How To Apply Clip In Hair Extensions For Thin Hair Tutorial The Best Remy Human Hair Review

I'm wearing Glam Time clip in hair extensions

They are made of 100% Remy human hair, 120g and 18 inch (45-50cm) long

Przedłużanie włosów, zagęszczanie włosów, włosy na klipsach


The video on this hair curling technique (big curls with a 1,5'' / 32mm Babyliss Pro curling iron) is on


In this hair tutorial, I talk about how to apply clip-in hair extensions yourself to get gorgeous long and thick hair and look like Megan Fox, Kim Kardashian, Jennifer Lopez, Sarah Jessica Parker - Carrie in Sex and the City, Christina Aguilera, Jessica Simpson, Taylor Swift or Miley Cyrus.

Glam Time clip in extensions are the easiest way to add both length and volume to thin and/or short hair without causing it any damage. I put them on not only when I wear my hair down or in half up half down everyday hairstyles, but I also incorporate them in many of my updos for special occasions and events when I need to have more hair to work on.

You can attach clip in hair extensions to your own hair quickly and easily in just a couple of minutes, and that's why they are very convenient to use. Glam time extensions are made of 100% Remy human hair and that's why they can be treated as your own hair - you can cut it, color it, wash it, brow dry it, style it with hot tools such a curling iron or a flat iron / straightener.

I rely on them every time I need to create a beautiful look for a romantic date, a night out, for a party, when I go out clubbing / dancing. In some of my future vidoes I will show you how I incorporate my clip in hair extensions in both romantic and formal updo hairstyles for long hair that you could wear for prom, homecoming, graduation party, ball, wedding, etc.


Hовогодние Звездные прически из длинных волос, свадебные вечерние прически дома на длинные волосы, Наращивание волос с помощью клипов, на заколках, волос Реми клип ин

Modne fryzury z dlugich wlosow krok po kroku -- fryzura sylwestrowa, na sylwestra, wieczorowe, na wesele, ślubne, na ślub, na studniowke, na impreze, Przedłużanie włosów, zagęszczanie włosów, włosy na klipsach

Elegante hochsteckfrisuren, frisuren zum selber machen für lange haare, für glatte haare, Haarverlängerung mit Clips

Peinados faciles de moda para cabello largo paso a paso y rapidos de hacer, de fiesta, de noche, de novia, Extensiones de cabello de pelo natural

Chignon Coiffure facile a faire cheveux longs, rapide, de mariage, de soirée, simple, de bal, de star, de fete, a la mode, a faire soi meme, Extension de cheveux à clip

Νυφικό χτένισμα, εύκολη χτενίσματα, γρήγορα και εύκολα χτενίσματα για μεσαίου μήκους και μακριά μαλλιά

Hi guys today, I'm going to talk about one of the biggest beauty secrets of modern celebrities or hair extensions, I'm wearing my hair extensions. At the moment. I wear them a lot on regular basis and I'm using them in most of my hair tutorials. In the moment, you will also see my natural hair, which is unfortunately quite thin and flat most of my life. I felt really bad about it and I just couldn't help dreaming about having gorgeous voluminous hair, but unfortunately, I couldn't grow on my own. That'S why? The day I discovered, clip-in hair extensions was basically the day. My dream came true, because clip-in hair extensions instantly add both length and volume to your hair without question. It'S any damage which is very important for me and because you can easily attach and detach them on your own whenever you feel like they cost much less and last much longer than permanent hair extensions. My extensions are called glam time, extensions and they're available on the website, glam time, hair comb, they're made of 100 % really human hair and it's basically the best quality of hair available on the market of hair extensions. It means that this hair can be treated as your own. You can cut it color it wash it blow, try it. You can even style it with very hot tools, such as a curling iron or straightener. So this way they adapt to all your needs, and the thing I like most about them is that they were designed not only to blend in seamlessly with your own hair, but also to adapt to multiple, interesting hairstyles. I'M going to show you some of those in my future videos. Well today, I would like to talk about color matching and I'd like to show you how to clip these extensions in this is my own hair and it's pretty much all I've got. You can see that my own hair is very, very thin, oh well, and to help you better judge the thickness of my hair extensions. I have braided one set of extensions and honestly this braid is already like three times thicker than the one I would obtain by braiding. My own hair. Only a very important thing to know about color mentioned is that you should always match the color of your hair. Extensions with the color at the ends of your hair, because quite often the color near our roots is different from the color near our ends and as it's the ends of our heritage blend with hair extensions, it's those colors that should match. I am using number 22 of Glen's and hair extensions. This color is a little bit darker that the color at my roots, but because it matches perfectly the color at my ends, this hair extensions blend in seamlessly with my hair once attached. This hair extensions are extremely soft, smooth and shiny, and as long as you take good care of them and deep condition them with products meant for dry hair every time you wash them, they should stay just as beautiful for a very long time. A set of hair extensions consists of multiple weft of different size, so you get some small rafts, you get weft of medium sized and you also get some bigger waves. Each of them is attached to your own hair, using very light, but very secure, snapping Clips. So you want to snap each click open, get some hair in the clip using its clothes, and then you simply snap the clip shot. You can also see that each clip has a special silicone coating in this area and its purpose is to ensure an extra hold and also to protect your hair from eventual damage. All the sweat should be clipped onto your own hair in so called safe zone of the head. It'S basically the area where they stay undetectable. The size of this area depends on the thickness of your own hair and, as my hair is rather than my safe zone, is we're below the line of my eyebrows. So I started clipping my extensions from the bottom up and I stopped anywhere below this line. I'M going to show you how items I attached the first three clip weft right below the part in that I've named very close to my hairline. I make another part and right above and very close to this weft and I played in the second weft of the same size. You can see me doing it at the moment now. It is time to attach you the biggest 8 inch weft with four clips. So I create a new part 10 and then I place my width right below this parting. The four inch wide so clip wafts should be attached at the sides of your head, so I prepare some space for this weft and I cleave them in the Romanian bond. Clip wet can be placed pretty much anywhere. You need that to be either at the sides or at the back of your head. My hair is long, so I prefer to have them at the back. Then I spend some time brushing my hair in order to blend the extensions with my own hair and after that and totally ready to go - and this is my hair - completely transformed with gorgeous hair extensions that actually blend with my hair. So well that I can no longer tell where my own hair finishes and her extensions continue. But in fact, if you would notice that your own hair sticks out a little bit, you could easily solve this problem by using the straightener and blend in the ends of your hair, with hair extensions in the exact same manner like you would do it in order To straighten your hair, there are plenty of hairstyles that can be done using hair extensions, for example, using tiny alligator clips to secure the side sections of hair behind results. In this very simple, it is very effective. Hairstyle, I'm going to show you more complicated, looks in some of my future visits and finally, this is how my extensions look curled. The hair tutorial on this curling technique will be soon available in my channel, so please check it out. I thank you very much for watching bye, bye,

Katy: After a long wait, I finally ordered my extensions for Christmas. I can't wait until they come as it sounds like I have the same problem as you when it comes to my normal hair. I have been subscribed to you forever and can't wait to put some of these hairstyles into action! You are so great, Lilith Moon. I love your videos, and your hair (:

young barbz: It's been about 2 months since I have bought your extensions and I have received so many compliments! Thank you so much :) and also a few of my friends are now buying your extensions! I love your videos and you are the first person I search when in need of a new hairstyle x

christinademaros: I received my order last week (delivery took around 1 week) and I just love these extensions! I've been wearing them every day ever since, tried some of your amazing hairstyles for long hair that I could not do before and received many compliments on them :)

Julie Swahn: Thank you so much, Lilith! Now my particular problem also includes the scalp area :( Yes, my hair has been thinning (hormonal.. PCOS) since age 28 and even if I part it deeply on one side, which I do, it is still so thin that you can kind of see the scalp. Not sure if hair extensions would be able to help me there. But maybe I should just say screw it and try them anyway, enjoying the plushness of the thicker and longer hair they may provide! Yep, I think I shall.. xx !

dissie: super dzięki za tutorial! ja mam do tej pory kłopoty z zakładaniem moich hair extensions ja mam z foxyloksextensions ;[ ale myślę że po Twoim filmiku pójdzie mi to łatwiej! pozdrawiam

tay seals: You are so beautiful an it amazes me that you can make these looks look so extravagant but yet be fairly simple to do! I'm actually doing one of your hair looks for a wedding.. So thank you!! I'd love my hair to be longer, but its already sooooo thick that I think I'll just have to stick it out and avoid te extensions.. any ideas?

SuZet Rides an Andalusian: My hair is very fine as well and I've been wearing extensions for about 5 months and have just ordered Lilith's brand. I sometimes feel the same way about the clips slipping, but they don't for the most part. I also lightly backcomb the hair where I plan on securing the clips, this really helps, I also give it a shot of hairspray just for good measure. It did not take long for me to get used to wearing them at all. I'd say try it. I ordered the 120gram set so they wouldn't be too heavy. ;-)

Estefania Arango: Thank you very much this really helped alot i love how you explain things and take your time to show every step. Love your videos btw. :)

Fave!: It looks darker while it's curly, but when straight - it looks amazing <3

Skye Seaforth: Your tutorials are a gift. I wear extensions because I've had cancer twice now and the experience has really thinned my hair significantly. You tutorials help me so much. Please don't stop n

Marissa’s Musings: LOVE how thorough you are. Great job!

PurpleKat: Mam identyczną sytuację jak Ty - moje włosy tez nie należą do najgęstszych i najgrubszych - może są minimalnie gęstsze od Twoich, ale juz sam widok warkocza zaplecionego z dodatkowych pasm jest imponujący! Może się skuszę na to rozwiązanie, zwłaszcza, że jak mówisz, nie niszczą włosów. Pozdrawiam serdecznie! :)

Belinda 58sews: Thanks so much, I love your videos. Your instructions are very clear and work for me!

ToND1Ne: Hi! I'd already ordered 160g remy hair extensions the day before I found your videos. What wonderful hairstyles you make & your teaching style is great too. Thanks for all your wonderful & creative suggestions.

Laure Potter: Just got my extensions last week, haven't got the hang of it yet though ;o) And the colour needs adjusting. I think it's definitely the secret to blend extensions & real hair together. Taking them to a hairdresser next saturday. A bit scared! Love your videos Lilith x

jenniedean dean: I got my glam time extensions last month and they are the best ones I ever had!!! So soft, I just can't stop touching them, haha... I washed them last week and now they are even more voluminous, I love them so much!! :)))

cp honey: You made me do it, Lilith. ^^ For long I falsely assumed extensions weren't an option b/c of my hair structure, which are tight caucasian 3b curls that are hard to find. But with real human hair, and some research, trial& error, I could quite easily mimic my structure. So happy! The straight, indian hair holds the curls quite well too . Luckily I got an almost dead-on match in terms of color, combined with the 60cm length I need. Parting is harder when you have intertwined curls, and you can't brush without ruining the structure, still they blended in well even on my first uses. :D I've always wanted hair like this, now I can have it. Thank you for your encouragement Lilith! <3

kaitertot: Thank you SO much! I have super thin hair and this tutorial was amazing and helpful. Questions though: Did you only need 1 pack of hair (9 wefts like the website says)? and how do you make sure you get a color close to your natural color? What if I get something that is too light? Can I dye it using the same dye on my hair to match my hair a little better?

SuZet Rides an Andalusian: Love my Glam Times, it's been over a week now and I did find the problem with the shedding and it's stopped, just a spot on the end of a weft. They are very thick, very soft and blend in wonderfully. I'd still love to know any SECRETS of clipping the wefts in tightly so you can brush and run your hands through like I see you doing a lot. lol I'm jealous!! How do you get them so secure??? You're the best, Lilith, I love how easy you make things for me!

Jessica Jones: absolutely loved tutorial..super helpful!!

Lillie Brough: THIS WAS AMAZING! you helped me soo much and i am now obsessed with my extensions! thankss soo much! btw. you are gorgeous!

OMGitsHannahHanz: You could always back comb/tease your roots, and spray the extension clips with hairspray, and then clip them in on the back combed/teased parts so that the extensions don't slip out. I often do this when I go out, I often then find myself sleeping in them and when I wake up they still haven't budged :).

harithanexgenify: Hi Lilith! I have been following your channel for few weeks and I really like your tutorials, steps are easy to follow, thanks! Can you also do a tutorial on how to style different types of hair, my hair is not very straight or voluminous, bit wavy on the ends, can you suggest or show a suitable styling technique? :)

Adam Larson: Your hair always looks so fabulous =)

mello1mg: Great video, better than the other ones I have seen. Thanks :)

christinademaros: Even though I have quite fine and slippery hair, I find the clips super secure. Did not have to backcomb my hair at all!

PurpleKat: @lilithedarkmoon Wcale Ci się nie dziwię, bo taka burza włosów jest marzeniem chyba każdej dziewczyny :) A jak natura nie dała, to trzeba jej pomóc ;) Pozdrawiam ciepło :)

Nasta ЧКа: Красотка,нет слов, обязательно повторю эту замечательную прическу, спасибо ;)

Vika: By far the best explanation video for extionions I've ever seen! I'd really really like to have extensions too, but I'm too scared that I spend a lot of money and then the colour doesn't match enough with my natural hair color :(

SuZet Rides an Andalusian: I've had my Glam Time extensions now for a few days and I like them very much. They are very think, soft, shiny and much better than any I've had to date. I am a bit concerned at the shedding I seem to be getting. I'm checking the wefts to see where it's coming from, perhaps an end is not sown down tight enough. I will continue to see. I have not washed them yet, and won't for at least a week although it's very humid where I live right now, & everything is frizzy. lol More to come.

honeypie831: Ordered my extensions Monday. Received an email Wednesday that they shipped. So far very happy with Glam Time. Can't wait to use them.


Victory1798: Thank you. And I'm wearing one of your hairstyles in my hair right now and I love it!

Luchessa: Здорово, что наконец-то кто то открыто говорит о hair extensions. :) Да еще и у тебя все это с такой легкостью выглядит...Спасибо, что поделилась. а как ты думаешь, будет ли все это красиво выглядеть на более коротких волосах? Они у меня до плечей.

Mrs. Horton: I have to say that your video is about the best one that explains hair extensions. I have almost identical hair to yours in color and texture, so it was nice to know that extensions will work for me. Thanks for the video!

Joanna Rosińska: Pięknie wyglą, ale pewnie słyszysz to codziennie :) Ciekawy sposób na zmianę wyglądu , ja mam tyle włosów, że mogłabym obdzielić z dwie osoby ! :P Nawet dziś pewna Pani na ulicy zapytała, czy to moje naturalne czy doczepiane włosy - ależ miałam ubaw słysząc to :)Pozdrawiam serdecznie!

Gabrielle Clayvon: Great informative video! You are my go to gal for classy and chic hairstyles.

Melissa Cantey: Lilith, I find that due to the nature of my fine hair, clips fall out even after teasing and sometimes the clips will show through if I pull my hair back. Do you clip extentions differently for full ypsi styles and what can I do to increase the clip hold beyond teasing?

LaDollyVita33: This was the best explanation I've ever heard or seen thank you!

pookie107: I love how girls who have thin hair want more volume and girls like me with very thick hair can't bear too much hair!

CMajor5: You seem like such a sweetheart! Thanks for the useful and clear tutorial!

Amanda Cody: After seeing a majority of your hairstyles. I am tempted to get the Glam Time Hair extensions since my hair is a lot like yours. I love all the looks you have done. Keep them coming:) Thank You:)

Lou Hogan: I have managed to dye my extensions. They look amazing. Love then :) thank you for your reply x

Princess Leia: wow i had no idea you had been wearing hair extensions this hole time!! They look so natural! Nice :)

Lejla Oravecz-Horváth: I will keep practice your hair tutorials. I bought my extensions for my wedding, I hope the hairdresser will use to it and can make an amazing dream hair style for my big day. Thanks for making such a great videos :)

yehg25: You give normal everyday people information so we can achieve beauty that is affordable. Thank you

Anastasiia Kolimasova: Thanks it was very helpful. I didn't know about the "safe zone". I was so worried that my extensions will show because my hair is so thin! Now I know ;)

WideAwake04: @lilithdarkmoon I love your hairstyles! I do them on my hair all the time. But the downside is my extensions are medium length so I can't do the hairstyles that need longer lengths. What length are your extensions?

bria13445: I've purchased the glam time extensions more than 2 years ago and they are the best I tried. The hair is so thick and it looks so natural, I managed to fool everybody. :) Even today after 100s of washes, they still look like new.

SuZet Rides an Andalusian: Glad to help. I was just told mine shipped, I'm VERY anxious to get them!!! I can't wait. You'll have to let us know how you like yours too!

g92455: Thank you so much :D I really appreciate it! I just ordered hair extensions! Your comment helped me a lot !! xx

cHr15T1naMB: They look absolutely beautiful, you have done some tutorials without though right? Your hair has always looked perfect!!!!!

Katy: I'm buying my Glam Time Hair extensions today (: This video was very helpful !

kozya.bozya: Добрый день, Лилит :) Спасибо за чудесно видео, очень хотелось бы иметь такое шикарное дополнение к собственным волосам, но,к сожалению,не нашла на сайте возможности купить пряди для граждан Беларуси:(Скажите пожалуйста,можно ли их приобрести иным способом,кроме PayPal(в нашей стране этот способ платежа не представлен)?Заранее благодарю:)

jenniedean dean: @vanez918 Oh yes! I've got a 120g set to add volume to my thin hair and I find them really thick, like twice thicker than my own hair, so I'm more than happy with them :)) Feels good to suddenly have all that gorgeous hair that you see on TV on your head, haha... If your hair is thick, I think you should be happy with the 160g set!

Tulip Castle: How long do these extensions usually last?

Legend1508: Do you know whether wearing extensions all the time damages the hair? I guess extensions are heavy and pull down the roots of the own hair, so wearing them every day could damage the hair? I have always teased my hair before cliping them in, and one day I had bald spots on between my hair :(

TheSammami: Bought them because they look amazing! can't wait for them to come! :D

issis: You are so sweet.!! I love your videos! U changed my life! I was so bored of wearing the same bun, ponytail and braid!! Thank u so much !!

Maddie: great helpful video, thank you!

Anna: ty jestes z polski!!!!! wiedzialam! uwielbiam twoje "tutorials" ♥

Sounds to Sleep: Do the clips ever lose their strengh the more you use them?

cinamarollCHAN: Love the curls :) Can you maybe do another quick Valentine Hairstyle?

Jennifer Jane: could you do a video on looking after extentions please? :) thanks for the video's they're great xxx

Anastasiia Kolimasova: you look pretty even without the extensions :)

Iaeldia: Very good videos Lilith :) Congratulations :) !!!What do you use in your hair before styling? Some fixative hair?

The M Word: Thank you for this video helped so much!!! Xxxx

Sayde Chlanda: How do you keep your hair in such good condition? Your hair looks so smooth and healthy.

katherrinee04: I've heard that you cannot use a regular hairbrush to comb the extensions. Does that apply with this brand of extensions or can you use a normal brush/comb? By the way, I absolutely adore your videos and think you are unbelievably beautiful. Thank you for doing hair tutorials, it has given me ideas of what to actually do with my hair :)

kunjidee: Great video, I have the same hair you do. You don't need to backcomb the hair to help the extensions stay in? They don't slide down or fall off?

Lorraine Pineda: Can you make a video of each color compared right next to each other to give a more detailed look of the color differences. It would help alot(:

Anmol Tailor: that looks soooooooo nice! especially cause its the EXACT same colour as your hair!

deux-belles femmes-fatales: My hair is thin and fine just like yours, but mine is down to my butt. I find myself just wearing a regular or french braid to keep it out of the way, but I would love to try extensions for volume. I always thought they would show or slip out because of the thinness of my hair. Thank you for the tutorial, I think I might try it now.

Soraya4U: @lilithedarkmoon Thank you so much! As always your advice is super!! Love you!! xxx

Lura Marie: Thanks, this helps alot!

Toni Moon: WOW! Thank you! Amazing! Thanks for sharing!

SlightlyStarryEyed: This may seem like a silly question but are you able to dye the extensions?

Haley Maynard: Can your extensions be permed? And if so about how long would they last? I looked on the website ,but I didn't find all the information i needed.

agnieszka mogg: Hello, Lillith. I've got the extensions some time now, but not using them. My hair is thin, straight and very silky. The extensions just slide off from it. I have tried to tease my hair first, but it only creates a messy look. Any advise for me please?

Kigi: Could you do a video about the products you use for both your real hair and your extensions? Thank you.

shaz4372: I love your tutorial and think you are great thanks for the info

Rissel Soliz: I sometimes add some rubber bands like small ponytails before the extensions and clip in the extensions on top it's really secure.

easternhair: thank you so much for the amazing video! it was very interesting!

Donna C: Do you need a special brush for hair extensions? Also, what happens if I am unhappy with the extensions after purchasing? Thank you

Aleksa Diujeva: Hi Lilith, I also want to order extensions, and I wanted to ask, whe you do a high bun or pony tail, are the clips visible? Or they are hidden and the look is natural? And do you wash them with a normal shampoo? Does the washing influence on the clips negatively? And do you wash it in your head or separately? Thanks in advance

Skye Seaforth: Excellent tutorials, you really know what your talking about.

transfusionz: Does anyone else have trouble with the placement of the 3-clip weft that you place first, at the very bottom? Seems too low to me and it doesn't feel right.

Star Wars_Chola: Awesom ! i didn't know you wore exentions. I'm very happy to know that you're going to do hair tutorials using the extenstions because i have asked several people about wearng updos ect and nobody has explained how to cover them. I don't want to sound rude or mean , but it looks really tacky and cheap when women wear there hair up and you can see the weft , clip, and the extensions itself. Thank ya lilith i'm so excited woo hoo

Sherlock: How long does your hair have to be to use clip in extensions? I clipped half of my hair pretty short... Ok, very short, and I want to be able to shake it up by using extensions once in a while. I do have thin hair like yours. Thanks!

FAIRYDUST NAILS: thanks so much!keep up the good work!

B4real89: hello! i have thinning hair near my hair line. i was wondering if there was a way i can use hair extensions around the front top part of my hair line? thanks!! :)

Kaitlynn Willmakeyouscream Sykes: I FINALLY found another person with really thin hair like me :D I felt like i was the only one.

Aleksa Diujeva: Thanks a lot for your gentle response, you are very talented, I discovered your videos few days ago, and watch them with great pleasure. Good luck

sarahhcuse: you should do a tutorial for the makeup for this video!!!! it is so pretty!!!!!

Phoebe Taylor: Where did you get your extentions from?

Victory1798: If you were to get highlights or lowlights or whatever, could you have the hair extensions in so that they have some of the highlights also so it's not all wierd when some parts of your hair has highlights, and a large part doesn't (the hair extensions)? Thank you and I love all your videos. And also, my hair is really thin also. I hate it soo much.

Cotton Candy Fairy: You are so cute! And very beautiful =) thank you for the tutorial! Now, are the extensions you're using the 18 inch ones from the website?

Lejla Oravecz-Horváth: I got them today, super fast. It is really nice, I love it! The color is very close to my hair :) I will try to make different hair styles, and I will see how is like later... :)

SuZet Rides an Andalusian: I received my Glam Time extensions today. I'll be reporting on them tomorrow for you. I was very excited to get the, Lilith. They are beautiful and match my color exactly...more tomorrow.

ginuwine248: I just ordered these extensions from the website. How long does it take to ship to united states?

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