Hair Salon Technology - Sotv Salon Business - Is it necessary to embrace and learn about technology in my hair and beauty salon? asks Sinead from Ireland... Listen to how the team answers in just 6 mins 31 seconds!

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Welcome to live chat back it's great to have you here again today, the home of so tv and before we get on today's question. I got ta say how hot do these guys? Look in these shirts? Hey, absolutely pretty good jimmy stewart shirts, oh they're, great yeah! I just this one in particular, i absolutely love such a cool shirt. Yeah, it's a good color on you actually yeah. I love mine. I just i can't get everything yeah they're, just outstanding yeah yeah. You actually got stopped the other day. Didn'T you yeah yeah. We uh it's really funny because last last week, when we was doing some filming um, we bought our shirts up. We did film and i was carrying them down to um to my car and this uh white bmw pulled up and this window came down and there's a guy in there and he said: hey mate where'd. You get your shirts from my absolutely lovely shirts, so uh that was cool yeah. Absolutely i just had them in the arm carrying down that's what it is, so if you're sitting there drawing over these shirts jimmy for you. So our question today is from sinead in ireland and sinead says guys. Do i really need technology in my salon and secondly, people tell me that i need to go and learn more about technology go to classes et cetera. She said it all sounds like a big investment to me. Is it really worthwhile, but i think um. You know it's abs. If you don't go down this route, you're just going to be left behind, like you wouldn't believe everything now is revolves around technology and like it or hate it. You'Ve just got to go with it. Look at the hairdressing world, you know you've got things like you know places you can go online to learn. New haircuts. You'Ve got ipads that you can use in a salon for consultations. I, for one, don't buy hair magazines anymore, because i don't need to because i've got google images. You know you just type in now what you want to see and because the way google works, that will give you the most up-to-date relevant information. So you know, even that small area is you've, got to embrace technology, the marketing of your business. You know, websites all those sort of things. It'S absolutely critical that you start understanding the way technology can work for your business yeah absolutely, and that actually makes me think about the one of the first magazines that we had. We interviewed vivian, mckinder and vivian is teaching people online in real time, so she's literally on one side of the world, if you like from us anyway and the person wherever they are, are seeing her live and she is training either vivian or her team. Of course - and that is where it is all going it's just so exciting, though it really is, and i i don't think it's really that scary, it's just taking it one step at a time and and looking at what you want to use first and foremost, and Then just going from there and look at us at sew magazine, you know our magazine is digital and it is interactive and therefore it's online and it can be viewed on a smartphone or a tablet or, of course, a computer. So you can view that wherever you are, but the thing is, it's got video, so you're flipping the page and they swish even make the noise. I actually really like that that appeals to the hairdresser and me and you've pushed play on the video and it's within the magazine. So like steve was saying you know magazine in print. Well, we okay, we still, you know like to have that sometimes you're going to miss out on a lot of information. If you don't learn how to keep up. Basically, i think it's important to remember that technology is an evolution. It'S not a revolution. We'Re progressing from pen and paper magazines into tablets, smartphones and things like that. You have clients coming to the cell and they request what they saw on tv, which is technology. You can go straight on to google images. You can find exactly the image and the style they were looking for and consult them around, that you have apps designed for it. If you're a booth renter, you can just about run your business on a smartphone. There'S no need to miss appointments. You can do a reminder, you can there's just so many things you can do out there with technology and it is it's an evolving of everything into a digital age. It'S and it's vital. You know it's and it's not expensive um. I was reading an article the other day that a cray supercomputer, which came out in the 70s, which was like the ultimate computer for um, doing oil exploration, things like that cost millions of dollars. Our smartphone now has 10 times that processing power wow and we can get it for like 400 bucks yeah. So you know, we've gone from millions of dollars to ten times more powerful for pennies yeah. That'S a great point about evolution. It'S it is continually evolving yeah! No, i i think, um, i agree with everybody here teaching i think um, and i think you know it's interesting - that you're actually you've actually been able to contact us and ask us that question because of technology. You know it wouldn't have been that long ago that you know you're an island we're around the other side of the world that we actually wouldn't have been able to connect as quickly and as effectively as that, so so yeah. So i think technology is is absolutely vitally important in your life and your salon business. You know you sell on business um using technology, it's just. It will just be so much better and we were talking about before the numbers, for instance, knowing the numbers of your business is that the key to being able to grow it? You know you can't. They say you, you can't um manage what you can't measure with with technology. You can measure absolutely everything in your business, so that means you can manage it so much more effectively. So yeah technology, you know you keep up with it or just get left behind yeah yeah. So true, all those numbers. You know that we can measure every day, such as average client visit rate and average client bill and retail and rebooking at the push of a button, and i mean how amazing is that and look as coaches, i sure can speak for all of us that we Wouldn'T be able to get the high level of results that we do get from masalans if they weren't on computer. It makes a big difference right because we can measure not only where they are when they start, but where we take them too, which is awesome absolutely so. I hope that helps sinead and i'm sure you've got your pen out scribbling a whole lot of notes there. On some ideas, especially those ipads, what do you reckon hey good idea? Fantastic have a great week, everyone and we'll see you again same place.

Ian McCallum: nice one steve, well done guys : )

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