How To Use Hair Primer : Hair Care & Styling

  • Posted on 13 July, 2013
  • Hair Care
  • By Anonymous

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Hair primer is a great tool to use to give your hair a nicer, smoother finish. Use hair primer with help from a professional makeup artist and hairstylist in this free video clip.

Expert: Michelle Dittrich

Filmmaker: Mathias Magnason

Series Description: Hair care and styling are topics that encompass a lot more than just what type of conditioner you choose to apply. Get tips on all things about hair care and styling with help from a professional makeup artist and hairstylist in this free video series.

Hi, I'm Schell Dietrich, coming to you from pretty sniff studio in New York City today. Our beauty topic is how to use a hair primer. A lot of people are like mmmm. What is a hair primer pretty much if you think of a skin primer or even gesso on a canvas? It is a product that will help fill in any open spots or possible broken areas. So a hair primer generally has silicone of some sort in it, which helps coat each strand and give a smoother finish to the entirety of your hair. Once you have applied it and styled it properly, so hair primers vary in their technique and application some require. You put them on wet, while others are meant to be used dry with heat or whatnot, so make sure you read the instructions. The key is that you're going to apply it thoroughly throughout your hair, starting at the ends, which tend to be the most damaged. So I'm just going to use a little on our model, Nicole, just to give a brief demonstration how quickly and smoothly it can help the appearance. So when a painter Odessa is a canvas, it's in preparation for the paint it helps fill in any grooves or unevenness. The same goes with makeup primer as well as hair primer. So you can see it gives a nice Sheen to the hair. It'S a Nicole's hair too anyone's hair verses. Can you see the difference? Alright? Well, I hope that's helpful and today I've shown you how to use a hair primer, and my name is Michele Dietrich. Thanks for joining you,

-: Do you need to rinse it out?

Stephanie Reyes: uhh ok . She really said , see this primer ? Ok well put it on your hair and tada see the difference ? Thanks for watching looks the same to me . She just twisted with her fingers.

Claudia Gonzalez: Love you Michelle!

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