*Tutorial* | 6 Bows For Car Freshies | Cheat Bow For Cow

Step by step guide on how to make bows for car freshies and other crafts!

Ribbon in video was purchased at Hobby Lobby and Walmart. Etsy is a great place to find the cutest specialty grosgrain ribbon!

#carfreshies #diy #bows #ribbon #tutorial #crafting #carcharms

First, bow: i'm going to show you how to do is the very popular super easy cheat bow for the cow shape. So i want to say this one, i'm just going to do the bow, i'm not actually attaching it i'm putting a different bow on this one. I'M just using this freshie as my template to show you how to do it so first, what you'll need for this is grosgrain ribbon. I think that 7 8 inch works the best, but sometimes you find really cute ribbon. That'S just a little bit smaller. This is the 5 8 inch, and this does work too. I just tend to prefer the little bit thicker for this particular one, so i'm going to start getting out some ribbon and how i typically measure it is. I start at one ear i wrap around the cowl and i stop at the other ear now for this video to make it a little bit easier to see. I'M going to cut extra ribbon to make it easier for me to pull under the loops, and i like to just melt the edges really quickly so that it doesn't start to unfray, while i'm tying all right. So i'm going to start by finding the center of the ribbon by just folding it in half. So now that's the center i'm going to try to just place the cowl um close to the middle. Now, if you were actually working on a real one, make sure you get your string in first, because, where we're going to be putting the hot glue is going to be over the hole where you would typically put your string through, so always tie your string on. First, before you start adding your ribbon now, i'm just going to fold the two pieces over and make sure it's all nice and flush and see how i did left over right. So we're gon na start like this and then we're gon na take this ribbon. We'Re gon na push it behind the other and underneath we're gon na pull it through. Sometimes the ribbon can fold up like this before you pull it tight and just kind of fix it a little bit roll it underneath. If you have to all right - and you don't want to pull down to where the ribbon's going to be over the cow's face, you want to keep it up kind of high so that it's positioned in the correct spot so once again left over right. Pull it under, i like to make sure that it's kind of bunched up on both sides, so i kind of roll it and then, once again, this ribbon really likes to flip. So i just want to make sure that none of that white is showing, which you can always fix a little bit after you're done all right. So now, first, we went left over right now we're going right over left and we're going to make a crisscross like that, and so our top ribbon once again is going to come behind and through the loop and then when we start to pull you'll notice that This is staying flat and very square leaving that kind of false bow. Look, i'm just going to pull tight, i'm just going to try to turn this back a little bit now. If i was going to attach this one to this actual cowl. This is the point where i would then add a dab of glue and then secure it to the top, but since i'm not going to actually put it on this cowl i'll show you i don't like the way that's flipping around so, like i said you can Always play with it a little bit if you have to to get it looking exactly the way you want all right, so we've got that part down and then we're going to cut the ends. I just go with the angle of the cow's face and this side will do the same thing. It'S a lot easier when it's actually glued down. It stays still. So we have that basic part, and then i go in and get the edges, so we're just going to pretend like that's glued up there, but that's the end result of that little cows, cheap, bow or headband bow that one's super easy next bow is also super. Easy and what i like to call a no tie bow because you don't actually have to make any knots to form this bow. It'S super easy, this one. You will need one and a half inch grosgrain ribbon, so the one i just used, that was the 7 8. It'S quite a bit thinner, you're, going to need this thickness and this type of ribbon works best because it's a little stiff um. You can try to use others, but it's kind of flimsy and it doesn't really hold its shape and then you're also going to need this thinner ribbon. This one is 3 8 of an inch, and this is going to be the center part of the bow. I'M going to start by cutting approximately six inches of ribbon and then we're just going to fold these two ends over to where they slightly overlap and then we're going to find the center and that's where we start how you want it to be folded. We'Re going to flip it over this is where the end is the loose end. Is we're going to flip it over to the flat side and we're going to push the middle down to fold in half, but then we're going to bring the edges back down, folding them in half as well to create an accordion style fold. And this will set the basic shape of our bow. So this is the point where, as you can see, mine's a little off center, so i'm just gon na scoop, my fingers down to where it looks a bit more, even and i'm just gon na pinch. It like this between my fingers, holding all the little folds together and i typically do forget to do this part first. I need to cut about. I don't know. I think i usually do like an inch and a half to two inches, but i all the time forget to cut this piece before i'm already trying to hang onto the bow, so you can make it work so we're going to take sorry. I bumped the camera. Take our hot glue and we're just going to carefully because you don't want to hit your thumbnail or your finger because i'm sure if you've ever worked with hot glue, you have burned yourself in the past put a little dab. It doesn't need to be a whole lot because we're going to be adding a little bit more in a second and we're going to put that right there in the center and then i'm going to fold it around and fold it around. One more time to where we complete the loop and just for security sake we're instead of gluing right directly above where we attached it. I'M going to come around to this other side, still just doing the same thing, keeping it pinched adding a little bit of glue and then folding that over that glue, dab and i'm holding it in place. I'M going to come back cut a little bit of this tail off because i don't want it to be showing on the front of the bow and that's that's it. That'S how quick that one was, and this one i typically also use on the cows. So i would glue it on like that, and i think that's fine just add a glob of glue here and a position where you want it and of course hold it until it's secure. You can use this style of bow on other freshies crosses cow tags. Just anything, your imagination can come up with really little cactuses or anything you wish, but that's a super cute bow doesn't involve any tying, so the next one i'm going to be doing is very similar to this one, but i'm going to be adding tails. So this one we're going to start just like the last one, we're going to have our one and a half inch ribbon we're going to have our 3 8 ribbon. But now we also have added a piece of 7 8 inch ribbon and i have cut this one to the same size about 6 inches this one a little long about two to three inches and then this one um, the seventh eighths eighths inch. I cut to about four inches doing the same thing, we're just going to repeat the same thing over again we're going to overlap our ends, push it to the center flip it over fold down into the middle and then fold our edges back over for our basic Shape we're going to make sure that we get it in the center where we want it and our dab of glue. Please oop. Look, i got ahead of myself, so this is actually where we're going to start now, we're going to take our 7 8 inch ribbon and we're going to fold it in half and then we're going to fold it in half this way. So we've got this going on and we're going to bring this piece up underneath this piece and we're just going to hang on to it with the bow. Now we're going to add our dab of glue and our securing ribbon to the dab with glue and we're going to wrap around just like we did before add our second dab of glue. I'M gon na bring this one over one more time so that the end of the ribbon is hidden a little bit all right, so i'm just going to hold it until the glue holds it into place fold all this over and cut my tail off, and this Is the basic shape that we have? I like to cut these with a little triangle in them, so we fold them in half. Then we take our scissors and we're going to cut diagonally from the center of the fold to the outside edges of the fold, and so when we open it up, it creates that look. But just because i like to melt my ends, so they don't fray. I always before i actually let go of the fold right after i cut it. This is the best way to melt the edges when they're like this, it's almost impossible to do once it's open, because it's the shape we're going to do the next one same thing: cut diagonally from inside the outside edges melt the edges, so they don't fray. Sometimes they stick together like that when they melt, but they easily just fall apart, and that is that bow. I typically put this on a freshie, so i'm just going to do this. One finish it up on video, so i printed this little piece of card stock. It'S a squash blossom. I'M gon na glue it right there in the center, just with a little bit of hot glue. All right i had to get my string tied on i'm just gon na apply my glue press and hold it into place and same thing like with the previous bow. You can use these on any design that you wish and there we have that one next one we're gon na do is very similar to the previous two. Only it's going to be a double looped bow, so we're gon na start off the same way only, instead of just cutting one six inch piece of ribbon we're going to be cutting two once again. This is the same stuff, the one and a half inch, and then we have our thinner middle ribbon. Same thing: hold over push down in the middle flip over pull down fold back okay and then we're going to do the same thing with the other one. I'M just gon na hold this, with my other hand, pull down and back so now that we have both of them. We want to make sure that we're looking at the same side on each one and then we're just going to stack them pushing the middles together. Just like that and then same process with the gluing just holding it by pinching it as much in the middle as i can get it applying a small amount of glue taking my centerpiece ribbon, placing it in the middle wrapping it around and i've got don't have A long enough piece to go around a second time, so i'm just gon na leave it about there put some glue on the back of the bow hold my middle ribbon over. Don'T want to push it too far forward because i don't want it showing in the front i'm just going to cut the tail off and just make sure that's secure before i let go alright. So now that makes a double bow and it may take a little bit of a fluff to get it perfect. That'S pretty much! What you've got there. So i'm going to be adding this one to this cardstock freshie right at the top here, take my hot glue. I'M just gon na place, my bowl bow and uh firmly press. So now we have that one. The next one i'm going to be doing is the same first steps, the same basic part of the bow, but i'm going to be adding tails to this one. So once again repeating the process, we have our one and a half inch grosgrain ribbon we're gon na cut about six or seven inches two pieces, i'm going to cut about four inches of our center ribbon and then a piece of our 7 8 inch ribbon um. I'M going to do about five inches this time to make it a little bit longer. I did not get these very exact and if i don't make sure they're, pretty close, my loops will come out different sizes. So now i've got them about the same size. Once again repeating the process all over folding the ribbon over, keep that back here now we're going to stack these making sure that we've got them going the same direction and we've got those stacked. Now we're going to take our ribbon for our tails, i'm going to fold it down the middle like that, make sure that we also have this facing the direction we want it to go so that the tails are facing the front and then we're just gon na Stuff these right in there, along with it, now we're holding all of the layers together and doing the same thing here with our glue and our center ribbon, making sure we don't burn ourselves because that's awful flashing around and then holding it until it's secured once you Think it's well enough secure, go ahead and cut your tail off and then we're going to just like we did before fold our ribbon in half and you don't have to cut them this way and if you wanted to, if you wanted to cut them whatever angle That you want, i just think that this way is super cute. That'S the way. I typically do it and we're just going to flip, like we did the last one before we get, it shaped how we want it, that's the double with the tails, and then i usually use this on my crosses, because it's really the such a big bow. It'S it's hard to put on anything else without just completely covering the freshie itself, but i think it's really cute on the crosses, and then we have that one onto our last and final bow this one i originally was not going to include in the video because It is one of the ones i find most difficult to do so, and i was really just trying to demonstrate some really simple, easy, quick bows, but i had a special request for this one. So i'm going to include it this one, i would say, only really works with the 7 8 inch. I have used the smaller 5 8 inch, but um it just didn't, come out as fluffy and as cute. So i would say, if you're gon na do this one definitely go with this width. Also, once again, grosgrain works the best, because it's stiffer we're going to start this one by laying it across our hand and we're going to leave about two to three inches of a tail and we're gon na wrap over once and we're gon na wrap over a Second time and then we're gon na cut about six inches six inches extra, so we've got this side, we've got this longer side and then you're going to bring it off your fingers and kind of pinch all of the layers. Together, we have this one hanging out. I like to go ahead and flip this one around, because if you left it like this would be facing the wrong direction and once you have it tied it's kind of hard to do from underneath the knot. So i like to just kind of fold it a little bit underneath and hold it with my finger. While i do the tying so we're going to bring this extra tail up over and then we're going so we just brought it over came down from the back, and then you see this little loop here. This is what we're going to bring it through. We'Re going to go from this direction and we're going to pull it through this way. Like i said, i have the most difficulty with this bow in particular in all aspects of making it it really wears on my patients. Sometimes it does come out to be a really cute bow, but it takes some practice and a lot of patience. So what i like to do from here now is put all of the loops onto my fingers and then i just tighten it up. One of the frustrating parts about this is, it seems like every time you tighten it up and you let it go. It just comes unraveled again make sure our tails are going the right way. So this is now the front of our bow, always make sure you get it in the center at this point because it does like to unravel, i just like to put a little dab of hot glue in the knot so that, while i'm shaping it, it doesn't Start to come loose on me just let that set for a second all right now that the glue is it's cooled off now we just separate the loops. Someone wants to keep going back in there, so i'm going to try to pull the opposite direction so that it kind of lifts over the other one and stays and then the same thing again with the tails i'll leave these a little bit long. I don't actually have anything to put this one on, because this was a last minute request. You can just fluff it and puff it more to where it looks how you want it to look, and then sometimes i put these on. I make little highlander cows that have hair and i just literally glue it right to the top of the cow's head just like that, and that's it for this tutorial. Those are all the different bows that i do for my cows and my cardstock. I hope these were easy enough to follow. I know sometimes it's really hard to explain and really demonstrate how they come together. Hopefully, this was helpful and you'll be making your own bows soon. Thank you. Everybody for watching

Sandra Carrillo: Ty for your patience in teaching this. I enjoyed watching & learned a lot

Allyson Juarez: Oh my goodness!! I kept breaking my head trying to figure out how everyone did bows for Freshies. This video was VERY helpful! Thank you

Nina L: I absolutely love the colorful freshie you have on this video. Do you have a tutorial on that one?

Glenda Wente: You make it look SO easy and I know it's not! Thanks for the video.

Theresa Gelotti: SO helpful! Thank you for sharing!❤️

Carolyn Hummel: Does the heat affect the hot glue on the Freshies when the car becomes hot? Also same question about the puff paint. Thanks for the awesome videos !

CHANTAL XOXO: Very helpful!! Thank you! ❤️

Cassandra Silas: Thanks for sharing very very helpful all your bows add that extra cuteness to the freshies. I am ready to step my game up and add some bows AWESOME SAUCE

Warriors Greatness: Great teaching video. Thank you for your generosity in sharing. Mucho Gracias

Caitlyn Diez: Have you tried the bullet bows everyone was doing? ❤️

Abraham Ab: You should teach us how to put pictures on the freshies like the one you showed PS love your work

Jess Curtis: Do you print your card stock for your rounds? Wondering the type of printer you need to do this?

Krystal Johnson: How do you add them on to the sunflower ?

Mackenzie Pruitt: So i have been hot gluing my bows to my freshies, but I’ve seen some that tie them onto the string rather than hot gluing. I can’t figure out how to tie a bow like yours above onto a twine string without it looking bad could you tell me how?

Amanda Casey: Can you tell me what color mica you use for the nose of the cow please? Also, for the white parts- do you use white mica or is that what the beads look like without any color when melted? (I’m still doing all of my research so I’ve never actually made a freshie yet!)

Stacie Terry: What do you use for the hair on the highland cow?

Misty Strickland: Thanks so much for this video

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