How I Install My Hair Extensions Everyday!

You guys wanted to know how I do my hair extensions every day, so I'm going to give away my secrets...

What extensions I use

How to install

Tips & tricks

Prolong the life

Extensions link: (NOT sponsored) :(



I hope it looks good. I mean, like you, never know that you just guess you just you just don't know so yeah, Oh what who's that I'm back. So yes, I wear clip-in hair extensions and I love them. I wear them every day and yeah my Instagram. I asked you guys if you wanted to see like a tutorial of how I put my extensions in every day. A lot of you guys actually wanted to see it so give away my secrets today, but it's fine. I mean when I was learning how to use them. I would have loved like to know like the best method. I followed a lot of tutorials and I couldn't find one that was right for me, so I just had to kind of figure it out for myself and I want to kind of show you guys what I learned. First of all, I love long hair. I don't know why I cut my hair short. My hair grows very slowly. I can't get it long, no matter what I do so I kind of just gave up. I just I just don't like short hair, I don't like it makes me feel like either a tomboy or like like, like a grandma like it's just, not my style. I feel like with long hair. You can like wear more styles and you can kind of like makes it more girly, so it cats out. If you wear like a more boyish outfit, I don't know. I can't explain. I'M probably gon na cut that out, because it made no sense. Let'S see anyways yeah, I just prefer a long hair. I think it looks better on me. Some girls like, if you got a really small slim face like you, look really good with shorty about, but I tried it didn't know so in this video, I'm going to show you how I put them in my tips and tricks how to make them last. A long time and how to put them in quickly every day, though, if you did enjoyed this video, please subscribe and also follow me if you want to see my daily life stuff. So I used nine piece, camera light blonde mix and that's the AAA grade. Triple-A triple-a grade to be honest, um. I dyed them like this because they didn't match my hair properly. This kind of here is, if you want to wear them on a daily basis, and you want to make you him longer uh, you can get a grade if you just want to make your hair, psycho or you're, not gon na like to put them in everyday. Well, I agree is way cheaper. These cost me 179, I'm full of nine pieces, so it's not cheap but like yes, I bought them like three months ago and they still have a lot of life in them. I think I can get away with somewhat like maybe five more months, so yeah I'll put the link down below of the ones that I bought it. But that's here in New Zealand, so I um - I don't know if you can buy them from overseas, but what perks to having clip-ins rather than permanence, is there so much cheaper permanence? I paid like almost three hundred and eighty dollars, and I did that twice so like when your hair grows. You have to put them back on again, and somebody has to do that for you and it's they're much cheaper and you can do like different hairstyles with them. You can write v them around, put them in the ponytail half up half down or you like you're, not limited to what you can do with them. Okay, so I'm going to show you guys how to put them in, but first my hair is curly, so I'm gon na straighten it right now. If your hair has any kind of texture, you'd probably want to straighten it first, because the extensions usually come straight and then you can turn after, but then you can curl it all together. I'Ll show you I mean so yeah, I'm gon na straight. My hair now remember the two years heat protectant on your hair and your extensions. That'S gon na help it last a lot longer because I straighten my hair every single day. So, like you kind of have to protect, it here looks kind of sick, because it's I mean I, but it's like really thin. So that's another reason why I like extensions cause like you, can make it. I'Ve been straightening my hair every day for the past like five years and I'm just getting so bored of it. You know like just over it. That is fine. If it looks bad, don't tell me in the comments, because I don't want to know so I forgot to mention something pretty important. If your hair is blunt like as - and you have a straight across cut, you'd probably want to get it thinned out just a little bit at the end, especially like the top layer, even though my hair is then I still had to do that. Okay, so I want to explain to you on the order of which the exceptions go in, because everybody some has their own order. I tried a lot of different. It kind of depends on your head shape and will you like the volume to be and whatever then I'll, just show you what I do as you can see these extensions. They have a number of Clips, so this one has two Clips. My order that I like to use is three clip single clip single clip full clip, four clip three clip and then two on either side, and then, if I missed a patch, then I have one more one more single clip like this. Then I can like put anywhere that's like liking. The first set of clipping exceptions I bought. I actually I actually ruined, because I cut them when they weren't on my head and then I put them on my head and they look freakin horrible, so pro tip cut them if they're too long cut them when they're on your head, please, for goodness sake, if You take one thing away from this video. Take that so I'm gon na take the tiniest section I can possibly take, but still has decent hair in it. So, like yeah, that feels fine yeah, and so you have to kind of guess every time since you can't see you just have to guess so you have to you get better at it like feeling like where you do it, I personally don't bother with teasing it. Some people tease it if it falls out throughout the day um it falls out like whatever I don't care, I'm not like. I don't want to damage my hair and waste my time, so I just don't if my hair is like on the oily side, I'll spray, a bit of dry shampoo in there and that'll help it stick. This is a pretty no-brainer like you just try to clip in it in the middle and then try to push it as hard. You might feel that didn't really work out. Just do it again, um just push it as hard as you can. This tight didn't do so great, so you can literally just take a hair straightener and then like straighten it and see magic, absolutely sorcery. I tell you the next layer I put two single clips just to fill out that area a little bit more. The single clips aren't very good at staying on, but throughout the day you just kind of reach in there and if you do feel like coming loose, just just clip it back on, like you, don't have to like take out your whole hair or anything like that. First, four clip goes, I just on top of your ear, so I'm gon na try to put it in between that. If I can, or if it looks like really bad cuz like nobody's gon na, see it like at the very end, nobody's gon na even know that you're wearing extensions yeah that'll have to do. I'Ve got the tooth for clips and I'm gon na find out which one is longer, so I can put it first. I mean I mean second, the next one I'll put just above my ear. If you can feel the other ones, then just stop and do it again, I'm just gon na feel it feel there. It is and then just take that risk okay, this one I kind of it's not exactly in the center, but as long as it's not my redo that actually, as long as it's not touching your actual ear, it's gon na be fine. If you have sick here, you might do it differently, but if you have like simul here to mine, then it's gon na be fine. You can try out how you want to try it. The Knicks forklift is gon na. Go like near your eyebrows. Yeah, that's good! We'Ve still got one to go on top of that, so don't put that too high this one. This is three. This is the one that's gon na like seal up the back. So when you turn around, you won't be able to see like you're here. Don'T put it too high, though, because if you do put it too high people can see it, and I have to guess that one there's no like what it's like almost waist length. We'Ve got just two clips left and I know it's like looking quite bad, there's still a lot of short hair at the front, but I promise you after we put these in. It'S gon na be like magic like if you part it in the middle, then you can just put them evenly on the side. But if you don't like me, then just um. The important thing is: is that you don't see it but don't put it too low. So, like usually mines like here ish, try not to clip it too close to the front yeah, that's like too close, but mmm. I think it's gon na be fine, though just putting in that tiny clip like fixed all of the issues that we're going on here. I can usually get all of this done in like under half an hour, so it might be maybe 20 minutes or something you spin over here. So yeah, Oh, what who's that! That'S me, I'm back! I'M back hope. It looks good. I mean, like you, never know that you just guess you just you just don't know, kill so yeah spray, your extensions with heat protectant that makes them last longer. Also you don't have to wash them very often. You might think you have to wash it like your normal hair if you're wearing it everyday, but you really don't they do sit on top of your roots, so, like the roots might get a little bit oily, but you can wash that whenever you want it's not Harmful washing it will just make the dye the pre dye fade. Mine have even faded, like since I've dyed them and I'm really angry, but that's fine. If it's black, it might be fine, but yeah um. Try not to wash it if you, if you don't have to so now. All that said to do is brush out everything. Oh, my god, this hair is so nice, I'm just like! Oh, and I just I just love how it feels okay. So the very last thing I do is put oil in it just because after you, after you use a lot of heat, it can make it feel really dry. So I use this one yeah. So that's it. That'S all I kind of have to say um. I just love, I just love how it looks. Oh I'll show you something. If you have any suggestions of what I should make NYX, then just let me know, and I will hopefully sort of help you. Although I've been going back to uni so mm-hmm, you know life life, but I'll. Try to make videos when I can yeah see you later.

DolphinDeerWolf: Thanks for the awesome video! I think we have similar natural hair except mine is a little more curly.... I heard you say you are bored of straightening it every day. Have you ever considered getting a keratin treatment? I did one and it was a game changer!!!! Not damaging at all either. The brand of the keratin treatment I had is called Keratin Works just FYI xo

Kilbride Meredith: the versitality of looks you've got available for your "beauty arsenal" ❣️

River Atley: Hey hi! Thanks so much for the video! Amazing tips! 2 years later, can I ask you, was it alright wearing them every day? Did you have any thinning or damage from it?

soupbase: bruh you looked so bomb both before and after the extensions ngl

Anna lifes: I love it, you look so pretty

Anyamanee Laudamlongkool: This video is my first view on ur channel Im feeling really lucky to discovered this channel >< im looking at Rose Blackpink videos and im curious about her hair so i searched ‘ BlackPink hair extensions’ Im learning Chinese and also that i like New Zealand accent AND you’re looking gorgeous

June Lee: 와 머리 엄청 자연스럽고 예뻐요!! VLOG도 보고싶어요 :^)

Jes .Oldakowski: You need to buy a halo!! It takes seconds to put in especially if you put them in everyday. Highly recommend flixy hair!

Dinee2925: Hello,Riley You look so beautiful! Long hair definitely makes a difference.. What's the name of the heat Protectant? What's the name of the oil?

rosa lina: Hello, even with your beautiful natural hair you are pretty.. You really no need to straight your hair.. I prefer curly on you you look like a German girl.

Nicanor Garcia: Super attractive hair

KEKW: Bruh ive never seen a youtuber with such clean hairline wtf

micheal kaiger: you look so beautiful~^^ like model

Olivia Whitfield: Hey what length do you use?? x

줄리오: 오랫만이에요 반가와요 자주 유튜브 올려주세요

Aditya.jatt.90: hello Rosy newzeland is my favourite country and i am your big fan

Valu Fernández: hii, i was wondering, what´s the color of ur hair extensions? tysmm!

Jai Bhatt: You make good video I subscribe your channel

feihong: pretty girl with cute nose :)

Astronom: красава

T M H: Is that bald patch from the clip ins?

Aditya.jatt.90: newzeland people is so good i am from india

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