Review Love Body Bling Hair Extensions

I am adding a review of love body bling hair extensions. I know there have been a lot of different reviews, but i wanted to give an honest review. I bought these with my own money, and my own opinion

Hey guys, so i am going to do a review today on my hair extensions um. So, first of all i'll just give you the details. This is called california brown and it's actually pretty close to the color that it shows on on the screen here and um. It matches quite quite well with my natural hair color, because you can barely tell where that one begins and this one ends. Unless you look a little closely, my blending really sucks, but i have short hair. So, let's face it, my hair is here: i had to never mind you get it so yeah, it's called california brown and i believe it's number four and i got it from a company called love body bling and i know, there's been a lot of really good Hype ones on youtube and you're, probably thinking okay, yeah sure, there's a lot of really good hype, but is it actually any good? So i'm going to say my overall impression is they're: okay, they're. Actually, okay, i'm not convinced it's a hundred percent human hair, and i know they say you can do the burn test which i did and it burnt up really quickly. Um. It was very comparable. I took some of my old hair out of my hair brush burnt. It up and they burnt very much the same amounts they caught fire about the same amount so that they did pass the test, what they didn't pass. Now, i'm not sure if it's just my inexperience but as i decided to curl my hair and as you can see, i've got my mermaid weight deep wave look today, as i curled my hair, i got lit little plasticky bits almost on my my actual curling iron And you can't really see it, but when you look really close, there's certain little bits in here that are actually a little plastic ball on the end. So i'm not convinced that this is 100 human hair. It'S got a lot of hairspray in it right now and it feels really good, but when it's freshly washed, when it's straight and it's beautiful, i can run my hair through it. It looks real i've had a lot of individuals, not even know that i have hair extensions. So i'm thinking, how can you not i've got things like this sticking out. That obviously say i have hair extensions, but i'm not trying to fool anybody. If somebody asks me if i have hair extensions, damn straight, i'm going to say, i have hair extensions because i'm not trying to fool anybody, it'd be nice. If my hair was long enough to pull people, maybe if it was down here, but let's face it. My hair is here, and it's short up into here and let's see if i can pull out my bangs they're very short, so i'm not trying to fool anybody, i'm not trying to be one of those girls. That'S like! Oh, my god. No, this is my natural hair. Oh my god! No, i'm not like that at all, i'm a little bit more real, a little bit more down to earth and a little bit more suck it up princess. That'S me so uh yeah. Needless to say, i'm pretty real. I love it, it's who i am get over it so yeah um as for shedding. They do shed a lot, but you know what hair extensions do at least so. I'Ve read um. This is my first set of hair extensions. I have ever owned and i didn't even go for like sally's beauty or anything like that, and i didn't want to spend a whole lot of money right away and find out that the hair extensions were kind of crappy or really good. And since i didn't have any expectations, i was like screw it. Why not so i went and i bought them. I spent this is the 22 inch which actually measures out to 23 inches on me or from tip to tip and uh. It'S it's nice. It is one thing you need to know it is called single drawn, so basically they take the hair. They draw it once and you're going to have short hairs throughout now. I'M going to see if i can grab one off the bottom. Oh wait that one's going to be hard to get take one off the bottom here and see. If i can show it to you, so it's a little messy i've had my hair curled and gone all day and windy and blah blah blah. But let's see, if i can show you watch, i grabbed one that doesn't actually show it right. Um, okay, a little bit, you see all those little hairs, sticking up come on camera work with me. Tap tap tap, come on all right. Well, at least you can see them anyway. Well, basically you're going to have that throughout the entire hair shaft. So it's not all one length so and that's completely normal. I knew i was going to get that when i ordered them, so unless you know specifically, and they state that they're double drawn or the same length from top to bottom. This is what you're going to get you're going to get that thick on the top thin on the bottom and different hair lengths throughout it's just the way that it is, and i don't know if you can see. Oh there we go kind of see it. It does shed it sheds quite a bit, but you know what my hair sheds more than this stuff does. So your bathroom is probably gon na get covered. It happens. If you don't brush your hair properly. If you pull on it or you just yank it out, it's going to happen so as for that quality, i'm not going to say love body bling is terrible because it does give you decent coverage, they're fairly thick at 220 grams they're, quite decent now, they're tangled Up because they've been nodding in the back of my head, i had to pick one at the very back. All right, i'm going to pause it and i'm going to come back after i've, brushed it a little okay. I'M back. Did you miss me? Of course you did because i'm awesome right all right, so i brushed out this stuff too. So it looks a little less ratty tatty. But what i have here uh, it's not a very good thing to show you already my wet brush, which you know, i'm not even gon na get into details about this supposed to be awesome supposed to be perfect. It'S a brush, whatever all right so not brushed. I'M just going to brush it out and i'm just going like. I would if my hair was naturally long just from top to bottom here and because i curled it, it is going to be a little bit naughty and let's face it, i've got hairspray in there. That'S perfectly normal and it's gon na be a little fuzzy, so i do have hair that came out onto my brush. It always does, but let's let's face it, do you brush your hair and it doesn't come out clean every time if you do awesome hair? I wish mine was like that i have to clean my brush out for my natural hair and it's short each time. So this is what it's like. After it's been brushed out from a curl, you can see that it is thinner at the top. It is decent, like i can see through it, but it's very decent, and this is one clip and i got a whole bunch of clips. I'Ve got, i believe, four three clip wefts. Actually most of them are clip wefts. I got two two clip wefts, which are my favorite. Those are the ones i put here. I'Ve got two one clip lefts, which are pointless. If you ask me so, okay, now, let's talk about them actually being in your hair. The clips themselves - let's see here if you can see that oh sorry, my nails dirty ignore that all right, so you can see that they do have this little rubber band in here and to be completely honest, i think it's it's supposed to be made of silicone. I think it just does nidalee or if it doesn't do deadly it needs to be better quality. I don't like these clips um. They they do grab, but they don't grab very well. I have very fine hair. It'S it's! It'S very thin right now because after my surgery, it's very common to lose a lot of hair. So that's why i have hair extensions now, because my hair is so freaking thin, i'm not kidding. It goes that thin that freaking thin, but anyway you're we're not here to talk about that, but with these clips, when they clip shut, i mean it looks like they're decent, but you can see here, they're, not okay. That'S a bad example that one is there. Some of them, the teeth, are up a little bit so they're not resting against another thing. I don't like these little circles here. They should be sewn in as well because when you put them into your hair, when you pull onto it or you brush your hair, it literally it pops open. So, let's see if i can show you that here, okay, so i've got a weft right here, watch what happens it literally, it almost pulls away. It has this gap up on the top and to be frankly that pisses me off. I do not like having to pull on my hair and next thing. You know i've got this little bump sticking up. I want my hair extensions to sit flat against my head and the one clip left they're just useless with my hair being fine. I can literally just go like this and that's whether or not i've teased it, so i can literally just pull it out of my hair and take three hairs with it. So i do not believe that these are very good clips. Perhaps it's my inexperience of putting them in i've had these extensions for about a month now, and i'm not pleased with these clips. I don't like the way they sit away from my hairline here and i don't i feel like if you they had them sewn a little bit deeper here and had a little bit. Let'S see if i can show you that a thicker of a weft here rather than just hair and maybe be um they're supposed to be double, quoted or double sewn, which they are, and you can see it right here, they don't, i feel like they should be. Just a little bit further for that extra security in your hair, because you don't want these bouncing up and down in your hair or if you pull it back, you don't all of a sudden want it like pulling on your hair underneath. So i'm extremely disappointed with the clips and the way it sits in your hair. I would probably give it a c out of an abc grade the quality of hair itself. I'D probably give a b minus and i'm sh. I mean that please take into account that my opinions are only based on this is the first pair i've ever had, and maybe i'm expecting too much for what i paid for these, and i believe it was a hundred and sixty dollars so great deal for the Amount that you get and oh my gosh so much hair, so much yeah, see that bobby pin see after a day my hair just falls right out, but that's a lot of hair for um the amount of money that you're paying so for the bang for your Buck i would give this a b plus or even an a minus just because you're getting a lot of hair for the amount that you're paying. I mean you can go to like fancy locks or clip fancy and spend 300 plus or even bellamy and spend maybe 200 for a 20 inch length. So i believe that the bang for your buck is really good here. Um. Would i order from them again perhaps yeah? I think i would i i did have to think about that, because i am going to be dyeing my hair blonde at some point, because i get bored with my hair and i'm going to end up buying a another red as well as a blonde through some Company, i am going to be buying my next set of hair extensions through a different company, because i want to have my opinions to be based separately. So i know what is the basics, what is supposed to be fabulous? What is supposed to be subpar, so maybe from the next company i get, this becomes fabulous. If that's the case, i'm going to be reviewing between that brand and this brand, so the company i'm going with next is called fancy hair. Please do not mistake that with clip fancy, it's completely two different companies and they get fancy. Hair is basically owned by a lady named nikki who's, tired of false lies like synthetic hair into the industry, so i've got very high expectations getting something from her. So i'll probably be getting either the 20 inch in length um. I do kind of feel like my 22 inches is a little bit long for me, but i mean who knows so. I'M gon na get the 20 inch length in a blonde whichever color of blonde. I decide to go because i get bored and i just get so excited, so i'm going to go with that and either 20 or 20 inches in length and either 160 gram, which is considerably less weight than this and the 240 gram. But the thing to remember is this: is supposed to be double drawn, so when i get it, they need to be the same length from the top to the bottom, and she also has a lot of other great claims like it's supposed to be um, like 100 Remy hair like this one, was supposed to be as well all shafts go in the same direction, and so that means less tangling and she also claims that it's the same length top to bottom, which i think i said, but that one's really important. I didn't think that was important in the past, but now i'm starting to think it is so you don't have these little scraggles at the end. So we'll see, i will do a review of that and i hope that you've enjoyed this video feel free to subscribe and like on the bottom and i'll see you guys later. Ciao

Emily Nunez: Love your review, thank you! I would recommend sealing your extensions with a product  called Fray Check (you can buy it on amazon or at a craft store like Michael's).. Fray check is for sealing thread so they don't fray. If you put them right on the band of the extensions, it seals in all the hairs so they won't shed as easily. There are a ton of videos on youtube about sealing extensions so you can look up how to do it :) But I promise you it will save your extensions because it'll keep them thick for way longer. 

Danielle .Rhyne: Also! If you can try not to use hairsprays and things in your hair extensions, the alcohol in hairspray or even perfume drys your hair out a lot quicker. When you're brushing the hair too try not to brush "top to bottom" and start at the ends working your way to the top, it's a more practical way of brushing and also will dodge creating split ends or even ripping the hair out.

Bri Winters: I got my body bling hair extensions about a year ago omg their amazing my color was #60 it dyed perfect and never frizzed or anything but before I had my body bling hair extensions my hubby bought me bobby glam hair from the UK it was supposed to be amazing and celebs use them so I got them and they were nice not great i dyed them with SE nuclear red which is a vegan semi permeant hair dye and and it took nice but I had to redye after like two months cuz it faded and I didn't even wash them I just used dry shampoo and conditioner but after I had them for a total of six months and they were so puffy and rated after wearing them for five minutes after brushing them putting Aragon oil they were just terrible!!! Maybe you got a not so great bundle of hair it seems like brunettes seen to not get great ones sometimes but if you change def try a blonde set everyone I know who has gotten a blonde set love em but my friend heather has black hair and got a black set and they seemed to be blended with synthetic hair but when it comes down too it it all depends on your opinion and what you like I hope I helped a bit btw love your personality you seem kick ass girly def would love too see more vids from you and see you blonde!!

Danielle .Rhyne: Those little hair that you said were sticking up are actually the folded hair for the stitching, it's the same strands. :) Double drawn means the hair has been aligned to all go in the same direction, to avoid knotting and matting. The hair cuticle for double drawn all runs in the same direction, single drawn means it runs up and down and can get ruined easier.

Ritika Singh: Hi, I'm planning to order the California Brown#4C in 22" too. (Probably 240 gms ,I don't know yet) so your review is probably the most relevant one for me on youtube. Basically, I wanted to know how many gms you ordered and if you're wearing all of it. Also, I have some fading highlights so I'm a little skeptical if this is the absolute right color match for me. (According to the team at LBB CaliBrown#4 is my truest match). Would you be able to share some close up pics of your extensions? 

DaniJoyy: The "plastic balls" is the hair cuticle, it's not aligned. :)

Katherine Claudette: It’s curly or wavy?

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