Thinking About Wearing A Hair Topper Or Wig In The Hospital?

This "Ask Me" question comes from M, who asked if it's possible (or recommended!) to wear a hair topper or wig in the hospital. She's getting ready to give birth and is planning her hospital bag...and, of course, she wants to look her best.

Here, I discuss the ins and outs of wearing hair when you're having

a natural (gah, I hate that term) birth, a c-section, or any other kind of hospital stay.

Note: I'm not a health-care professional, so I'm not sure if you're *supposed* to disclose that you are wearing hair prior to having a c-section or a planned hospital stay. I can only report on what I've heard.

What I'm wearing in this video: Jon Renau Top Secret in 10H16.

Hey everyone. Today'S ask me question, comes from M and M wants to know if you can wear hair in the hospital or on the operating table. So I'm going to talk about the three ways in which I've heard of this, so one being a lot of it has to do with childbirth. So first is a natural delivery. Second is going to be with the c-section and third is going to be just a hospital visit. So, first let me tell you if you are in labor, if you are having a natural, /, vaginal delivery and you are pushing on a human and even if you're, having a c-section, and you are your body's working its way through natural labor before before you had That c-section, it is hot, it is sweaty. I have given birth twice one with drugs one without and I can tell you during the actual hard labor. It was just as hot and just as painful with drugs, and without so I at the time, was only wearing concealers and I remember being so hot and flustered, and your body is just working in overdrive that I do remember kind of checking to see if my Concealers were dripping, but, aside from like that those random couple of moments, my focus was not on my hair at all. Your body is doing what it's doing. It is working itself, like I said, into overdrive, so I totally understand in the months leading up to delivery that if you're someone that wears hair you're - probably thinking a lot about this. But when it comes down to actually being in labor and pushing out a baby, hair is probably going to be the last thing on your mind, and I completely understand wanting to as well after the birth kind of fixing yourself up popping that hair on. And you know being presentable when you have visitor and you're taking photos with your new baby. So if it were me, I would probably not wear hair during the actual labor just because it is so hot and we roll in sweaty. And that's just you want to be as cool and comfortable as possible and birth is not a cool and comfortable process. So I would probably put my hair in a little teeny, tiny, bun or ponytail, put a wide headband on to cover everything up and really just focus on pushing out that baby, because that's what you're there to do. So if you want to wear hair during a vaginal delivery, you absolutely can wouldn't be my preference, but there's no problem. So when it comes down to c-sections, I can only speak anecdotally what I have heard from other people, because I did not have a c-section with either of my births, but be it plant or be it unplanned. So first, let's talk about unplanned so you've labored for a while you weren't planning on having a c-section, but the doctor comes in and says you know whatever we need, so we need to move to the operating table instead. So I know firsthand from several women who were wearing hair, the nurses just slipped a cap over their hair. No one said anything the woman giving birth to then didn't mention it. They didn't notice anything they were wheeled right in they had their c-section done. In terms of a planned c-section, I know that they say and correct me if I'm wrong comments below. Please fill me in on your experiences but you're not supposed to wear. You know like metal and jewelry and anything like that, I believe onto the operating table. So I do know women who have one either discussed it with their doctor beforehand, and I think the doctor said it's perfectly fine to wear a topper or a wig in that's just what I've heard or two they haven't mentioned it at all, just because either they Didn'T want to, they were embarrassed. Whatever the issue is, and they did wear it. You know into the c-section room and had their baby that way. So if you're planning a c-section if you're comfortable, you might want to bring it up to your doctor, but I do know plenty of women who just went and did their thing and no one was the wiser. So those are, those are the questions that get more often, most often it's about giving birth. I have got questions before from people who are just going in for a hospital procedure and it's kind of the same thing with the planned c-section. So if some people have brought it up with their doctors and it's not been a problem - maybe there's been people who have brought it up and it has been a problem I haven't heard from those folks. So let me know if you're one of them - but you can kind of just you know, put your stuff on and and hit the operating table and maybe hope for the best, I'm not sure, I'm, not a medical professional. I'M not sure what you know if you were to wear a necklace or rings or whatever they say not to wear what that does. So if someone works in the medical field, let us know, but I can only report on what I have actually heard from women in this situation. So am I hope that helps. I know you're planning on having twins right a couple of babies very soon, so whatever you decide with your hair, please know that your focus is obviously on delivering healthy babies, and you know when the doctors are in the room. The nurses are in the room: they're not focused up here, they're focused down there and making sure that you deliver a healthy baby, and then you know, even when you have visitors and everyone in the room, if you do elect, to have visitors in their focus, is On the baby as well, so just you know, focus on bringing that little bundle of joy into the world and don't worry about your hair, there's plenty of time for that after okay, if you have any questions for me, this is a serious that I do called Ask me feel free to shoot me a note on the blog leaving a note below and I'll add your question to the queue and, if you haven't subscribed, please do so that you get a notification. When I put a new video out, all right have a good one. Bye

AmyOnWigs: What a GREAT question, and thank you for answering this!!! I definitely won't be in labor any time soon (since I'm 53!!). Hopefully, I won't have to go for any other reason either, but this is good to know! You're awesome, L! Miss ya!

Halcyon __: Thank you! I’m having a hysterectomy next week and was going to wear a wig, im researching and everything is saying no. So thank you for this video.

Dawn 1: Very informative! I always wondered about going through airport security if alarms would go of from metal clips.

Carolinagirl: YES!!!!! Absolutely you can, you’ll need to take any wire clips out, I cut mine out really easy. You can even have surgery with them. ❤️

Cherie Barnes: I have a similar question: What happens if you wear a topper at airport? Can u travel w/ one on? I worry about the metal making alarm go off.

Melissa Hardison: Sure can!! I had a csection with mine on!

GoMinivan: oh! thanks for being so candid!

Kitchen Theory: Did you struggle getting pregnant?I also have thining hair problem due to i'm taking infertility drugshope I wil have a baby in my arms one day..

Marge Reynolds: Why don’t we see older women in there seventies asking about wigs or toppers

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