Milky Way Remy Pure 100% Human Hair Bohemian Curl | Iamkelib

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Hey, ladies, how you doing so? Yes, I want to come. Show you this lovely curly hair. Here I got this hair from shake-and-go. This is their Milky Way, remy pure a hundred percent bohemian curl. I have to either let me I said it's right. This is the bohemian curl now I do have leave out up in here. I know we don't leave any of my hair. I just want to kind of show you and from right here. You know it's a blending issue for me because I do like to wear my hair um and I had very, very coarse hair, but, however, it does blend up here. So when I fridge the curls out, my hair does blend very well up here, so I made some of u part wig. I did use four packs of hair. Yes, four packs all packs for all packs, as I use 216 and use a 14 and the twelve. I wanted to show you how it looks on the actual stock card. Okay, so that's her, I will say I do have it 1b. I didn't get any calls or anything like that, because you know I want to have something where I can actually have fun with myself. I like to you know with more natural colors and then pretty much color colors. So I like the curl - I didn't want to pull it out too much, because I wanted to preserve it a little bit. So it will allow me to wear the hair much longer, but I did read some of it out up in here, just to kind of see how it would blend. Just to kind of give you guys a look, you know come a visual on how it would look if it was frizzed out. So it does look good, but I'm afraid if I phrase the whole thing out, it will kind of get tangled, and I don't want that to happen. So I was frizz out gradually as time goes. So, as you can see here enough to do much to it. You just pull it and then once I do that, I know that my front hair will definitely blend with it. Cuz it'll be more frizzy, more textured, and things like that so yeah. I just want to kind of give you a quick run of this hair. You can see my hair is out. I didn't want to do it like a nice straight hard part, but I wanted to show you guys how this hair looks. I do like it, it's definitely different. It was a sixteen. It came out was right me right here, but when it was pulled out it was definitely longer, but I do arm cut it because the 16 was looking a little bit straggling to me and I think again I didn't want to pull all the curls out to Um just start out, I want to do it more on a gradual go because I want to preserve. This is au part, and I really think I have a lot of fun with this, especially as it gets older. So this is that type of hair, the older it gets the better it's going to look, but you have to be careful on how you do it, because you don't want to pull it out too soon and then, before you know it, you know you have a Bush going on cuz, you know a lot of times. If you don't take your time with certain here, you can, you know kind of matter entangled, so you just want to take your time. Do you mind full of the actual care instructions on the back of the actual arm? Stock-Car that'll give you for the actual hair. So, yes, I'm like. Let me know how you like this. Let me know your thoughts on it. I, like it it's very, very light, but again I said I do have it one of you part. I do this one of you backed it wig. I did not want to put it on a cap. Oh and one thing I did not show it. I glued it on so all this hair is definitely glued on the cat, so I was able to make this unit in one two three. Once I actually got me some glue, I was able to make me um this Union. I used one of those u-part wig caps. They sell them all in a beauty supply store. You have mini to pick from so pick one, and this make you a nice little quick unit again, I'm a fan of you know units because I can't commit to sleeping in hair. I can't I need to fill the pillow. I don't know what that's about. I just feel the pillow I cannot commit to. I want to get crochet braids, so bad guys. This is a whole other thing. I want to be crochet braids, so bad, but I cannot commit to my hair being corn rolled and something loop through it nice. I get some religiously, but I don't know what's going on. I cannot and then I have an issue with me. If I can't wash my hair, I have an issue with that. I mean I like to literally submerge my hair in water all the time. So that's something else but yeah I like this. This is a nice in-between style, especially for when I I don't break my full. Do a full braiding pattern underneath my units. This is good for me during that time, when I want to UM lease on my hair out, always leave all my hair out, underneath my hair can get to breathe. Why it's out so, as you can see, my dog here is his princess she's, making all the noise in the background, while I'm recording a video. So I said: let's, let's just put her in the Vista color of my dog - is she's. So little come on. She'S only two point: nine pounds and she's a chihuahua but she's a teacup chihuahua she's little Saint, our princess. So I want to put her in a video cuz. She was making all this noise put her down so yeah. This is the hair, so that is a million thoughts down below. If you like how this looks if you try something like this before or if you had this hair before, let me know and yeah that is about it so hater all my new subscribers hater. All my loose thanks for hanging out me and I catch you in my next video bye,

Loves of JBNeet: Hey girl! love the wig and makeup! always flawless

GOD Gotcha Gurl: Your videos are an amazing quality. I like your channel! Subbing

Felecia Francis: what lipstick is that.i like the shade.

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