so this is i'm sorry this one piece. That'S straggling like this. Don'T think that i just want a quality haircut and then i want to just put my hair away. Put it away, watch it girl, because i know it will grow. I know that's not the problem. I just really need a good quality cut, get all the damage. Y'All, i don't even know how much damage i have. I honestly don't think i have a lot because i do trim often, but it's like i just want to cut to where everything's even and clean. You know what i'm saying everything's. Even everything is like. You know what i'm saying like, but it's like. I want to straighten my hair, but it's like. I can also blow up my own hair and be like. I just need to trim me up, but i just don't want to leave my hair in the hands of someone else. I'M sorry i haven't done that in years and i've been doing just fine and it's just like i'm sad because i have to because i can't cut my own hair. I can't cut that, but do i need to clip. I have an emotional attachment to my hair and that's that this is what it is. I'Ve been sitting here for nine minutes talking about my hair and it's over with it's over with, i haven't cleaned up, nothing distractions, that's what i'm saying i'm either going to get a shower, wash your stuff out, i'm going to clean this bathroom real fast and then Do it, but i need to play this bathroom real fast and then do it, because i'm going to take a shower and get out it's like, but i need to find a hair tie too. I got ta go. I'M gon na go

ada ekwutife: This is exactly how I am when wash day comes and I get nothing done . I just rant about random things or sit there and do the most unnecessary things sometimes .

4c Liberty: You should watch Naptural85’s old video on the Greek yoghurt and ACV deep conditioner - it literally loosens knots and softens 4c hair.The clay you used also seems to do the trick

didi love: gurl you are SOOO PRETTY!!! omg and your hair is my goals…i have thick low porosity 4c hair and i’ve been natural for like 3 years and my hairs not even your length :,(

TarynMichelleHairJourney: I would watch braces content and just every day stuff. Hair content is honestly getting boring. I think as long as you’re giving updates about your hair in the video the NHC will watch.

Pump: Yeh I would love life updates and just knowing where you’re at in you’re life. I’ll just watch anything cause I just love you lol

Beth Sands: Girlll i love your hair!!...I don't think you should cut it tbh

Kyra Newson: I am so glad you posted again

House of Naturalista: haha!!! i’m rockin with you sis !

Mercy Ifiegbu: Your hair is so so so so pretty my gosh

Taylor Moné: I’m tuning in regardless!

Peculiar Princess: Lol!!!! I love this!

Grow With Glo: Please film a trip to the salon or start vlogging I’m very interested

CATORI FERRARI: i love your videos lolllllll

Sorena J: Put your glasses back on from a friend who’s blind as well

Maisha Kinaya: purrrr I ain't watch the video yet but i agree

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