Zala Clip In Hair Extensions Unboxing - Sheyla Sanchez

Hey love. Just a quick video opening a toy. This is not a review :)

I'M so freaking excited because I just got my dalla hair extensions in the mail and I've been waiting for them for like over a week and I'm so super excited. I said that I wasn't going to do um. Maybe I can stay here I'll, be a cute background. I said that I wasn't going to wear any more hair extensions because I went through a hair process in my hair, where my hair was like so bad. So I typically wear like the micro link clips and this time I've worn the clips before like the removable clips on and off - and I really like those, but my favorite ones are the micro links, but they are permanent. Well tonight permanently lasts you for three months. So you have to they're in your hair for three months, so these I can put on and off and every night. So this is a new brand. I'M trying and I favor and I'll show you and open it with you. So I consider myself to have pretty good experience with hair extensions, so um. The brand that I Twitter from is called as Ella, so Z, a LA and they have pretty good reviews on YouTube, but because of the price is a little skeptical. So I'm not really expecting so so much so I wanted to open it here with you just you and I opening a toy and see what I think. So this is not gon na, be like a review or anything like that. We'Re just gon na open up a package, see what's gon na, be like the first impression and all of that, and just to give you a little bit of background. So I used to wear or I like to wear them. My curling hair extensions. So those are semi permanent and they can last in your hair anywhere from like two all the way to four months and depends on how fast your hair grows. So for me they last me they're close to three months, but that's just my preference because then I take it down and then I do a process in my hair. But this time I said exactly that and the process I didn't my hair. It didn't go out very well and I have like hair loss and I was like literally freaking out. I don't know what's going on with my hair at the moment, so I didn't want to put those in to my hair, because my hair right now, it's just so brittle, and so I don't know how to explain it. So I bought clipping that way. I can put them on and off, and it's not gon na, be like so much on my hair and yeah, so it's open and I'm so freaking excited. So I to be completely honest with you. The price was, I think, was 139 or 149 around that and it's not cheap, but it's not like to where I expect so so much so we're gon na see so far. The packaging is super cute, it's the same color as the website. The quality of the website looks really good, which is something I always look at and anything that I'm buying it. I always look like how the quality of the actual website is, and then that sets my expectation. So, ah can you excited? I feel like it's Christmas to be honest with you, a football I'm not gon na wear in San Jose for a little bit, I'm just gon na. Let my hair be girl. Once you get used to long hair, it's really hard, really hard going back. Okay. So, let's see what we have a packing slip, so I got the clip in hair extensions. They should have a little bit of an ombre, so they start all the way from color black 1b and they go all the way it doesn't say which color. But they should have an ombre, which is something different and new for me as well so bubble wrap and the box feels really. Nice feels really good. Like the care tips in the back of the box inside, you will find a bundle of confidence and a hint of glamour. You are minutes away from hair perfection, so there is a little snippet of the hair right here. I can't really see if I could show you with the light, can't really see anything out of here. But what else? Oh, it's velcro, that's kind of cute. So this is how the hair comes. It'S really cute, and this right here is so there's hair, hair extension, shampoo, there's, hair extension conditioner. This is a first I've, never ordered from a place. That'S house gives out these little cute. Thank you! So that's cute. There is a hair extension shampoo, hair extension conditioner and there is a hair extension treatment and then there's a good another package right here. How cute is this? I don't want to completely open. Oh and here extension hydrating mask so, and then this is just a booklet and here's the package. I can already tell you that this is very little hair. Is that why it was not very expensive because you need like two or three packs Jesus Christ? I could be wrong, let's just say premium clips extensions, but color is definitely Brown, so it goes from like 1b black. Here all the way down to brown, I honestly thought that the brown was going to be like more like all this black and then the brown will start like right here and then come down. So I'm really really nervous. Okay, so there's typically a thing that says that if you open it, you're not allowed to return it yada yada yada. So let's see what we have here, I'm afraid to open this and well. I have to open it. Let'S see what we find okay. So here's a hair I do like the color and it feels really really soft definitely smells plasticky um, but that's typical when they come in a pack like that. Now I do order my hair from a place where it's supposed to be like they all say. It'S. 100 % human half of this place is supposed to be 100 %. Human hair like to the point where all the hair, it's like one color, is typically black or light brown, and the texture of that hair is like super real and super amazing. At least from my type of hair, you can sometimes I can order um like these kinds of hair extensions. I have like kind of like Asian hair and then my hair is like all freezing on top and you're like girl, what's going on there but um. So I have those extensions that are really really high quality and really close to my hair. So I know it's gon na be super hard to match up to that, but first impression they're super soft. I really like the color. I think this is gon na be so different, so I cannot wait to style these and put these on. I feel like it's gon na be a little bit, not enough hair like I wish. I could show you more but like it's just I feel like. I need two packs of this, but I could be wrong, maybe I'll just put them in and then they'll look amazing. They do feel like super extremely like soft, like butter, so I hope they blend in really well with my hair. So so far, look at how I would look. I would look with the ponytail: Hey Girl, hey alrighty girlfriends, so this is just I figured it would be fun to just open them up with you and see what my first impression is. They'Re super super soft, like I can't stop touching them, but I definitely need to put them on and I need to style them and see how they're gon na work out, though, thank you so much for watching and I'll see you again in my next video

Patrice W.: The hair looks nice, I expected more and you should do a follow up on this vid. Would like to see how they held up, I’m waiting for my first order to come in.

Patrice W.: Never mind, just saw your Ombré vid.

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