Styling A Synthetic Wig For My Mary Sanderson Cosplay

Hello and happy spoopy time, my amazing friends. It is getting so close to the premier of Hocus Pocus 2 and I for one, can not wait!!! Well, we are also getting really close to finishing up Mary. Here is what I decided to do for the wig. I hope you all enjoy. Happy Haunting!

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Fabric glue -

Wig -

My sewing machine -

cone -

#SandersonSisters #hocusPocus #hocusPocus2 #cosplay #disneycosplay #disneybound #fabrichaul #fabric #MarySanderson #disneyplus #Disney+

I'M a room of banks here, but they were already kind of ruined Boop. Oh, I missed hello. My spooky friends welcome back. It is still a disgusting 90 degrees here in Central Florida. I hate it. I would much rather be in Salem Massachusetts, even if it means I get burned at the stick is a witch. So this week we are going to be doing Mary's wig um. I wish of all wishes that I could have gotten this wig, I already own it. It is one of my favorites, however, I have zero intentions of putting it into a permanent hairstyle that I won't undo. Um Mary's wig is going to be requiring some Armature and some glue. So I am not going to sacrifice one of my favorite wigs um idealistically. It'S the one that I would use if you can find it back in stock. I wish you all the best of luck um, but as a fantastic substitute. I did find this beautiful number by wig goddess. It is a purple and black blend as well. However, this one is purple with black low lights instead of black with purple highlights um and it is gorgeous. It is fantastic um when I am wearing it. The hair itself comes to about just you know, just about my belly button is so she's super long. That gives us plenty of hair to work with. However, it's not quite curly enough um, but I just wanted to show you really really quick and then we will jump right into this video. So it's a gorgeous lace, front. Wig. You'Ve got two inches of part zone right. There, you've got Clips one two three Clips plus elastic the lace is incredibly soft, so this will be comfortable to wear um. The only thing, because this is an updo. I wish I had been able to get a 360 lace wig um. Ideally that would have been great, but unfortunately it was just not in the cards. So whatever the first thing that I'm going to do is give it a little bit of a trim. So she has all those bangs situation happening then we're gon na put some curls in it and then we will get to styling. I will uh see you when I'm back from getting some Armature all right. I just got done in my local Walmart foreign. I ended up getting a craft foam cone. I'M gon na have to shave it down and reshape it and play with it. Um and unbeknownst. To me, um Walmart started carrying extensions. The package has three 52 inch wefts, so I grabbed that so that I can actually work some of that. It'S a I got it in the color 1B um, and so I'm going to work that into the wig in those like around the hairline. To hopefully, maybe darken it up a little bit um since some of those black low lights aren't that old, yeah, I'm hoping that will help all right. Let'S get back and work on that foreign. The first thing that we are going to do is give this wig a lovely haircut, so I'm separating the hair out of my way so that all I really have is the hairline all the way around, and I really am sorry that most of the upper half Of this is not in frame. I didn't realize that my camera arm had dropped again, but so I trimmed that hairline and went in and put them all in a little foam rollers and then I'm coming back and putting the entire Head worth of hair into wire mesh rollers. All the way around - and I am alternating between the two sizes - mostly because what is going to be closest to the hairline - I want to be nice, tight curls, but what's inside and get pinned inside the cone, I'm really not worried about. I just wanted volume. Okay, uh curlers are all in um and at this point I am going to hit it with the steaming iron and then I will let it dry or cool to room back down to room temperature on its own and I'll. See you on the other side, and here we go add in some heat. Okay. This is completely cool and dried to the touch. So I am going to uncoil one of these curls and see what it did. Yes, okay. I love it. It'S perfect all right! I'M gon na go and uh uncoil the rest of these, like I'm half tempted to like, and we're done. Okay now for real we're, not giving Mary a curly girl makeover but like I am in love with this wig. So while I have the wig on my head, I'm going to try and figure out exactly where I want this phone to fit. I'M also realizing that it is exceptionally Too Tall, which is fine. I kind of suspected that so I'm going to carve the underside down a little bit so that it has the Noggin shape and I'm also going to trim off a chunk of the top and wreath. Because I'm because I because I want to go that way with it, so all right, but I feel like it's going to go right about here all right. Let'S trim this puppy and it's totally imperative to assume the floor. Troll position for this project: plop yourself on the floor and start carving out that foam so little by little, I'm carving out the middle of this to make room for the domey part of the Noggin like this lip. That'S here I'm trying to get rid of that and so by shaving, the inside down that's going to allow the domey part of the Noggin to sit better. I decided to trim off the pieces of the cone bit by bit because I really wasn't sure how much I needed and then figure out from there kind of like puzzle pieces of how I was going to reassemble it back together to get the appropriate shape. So this last cut, I actually did on a diagonal. What I'm going to do is Pivot it, so I can start creating the shape and I'm going to glue it back together, like that, I'm also going to stick some craft wire in there to hold it. I then went in with some inexpensive craft wire that I already had in my stash. I really would have wished to have used a higher quality floral wire, but I didn't have any and I already spent way too much money on this project. So it is what it is: okay, it doesn't look like much and it still needs to dry, but here is essentially my Armature starting off with those extensions that I picked up at Walmart, I'm gluing them onto the foam with my aliens fabric, glue um. This is going to bond beautifully because these extensions are synthetic, and so it behaves like Fabric and then I am using some bobby pins at this point to start smooshing the hair into the foam, and that way it behaves a little better. I'M also going to use some of the purple strands of hair that I cut off from the bang region. Okay, I have this completely wrapped um. I used a combination of bobby pins and craft wire and fabric glue um, and this is going to go onto the cranium of the wig and um. You know be the structurer that I build her hairdo onto. However, there's a lot of glue here, and so I need to let this puppy dry. It is so 4 30 A.M. Um. My entire household is at the atlas launch, but since I have to be at my regular job at 8am, I am awake and not with them. So I'm going to try and Tackle this before I actually go to work today. Um just look in love like um. I put it on my head and put some pins where it needs to sit the hairpiece and then I'm just going to pull this off and wrap my mannequin in some cling wrap so that I don't get adhesives or anything on my mannequin head and then we'll Make some progress all right, I am going to pop you guys into time lapse mode um I went in and I back combed all of the hair at the what would be root line um that gives all of the bobby pins something to stick into and hold On to um and then I put a whole heaping glob of the aliens fabric glue on the underside of the cone and stuck it on there and then taking small sections of hair and again continuing to back home. Continuing to make sure. I don't have knots in the hair, I'm wrapping it around the base of the cone to essentially act as a lock. This is also going to give the width of the cone a little bit more of an appropriate shape. Um, like it'll Beef, It Up at the base and that's kind of what we want and so for the entire wig. I just worked from the crown up, adding lock by lock in a crisscross pattern, doing my best to try and hide like the previous weft. At this point, I am adding a few braids so that it gives the conical shape a little bit of a dimension um, and I also just think that it looks really cool. Okay. I am at the point where it's really mostly just the couple of blocks that are surrounding the hairline um and I'm kind of thinking. What I'm going to do is leave them in these chunks and use them to then hide all of the structural stuff um. I want to keep them loose so that the curl pattern is still visible and try to get I'm going to put some I'm gon na stick some as many pins in here as I have to um to get it to stick to the glue and to keep To get the glue to like um show it in please foreign. Thank you, foreign. Thank you, okay, um! I'M going to let all of this glue dry um. I will do a try on install to like trim up the bangs and side hairs to where they need to be. I may need to re-curl them. I will see how it looks on um, but in the meantime, I'm gon na let this dry, hello, I'm home. So roughly dry time was about five hours um, I'm gon na trim up these bangs. I like the length that I have going on here in little sideburns and I like the length that I have in the back. I feel, like those hide the imperfections in the wig cap a little bit, but I do also have some stragglers that need to be cut that um and I'm not letting you guys see the top, because I I want to see this whole thing, and so I'm Just going to come in with thinning shears and cut repeatedly, because I want it to be wispy um, yes, okay, I need to recurl these and I need to trim my laces but other than that I'll see you guys in the reveal. Actually, I won't see you guys in the mail, though, hopefully marry in the reveal foreign

Ni An 🇺🇦: The wig turned out great! Have you seen the new HP2 trailer that dropped the other day?

Ni An 🇺🇦: Hannah Waddingham did a red carpet interview with Access where she said who her character in HP2 is. I won't spoil it if you don't want to know. Video: "Hannah Waddingham Reveals 'Hocus Pocus 2' Role".

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