Naked 100% Human Hair Clip-In 9Pcs // Coil Curl 14"

Premium quality, 100% natural virgin human hair clip-ins!

Dye it, bleach it, style it as if it was your own!

See how @Keke J. customized our ultra soft, 100% human hair clip-in by dying it!

Available Style: Coil Curl 14" (ideal for type 4 hair)

Available Color: Natural, Natural Dark

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These clippings are so soft. This makes. Do you see this? So in today's video we are going to be reviewing some clipping. These are the naked Brazilian virgin remy clip-in. They are nine pieces, as these are 100 % human hair and on the back it goes in the detail about the different types of web clips and then the quantity that you can dye them. You can bleach them. You can chemically process these, so I'm very excited because it'll be new, is it. This is what the hair is. Looking like, colors changing nicely, this hair is still soft, is still bouncy is still light. It just looks so good. Looking hey, oh my god. She bleached your hair and once I tell them my clippings they're like what are you serious like this looks like my hair like I cannot deal I'm very impressed with these clippings. Like I said you can bleach dye chemically process them, you can do as you can do it. Your real hair,

Gail Drakeford: How many packs did you purchase. Beautiful sis

Jazz Driver: Please help! What's a reputable place to purchase these human hair clip ins?

Gail Drakeford: So this was 10 months ago, how did the hair hold up, In time.

Deshenayaxo70: When are these going to be available for purchase?

msdee1p: what color did dye them

Lydia Y: Where did u purchased them?

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