Aloe Vera Pre Poo On 4C Natural Hair

  • Posted on 13 April, 2017
  • Hair Care
  • By Anonymous


So this is the hands down the best pre-poo I've done on my 4C hair yet. I saw Naptural85 do this amazing aloe vera plant pre-poo. I wanted to see how it would work on my 4c twa, and er my Gawd this pre-poo slayed my kinks!!! Definitely my new go to pre-poo method. Can I get an amen for aloe vera plants though?!



**Aloe Vera Gel**

Aloe Vera Plant (I got mine from Whole Foods)

**Hair Growth Oil**

Almond Oil

Avocado Oil

Castor Oil

Olive Oil






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Hey guys welcome back to my channel so over the past week my hair has been kind of embarrassingly dry. So I wanted to try out this new pre-poo method that i saw a naptural85 do with the aloe vera plant and see if it helped with the dryness and oh my gosh. It did so if you want to see how my hair went from extremely dry and matted to amazingly moisturized and conditioned, and just soft then keep on watching so first, I just grabbed an aloe vera leaf from my local Whole Foods store and aloe vera has some Amazing benefits for natural hair. First, it promotes hair growth; it also prevents itchy scalp and reduces dandruff, and then lastly, it's just a natural conditioner. Once i had my aloe vera leaf, i just cut off the end part, which is just the stem, and then i cut off two 1 inch pieces of the aloe vera plant, and then I cut off the sides just because I didn't want to stick myself with The prickly things on the sides and then I took some plastic wrap and wrapped up the open end of the leaf, and you can just throw that into the refrigerator to preserve it for next weeks wash day. So once I was done with that, I just split each of those two pieces of the leaf in half and I had a little bit of trouble, cutting it in half. I'M guess I'm not that coordinated. I don't know, but you know I eventually got it once they're cut open all this amazing gel, that's inside the leaf is revealed next, I'm going to create my oil mixture starting off with almond oil. Next is avocado. Oil. Next is my absolute favorite oil, black, jamaican, castor oil and last, but definitely not least, is another one of my favorites extra virgin olive oil. Once i'm done with that, I just put my cap onto my applicator bottle and just mix it on up and prepare for application. As you can see, my hair is extremely dry and I really don't know why it's been so dry lately, but you know we're going to get over this little hump and get some moisturized hair. First, I take a bottle of water and spritz it all over. My hair just to loosen it up a little bit, then I take a comb and use it to create four sections in my hair and as you can see, my hair is extremely thick and it's like parting, the Red Sea literally, and it's a little difficult to Put it in those four sections, because my hair is so short, but eventually I got it and you want those parts to be very clean, alright, so now it is time for the fun part. I take one of those four pieces of the aloe vera plant that I cut and then I apply it to the first section. First around the perimeter and I'm applying it directly to the scalp. Then I start applying it to the inside of the section taking my comb creating a clean part and then applying the aloe vera plant directly to the scalp, and I do that to the entire section when I start to feel like I'm running out of gel all. I do is take my finger pierce, the plant and voila. We have more gel so on some time. With this section I simply massage it in, and my hair literally feels so soft, and I continue the process on all four sections. Simply spritz with water apply gel to the perimeter of the section part off a smaller section, making sure that the part is nice and clean, apply the aloe gel to the scalp and once that section is complete, simply massage all that aloe gel into the scalp. Once i'm done, i take my oil mixture in my applicator bottle and apply it directly to my scalp all over my head and once I'm done, I massage all of that oil into my scalp and you can see how amazingly shiny and soft and moisturized my hair Is so I had some aloe vera left over, so I just figured what the heck? Why not just apply it to the ends of my hair and apply some more to my edges, because they are a little bit more sensitive than the rest of my hair and it just made the ends of my hair ridiculously unbelievably soft. Next I took my bonnet and i turn my bonnet inside out because i feel like the outsides of bonnets are actually softer than the insides of bonnets, so i'll just turn mine inside out, and then i went to sleep on it. When i woke up the next morning, I washed it out and as you can see, my hair is extremely shiny. It was extremely soft, so moisturized and I would definitely say that I am Beyonce after this pre-poo. So if you want to be Beyonce too, then I would suggest you getting on this aloe vera gel pre-poo, so that is it for this video. You guys. I hope you enjoyed it. If you did don't forget to subscribe down below, to see more videos by me and also don't forget, to give this video a big thumbs up - and I will see you in my next video bye

Monifa 360: I did this technique from Natural85 as well like 2 yrs ago my hair loved it but I did not like the white flakes that were left over from the aloe. I did the same technique another time but blended & strained the aloe first. Then put the oil & aloe into an applicator bottle. Applied it to my hair & scalped, it does the same job w/o the white flakes

igbani Liz: I relate well with your videos because my hair is as short if not shorter as yours. I used to do this aloe vera and oil prepoo but I decided and started doing it after shampoo. I think I've had better results. It's a great way to add moisture to my hair.

Chante Howard- WOG: Thanks for this video ❤️ my hair is short just like yours tbh I could relate to the dryness. I will try this Aloe treatment.

Tomilola Hazzan: I used my as a live in moisturizer, I do it 50/50, 50 percent aloe Vera juice and 50 percent water, all together in the bottle spray and I used that morning and night and seal in the moisture with grapeseed oil and jojoba oil, GUYS IT WORKS

Something To watch: I really hope this works during this quarantine because I don’t think my mama can offered extensions so imma make my hair growwwww...I pray this works

It's Gege: Finally found someone with my hair texture so i had to sub

R A: I was wearing a satin cap the moment she said that statement & found she was right after checking the texture. Will be wearing it inside out now.

Ainjhelle Flakes: I normally scrape out the aloe gel and mix it with the oils, then apply it to my hair and twist it up. And wash it like the next 2 days, it works well for my hair

Don't Belong Here, From Another Planet: I will try this. Great tutorial, thanks

Angie uva: Omg it works i tried it then i had braids for three months just took them out my results are amazing

pshh ok: Can i ask how long does it take for your hair to grow

itss. nana: When would be a good time to try this after just washing your hair? And I loved your video I it really helped me.❤️

The Creater: Hi Naakie; Will Definitely try the Aloe Vera Pre Poo & Oils treatment. Thanks for all of your Valuable information. I want some BeYonce Bounce Hair Too

Monique F: Now I saw this prepoo method with naptural85 but because we didn’t have the same hair texture I really didn’t consider trying it but consisdering that we have just about the same hair texture I will definitely try it thanks girl

Vanessa Elliott: lol i really like your energy , i didnt do the oils because im preparing for a rice water rinse but i love aloe , I use it for my face aswll , im obssessed , love this video :) :) :)

Agent S: loved the video! Was wondering what kind of flooring or counter top you have? I've been looking for laminate flooring in the same kind of grey wood looking finish you have or is this a porcelain tile? I'd love details if you can please!

SHOWME DMANI: My auntie just told me she does this. Imma try it

Uyvonne Scott: Hello I did this for my niece but I added a couple drops of other oils because I didnt have any avocado oil or olive. So I a drop of hemp, peppermint, and 2 drops vitamin e. And honey it was WONDERFUL. After I washed and blow dried it was so silky & looked she had a perm and she has thick hair. GOD BLESS YOU

Miss Kabamba: How often should I use this routine? I have 4C hair as well and I shampoo, condition, deep condition, moisturize on my wash day once a week/week in a half.

Maggie Motshwari: your hair before the wash is my hair on a good!!!lol

Sonya: Aloe Vera made my hair thick

Emprezz Abena: I don't rinse out my aloe Vera gel. I leave it and moisturize and seal when it dries in the hair.

Uyvonne Scott: Also can the oil b used as a scalp oil as well

SyRani L.: Omg if someone was to do that process on my head I’ll be in heaven!!!!! Sleep for hours stress will be demolished. Lol

McAldon Binney: I normally blend the aloe before applying it to my hair

Okorie Jennifer: can I use only coconut oil?

bushead wizzy: Wow that's great

Niagera Prince: How often can I use it

Hen Flash: Did you have to detangle first?

Seyi Akintade: Thanks sweetie, Appreciated

Felicia Sherman: Finally someone with my hair sub

Monique Dee: I want to try this on my shaved head. How did it work for you?

selftitled: Your hair is so beautiful

selftitled: Your hair is so beautiful

LaSandra Walker: How often should you do this

Cat Kay: Why all the oils? I genuinely don’t know, not hating, I just use castor oil to seal it all in after but should I be using more?

safiya Rodriguez: Do you just rinse with water or do you shampoo? Because I’m not sure if the shampoo would just dry it back

ShanKay Brown: Love the video

Candy Nzomuhaya: How many times do you each your hair in a week

notcyn: for storage i like to chop up the leaf into those 1-2 inch pieces and put it in a container so 1. im not using up plastic and then i can just reach in and 2. i can grab what i need instead of washing s new knife every time

shanyha richardson: Lovely video I love 4c girls

Cindy Rienecker: Did you wash it out with only water or with shampoo?

Makedila Marina: Hi I really love your video but I didn't see you or say we have to shampoo the hair in the morning I wanna know if not Thanks

Toshi J: You: Oh my gosh, it did. Me: really? I saw that video.

Praiseworth Mathonsi: parting the red sea

Tesh Mocha: Did anyone else have a problem with the white bits that's left over after washing?

Le Garçon Qui ment: I need those hair clips

ShanKay Brown: You dont wash out u hair???

Francisca dias de Souza: your hair look like me hair kkk ❤

Nela Excitement: Trying this tomoro

Alexandria Handy: I tried this and it wouldn’t wash out of my hair

ShanKay Brown: Oh lol i see

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