Hair Bows & Halloween ║ Hang Out With This Homeschool Mom Of 9 │ Week 6

In this video, we had a short school week. On the first day, we spent the day sorting through, organizing and putting away clothes since Tom and I had been clothes shopping the night before. It was also Tom's birthday that day. On the last day, it was Halloween. Thomas did regular school work that day, but the rest of us just went to the library and then spent the day doing Halloween activities. During the rest of the week, we did lots of school work, made banana bread and homemade noodles, tissue flowers, hair bows and clay pots. (Apparently I forgot to get a picture of Justus' pot once he was done with it.) Sophia had fun playing with my old Dressy Bessy doll and Claudia played with Dapper Dan. Thomas helped make tortillas and the rest of the food for Taco Tuesday. On Saturday, Tom and Asher mowed and trimmed weeds at the Presbyterian Church while the rest of us checked out our local secondhand store. (It's only open a few hours on Saturday mornings.) We found a yellow plate to go with the set we already have so now Eden has the correct plate color. She was quite happy about that! My Uncle Kevin was here during this week visiting Grandma Fern. I hadn't seen him since my mom died 8 1/2 years ago. He lives in Canada and it was so nice to see him.

We homeschool using ACE curriculum.

Andrea's Blog:

Tom's Channel:

Our Amazon Affiliate Store:

Mills Family

P.O. Box 323

Moorcroft, Wyoming 82721


Our family's birthdays:

Thomas - Jan. 5

Sophia - Jan. 19

Eden - Feb. 24

Hannah - May 2

Judah - May 26

Solomon - June 15

Andrea - June 22

Claudia - Aug. 4

Justus - Sep. 21

Tom - Oct. 25

Asher - Dec. 15

Carefree by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (



New you fuddy, she said laughing and laughing over here, but now that I got a camera, she probably won't do it anymore. Can you make your laugh much too much that looks so beautiful sweet girl, so anything they don't want anymore is going in the pile. I didn't get you new socks, because ears were still in good shape, so you can home, get your new panties and put those in your drawer. Okay, put anything we're throwing away in the pile for me to look at and then put my stuff in your bin. Cam there you're so funny so we're trying to get started here this morning in this place is a disaster. It'S so busy in the last couple of days with shopping and all the clothes dealt with and Tom's birthday. Yet partying, it's like something blew up in here. We'Re gon na get school done this morning and they give this place back in order. Although Astra just said he's gon na clean out the table, his can't find any good place to work. Oh yeah, the tables covered with stuff we've got baskets of clothes around almond accidentally pulled the curtain down the other day, so that needs fixed. We got junk. We got babies just hanging out by your mom girls, cheatin, yogurts and wearing new boots. You can put your calendar back now or, though, are you 12 versus you can do it? You know fast. You got all week. I get my own Monday funny. I guess someone. Oh my leg. 15. You thought they like spring yeah. Well, I guess we'll find out and what story what's going on in Azra, tryna to wiggle they're so excited soon, daddy's gon na tell them about their vacation finally suffers over and the dishes are all washed. They can't wait any longer. There you go. Wow fella got that window for a minute, good, very good, okay. So that's right, sticky, like there's almost thinking, they're gon na know that haven't been rusted. Oh yeah, the only ones here are sure just said it looks a lot more still lies in here, because he spent some time tidying up my egg. Yes, I like eating eggs, a good you, wouldn't you do a quick two feet: she's just gon na use the eggshells on her picture. Mommy thanks grandma Bono, when she was in the hospital all right, we'll put this over to dry. We'Re gon na take a break real fast over here. Okay, you can go out with all the other kids, okay yeah, what Oh ghostwriter, okay dad. So he came out last night and they were all hanging around the edges sleeping. It was fun to see him out there sleeping Sharon, Claudia we're just going to come outside and she fell down the stairs all the way to the bottom yeah trying to smack their dick. So true, I judge my leg. Yeah. Let'S go find your bending on your knees, yep uncle funny uh-huh 5:07. Need you every picture has a muddy puddle on it, like Peppa Pig cute. Now what you do is you put your finger in there and makes the elephant top that's pretty cute huh yeah. My check out this view hard to explain it was a whole Tabak you were. He has made some whipped cream if she thought that might be tasty to try on top of the banana bread formation, all by yourself turned out yummy there. It is all done beautiful. Little loaf ready for the oven with that somebody is loving, crazy, oh she's made of yogurt an apple snack for dad. She said cuz of all this cooking. It'S been her favorite day of the week. This girl just bumped her mouth on the table. That was so sad, I think. She'S, okay, are you okay? My bread is done. The house is mostly back in order birthday. Banner still up in the curtain still need fixed, but things are looking a lot better in here now. Do you is it supposed to be in bed? This is Friday and on Fridays, they're allowed to take their tablets or phones with them. You just want to sleep in the kitchen. No, are you gon na sleep downstairs, you're, also a lot to sleep in each other's beds. On Friday night, you can't sleep in here yeah. This would be there in your room or dumpsters of the boys good night. They put up a big, ol ugly sign right in front of our house, I'm not very excited. How can they fix the thing there in the street want us to know how they paid for it? So now we have this big ugly sign. No, pull! No see girl losses here you can go. Look, that's rarity. Are you gon na get that one? Yes, I think you could probably get him. I think you probably could pick that whole box. This look like grandma's house. Isn'T it down her basement? I am interested in that, if those are the same, let's take those with us. He even doesn't have yella. We only have a pink I'm, never doing anything up here, but this boat came from my house. That'S my labels that I put on the books. So somebody would cook this for me. What'S about here. Here'S just gon na take one thing out. I think you can take a whole container. Oh my gosh! This is amazing. Nice on you. Isn'T it yeah? Are you drawing the clouds? The pinch was wet with purple paint. Oh no le elephant's eyes grow big and round. Then she laughs, mommy and Ezra laugh cat good, chill good, the last one ever very good. Mr. Stolley, we is learning to be kind or we are learning to be fine. Okay, as the two special friends go on their exciting Erin together, le elephant wants to be a good helper. She opens and closes doors and gates from mrs. Ella a curly Heba, that's right, so you can practice zipping and buttoning and snapping tying her shoes each end of news. Here'S a good idea falling so very good he's gon na go outside it to snow is good right at the good side. Does he need to be the snowshoe Rock and yeah yep? When you do snaps, you have to push behind just snap and in front so that they snap together it let it go through. I could have you're gon na get it. You just keep trying. Sometimes it feels frustrating when we're trying to learn something new, but if we keep on and stay calm, we'll eventually get it well did almost Vidigal by the plane the plane it's easier on all of us, yeah you're gon na get. It only know it got right out what it might help if we understood and then try from that side. How do you keep it? That'S opening I but this urn. How would you do that? The way I'm gon na do it? Okay, you did a good job. This is that feels so good. There'S dressy Betsy all ready to go. You needed this ignite. Okay, oh you're, just pretending to go outside. Are you doing it? So it doesn't come off sweet girl! You just pretend love it. It doesn't work either so Don. I fixed that girl's hair today and she immediately tried to unfix it Hey but even took Sally and Sophia out to find its many different colored follow use that they can find there's what we need to do. Let'S go get in on Cyclopaedia sfrom downstairs solomon, one for Sofia's wow. You got a lot of colors. Didn'T you we're gon na lay them on this one and it will close some more pages and then we can put in some more okay. That'S enough for this! One and they have to go to this side, so you go okay. Let'S close this one. Okay he's got hers at number, four cuz she's four, so we can remember and we're gon na put Solomon's and number six since he's six good get one more on there. There we go go on the leg on it, but that's leg of a plant, the leg of a human being here we'll get this one. That'S a better page like oh we're, gon na put the leaves in here and I'll, make them nice and flat and dry, and then next week we'll make a craft with them. Okay, now you can can help. You guys go put those back on the bookshelf till next week. You want come see everybody, I'm so glad that we found my yellow plate awesome. So, while we're sitting here eating lunch, I'm gon na do the recognition. Okay, we have a bunch to do today. Cuz. We didn't do it for a couple days. Thomas finished New Testament got an eighty seven and a half percent yeah everybody get Thomas a hand, Asher also finished New Testament, and you got the eighty six and a half good job good job. Now on the next one. It'S not about people taking tests it's about Thomas! When I was cleaning the other day. I noticed Thomas have the nicest tiniest bit so I gave him the blue ribbon. You guys might have seen it hanging up by his bed. So, let's give Thomas a hand for the blue ribbon bed. Did you Thomas? We want my summons for making dinner for us the other night. I didn't take any video of it, but Thomas made us cheeseburger cheeseburger macaroni the other day, so everybody give Thomas a hand for making a burger macaroni and else oh and we're gon na make it Thomas get lots of recognition. Thomas we're gon na recognize him for keeping his snow gloves both pairs all winter last year, without losing a pair of gloves so good work. Now we're gon na give some recognition to justice, because the other day he had a rough day with his math, but he kept on working long into. I am so proud, easily get the learner award and I'm gon na move him one space. I really give him a hand. Oh, this is his first went up onto the board there, she's gon na go, stand outside and let her hair dry. She bought some dye with her own money and wanted me to help her to put it on it's pretty cool. I can't see it yet. There you go, looks pretty cool yeah, you better go check it out. I think you should probably take your shoes off for work. We'Re gon na today we're gon na take grandmas and the bar right from one banana bread, and then I made her some people put in her freezer. Sometimes she doesn't like what they have to eat. She doesn't like much to eat my last week. She really wanted some of that peanut butter sandwich that I brought for Claudia. So I thought maybe I'll just stick those in our freezer. I cut them into quarters and then she just take one piece of a sandwich out which she wants to and thought fast and got something to nibble on if she doesn't like what they have for her meal there, where you left home once and then I realized, I forgot, graham, has been in a hangar and plastic forks that she wanted, so justice get them. Yeah we're gon na stay in the car. While justice goes and gets her stuff, we forgot - oh hey, I forgot we have a special visitor. I completely forgot milk for me. Oh, we use a sippy cup for her a lot of times still and she'll say I want chocolate, milk and shake it up this doing Taco Tuesday. Oh wait! No! What happened to my mocha? Could you lose it? Listen you how many days till Halloween right, that's right! Yeah, daddy elephant begins to pile snow now. What happened? Second in the story, was it when they saw that it was the Beavers or was it when it fell in the hole not when they heard the beavers. When they saw the Beavers with it, when they saw the Beavers or was it were a few people in the hole nope that was not. Second, second was when Fifi fell. Whole circle number two very good and the very last part was when Papa showed them that it was the Beavers very good. Now, let's look at a rabbit story now, what's happening in this picture, that's right and what's happening here, yep, that's when they got their invitation to come ride the train, huh and what's happening here, that's right, which one of those happen. First in our story. Yes, that's right so circle number one and what happened? Second, not Nick! That'S right! So circle number two and then what happened last and that's their. I think very good, so circle number three and then we have our elephant story. So what happened in this picture? Paint on there didn't she and what happened in this picture. Yeah they were going to library one day and then what happened here. That'S right, which one happened. First in our story, yeah, that's right. First, they went to the library and second, what happened. They had paint on that's right. She got paint on her bag. Didn'T you see what happened last? I feel very good good work. I don't think she wants to play sweet girl, hope it reads it very good. Sweet 3p! Look at that's right. It'S a new button! Very good, and when do we wear our snow boots good, where we're gon na put those rain boots at okay, y'all done! Okay, we can put this up now and you're all done for today again go! Do it again, so yeah, I'm doing good, yeah, okay, yeah! Fine it off just like not that a monkey was eating a banana. Oh that one, the squirrels you are. I have two more goals left, then I'm a new one yeah after I'm gon na make hair bows with, even when I get back from the post office and then we'll do a plot together, okay, okay, I'm gon na go go get the mail, then I'll. Do the science project with you, then both of Eden then make a pot with justice. I guess I mean how did you going in Crimea spray to the store just wan na ride with me? Oh well then, like this, you can say for them. Oh, you got your thing. Put the stapler like this one. Okay, we're gon na make this little piece right here, so that little the pistol so we're gon na get the toilet paper wet and glue it onto the tips of two thick okay. Then you can so just gon na take some of the kids out for a PE game that you play us. What'S that noises, oh goodness, thanks even and I are gon na make some hair bows today for our special time together, she's really been liking. These big bows that Jojo see ones are named bows, so we're gon na make some in some colors that she needs for her to matter. So our clothes actually will cut all so a game they're gon na play is they will have a ball that will bounce on the trampoline and if it hits you you're out and I'll see who's the last one out. I don't I'm trying to do it by hand. I think it is like a sticker this and then just press it on or you like you um next time. I think I'm on Twitter come on down here, we're down there. Well, let's just write like yeah all right: one bar done here: try it on there we're using the zip ties, we're gon na, tighten it a little bit, but not all the way so that we can work they're moving the way we want it before we tighten It completely down somebody so proud of yourselves yeah, we'll just get all those oh yeah. The backing force of this part should, in the middle then watch it up. I said why we had to twist this ribbon to make all the dotted sites come out and it turned out way cuter than the others, so we're gon na undo these ones and do them again so that they look cute like that. One learn in the tricks. We could maybe get like a thank you something like this. I can't I can't find my with the ones I have a clip and then the ones that don't have this kind of a clip. We could stick inside the pocket. That'S kind of cute. This one was right inside yeah that one who will see that one go really flip, so they could go out here there we go not that one that one get clip on the side. You can also use your other pocket up there for new tube. If he's getting away the closet clothes me, look at the Hat, go shopping every day in your own hair, bow section, you kid! Definitely some more water, no right we're gon na get dirty you're that that's good, just keep on doing it. I mean I'm just saying you feel it and check it and see what you think your Schanke. Yes, she was good his Levi's working yeah. It was a perfect yeah. I can't seem to get the head back on sorry, okay, say it again. No acknowledge you just grab a fast, then you did something wrong because that can't be reduced. Bitterness took me, 38 minutes versus to be specific, good work. Son yeah, I'm gon na finish. Getting this girl dress. She puked all over Judith this man, she hardly ever puked. So a little surprise, they think they tickled her. Do they tickle you so much? You beauty. Everyone can wear costumes in the library this morning if they want to so Sophia picked the sunflower hat and a skirt and a purse last night, and I got the library bag ready to go hanging on the doorknob okay here it realize no one actually grabbed this. So we can bring our library books back today. Okay, you do. What was every power? What was it? Was it a volcano? That'S what some people think that it was from inside a volcano, but nobody really knows for sure cuz we weren't alive, then so we can just make our best guesses yeah. I think your prices open on that one. Okay, again, my spider, the next one, your face. Frankenstein I'll turn it up. She'S got some candy for you. Look it's not we're. Never gon na come home because we end up visiting with so many people between here and the library.

PJL: Another 58 minutes spent with the Mills part of my week<3<3<3

Tonya: Sophia, I like how you were so patient while you were trying to button the dolls dress strap.

Alex C: For Edens bows you can get a long piece of ribbon and pin it on the wall and she can clip all of them on to it. Plus it can be a decor item since they are so pretty!! I did that for mine when I was a cheerleader and I loved “shopping”for them when I needed one!

Kristy Dee: Eden is really growing up into a beautiful young lady! All your children are wonderful ❤️

Norma Gillette: Wait...she can sew her own skirts AND make beautiful hair bows?! Way too much talent for such a young girl, good job Eden!!! You are fabulous!

Lupus 🦋 Butterfly: I can watch your videos over and over and always see something new.♥️

Jessica Abel: Claudia, "Can I dry the clouds?" so cute.;)

Denise Gonzalez: ‍♀️Hi Andrea...Thank you for sharing your wonderful family moments. I know that you put a lot of hard work putting out the videos and i appreciate it! Thanks again!!

hearsthewater: As always a wonderful treat to get to see you and your lovely family. I was super impressed with Sophia's problem solving skills when she was trying to conquer Dressy Bessy's button. She kept trying and then eventually asked you for help, but in a way that sounded so very adult! You have done a great job teaching her how to think for herself!

MomKel: I just love watching your family. I am recently separated from my husband of 15 years and while we are separated we are sharing the kids. He has them one week, then I have them the next. The weeks they are with him I don’t hardly know what to do with myself. When one of your vlogs posts, I get so excited because they always make me smile and I know it will help pass the time!!! THANK YOU for putting warmth in my heart when I am a bit down and missing my kiddos!

Camille K: Thomas looks so much like you, Andrea. Certain facial expressions he makes and even some of the ways you say things, he does, too! I know you say he’s reminds you of his Dad, but man do I see you in him!

RonnyBunny: Your kids are just amazing!! Solomon is getting to be so responsible knowing toys would distract him!! Edens bows are so beautiful!! I think they are better then JoJos because she made them!! =)

Jess Catley: Its lovely to see the bear!! Hope you're all good, looking forward to sitting down with you all for an hour!

Judy Kelly: It has been lovely 'catching up' with your family, thank you ! xx

Anita Tucker: Hannah is looking more and more like Claudia every day. I noticed too some of the girls favor grandma.

grateful1929: A beautiful soul who graced this earth.❤️

CJ Bennett: Loved the bows, has Eden considered making a bow holder? I’ve seen some cool ones that are a small wooden shape with a length of ribbon hanging down from it that you can clip the bows to, it hangs straight onto the wall, should make for a fun craft!

Jamie Rossi: Hiya Tom, I clicked onto this to get some pointers from Andrea on JoJo hairbows. I sure did. Zip ties! lol ! I had watched Edens celebration with the bow making holders made. Brilliant. . I loved every bit of it. My niece Ramona loves those bows as well. Walmart carries a colorful variety in high top JoJo Siwa shoes. They sell for 16.88. Maybe Eden might be interested in saving up.

Loretta Tinkham: Looks like baby Hannah is going to be mobile soon . Cute bows eden

Jordan Smith: Great video as always! You guys should eventually make some merch!

Amanda Hurst: I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate the post card you sent me. It was sweet and unexpected. I am Amanda from CA. Hope it see the pobox video soon.

Livi Lou: My heart breaks for Eden she is at the age where she really needs her Mom!

Sharon Torres: Love seeing your videos. I wait for them everyday. Hannah is getting so big already. Too cute

Heidi Hanson: Never laughed as hard... "The place is a mess because of partying".

xdismalxkittenx: ive been addicted to your videos! im a toddler teacher at a Montessori school, and a mom of 1 teen and I get enough kid interaction so seeing you in your mass of kids leaves me in awe of how seamless you make it! but I do have a question...have you ever thought of the Montessori way of teaching? how self sufficient you already teach your kids, I feel it would be perfect for your littles.

Lupielife: You can spray your bows with a little bit of unscented hairspray and let them dry to stiffen and shape them

Monica Cliver: Thank you so much for your video.Look for Hannah's stocking,in mail soon.

JCB MaMa: Eden sure does look like JoJo with her pretty bows and fancy vest. I love Sophia's leopard and pink coat! If it came in my size I'd wear it too!

Laura Junk: Loved this video! I was wondering if you could maybe explain in a video at some point, the tablet and phone situation with the kiddos? Are there restrictions? Monitoring apps/searches? Do mom and dad get to have their passwords? Does each child get to have a smart phone at a certain age? Just thought could be helpful for other mamas out here.

Homemade Home: Thanks for sharing your beautiful family love watching ware did you get the doll from would love to see your recipes thanks so much you inspire me I also have a channel would love for you to check it out many blessings

Jane E Smith: Thomas is a fine young man.

Jaclyn R: Love your videos, being greedy and want more ☺️

betheny auker: So happy and excited to see this pop up!!!! Yay!

Vicki Hill: My hair is very slippery also and I have better luck putting it into a low ponytail first and then braiding it. It helps to keep it from sliding out so quickly. Just an idea

Myshelle Rhodes: What curriculum are you using with your kiddos?

Debra Snyder: Your youngin's are adorable. Wish you would show how Asher loves holding the young siblings. And they love him up.

Elizabeth Vallely: WOW Your brother lives in B.C. I live in Rosedale B.C.outside of Chiswick I.m sure your brother will know of it! My son lives 40 minutes from your brother just outside of Duncan, we we go to visit my son we go to Nanaimo on the ferry WOW its a small wold after all enjoy the video the kids are always awesome great family you are turely Blesssed! Hannah is a very happy little girl, great job on the hair bows Eden they are very pretty! Thank you for sharing! Hugs Liz x

Dani love: Phia looks the most like Tom out of all the children :-)

Brenda Franco: Thomas those tortillas look so good.Could you please share recipe.Andrea I have never seen anyone with the kind of patience you have your a great mom.

C Callaghan: Oh dear God what were you thinking taking this mommy to heaven? I love you Lord, and I know Your Ways are not ours, but please help me understand why? Please bless Tom and these babies real good and help them every minute of every day to live out this life as you would want them to. Give Tom and these babies ten fold what they lost. In Jesus Name, I pray.

bonnie berry: Doesn't the new baby have Grandma Fern's look ?so sweet...

Jilly Girl: Sophia and Claudia are cute doing their songs together, and she ( Claudia ) likes that backpack ! Hannah is growing like a weed , and seems to constantly smile. What a good boy, Asher tidying up. Claudia's blue dress is pretty a she would look so cute with her hair in braids

Kyiesha Miller: Waiting on clothing haul video

Bonnie Bertrand: So was Kevin Grandma Fern's "baby" - her youngest? If you have an Uncle Steve and an Aunt Mona, does that mean Grandma Fern had 4 children? I have a feeling there were at least a few more , she truly has had such an interesting life!! The Daddy Cam caught some beautiful Wyoming pictures!

mommaxela: This is probably a dumb question but I'm generally just curious.. are the kids up with the times. Like do they listen/ watch stuff of this time. I love how yall just seem too be more vintage times. Very interesting.

Naomi Coronel: So I have to know did you buy your book back? Lol. I know weird question.

Laura Weber: Hannah is growing so fast! Where will she go when she outgrows her bassinet? She’s almost there!!

K Grean: Slap some dirt on it. She'll feel better. JK. Poor baby.

dragonflyneb: What is the video you play on the letter sounds and where can I get it? Thank You Andrea

Jennifer R: Is Thomas left handed?

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