Instant Highlights Using Amazon Hair Extensions !!! | No Hair Damage

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And i am back okay guys, so i will be trying on some hair position that i just purchased um. I purchased them off amazon and the reason why i purchased them is because i've been wanting to dye my hair, but i don't want to damage it and i was like you know what i want to change. My look i want to you know, try something new. So i was like youtube. I went on youtube and i started seeing like all these girls that doing these things like getting highlights, um putting them in their hair, and it literally looks like you just dyed your hair and paid like a good amount of money and their bomb. And no you just put on extensions and bam. You look good, so i was like you know what i'm gon na go. Give that a try, just because i don't want to damage my hair anymore and what it is. So it's like i'm not about to go and dye. It put some bleach on that [ __ ]! No, no! No! That ain't the way to go so i saw the girls like i said, putting on extensions, and i was like damn like someone looked freaking bomb and i was like man like [ __ ] it. Let me just go ahead and order me some extensions and if it doesn't work then [ __ ] it um. The good thing is that i'm not you guys might say, oh, but what about your money? Um you're gon na like waste all that money girl and like for it not to work if it ain't going like if it doesn't work but no girl, i bought real human hair extensions so just in case it didn't work. I could of course, dye it to my natural hair and i have some black hair extensions done dear, but yeah guys. So i was like you know: i'm gon na go ahead and order. I went ahead and ordered just one pack, the first time and oh, my god guys i i was like i'm just gon na order it, because what, if you know i don't like it like, i already have a lot of other extensions. I was like what, if i don't like it like man, i just wasted on the law, like literally two packs of freaking heritage, for nothing, but when it arrived, i tried it on guys and kid you not. I fell in love with it. It looked amazing. You guys my baby daddy, actually liked it, and i told him about it. I even sent him a picture. I'M gon na answer the picture here of what i sent him and you guys that's one pack, like literally you guys, that's one pack of extensions and it looked amazing, but the only problem, as you can see in the picture, it's in the top there's more black Than i wanted it to be um, i wanted it to be more. You know highlights in the top also, so i was like okay, that was one pack. It was 70 grams of hair extensions. I was like if i go ahead and order the other pack, i think, that'll be perfect. Two packs, you know, will be good, so i was like i'm gon na go ahead and order the other pack and i am going to try it out and i hope i like it and yeah guys um. I went ahead and ordered so i got it just in the middle and um you guys, i'm gon na go ahead and try it on with both with you guys so yeah guys, i'm going to go ahead. Let me show you guys better, so quick, second i'll be right back here are the hair extensions. They are clipping hair, uh 22 inches long and they look something like this. Isn'T the colors so beautiful, like it's freaking, beautiful, it's real human hair um synthetic hair will get like. I don't like i've gotten synthetic i've gone in synthetic hair before, but you guys i hate it because, like it gets um like so um naughty like it gets knocked all over and and it's it's not no good for me, but yeah guys like the color. It'S unbelievable, it's so pretty like i, i am just in love. I think it looks super good and i mean it's: it's like a good um investment like if you um suffer like from damaged hair. Just like me, like you guys, just look like no like. I was like no dying. My hair is not gon na, be the right thing to do like i'm, just gon na damage my hair a lot more. It'S gon na look all ugly. So i was like you know what, like i'm gon na, go ahead and try this, and i'm glad that i liked it. I really recommend you guys that if you guys want to try it go ahead, it's fun, you know it's just um. I mean, i think, it's very fun and cool, but yeah guys without further ado. Let'S go ahead and start this video, okay, guys i am back as you guys could see. I went ahead and straightened my hair off camera, just because i take a long time, but, as you guys can see, i do have very thin black hair, and that is the reason why at first i mean i had ordered just one pack, and it was because Um, i do have thin hair, so i didn't want like the hair, to be noticeable on my hair, but you guys it worked out pretty fine and i thought i think i could add a little bit more, but today we're gon na find out literally it's my First time trying both packs with you guys, so i'm going to go ahead and try it out and yeah. Let'S get started, i'm gon na go ahead and grab my brush and we're going to part it down the bottom. Just like a little just a little bit of hair and then i'm going to grab this since i don't have a clip and just hold it just hold it and i'm gon na go ahead. I know i look crazy and i'm gon na go ahead and put the three clips, so i'm gon na put one in this side closer to my ear. Right left, dig and clip we're gon na lift, dig and clip and we're gon na keep doing the same. And then that's the first clip and then i'm going to go ahead and do my other hair and as well to my other ear, because my hair is falling. Sorry, i just wanted to get on the way. Then it gets all messy and crazy okay. So here it is, you know a little crazy, but you'll get the idea i'll. Do it better right now? Okay, so there is the two clips of hair and then we're gon na. Let it then, what i'm gon na do is right. Here you see okay hold on when the hair starts falling, you got ta, make sure you really really divide the part so that this won't lift up any more hair than it should and you dig and clip, and then you grab this one and you take. It. Click lower and then you just brush it okay, so that is the first. That'S it that's going to be the first strain of hair. Okay, that's just for the bottom! Okay. Now we're going to divide again hold on right to divide a little bit more evenly a little bit more evenly. Okay, like this, like that, and i'm going to grab this, you know what guys, let me go, get a clip i'll be back here: the bigger strings up, hair here; okay, so i'm gon na go ahead and clip this hair here with this bow just because, with The clip it will stay up here like this and it will be able to divide the parts evenly okay. So i'm going to grab another three clips. They look like this one, two, three, you won't clip them. You want to grab it and then you want to put it almost next to your ear like this, and then you pull it on the back like that, and then you grab the next one and you put it closer to the other ear, the opposite ear and Then they meet in the middle, both strands of hair here, and i have them right here like this. Okay, so yeah guys now we have. We have four extensions here and you know you just brush them through, so they could um blend in with your naturally hair. Like this, and then you let it go and then we're gon na do the next. So now these are going to be the bigger strands of hair. What i like to do is i grab my brush and i just brush my hair down. You know brush it through the hair and then okay, so now we're gon na do the bigger strands of hair and it's four clips one two three and four. So now i'm going to grab these big ones and i'll put these on this. So i'm going to put one only on this room, you're gon na put one and then i'm gon na go ahead and put the other one on top of it, but another layer down up here. So you grab these unclip them and then you grab it and you put it from ear to ear like this. Don'T worry, don't clip on the hair on the top clip on the hair on the bottom, because if you clip on the hair on the top by the time when you let your hair go back, it's just going to be like a big bump, because it's holding On to this hair, and not this hair flat, so from ear to ear you pull down to the hair, that's down here, you get a good grip. I like to get my really tight just because um i don't. I don't like them to be to be loose on my hair, so now that's the other and i like again grab the brush and just brush through just i could blend in with your whole hair. Okay. So now we have all of that now we're gon na get the last piece down with me here. Okay, there we go okay, so again, grab your brush and brush then yeah. This is what it's looking like. So now i'm gon na grab another hair more up upwards here: okay, a little bit more upwards like a little small layer and then you're gon na grab the clip again or whatever clip you've got. You'Re gon na grab your other next four and clip, and then you again ear to ear on the hair down and then just start clipping them to your hair, facing down not clipping on this hair like that, no no you're gon na clip down downward. So it could be, you know, even okay, so now that's what it's looking like i've put already the ones i need to put there and then - and then you did this - don't worry about this because that's why we have the side parts. That'S what the side parts are going to be for so you see what i'm talking about when you don't clip on the hair going down there just have them collect okay, and then you just brush okay and now what i like to do for the for okay, You grab this, i like to grab this hair like this on this side and then go ahead and clip here and then i'm gon na grab the two strings. It'S just two clips here and i saw a girl get them like hold on and sometimes to hold. The hair down just so i could get a good girl hold on what girl i was seeing a girl saying she would put hers. Diagonally dress up because she puts her hair back in here. So the thing won't be able to clip right here and it'll be hard for her. So she did that and that's what i just did and then again just keep brushing the hair. Be careful because you know the thing so again: we're going to grab another set of hair more up here like this and then again, i'm gon na clip until it's gon na be like this clip it down and clip it down like that. Like that, i know it looks probably, but it doesn't work. That'S why it's the string part four, because you got ta, you know, as you guys could see, the less is the less less hair you get to see of mine and it's bending perfectly it's just. But me usually, i like to wear my hair like this. So you know it works. My hair is growing okay, so you guys can see so again right here, i'll grab this hair and i'm going to clip i'll grab the true strains and i'm going to clip it down down and let it go and brush. I like to you guys, already recommend this brush just because it lets your hair blend even even better. Well, i think this one too, so the more you spread it out, the flatter you get the extension to be. You see, spread it out yeah. So again, i'm gon na grab more hair and i'll put it right on top of this one, just the other one perfect, because i'm already like closer to my and then like this, i like to hold it. Obviously, if you pull the thing, but don't come with you and guys, this is not this one is not an extension. It'S just my freaking hair. I don't know why it's looking all [ __ ] bumpy, but i'm just trying to flatten everything out and then i'm trying to okay. So, as you guys could see, you know when the braids come, it's like a i'll, be right back. Let me stream my hair. Hey guys, so i am i'm back from strain my hair, and you guys this looks literally amazing. I think if i would have gone with the darker it's good and intentionally this hair was supposed to be natural black with highlights natural black. Like my hair, like from the starting point down, it was going to get lighter, but they sent me deep brown from the root and lighter down, which you know obviously doesn't match my root hair because i'm naturally dark black. But i was like you know what, when i tried it on the first time i absolutely loved it and i still do like. I still think you know feeling myself. I think it's still cute. You know i still could rock it. If i wanted to you know, i don't know like especially and yeah guys like it looks just so good like. Let me show you guys from the back, so this is a little bit sloppy from the back. I don't know if you guys could really see, but that's what it's looking like, and i think i am in love really with this, because i don't know, i think it's like a good. If you don't want to, you, know, damage your hair. This is the way to go girl like. I really recommend you guys to try this um. I could even pull this off as like a low pointer. If i wanted, like literally if i wanted to do a little pointer, it would look amazing like it was like good and yeah guys like with this. I spent literally a little bit over a little bit um, no a little under a hundred dollars. Yes, first, some people might be like. Oh my god, like you, spent that much money on just you know extensions that, like you didn't even know, you were gon na want, but you guys, i think they were okay. They were, you know worth it and, like i said, if later on, i decided you know to like want to change the color. I could obviously change it and um yeah guys i like it, it's um, really cool. I think i'm like um. Also, i mean since right now it's being really cold out here. Let me show you and like i said, since it's been really really cold out here in tj like i was like, you know what i couldn't just pull this off and like and make it look like like this. Is writing my hair, like i think it looks super cute, you know you guys could go ahead and try it um and they do reach like down here like, like, i said down here. They reach all the way up, almost to my butt but yeah guys like i know i could pull this off and people really think this is my hair, but it's not working one day. I will maybe go and do my hair professionally and do something like this, but for now this is what we're working with so yeah guys um. You could also do like a take all the extensions off and do like a half up half ponytail, and it would look so amazing. It'S like no joke, it will look super cute. You can wear it like this and you guys they look super cute in any any like you guys could move it around play with it. You don't want me whatever makes you like, feel good, and i think i am in love with these. I will be wearing them soon, um my hubby love them also um, i'm still gon na be moving them around. You know until i get the look that i love. This is my second time trying them. So i'm not so good with this, but um guys. I think i did pretty good for my second time. I mean this is literally my second time doing something like this and i absolutely love it. I think it's really nice um also my son's birthday is coming up and i think i will be estrendo estas because i think they're super cute, so yeah guys, you guys will maybe be seeing that vlog also, and you guys will be seeing how i use these And yeah guys, thank you guys so so much for watching. Thank you guys for um clicking on this video, and i hope this helped a lot of you guys if you guys want to go ahead and try doing your hair, something else try. You know you guys, like literally i'm not gon na lie if you have um literally this color of hair and you wan na, and you wanna like add, highlights get some extension like these that match your hair like. If i want, i could literally order some natural black with highlights, which i just wanted lighter highlights. That'S why i probably got the brown ones, but no, there was a lot more that were black with highlights, and i think those i would have pulled off. Even more sorry about that, but, like i said i probably will be ordering um other colors and i will be showing you guys, you know whatever fits me better. Maybe these were not it for me and you know you guys think you know. Oh, it's too light for you, but i don't know maybe i'll order, some darker ones and try those on and probably i'll love those even more but for now this is what i have and i really enjoyed doing this. It'S a very you, know, diy-ish, so something for you not to damage your hair. I really don't want to damage my hair anymore, like it's already so damaged like. I need to cut it, but i don't want to cut it. So if you guys know anything that makes like your hair healthier without having to like cut it like, please let me know down below guys, because i really would love your help, but um yeah guys also comment down below and what do you? What the heck? What do you guys think about this? You know what it. What is your thoughts on this like? Was this a fail or what, like literally guys, you know, give me tips. What should i do? Should i um add more like right here. That'S what i'm saying right now, it's a little black! Maybe if i have like another string of hair here, it'll blend it with this part. So yeah you know i'm just going to be playing with it see what it fits them better, like, maybe even a string from down here. If i take it off and put it here, i think it will do it hi guys. Thank you guys. Thank you guys. Thank you guys, so so yeah guys. Thank you guys so much for watching. Thank you guys so much for supporting, and i will see you guys on my next

La Cocina de Cheli: Woo que bonito te ha quedado seteve muy bonito y sin necesidad de maltratar tu cabello natural saludos ❤

A Day In The Life of Ely: So gorgg❤ Love it

Janeth Ortega: U look beautiful❤

Lola Garcia: ❤❤

Ley Lusung: how many inches you used?

Jjj: Can you please add the link pleasee

Aide Cruz: T pareces a selena

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