How To Make A Curly Loop Ribbon Hair Bow

Learn to make a ribbon loop hair bow with curled grosgrain ribbon. All supplies available at

Hi everybody, its Laura from your hardware, got another video tutorial for you today and today I'm going to show you how to make this loopy ribbon puff hair bow, and this is a little different than our other tutorial. If you've seen that one this one we've used curled ribbon to give it that unique curly, look to it, I'm going to show you how to do that today. The materials that you're going to need to make this bow are Corcoran right here that I've cut into two and a half inch long pieces after it's been curled. I'Ve cut it to that length. It'S about five inches long for each piece if you straighten it out, but this is the core Carribean, I'm using four different colors and I have six pieces of each color. So that's a total of twenty-four pieces of cork or ribbon if you're not sure how to curl the core Carribean. We have another tutorial that shows you how to get this curled look to your ribbon and we'll get that link for you up on the screen. You'Re. Also going to need a needle and thread a pre lined alligator clip a felt circle and a hot glue gun. Okay, so here are the four colors that I'm going to use in my bow, I'm going to keep the pattern consistent, so I'm going to use one of each keeping that a consistent look. You can mix match it. You can use all of one color. It really just depends on the look that you're going for so what you're going to do is you're, going to start by taking your first piece of ribbon and piercing one end of it on your needle and make sure on your needle that you have a nice Big knot on the other end so that your ribbon doesn't just slip right through the other side, now you're using curled ribbon. But what you're going to do is you're going to take your ribbon and you're going to pull it straight and then you're going to loop. It around and you're going to pierce the other end, your needle, so make sure that your ribbon is loop like that, and it's straight when you let go of it. It'S gon na naturally try to regain some of that curl and that's what's gon na give it that unique. Curly. Look like in this blue bow. So you take each piece: let's Pierce it on one end of the needle straight in the ribbon and then the other side and keep going until you have filled your needle. What I usually do is, I do one complete pattern: stacked on the needle and then I slide it to the end of the thread like this to where the knot is so just keep going until you have completed it all. Okay, I'm almost done with my last piece: I'm gon na put it on the needle and I'm gon na pull the whole thing together like this and now you're going to knot the right pull this tight and not this last piece so that you have a nice Tight stack here on your thread: okay, now trim off the extra thread that you have and you're going to look at the bottom. Here you have all your stacked pieces on your thread and you're going to want to try to line them up so that you have all of the ends stack together. They get kind of crazy and jumbled up as you're pulling the pieces of thread onto the needle and here's where you want to get them straightened so that you have all your loops sticking up straight should just be pretty easy to get that loop together, like that. Okay, so I have them all pretty much stacked up. They don't have to be perfect, wan na make sure you're not about to glue any loops them. Okay. So what I do is I take this stack and I kind of turn it a little bit like that and now you're going to take your glue, your glue, gun and you're going to cover all these ends with a pretty generous blob of glue. Now take your felt circle: you're gon na press it right on there and then, while it's still wet and moveable turn it over just kind of press it down, move your loops around make sure that they look should be a pretty full and circular puffy bow. You can add more if you're looking for more volume than I have in mine, or you can even do less, you can even kind of space it out and add a center to it if you'd like as well, but I'm gon na keep mine full. So it's like a big puff. Okay. So now it's ready to be added to the alligator clip I'm using a pre lined alligator clip you can. If you want to line it yourself, you just need about four and a half inches of ribbon and you just glue it right onto the clip. Now I'm gon na add some glue to the top of the alligator clip and then because you used this felt circle right here. You just glue it right on to the felt circle, just press it down and give it a second to dry and cool down, and your curly loopy puff hair bow is complete.

Tree: TFS such a fun hair bow! This tutorial is (was) very easy to follow. On a side note I have that same glue gun.. what a power house, it only took 1 time getting glue on me to be more careful than those littler guns. lol :)

Braves Athletics: This is such a cute bow. I am going to have to make this for my nieces.

debican01: So adorable. Gotta try it! tfs

Chris Rickert: Love the corkers in this version.

Soror Azure: Question. I know you use 3/8in ribbon but could you also use 7/8 to make korkers bows as well. Thanks

NaniBug Moss: Thank you for sharing your videos!

Nancy Q: Very easy and so nice bow, I try to do.

Wild Flight901: Cute! Cute! Cute! Thank You!

Takieshia Page: I love your video's

Viviana Hevia: Where is the link for curling the ribbon?

Jazmine Magana: Oh so u bought ur ribbon like that? Where at?

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