How To Paint Hair - Digital Painting Tutorial

My debut book NIMA is out now:

(/^▽^)/ Hey guys!! This was a super requested video so I thought I would teach you guys how to paint hair! It took a minute but I'm super happy with how it came out. Hope you guys learn a lot from it!

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#rossdraws #tutorial #hair

Hey guys welcome to another episode of Ross Draws and welcome to the hair tutorial. Oh yes, I just launched my new merch line, my new book and that took up a lot of my time, but now I'm back in the studio, and I want to show you guys how to paint some awesome, hair. Yeah a lot of you guys on my Youtube Instagram Twitter have been asking how to achieve some nice-looking hair, so I've digested and tried to streamline my process on how to paint hair. Without further ado. Let'S do it So here is a sketch that I'm gon na be painting today., A quick reminder again that this is a hair tutorial. If the face and everything else looks kind of unfinished. It'S not my fault, I'm mainly here to teach you guys about hair. Yeah. So I roughly kind of drew in the shape of the hair, and this is a little boring right. I just did this as a placeholder, and so we're gon na do something a little more interesting., And now she looks kind of bald haha.. We can totally do a crazy hair. We can totally do like. I don't know, -- a ponytail, Maybe pigtails, And the first thing you want to do is try to tap into the character.. We ourselves are characters. We style our own hair.. My hair is color dodged. I don't know how you wear your hair, but this person seems very regal-. You know she looks like a princess., Maybe she's like on the cover of Vogue or something like that.. I feel like she's sophisticated and she should have some luscious beautiful hair.. So the first step of any hair is identifying the shape.. The shape is so important.. The shape is, what's gon na hold everything together, and so I'm gon na try to make a really nice flow of shapes for the hair.. That'S actually really cool, and that was their first try And the number one thing I've learned in art is shapes are everything.. If it's something more jagged, we feel a little more tension. If something's more soft, we feel a little bit more comfortable and warm to the character to the shape, and I love relating my processes to pizza. I love pizza. We can all relate to pizza. Pizza has such a like a fundamental step language, that's very reminiscent to art, For example, these lines and flow --. Think of it as our bread.. This is our container. This is what we're going to put stuff on top. And right now, let's add our sauce, which is the base. I'm just gon na fill in the skin real quick.. Now we have our bread and we have our sauce and now, let's add the cheese And I love making my cheese, the shadow., So we're going to softly, add some shadows and I love using an airbrush. Maybe ah, hmm look at that. Ooh. I, like that. Wow, look at that haha. So to tighten up my cheese a little bit So weird, I'm tightening up my shadows, a little bit.. Let'S add some more specialty cheese which are more like deep shadows and specialty shadows., So they're, usually in the pocket of the deepest shadows.. I wonder what cheese this would be. What cheese do you guys like? Actually, I don't eat much cheese haha. I think it's too pungent for me.. I like softer kind of mellower, not as like sharp --, like I like more like a chiller cheese., So we have our base. We have our sauce, we have our cheese, we have our specialty cheese and now, let's add our toppings., Let's add the bulk of it, which is a protein.. Some of you guys are vegan or vegetarian. That'S totally okay. To relate to most of the world out there. Let'S add pepperoni, and so this is the light. So one of my favorite tips on adding light is I make another layer and I -- maybe a soft light --. Let'S try soft light. Like a teal, a blue teal Ooh~. Look at that. Alright, let's add some pepperoni. Coloring her face real quick-. Now I'm going to try to perfect this., You know I'm gon na try to perfect this pizza.. I'M gon na use some brushes something with a hair stroke like that and then we'll take it further.. Let'S do it Hey guys, Welcome back and here's the progress of our piece so far, Yeah it's looking pretty solid. One tip on how to render hair. Is you always paint with the direction of a flow., So your hair's going this way you would want to paint like that., Even though it looks pretty good, I feel like we should mess it up a little bit. You know.. This is a common problem when we're doing hair --, it kind of looks a little alskfjaoeijasldk.. You know like., I don't know if there's a word for it, but my feeling is: it feels a little askfjeiask.. So this is my number one tip on how to make hair look a hundred thousand times better in fifteen seconds. We're gon na use. Curves, Yes, Control, + M is curves.. You have your curves here and we're just going to experiment with the curves of the hair.. We'Ve been working hard at our current pizza, but sometimes we just need a fresh perspective and so we're just -- ooh, that's really cool.. Maybe it's something. A little lighter like that. Hair has shine. It has complexity and usually, when we're painting hair, it looks a little dull like this Womp.. It feels like it should be more alive and so -- woohoohoo --, that's way, cooler and better. It has like a kind of like a rainbow transition over here., And now we have our new pizza, And so after I have something like this. I love to add like a kind of a shadow and light passing it, and so I make a new layer and I'm gon na start to overlay., I'm just going to try and soften up some of these shadows and light. Before after. Before after.. You can tell that it kind of gives it a lot more form. It punches things. Out. Brings that more of like a sculpted, 3D look.. Now I think it's time for some color dodge. Yes, This is our topping. We need some light. We need some awesomeness. We need some uh. I dunno some cilantro., Whatever you guys like on your pizza. Let'S add some color dodge. Let'S add some accent: toppings. Ooo~ oohoohoohoo, Look at that Hold on deepen it, a bit -- gorgeous wow. So what's this meant to do it's gon na blast? Your hair with some luscious luscious color dodge and then we'll refine it., I'm going to blend it a little better.. It'S all about transforming refining transforming refining.. So we just spent a lot of time, transforming it. Let'S uh: let's perfect this a little., It's come a long way. Oh my gosh.! Alright, it's time for another trick., It's time for a super trick that I love to use to make my hair look awesome and that is the mixer brush. Yes, the mixer brush is absolutely amazing and it's so versatile.. It'S probably my top 3 tool that I always use in every painting, especially for the hair.. So let's do some mixer brush., What a mixer brush! Does it blends everything? Yes, It just blends everything. Ooh, look at that Ooh, that's so gorgeous.! Maybe you can use a bristle brush like that or something like this Ooh look at that. That'S gorgeous! I always play between these two mixer brushes., Something with a lot of texture and then something with a hard edge. And then now, I'm gon na switch to a slightly harder edge-. We'Re gon na carry this line over okay, Oooh~ And now it's time to add our strands. Yes, A lot of people think painting hair is this. Doing this for 100,000 times.. This is actually my last step finishing your pizza with some salt, some oregano. I don't know what you do to finish: a pizza, but basically some beautiful accents.. I am so precise with this, because one little line can make it or break it., And so I'm super meticulous about where I add these strands. Wow That really made it a lot. Better., This is before and after. See the individual strands -- before and after., And that brings like a whole'nother depthness to it and the rest is just refining and rendering and making it perfect.. I hope you guys enjoyed this very streamlined process on how I do hair.. So we have our bread, we have our base sauce, we have our cheese, we have our proteins, we have our toppings and then our super specialty, toppings. Yeah. So I'm gon na probably spend a few hours perfecting this rendering and making this piece awesome. I'll check back in with the final I've had this hair for like a month., I actually really love it. Do you guys like it? We should dye Milo's hair, maybe like red or something Hey guys. Welcome back. I hope you enjoyed the tutorial and hopefully you guys learned a thing or two and make your own character with awesome hair., And if you do please tag me, I would love to see what you guys come up. With., Oh And some of you guys are wondering when BLOOM will be back in stock.. Thank you guys. Everyone who purchased it it recently sold out on my store, but I'll. Let you guys know when its back in stock. Follow my Twitter and Instagram for updates.. If you guys want to learn more with bonus content and video demos, where I dive even deeper into how to render hair, you know where to find it. Please come check out my Patreon., So if you want a chance to win a book print shirt, this video's question is: if your hair could have a superpower, what would it be Ooo? Maybe Milo's can catch on fire or something? For me, I'm a pretty simple guy. I just never want to go bald., But let me know in the comments below and we'll choose a lucky subscriber.. Also thank you. Everyone who bought something from my new collection, a shirt, pins prints. And makes me so happy when you guys wear it outside in the real world. We're almost at a million subscribers. Oh, oh man., I'm planning a huge livestream party for my fans and friends, and I would love to hit a million on stream and share that special moment with you. Guys. Keep your eyes and ears open for when that is., Don't forget to subscribe and remember every day is a color dodge day.

Ross Draws: WE’RE ALMOST AT 1 MILLION!!@!! Planning a 1 mil livestream on Friday, Oct 18 to celebrate with everyone. There’ll be buncha giveaways on stream and live drawing! MARK YA CALENDARS. Can’t wait I hope you enjoyed the Hair Tutorial! If you want a deeper video demo, it'll be available on my Patreon!

Kohianji: This guy is speaking in a language of self-taught artists And I understand it

Moonie Mercury: -shapes -base -add shadows (airbrush) -tighten up the shadows -add specialty shadows (darker) -add light (new layer - soft light) -use a brush with hair strand style - use curves (play with curves) (ctrl + M) -new layer-overlay (soften shadows) -add color dodge!!! Add lightings - blend it together - use mixer brushes -use a slightly harder edged brush to add bigger strands -add small strands on the hair Don't mind just a note for myself ☺️

Biswajit: normal person: My hair is highlighted... ross draws: My hair is color dodged...

Nathex: "Man this video is so informative" *picks up pen* *forgets everything from video*

Randy Alter Reviews: Ross: 10+ plus hours to complete a gorgeous painting. Me: 10 days doing line art.

Nadiaxel: I DON'T UNDERSTAND! I keep following this tutorial to the tiniest detail and ALL THE TIME I end up drawing a pizza!? HELP!?

Gabriela Saldana: Instructions not clear. Made large pizza for a family of 37.

Sleepy Critical: Ross: "I'm probably not gonna put much detail on the face..." Also Ross: *Adds soooo much detail on to the face*

ur a noob lol: *Me looking at semi realistic art on google* :Pfft, I can draw that *Eyelashes, Lips, Nose, Hair, Other eye* :No you can’t

Siti Fathimah Az'Zahra: Ross : lets make the shape first- Me : alright so we'll start with a simple shape base- Ross : *draws high quality sketch* Me : *burns my pencil case*

Arikidozi: I'm dead Ross: let's make somthing really simple *draws the most amazing masterpiece ever* Also Ross: *turns it into pizza* Me: that works too

Maddy: This was THE most entertaining tutorial I have ever seen! Love how you make your videos Just got a new subscriber!!

BlueLightning: A couple of years ago I started doing digital art. My school doesn’t teach that sort of thing in art lessons as much as it teaches other styles, so I had to sort of pick it up as I went along. Your channel has been a huge help to me, so thank you so much for that! I love this channel!

Zmenaczzz: He sounds so calm painting the hair, I be like: "Shît" *fuçk" "ohhh it didn't work" "delete it delete it!" "Woooow I drew on the wrong layer" "done" "no not done yet"

Gwen Moonlight: This is the most entertaining tutorial ive ever watched ❤️

kekw: This is such an entertaining tutorial.. Very encouraging!

Mirkwood Crow: This was amazing! Finally a simple yet very informative tutorial! I wish your other "tutorial's" were like this ❤️

Pel Pool: Congratulations on hitting a million subs Ross!! we're so happy for you!!

Lady K'Tsune: This is a great video like pretty much everything on your channel, thank you so much! :D The only thing that's kind of hard to follow for me at least, was on which layer you mainly drew on to be honest, because I personally tend to sometimes mess it up by using the wrong layer before realising it's too late -.-

lena: Me: Wow! It seems very easy! :) Also me 2 hours later: WTF IS THIS? I MADE A MONSTER ;-;

Sarah Jeanne: I needed this video so badly today, I just couldn't draw hair to save my life this week! Time to refresh those skills that I maybe never had

Franxxisco VF: For 10 hours the result is pretty stunning, I actually thought the process was far longer.

Hamza Okai: Me: this part is looking nice Ross: no it’s “zbebiwbiorwbehh” Me: makes sense.

Scheffer Victoria: Thank you very much for all of your advices, I try to apply them every time I attempt to draw hair and thanks to you I have improved a lot :D

K- Town: I’d honestly love these type of videos, they’re so helpful!

mirna farid: I am a really big fan of your art i have looked for several digital artists to learn how to draw like them and i liked your style your videos are funny and useful keep going

Amanda: omg this tutorial is so awesome! thank you so much!!! learned a lot and hope to be able to apply it to my art soon T3T

kizhiie: Omg amazing tutorial AND illustration! If you're planning on doing more, could you perhaps do it on anatomy? :3

YoongiGotMyHeart: More tutorials like this I love it

TSAT: It is much simpler yet effective and useful! <3

Crystal: Thank you, I’ve been wanting to draw semi realistic and this helped a lot, It wasn’t that different from how I do my hair coloring

Amanda Wheeler: I would have my hair change color whenever I want, no upkeep necessary! Thank you so much for the tutorial!

Michelle Lee: Wow! Amazing drawing! Thanks for all the tips!

Sarah Rain: Hi Ross, thank you for making this video I always struggled with the hair part when it came to my drawings but this helped a lot . If my hair had superpowers it would be multiple things. First, I want my hair to change into any color and any hairstyle. Second, I want my hair to store things like a bag on top of my head, I would just pull out stuff from it .

dou salem: I was really curious how you make hair , you make it amazingly ❤ thanks for the tips

Poppy Min-Sinclair: Friend: how do I even color the hair? Me: use the pizza method-

Spirit: Thank you so much! I’ve been trying to find a technique that works with the drawing program I use too and this is great. It looks so pretty!

TerraMisu: Ross is probably the only person who says "eeewwwww" when he likes something...

Toongamer: Your videos are so expressive while still being extremely informative. I love this dude

Synfexis _: My brain: yeah we got new knowledges it’s time to improve our art skills!!! My hands: Nuh

Lilo Scherbatsky: It would be really cool if you'd make a skin coloring tutorial!! Ps I'd like to have super elastic hair!

Sharmaine Samantha Butac: Thank you so much. I love your tutorials. It helps me a lot :)

LizzPixx Illust: It's really amazing. Digital painting content over 1 million subscriptions!! Anyway, congratulations a lot.

Victoria: Congrats on the millionstone...!!! I'm buying my first display tablet next week (can't wait!) and I've learn very cool tricks with you. Love your style both as an artist and communicator? Teacher? Utuber? Not sure which word to use.Thank you for the laughs, overall awesome

Narley: love your energized videos, love to watch it while drawing!

Myla: The way you draw hair is gorgeous, It's so unique and flowy.

BoBo Drawing: It is really helpful! Thank you Ross! I realy love your art!

kc: i love your videos. They remind me to not stress out and have fun with art :)

JensengTea: Hey, ross! I would love if you could do a tutorial on layers! Could you go over which layers go on the bottom or top, masking layers, sketch layers, etc.?

ArtsyFishie: I've learned so much from this I love this video !!

Anime Surpass: God bless you Ross, I have a hard time drawing hair and now I think I'm getting better because of this video!

Vicky Wins: Thank you Ross!!! You’re amazing XD I’ll use these tips on my OC

Mpalt: You are an inspiration to other artists, Ross!

Waengchu: glad i have watched this video.. i've been avoiding doing hair in the past months but i guess, i'll try later with this guide.. thank you so much ross

Aurum Venti: Thank you very much! Loved the fun tutorial!

Kenneth Michael: Really interesting take on hair. I've seen your work before and you definetly have a great process on hair. I learned not to be so stiff with my hair lines. Now actually painting hair, that's a whole nother thing

Daniela Garzón: thank you so much, this tuto helped so much improving my hair drawing!

A.J.: Me: **Starts throwing tomato sauce, cheese, and pepperoni at my drawing tablet** Also Me: Am I doing it right?

Александра Николенко: OMG!!!! Ross, IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!! THANKS!

Felicio Andy: mad respect for you, how long did you train until you can reached this level of art?

sherry lotfy: beautiful work, amazing, well done

Akane: Thanks so much! This really helped! I am doing my best to become just like you too. Wish me luck. ❤️

Rare RoseMC: This is such perfect timing! I was just admiring the hair on other peoples' artwork last night wondering how I could do it myself :o

Linh Phan: thank you so much for the tutorial, Ross! :)

die ene: I always watch your videos while I'm drawing! And it helps alot!

MiaTinyARMY: Thanks to this tutorial, I'm not afraid to render hair digitally anymore. I usually blend the colors with wrong shadows and leave it like that.

Martin Mckenna: Hey Ross, I love your style and your endless energy . Talented or what. Could you please (for the lesser mortals) do a small series showing which tools/layers/menus you use to get the effects you manage. eg COLOUR DODGE.......what range of colours it is best used for, is it used on a separate layer and so on. Also CLIP LAYER. I know it’s simple but isn’t anything when you know how?

EggHeadUSA: I didn’t like watching tutorials before finding you. I rarely give praise to YouTubers but you’re a gift thanks for the tips!

NightShade771: I really enjoyed this tutorial! There are so many tips and tricks that I didn't know about before. If my hair had a super power I would want it to change colour to whatever colour I wanted, whenever I wanted without having to purchase hair dyes! :D

TheNamesMango: Love how his end piece look 75% better and different from where he ends the tutorial

iLikeCheese: Me: *is able to draw hair horribly and is proud* Me when I see this: Holy guacamole

winter: Your positivity is contagious..... i want to practice my drawing now

Mushi Plays: Loved this! Thank you!

EDRReal: This was a better hair tutorial than any drawing course I’ve had, thank you

Anqiro: It looks so nice!

Nïhiru: Thanks Ross! I just love this tutorial, everything was so clear!

Ashwath A: Always happy to find a tutorial by you!

XTZverse: I'm very impressed with the hair strand. Nice work

Mohammad: your art tutorial isn’t boring at all and it’s awesome

Eleonora: My art teahcer: *tries to teach me how to use shapes* Me: "What is he doing- " Ross: *uses pokemon* Me: *finally catch it*

Cassandra Christy: Ross honestly is definetly one of my favorite art youtubers

Mikyla Sewell: This was so helpful You should do a how to series

Karicia Garcia: I was so happy when I saw that there was a tutorial for hair, now I think a skin tutorial would be really nice.

Taz Rayat: You are amazing artist I enjoy using the wacom tablet, I will use your method of drawing hair

ItsoKei: Ross: spends +10 hours to finish a piece. Me: *Been a month and still hasn't completed a piece*

PaPa ConHuevos: I've seen your pictures on instagram, but i never knew your videos were so fun to watch, you have a great style, and such a happy attitude

Shouko: It's so weird how simple these things start out-

Ignis: I'm actually doing an art piece right now for a contest on instagram where the girl's hair can control itself, and useitself like hands. Mostly used for firing guns, slashing with swords, etc. Great tutorail Ross! Will most certainly impliment this into my process!

Peng Studio: Your tutorial really help a lot!

Megumi Okisawa: Love how you make the hair stands Overall I love the hair tutorials in digital painting. It helps me alot in making digital arts.

lujane art: I will try to use what I learned from this tutorial and post the result on my channel! I hope you get to 1 MILLION!! you deserve it!

Pass Pagare: Me: *watches whole video* After watching video: hOw dOEs hE dO THaT!!!??

Witchy Tricks: I would love if my hair could have the power to give life to plants. Imagine it just growing out and wrapping around an old dead tree and glowing as it revives the leaves and blooms flowers. Like a cherry blossom tree!! I feel like it'd be cool

TenshiMaro: Would love my hair to move so that it never gets tangled in anything ~ You make the videos wayy more easier than it sounds

human: Ross sounds like if the Hunger Games stylists had teachers and he's explaining how to fix hair

Trần Thông: we need more video like this :">

Liberty's Design Lab: Thank you for the process really understandable

Iye Agenyi: Ross I must say you are a great content creator.

Gage Callahan: Ross, can you list some of the brush types you were using in this video? I was following it and used the air brush for all the fills to try to match what you were doing with the first brush, then you said you use an airbrush for the shadows and I was like "welp that cant be good"

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