Diy Voluminizing "Halo" Hair Extensions -- For Fine, Thin Hair.

DIY VOLUMINIZING "Halo" HAIR EXTENSIONS -- For fine, thin hair.

Super easy & inexpensive! If you've always wanted long hair, but yours is too THIN like mine --watch this little trick I learned for making your own.

For the new "Glamola Girls" section of my YouTube channel.


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Hey guys, this is a I've, never been seen before behind the scenes of Kelly doing her hair. I knew that wouldn't last long, oh well, okay! So here's the deal for anybody, who's known me. You will know that I have always had very short hair. Pretty much. My entire life, the reason why is because I have really really fine baby, fine, thin, hair? Okay, so about two years ago I started growing it out. This is two years of growth. I still have major layers. It was in a really short pixie cut and I learned this little trick because, obviously I'm not going to go out like this, so I washed my hair and then this is for my my glam Ola girl series on my new youtube channel: okay and a glam. Oh, the girl is a cross between a glamour girl and a granola girl how you like that one huh. So anyway, I wash my hair and I don't do a lot of heat and products and all this stuff on my hair, because you know it's so fine and thin. It can't handle that okay, so I wash it and then pretty much when it's almost dry. I put it up in my little Deeley and that's pretty much how I wear my hair everyday, not very glamorous. Is it unless I'm my baseball hat on when I'm out walking so anyway, I thought to you. I thought I'd show you my little secret weapon that I made myself that I discovered how to make from YouTube dealies. So here's what I do um I made little a little here. I need little hair extensions for myself, DIY um, halo, hair extensions. They cost about $ 200 if you buy them and I'm like that ain't gon na happen. So I like, I said you can look up on YouTube. Maybe I'll do a whole thing with time, but I got this hair. I'Ve actually been doing it since I've been growing my hair out and for those of you been following, you might have you know seen, and I know I started short because I wanted I didn't want to be like all of a sudden. I have long hair. I wanted to do it with my hair as more for volume than for length, and you can see now. My hair is pretty long. You know the longest layers anyway. I still have layers to go out so anyway, a nice scat, the hair, just it um Sally beauty, supply wasn't like fifteen dollars or something was really cheap and I got the shortest one. I dye it with my natural dye, so it'll match. You know my hair, which, by the way, I want to show you once again I am fifty five and a half. Officially I have no gray. You can see my roots. I did a video about this before um I used to have a little bit of gray right here. You can see. My hair is very fine um, but I used to have some gray here and it's gone away since I've been eating uh, you know pretty much. 80 % raw and high fruit for on and off for quite a while now starting a couple years ago, I went vegan again and started doing more and more raw food, and especially in the last few months, I've been doing almost primarily raw food and fruit. So anyway, now I got this more expensive one. It was like thirty dollars and it comes in these wax. They won't pull it out because I don't you know, says behind. I got ta get ready for my liver, gallbladder class, so I just thought: I'd show you. While I was doing my hair, except we want to do this for a while, but it comes in these wefts. It'S like really long. Okay, so I could my last one. I think I got four different hair pieces out of it. Okay, so I dyed it. This is little lighter than my hair and I had these professionally. I had this one professionally cut. You can see the the colorings kind of come out a little bit, but that's okay make looks, makes it look, look a little lighter on my hair, and you know you just calm it like regular and then what you do. Is you get this wire fish wire at Walmart and you, you know, put it on your head and tie it there. I like a something to do this really quick just so you can see so you already know, and then I saw these little clips in here. So I just put a new little wire because my other wire broke off and I have to tell you this: it is flippin. I don't know what it must be. Five hundred degrees out in my little youtube studio, which is out in the shop and um, because there's no air conditioning out here and it's it's even hotter outside. So if I'm glistening, it's not my new anti-aging moisturizer, it's because I'm so flippin, hot and um yeah! So I don't even know how I'm gon na do this, because it's so hot out here and it doesn't usually cool down lately so anyway, I'll show you how I do my hair really quick and then I might have to take my hair off, because it's going To be too darn hot anyway, you know I just put it up, so you see it's all kind of you know this crazy, really thin, and then I I kind of section off about where I think my extensions gon na go, and I just done this. You know from practice and playing around with it and in some way I have a little here we go. I have a little, you know, clip Edie Lee and you know what else I don't it's funny, because I always had short pixie, hair and or you know, our bob cuts and my whole life. So I don't really know how to do. You know long hairstyles, but this seems to be my little kind of go-to thing and then I just actually that's what I was doing before when I didn't have the halo thing and so hang on bear with me. So what I do is you can just kind of put it on your head um. I close the clips. Okay see there. You know like this when they're open, they they go right to your head. You can just go to Sally Beauty. I'Ll hook, you up. Ladies over there we'll hook you up okay, so then, what I do is I just put on the head: it's got the wire on it right and then I just pull my hair out, and you know what I really love about this is it really allows me To have the long hair that I always wanted with the volume and then I don't have to wear them all the time you know and which I don't. I don't wear them on a daily basis. I actually wear them like you know, maybe once a week when I go out, especially with this heat, I haven't been wearing them at all and in fact I may abandon them. So you can see you know they just um. You know it just blends right in with my hair, so now you little secrets, but you just pull it out and I don't have a whole lot of hair. So I have to make sure you know that it's covering it, you know that's covering it up. Some people have longer hair, so they're not going to have that issue and then what I do just for added security. I just open up the little clips and um. You know they recommend that you tease your hair in order to help the clip hold in there. But I don't do that because you know if I tease my hair so close to the scalp they're in the same spot, over and over I'd have a bald spot there. So I just clip it in a little bit spine works for me. I don't do a lot of crazy. You know, I don't wear this when I'm out, you know having a crazy time which well I don't really have a crazy time. I think one anymore. Those days are, I surpassed my quote on crazy times in my my teens and early 20s. Ah anyway, so I just kind of clip it in there and then um. You know, like I said, for added security and then normally you know I do it in the bathroom and I would take you know like a curling iron, I'm just a little bit kind of to the ends to make it kind of go together. And then I do something you know futz around with the top of it a bit to make it look. You know cute but, like I said it's a hundred million degrees out. I'M just doing this really quick to show you guys is my behind the scenes thingy, because I need to make this video for the class and for a week we're on of the liver, gall bladder fat flush, it's a free class and it's recorded, so you can Jump in anytime and I will maybe leave the link, I think sometimes people think you keep trying to advertise stuff if you keep leaving like so you can find it on my page or on my website it's in the store, but it is free and it's kind Of a you know, an impromptu class, and I'm doing I'm a big believer in cleansing and flushing your liver, it's so important to your overall health and if you and if you want to lose weight, if you have hormonal issues thyroid issues, you know whatever it is. Clearing and strengthening your liver is going to help with pretty much anything. That'S following you. So what I'm going to do for tonight is I'm just going to kind of comb it through, and I need to dye my hair. I dye my hair to give it with some natural dye to give it some um. You know to give it some body and also to lighten it just a little bit because um, you know when up and I use natural dye. You know that I get from. I herb I use um. Lately I've experimented with different ones. Urbe tint is the one. I'Ve been getting it's like $ 10, a bottle because my my hair so thin. I get you know like um what you McCall it's out of. It dies out of it. So anyway, um I can tell you right now: I'm not going to be able to wear my hair long like this. I'M gon na have to put it up because it is so hot, but what I was gon na do because I don't feel like messing around with the top, because I want to get going with other video is. This is my other little trick that I learned is. I just put a hat on that's my little trick and then I don't have to mess you know at the top and then I just kind of look like you know: hippy rock-and-roll, girl or geek whatever. Then I was gon na do this, but that's not going to stay up but feel like the young girls do. But I don't do that because I got wrinkles up here: hey young ladies out there that smoke don't smoke and you know why, because you'll get these lines like this and if somebody would've told me that when I was younger well, I wouldn't believed him anyway, but You know I didn't really care about ki, and so I was like I'm not gon na get cancer. You know how you are when you're young you're kind of cavalier that way, but if I would have seen pictures of you know the lines above my lip above my lips, that might prevented me. You know vanity um, but I have to say actually compared to a lot of women that are my age. I smoked for 14 years from the time I was 14. I was 28 if you can believe that yeah. I was a party girl um, but you know my lines. Aren'T that bad compared to a lot of women - and I know it's because um I stay as hydrated and healthy as possible - eating the raw fruit diet for the most part and I've been eating healthy in different ways for many years, that's a whole other video. I haven't sung on my YouTube, my youtubes just starting, but anyway see that kind of cute. I know you put it back, but I'm gon na have to put it up or do you like the cher thing. Remember cher used to do that careers really long anyway. Okay, that's my behind-the-scenes um glam, Ola girl, video on how to get a little. I still have a little length a minute. All my friend Phyllis is going to cut my hair for me when I up and visit her. So I'm gon na show this to Phyllis who she can see what I've been doing and she's gon na just trim the ends for me and maybe give me some little bangs. I don't know yet we'll have to see what she says: she's a vegetarian chef and a hairstylist up in Sacramento, and we met on the Amtrak. The last time I went down to Los Angeles and so um you know in the video was, I was kind of craic right. Okay, my sister said she was you guys she goes, you guys are acting like you're drunk. Anybody who knows me knows that I haven't been drunk, and you know probably at least 30 years um. We were just having fun so anyway, um I'm gon na, introduce you to fill us soon and maybe we'll do a video where she does my hair in preparation for um our she's gon na do a vegetarian. You know little um demonstration, a presentation for a video, so I'm looking forward to that now you know give some little tips and she's a lot of fun. You'Re really gon na enjoy her. So, okay um thanks guys and if you have tuned in to lure gall bladder class - and he be doing that coming up next, so um. Well, you have to sign up for it and all that, because you know it's the good stuff really behind the scenes. Stuff. Not for the squeamish, okay, liver and gallbladder cleansing and flushing is not for the squeamish. Okay, anyway. Okay guys have a great day. Bye.

Jnana Shakti: Thank GOODNESS for a video of a woman who actually has fine, thin hair! I'm so tired of women with normal hair complaining that their hair is so fine and thinning. Ugh. Whatever. They don't know the struggle. Thank you!

Ilona van Galen: Finally someone with actual fine hair!! Thanks for this!

Panda: Thank you!  Fine hair is a COMPLETELY different animal than normal hair.  I tried clip ins for a long time, but they pull at your fragile fine hair and can impede growth. I have a Halo extension.  It was initially too thick to look normal at all; so I had my stylist thin it out.  Now it is perfect!  Simple fix and I now can feel like I have glamorous hair too!

Panda: Thinning and fine hair can be such a challenge with extensions; particularly covering the wefts that are closest to your temples.  You did a great job showing how women with thin hair can make extensions work.  Thank you!

Cris: Finally someone who actually has FINE hair. ♥️ I’ve worn tape ins for a long time now but I’m contemplating getting a halo to wear for awhile to give my hair a break. Thank you!

Sierra Echo PNW: My momma says I never lost my baby hair...very fine AND thin like yours but is down the middle of my back. Don’t take much to break it either. These extensions are spectacular as I wear my hair straight and don’t have to roll it to gain volume.

LillyLake: Love this , i have hair exactly like yours! I use halos with clips and wire as well. I just place them higher at the back than they’re meant to be Haven’t made my own YET tho. X

Pjay: Great video!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ With or without hair you are very beautiful! Your eyes are very beautiful, your skin does look flawless! I'm glad I found this video. Went thru a health scare recently. Type 2 diabetic. Had to get part of my foot amputated. Doctor asked me if I drank or smoke. I said yes to both. Told me to stop because it will cause infections to get worse. As far as diet, I want to try more veggie options. As far as hair goes. Mine is thin too. Its grown past my shoulders now but it's not as thick as it used to be. But I don't want to cut it. The halo option truly does make a difference! I'm glad I found this video. The halo piece is very expensive. Never have I thought that I can make my own piece! Great tutorial! Fun video! Much love n hugs❤️❤️❤️❤️

Razzberriberet: Omg! You have my hair. Or I have yours. This is amazing! You’re a genius.

Lynsey Ricci: You are so beautiful! Thanks for this raw, honest video! So helpful.

Mithula Selvagnanam: your PERSONALITY is so cute and adorable! I'm 22 struggling with hair loss and have similar fine thin hair, and this gave me hope! Thank you so much <3

mosthigh1db: Great job on the extensions!

clipinqueen: LOL! I do this too! I made my own halo extensions and it has helped my hair grow out immensely. Thanks for the vid.

Pwoww77: Great tips! Thanks for sharing

Julie Mann: Hi Kelly. I love the hat as I have thin hair in the crown. I want to make a Halo as they are so expensive to buy. Please tell me the dye you used on the Halo-looks so natural! Thank you!

Alex Kess: Love it thank you!!

tinkermi: Love this video and the great tips..I am vegetarian trying to go vegan. Thank you Kelly!!! :)

Mary K: I'm so glad I found your channel. I love it. I have very fine thin hair too and will try your extensions. I'm also vegetarian.

Kati: Great idea! How wide is the weft you used? And how did you attach the wire to the weft?

Rachael Meyer: Just found this video!! This is the first video I've watched where the woman actually has very thin, fine hair! I just got a Halo extension, but am having a hard time hiding it all :(.

Noël S: You crack me up! Your hair extensions look really natural - good job!

Robin Carter: Thanks for the video. I like the idea of clips and a wire. I'll try to make some. Have you tried spraying dry shampoo in your hair for volume or use some corn starch add cocoa powder for color.

Wispafish: I'm going to Sally's pronto! Glad to have found your video! Cheers for the fine hair tip x

Green Tea: nice, thank you for sharing :)

mazzy wave: wow the extentions made you look 10 years younger!

Sarah Milner: I also have hair like yours. it gets me down. why do some of us have hair like this no matter what we do.. ive tried it all!!

Kathy Cain: I loved your video. You're a little crazy, which makes for a great video! Anyway, loved it and I have thin hair also so it was very helpful seeing a video with short, thin hair.

Anna Miser: Hi, very informative video. But, I did not smoke, I am 72 uears old, and I have lines or wrinkles over my upper lip. Maybe smoking makes them deeper. But eventually you will have wrinkles as you age. Mine did not start until my mid sixties, but they are very annoying. But I have subscribed and am watching your liver cleanse video next. So glad I found you.

C Whitman: You look amazing for your age!

Chantelle: Which extensions did you buy at Sally's?

ARTYgracja: Hi Kelly, you are so nice. I wish you succes with your youtube channel :-) <3

Misty Grassley: Oh my gosh - your hair is just like mine and I LOVE long hair, but can never get it to grow. I love what you have done. I have one question though what kind of "wire" do you use? Where do you get it? I really want to make one for myself.

Laura Rincón: Thaks! I'm going to do that

Robinbird213: love this! lol you are so cute and funny!

Loretta Catron: I have fine hair too. The ones you buy have a think band I feel would show I like how yours doesn’t have that thick web Do you sell the one you made

Crystal Ann: where did you order them from

BELLA'S MOM: When not demonstrating how to do something; hold still. Super distracting when you are swaying and flipping your hair for no reason at all.

Rebecca McCain: Shuga Mccain I want some of what you're on!! Love the extension on you!! Going to Sally's Beauty Supply tom to purchase...Stay happy!!

kwi: I have the same kind of hair. It is so frustrating.

Julie Kozlowski: You look like Jamie Lee Curtis, I'm sure you've heard that before!! :)

PickyNikki84: You look great in that hat

paiveen: Wish I saw this before I ordered the 200 dollars ones :(

Gloria So: Did you write the books at your background?

Kari Eats Plants: yes another vegan with fine hair that wears hair extensions lol my soul mate

Pigeoneer Toy: You didn't mention the step-by-step on how to make the halo hair extension. Do you have a separate video for that? You just showed how to put it on and talked about other topics.

Dede Vaughn: that's why your hair looks like that! mines the same way. I was chided by doctors recently for malnutrition! not enough protein. I was 320lbs, now, at 5'8", I'm 148, but in some ways more unhealthy and in many more way much healthier! diabetes is gone, for example. that's not a knock on you. I have fine hair too, but since menopause and eating less meat, I've not gone vegetarian or vegan.

kindandkenzi: No joke you look 40!! How are you 55 1/2?!?!

Bonnie Wood: you are adorable....and REAL

E Mcqueen: Like her!

Rose: clips defeat the purpose

Maricarmen Buendia Fleitas: I dont understant

Diana Helman: Ok please get to it

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