I Used Kylie Baby Shampoo And Conditioner On My Hair And This Is What Happened...

  • Posted on 30 October, 2021
  • Hair Care
  • By Anonymous

This is definitely the craziest video I've done in a while LOL!! In this video I'm showing you what happened to my hair after I tried Kylie Baby shampoo & conditioner. I have a baby boy who just turned 1, but I didn't use this on his hair. I used the shampoo & conditioner on my hair. Make sure to watch until the end to see the shocking results!!

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Kylie jenner just released kylie baby and i tried the shampoo and conditioner. I have a baby. He is one years old. His name is arthur, but i did not use these products on his hair. I used them on my hair, so i have tried the johnson and johnson baby soap on my hair before it made my hair. Really soft and frizz free and kylie baby seems to be even more gentle than johnson and johnson. So i wanted to try it on my hair. For that reason, the kylie baby products are fragrance free, they are sulfate free, they contain coconut-based sulfate-free surfactants. The shampoo also contains jojoba oil, which is something that i love using on my skin. Their products in general are supposed to be really gentle and they are intended for babies and kids of all ages. So obviously this is not a shampoo marketed for adults. I realize that i just really like experimenting with beauty products, which brings me to my next point. I am a beauty, hair care enthusiast. I am not a professional if you are looking for a breakdown of each ingredient in like the chemical composition of kylie, baby, shampoo and conditioner, you are not going to find it in this video. First, let's go over what i usually use on my hair, so lately i have been using the necessary shampoo and conditioner. I recently started using this and i really like it: it's gentle, it's fragrance free. It fully cleans my hair, but it does not dry it out. So i also like to use a serum like the keras elixir or like the moroccan oil treatment, and then i also really like olaplex number, six and seven. I also use rice water. I use castor oil, argan oil and sometimes rosemary oil all throughout the month, and also once every two weeks. I use a clarifying shampoo and a deep conditioner, which is what i used three days before, trying the kylie baby, shampoo and conditioner. Let'S start with the first trial, this is day three hair. I wash my hair every two to three days. My hair was really oily and it needed to be washed. First thing i noticed was that the shampoo is definitely fragrance free. I tried to lather it within my hands and it wasn't really lathering at all. This is definitely because there are no sulfates in this shampoo and sulfates. That'S what really helps your shampoo to lather. This is something that i have also found with the johnson and johnson shampoo that one doesn't lather either, and it's definitely just because of how mild baby soaps are the foam and lather in shampoos that i typically use. Although some say it's there just for aesthetics, it does seem to serve a purpose, at least for me. It makes applying shampoo and just fully coating the shampoo on my roots and scalp a lot easier. When i rinsed out the shampoo, i had significantly less hair fall than i typically do in the shower, which is interesting, and then i moved on to conditioner. So the kylie baby conditioner actually felt really thick and it just felt like a very high quality conditioner that adults would use or that's not for kids, something like moroccan oil um. It reminded me of their conditioners, except without the silicone slippery feeling, and i just i found the conditioner was really nice on my hair, when it rinsed out my hair felt very smooth, just as if i had used, as i said, a really good quality conditioner. So afterwards i blow dried my hair, and there was still some oil on the roots, which proves that this shampoo is, in fact gentle. The ends of my hair felt really hydrated. My hair wasn't super shiny, as if i had just used something with silicones, it just felt naturally very soft and smooth now, the next day, my hair did not feel any more oily than it did the day before, and this is not normal for me, usually as The days go by my hair begins to get more and more oily, leading up to the day where i need to wash it usually day, three sometimes day, four, if i'm really pushing it, and it just seemed like the oils that were still on my hair after I shampooed and conditioned and blow dried it felt like they had been evenly distributed throughout. All of my hair overall felt really really smooth, almost as if i had just straightened it or something um and then also it just looked like the red undertones to my hair. Were popping more than they usually do on day? Three, my hair was not as oily as it usually is again very surprising, and this makes me think one of two things either a the shampoo that i am regularly using might be too drying and that's making my hair produce more oils over time to over compensate For the dryness or it's possible that i am using too many products on my hair like oils and serums, which creates a lot of buildup, so i decided to try this shampoo and conditioner again and this time i divided my hair into four sections and i tried Shampooing that way just to see if that would help to shampoo more of my roots and scalp, and this did seem to help also getting my hair really wet, helped as well just to create as much of a lather as possible to get the shampoo to emulsify. As much as possible, because that's really what helps to coat all of my hair, so i actually let my hair air dry this time and the next day my hair did not feel exceptionally clean, as i said, but it did feel cleaner than the first time that I had used kylie's, shampoo and conditioner. However, i was amazed at how smooth and soft my hair felt and once again how my hair's, natural, color and shine was really showing, despite the fact that i didn't use any extra products and the products that i did use. Kylie'S, shampoo and conditioner were extremely gentle um and it didn't have that like keratin, look to it that it usually does which, by the way, i do not have a keratin treatment on my hair. But here's the comparison of how my hair looks when it air dries with my regular hair care, routine versus with kylie baby. It just makes me wonder: do i even need to use all of these extra products and ingredients and diys like? Should i just go silicone and sulfate free? Should i stop using rice, water and castor oil? Should i use a more mild, shampoo and conditioner once we got to day three, my hair was pretty oily. Actually it was as oily as it usually is on day. Three. So i knew i needed to wash it, so i do have some final concluding thoughts here. I think kylie did a great job with this formula and if this was sold at a drugstore or something where i can pick it up quickly, then i would definitely use it on arthur. It'S just the fact that you have to order it online and i don't know if they have like quick priority shipping. If this was on amazon - and you could do like prime shipping, then yes, i would order it. But it's just like the the fact that i feel like i have to go through hurdles just to get it. It makes me not want to order it. The conditioner actually seems like one that i would want to use on my hair, something honestly that i would find at like sephora. It reminds me a lot of the fable and mane conditioner. It'S silicone free! It'S just! I don't know it's so weird like it's. Actually, a really good conditioner and it's not something that i would use on a baby. I don't know if maybe this works well on babies. I have no idea. The third conclusion that i came to after these two trials is that lather and foam in shampoo actually does serve a purpose. Contrary to what i have heard, it just helps to evenly distribute the shampoo and when i'm using a shampoo that does not lather, i have to use a lot more shampoo because it just does not spread around on my scalp. My fourth conclusion is that i think i will be able to go longer in between washes if i start using fewer products on my hair, i'm not going to switch out the shampoo and conditioner that i'm using just yet. I first just want to see how my hair does without using any other products besides shampoo and conditioner. So now, let's get to the big question here: am i going to continue to use these products so the conditioner? I might actually keep using it um here and there i don't know i really like the routine. I have now, but this conditioner is actually a really good quality conditioner, but with the shampoo. I think that if i continue to use it over time, then there is gon na be a lot of natural oil buildup on my scalp that this shampoo is just not designed to remove, but i think in the future, especially in the upcoming months. It'S you know, we're entering fall and winter, and my skin and scalp get really really dry. I definitely plan on using this if i'm ever having a super dry scalp, and i just need a shampoo - that's really really mild. This will be my go-to. I also just want to quickly address the fact that i had less hair fall using these products. There was hair that inevitably is going to come out, but it was not coming out at that time because i wasn't shampooing how i usually do. Does that make any sense? Basically, i don't think that it necessarily stopped the hair fall. I think that it just put it on pause until next time, because the shampoo was really gentle. So all in all, this was a very interesting experiment and i would love to see and hear your thoughts and just like if this is something that you would like to try out or if this inspired you to try out baby shampoo in general. Overall, i am surprised at how well these products worked. I hope that you guys enjoyed this video. If you have any questions. Let me know in the comments below just like about my experience in general, with kylie baby, shampoo and conditioner, and thank you guys so much for watching and i'll talk to you guys next time.

Audrey Victoria: After watching this video, would you try the Kylie Baby shampoo & conditioner?! Lmk your thoughts!!

Emily B: Love this review so much. I love that you said how hard it is to spread sulfate free shampoos. I tried it and just can’t do it…

୨୧ .˚ cora ✧.・。: Hey Audrey! I just wanted to tell you that you should maybe try to shampoo your hair TWICE with that shampoo, because my shampoo is also for babies. And since it's sulfate free, when I first shampoo with it, it's not lathery but when I shampoo a second time, it is

william field: This was so interesting, I had no idea she came out with a baby care line, I’ve been thinking about trying baby shampoo recently and I came here from the Johnson and Johnson video, I think I’m definitely going to have some things to add to my cart to see how they work, I’m also curious if blow drying helped with the oiliness of the hair since there was a difference in the second trial with air drying

Barbara: I always shampoo twice. It feels oily more quickly if I don't.

Rachel Romero: i love how informative your videos are (at least for me) because I’ve been trying this out as well for my hair and see how it reacts well or bad. You inspired me to take better care of my hair and although our hair types are slightly different, i still look into your products that you use for yourself that maybe i could apply to me as well. So thank you for being so informative upon it all!!

Tiff1111: For shampoos in general (even if sulfate free) I always follow this rule- use a generous amount of shampoo for your first wash- it will not lather as much because it has build up that it’s busting through. And then use HALF the same amount for a second wash. It suds a lot more, so using the same amount will just damage your hair. Since I only wash my hair once a week and have curly hair with tons of product I actually do 3 washes and use half of the amount of the second wash as well. Try it and thank me later.

maddy: you already know that little boy’s hair is going to be absolutely gorgeous

anonymous 👀: Kylie Jenner really made her baby line so gentle mild and amazing for babies. I really love your videos ❤️ being a Kylie fan loved this video more❤️❤️

Anna Lindqvist: I vote for you to try going sulfate-free for at least a month! As you mention in the video, I believe you use too many treatments with oil which ad up. Sulfates are not necessary unless you have lots of products in your hair and can actually be damaging for your hair cuz it removes all the natural oils in your hair that is ment to be on your scalp. I've been on my journey to find the perfect schampo and conditioner since 2010..no joke. One brand I would love to see you review in the future is the Australian brand Kevin Murphy. It is hands down my all time favorite and I recommend the brand to everyone! Love from Sweden!

itsNinaLeeyo: Omg, I cannot believe this. You have completely won me over with this. Usually, my scalp is oily, but lately it's been very dry therefore creating a lot of tiny dandruff. I've been on a shampoo hunt to figure out what works best for me. I have so many hair issues. I need to try this now!! Please update us!

Abigail Martin: Love this review, your hair is so pretty! I have been enjoying using PURA D’OR gold label anti thinning biotin shampoo and conditioner, I wondered if you ever tried it before or your thoughts on it?

mellybear: I would pay her to give me a hair care routine lol i just love her hair!

Nikki Holcomb: Ahhhh I love your hair so much! I admire it on every video haha, definitely going to use your tips!

Khadeeja Parvaiz: May your hair becomes better (you said you had pregnancy hairfall) and stays gorgeous like this!!! <3

Emm: Is this product truly fragrance free? Or does it have any natural, or chemical scents to it? Also one more question (I’m sorry) do you know of any good fragrance free hair products for adults? Please & thank you! Loved the video ☺️

Mandeep kaur: I am going to quickly appreciate the fact that the quality of your videos has improved so much. Good job

Daniela Castro: You should try the purple and pink baby Johnson's shampoo!! A lot of people have said that it's amazing for hair and others have said it's drying. I would love to see your opinions<3

Michaela Mondragon: Your videos make me want to take care of my hair ❤️

Puteri Zara: thank you for reviewing this! sulfate free shampoos are really good!

katie hopkins: My opinion is that your hair looks more shiny and less frizzy with your normal routine…

Casey Bunn: Have you tried pumpkin seed oil, I recently got it but I’d like to see your opinion I love your videos you’ve helped me take care of my hair better

Headchangee: I was thinking about purchasing it , just for myself lmao forget the kids this Is interesting !!!

Phoenix29: You are an inspiration to us!!!

Kirsty Macfarlane: You're hair looks amazing Please, please, please stop buying and promoting j&j products. They're one of the worse companies for testing on animals and their baby powder is carcinogenic! Haven't touched their products, or any companies they own, in at least 20 years! Plenty of cruelty free baby products out there

Barbara Brown: Wow, a Kylie product that doesn't suck? I'm shocked

Krysal M: I think if it’s for a baby it doesn’t need to lather as much as it does for your hair

Yaldah Samadi: Pls make more skin videos I really miss the one week challenges u do!

Gurveen Makkar: My hair doesn’t feel oily even on like day 10 also, i have a lot of breakage can you suggest something other than cutting the edges off?

Kara Reeves: You literally have my dream hair. Ugh I try so hard to take care of my hair and the texture of my hair has changed so damn much znd jts disgusting to me. And its been falling out like crazy and jts thin and gets super oiley within hours. I have the worst hair in the world. I would feel so damn pretty and so confident if I had your hair. YOUR so blessed.

Stuti Katiyar: Mix it up. If you use SLS for long, it does impact your hair and so is using a gentle shampoo going to impact it. Not one product can solve and do everything.after 2-3 washes go with SLS heavy or clarifying one. Other times, use gentle ones

FOR YOUR EARS ASMR: I love your videos !! . I’m trying to grow my hair now and I always like your hair videos

Aaron Edwards: Worked better than I thought. Awesome video as always!

Michou Romero: Had no idea she even came up with baby products

Vishva: I mix the shampoo with water in a tub and then put then mixture on my hair, it makes it so much easier to spread

Blooberri: I used Moroccan oil for a year after it came out and I had to discontinue it because it made my hair feel so overall oily and heavy. I have a slightly different hair type than yours but it is rather thick and long, just wavy/curlier. This was just my experience with it.

Nicole Smith: Her hair is SO pretty!!!!

Brianna Nicole: do you do the lather rinse repeat method of double shampooing? I heard it can be good for oil build up

Reema Kashif: Hi Audrey I love your review I love your hair

Alisha Choudhary: I honestly think that you should stop using so many oils and products!!! And go sulfate free for a month so we can see the results

Briana: Sulfate free shampoo can lather well, try pumping it into your hair then lather it up instead of your hands

guku: I don't want that shampoo .. I just want that bottle

Kaylin L: Oh how I wish I had hair like that

☆𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚢𝚊𝚑☆: thank you for posting these videos! they help so much people!

Karolina Klimek: Hii, could you do a review on the Maui products? Love your videos so much btw!!

Mercedes Maldonado: aquableu has amazing silicone and sulfate free shampoo and conditioner. it lathers wonderfully!

NOORthern Luces: Your hair is goals

Carolina Jimenez: Can you please review pure rose water!! I love that product so much i recommend u try it

Alexia Marano: I love your videos so much ❤️

Sirius Venus: Once again you provide interesting tips--I am out of the USA and can't buy the product from Jenner but....there's always Johnsons everywhere around the planet!

Tweedle Dee: Posted 8 mins ago??? Lucky me!! So excited for more hair tips cause I’m trying to grow our mine.

Maria Seok: Sister i love your hair and also you

hello: Your hair is so good I love it

Skin_ Health__: Yes I cannot use shampoos that doesn't lather alot because it very hard to move around and hurts my scalp to so ! . Actually when J first shampoo..alot of shampoo doesn't foam alot ...but I do really massage it gently and when I use it second time it does a decent job. I do clean it twice because of the place where I live is very polluted and I go out alot!

A: I would use it, I just used today baby shampoo I loved it

Venom Jr: In my opinion rice water shampoo whenever I used it I had a lot of hair fall and I mean a lot so I recommend trying not to use that anymore only if that happens to u

Vaishali: Can you try using tea tree oil or lavender oil for a week or so

Seokjin Kim: Ur baby is so cute omgalso love ur channel and ofc ur hair!

Honey: 0:23 i used that shampoo from baby until like I was 11-12 years old my aunt said it’s like that’s for babies

Bee: I sm currently stoped using my hair oils and serums that I used to use just because of money, and I literally can not tell a difference . I think it was all in my head

Mad: Can you try out boots skincare? You can find it at target and it’s really cheap!

nobita 2.0: Love the new intro ❤

notkellzzzz: Your hair is soooooo healthyyy

Sacha: Really useful tips.

emma grace torres: I feel like since it's made for babies, the shampoo is not gonna do so much just because it's made for kids and not adults

J3nnaa: You should try the Kylie Jenner shampoo and conditioner for your son!

Its Lqra: Wait how do u get your hair to be like black when you blow dry it because it looks so pretty omg

Faith Romero: Would you ever get a keratin treatment ?

Izzilya: Your oily hair is my dream tbh

Peachy Rose: hi your hair is very pretty its amazing!! I wanted to say that my hair is very dry i try to make it soft do you have some tips to help my hair

Sofiaツ: To really test a hair product you have to to do it on 4c

Rena Das: Your baby is so cute!

m: I'm in love with your channel

Gee Cee: Is this recommended for colored/bleached hair?

Lagibullala: شكراً على الترجمة للغة العربية Thank you for translating into Arabic, a nice and interesting video

Adrianna Nicole: can you pleaseeeee try mielle rosemary mint oil and masque pleaseeeee !!!

Natasha: If you touch your hair all the time that can make it oily as-well.

Jasmine Collins: I love you so much your videos or amazing and I have learned so much from you

sarah.phillipa: wish i had straight hair :/ her hair routine is so simple

princezzdaniella: Can u do ur hair care routine like a shower hair care routine !

Anna Marschall: Ur hair is so gorgeous

Kelsey Yaldo: Lmaoooo you make me wanna buy it for my self

Aniqa Asif: You inspired me to try Johnson's baby shampoo on my hair and I barely got any hair fall . was shocked.

Anushka: Baby Arthur has my ❤

Summer Alesha: I love your honestly ❤xx

praaarthaanak: try himalaya's baby shampoo...its good

Jaza Gash: Can you please recommend some shampoos to reduce dandruff and hair fall.

Nemo Fish: Your hair is so pretttttyyyy

Tracy: King Arthur Shea moisture baby products are really good.

Bettie James: Have you ever tried “blackseed oil?”

romia: Thank you for the Hebrew subtitles

Nnnju Duo: Honestly, if you adault or in growth use the product throughout your age. Baby products is for baby, clearly state for baby. If you use for your age. Of cos the results of difference..

Khin Yadanar: Collagen supplement for hair ... which one is the best? answer me please....

ashuma tak: The shampoo is designed for babies ...not adults...

Dani Bet: Please try the seltzer water Korean hack for your hair!!

Fatma: My hair is dry and damaged idk what should I do

mia rose: tips for growing healthy bleach dyed hair?

Bee: Much love!!!

D G: Could you try kevin murphy haircare??

Saanvi Adhikari: ur baby's so cute

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