Hair Extensions Tutorial (Hairdreams, T3)

Hair Extensions by

Blow dryer & Hair Straightener :


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Produced & edited by Mathieu Cost, Blackstunt Production (

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Are you? How are you good so thanks for here this is scary, a Gina she's, always making me crazy and look at you, I'm in the emergence studio today with my new we're going to redo her hair again. So I want to show you guys the progress so the before the after I'm excited to tell you right. So what kind of projects do we have in store? Oh, I thought about going to over more silver, wipe it. Okay, yeah we'll do the lighter tip. You can definitely get you like really kind of like a white satin um toward the ends and then how to kind of melt down the same as everything yes, I was a lot of like you. Had your head. Look like one: we are done with step one on my hair hair. This has a little bit more tone to it and this is more platinum, so we can do most of that in a little bit of that American people don't match you. This will be perfect. Oh No, stop Tonto Tonto, Tonto Tonto request a new color in and you can subpoena load up. When I did, I change my heart a little bit and right now, I'm fighting we think of Issachar and I absolutely love love, love, love, love. It Aaron did an amazing amazing job every week and then right now we're putting the assistants I we are done, and I got in here from your dreams and it's absolutely basic. I cannot wait to close it and leave it in for you guys if you guys like this video, please please subscribe my channel and go to my Instagram check it out official money. I love you guys. Thank you. So much for all your support.

Glitzerner Octopus: Endlich wieder ein Video So viele Extensions habe ich ja noch nie gesehen Deine Haare sehen auch ohne Extensions so schön aus

Sarah Kolumna: Sieht Mega gut aus!!!

Will Wyatt: It looks awful! tell the people that did your hair to go back to school.

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