Amazon'S Ve Sunny Hair Extensions: Part I | Worth The $$$ ?

Welcome back to my channel! In PART I of this video, I review Amazon's Ve Sunny Extensions and I must say: I'M SHOOK! The quality was there for the price point - the extensions felt really nice, the clips were exactly how you want them to be - small with a tight grip, and they felt really good in. I split the video into two parts: in Part I just talk about my history with hair extensions, what works for me, and do a first impressions unboxing of the hair. In Part II, which I'll be posting next - I show you how I put them in.

One thing I have not reviewed yet is how they respond to heat, which in this video you will hear me talk about in regards to my concerns with these from Ve Sunny. They do say to not expose them to heat above 280 F and I highly suggest you pay attention to this as I have had extensions melt on me and its not pretty. They will either physically melt and you will smell a burning plastic smell and the extensions will be unusable AND/OR have just had heat damage where the extensions just get very ratty and dry and you will see the quality deteriorate quickly! Please head the HEAT WARNINGS!


100% human remy hair

Do not exceed 180 Celsius

Length: 14"

Color: #60 - White Blonde

Double Weft for thickness

120 grams of hair

7 pieces

Price: $56.78

Here are the links I mentioned in the video:

I chose the 14" in #60 - White Blonde but there are many colors available from lengths 10-24"!

Ve Sunny Extensions from Amazon:

Annabelle's Wigs:

Part II:

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What is up you guys welcome back to my channel. Welcome that to another video I am just turning the mallet, so if you haven't been here for a while definitely check back, I've been posting about two to three times a week since I was laid off so you're missing everything from the fact I'm relocating, from Los Angeles to Florida, you're missing a little bit of a back story with layoffs. You missed a couple of hauls, some trader Joe holes. There'S a you, the empties video up there is a k-beauty unboxing. There is a lot. I'Ve been turning out a lot of content, so if you're new definitely feel free to go back a couple and check out some of the other videos I posted recently, today's video is going to be I'm actually really excited about this and I'm also quite nervous. So today's video is going to be a basically like a first impressions, video slash review, I'm a little nervous. I'Ve never purchased extensions off Amazon before and I will tell you I do not go to Amazon looking for extensions, because I think you're, like girl, you're in the wrong place, like you get extensions from a lot of places and Amazon is not. One of them totally feel you, but I think I was on there actually just looking to see if they had any like inexpensive wigs, because I used to love, I had purchased like one or two and they've since became all matted and stuff. I keep trying to ask wig brands if they want to collab and like send me a wig, and I would tag them in my makeup looks, but I think I'm just way too small for them to care about me. So anyway, I had worn some wigs back in the day like last year, maybe even a year and a half ago, and they just got so matted that I chucked them and I just missed switching up my look to like a whole different color. I think I had a black one that was kind of like retro from where was it. It was a UK brand Annabel wigs. So if you haven't checked them out, I will link that website below it's long, along with the wig that I purchased from there cuz. I actually thought it was like pretty good quality and I think I only paid like sixty dollars for it, but anyway I digress. I don't want it this video to get too long, so I was on Amazon just seeing if I can find like a good quality. Wig I was gon na honestly, read the reviews and everything and see if I can find like an inexpensive one, and this brand ve sunny came up because they actually have wigs as well as extensions, and when I looked at the extensions said human hair. It said high quality and, like the reviews, actually had pretty good ratings, so I wanted to try it for myself. I did watch a couple of YouTube. Videos and people had mixed reviews about this brand and about the quality of the extensions. So I figured I would do like a little review and worst case scenario of hi Keith um. I can return them, so this is the brand again it's I don't know if they're exclusive to Amazon its kind of seemed that way by the way, if you guys notice, my hair was purple and I went back blonde just cuz. It was fading a lot anyway. I went back blonde just for this video because I want to try on the extensions. However, I think I'm gon na do like a part one which will be this video, which will just be like a first impressions and a little bit about the brand and then part two will actually be me putting them in, because I I ordered, I think, the Lightest color, but I don't even know if this is gon na, be anywhere close to what I have going on right now. I might need to tone them so we'll see, but anyway it says this brand. What is dedicated to providing high-end 100 % real human hair they're registered in the United States and completed the brand record at Sunny hair is under the banner of the brand VG sunny and we commit to keeping our looks for premium quality, hair materials. To me, every customers need the extensions are made of 100 %, real protein-rich remy human hair, blah blah blah okay. So basically I looked and I think, there's seven or eight basically Clips like so on the left, with the clip sewed in now. Let me just do a really quick background, I'm a little bit of like annex hair extension. Snob. I'Ve always had really fine hair, it's actually pretty soft and healthy for how much processing I do to it. I don't bleach my hair anymore. I only use your color with like a 30 or 40 level peroxide. So that's how I get my hair in this color and the I use Agoura 1219, which actually has a little bit of like purple in it, which helps me get that like really light blonde. Without having to tone it, I didn't even tone it today. I didn't put shampoo on it. This is literally just how it comes from using that color blue he's trying to bury his bone, but there's nothing to bury it under he's. Looked literally in his cage like trying to bury it, but it's a plastic cage like there's: no dirt alright, but you you fight that fight. You win that battle, so my background story is that when I lived in Bridgeport Connecticut when I went to college my girlfriend Carly and I best friend in the world, we lived together and we loved having long hair. But we both have like really fine hair. That doesn't grow like pretty much. My hair will grow to like your and then it stops. So I'm gon na try and grow it as long as it will go, but that's pretty much like it maxes out and it doesn't get any longer than that. It'S really sad, so I started wearing extensions, probably in college, and I only thought that the way that you could wear extensions was just to have them permanent. Now I just do clippings. I think it's a lot honestly more comfortable. I can just take them at the end of the day. I also think it's way more affordable and it's less of a hassle like you, don't have to get them tightened. It gets so expensive and sleeping in the clips can just be super annoying. When you put your hair up in a ponytail, you can see them. I don't care what anyone says. I'Ve seen the little strips and I've also seen the individual like the beads, and I can see them both ways. It'S less noticeable if you have darker hair, but for sure the blonde ones you can see them and they're super noticeable. So I started when I lived in Bridgeport Connecticut to having an african-american girl actually braid them in so she'd braid. My hair, like super tight across and then she'd sew the west across the braid, and it was fine but because the braids are like so tight. I was getting a horrible headaches when you take the braids out after a couple of months. You'D have like horrible dandruff, where the braids like didn't, allow your hair to like replenish its natural oil, so I've never had dandruff before I was getting dandruff where the braids were. It was just kind of getting to be too much of a hassle. So, instead of doing the braids, we decided okay, we're gon na glue them in now. It'S it's. It'S a thing that people do it's hair glue, however you're not supposed to get them wet because in the shower, especially if the water is hot, they can loosen and then the glue loosens. And so we did that for a while. But it turned out to be like a huge mess with the glue and we'd have to reglue and the glue is damaging our hair. So we decided at one point that we were just gon na, do clip ins, so we can clip them in and then take them out at the end of the night, and so that's what I've been doing ever since I love clippings. I'Ve found different ways that I could put the clips in upside down. If I want to wear my hair up at a high ponytail and when I want my hair to just be short and my my own, I don't put them in and if I want to be fancy and go out, I just put them in so I've been Wearing hair extensions, and when I tell you I've done everything from so my own clips into the hair wefts. I bought the extensions that already have the clips onin. So I've done it a zillion, different ways and I've been wearing hair extensions and I know the quality of them. Some look really nice and as soon as you start putting heat on them, they shrivel and waste away. They almost like melt. So that's my number. One fear I will say going into this, as I know that it said you couldn't use heat hotter than two hundred and eighty degrees Fahrenheit. I think I can get a curling iron in this, that's lower than that, so I think I can still Curly's. But my again, my main concern with these is that they will melt, especially if they're not like super high quality and the hair is kind of like a little more fragile. If they can, things can go prime very easily. So without further ado, I'm gon na open these up and pray that I do not make a huge mistake. With my money I mean at the end of the day, I thought they were a pretty good price $ 60. Usually, I'd pay about a hundred eighty to a hundred here in LA extensions can go upwards of 150 depends how long you get them. I don't like my extensions to be longer than like, 14 to 16 inches, east or 18, and then I realized like how ridiculous they look to my hair because you can see where my hair ends and then the extensions go like another two feet. Sorry, you can say whatever you want, they're ridiculous, looking if your hair is that short and you can see the discrepancy, so I always like, like a 14 or a 16, because you know even where my hair ends the extensions, especially when they're curled. They don't go. That much further so just looks like a little more natural and also. I don't really believe that most people have 18 inches of hair, so also just to me, looks really fake, especially if they're not full like. If the top of your head is full and then the extensions are really like scraggly and on the bottom, it's like. Why is your hair full on top and then, like you, have these really because they don't have enough hair extensions to match like this, the density of their hair on top? So, needless to say, there are do's and don'ts of hair extensions and I've kind of just learned like what works for my hair, so I always do 14 to 16 inches. These are 14 or I just want to put that out there. That'S why I think they are so cheap. I think, if you get, you know the 16, they go up like $ 5 per like inch or two you. So you know if you want to get 18 inches, they'll, probably be upwards of like $ 80 or so, but um. So these are that this is what it looks like when you open it up Wow. I think it's gon na be pretty close to my hair. So these say clip in hair extensions they're the shade, I guess 60 eh. I think that's what it says and there's a 14 inch ones, no, I'm busy. So I took the extensions out of the package. They feel really soft again. These are the 14 inch extensions. I believe they're seven pieces and it doesn't stay on here. It says here you get a little packet. I think it said 120 milligrams of the hair 7 pieces, it's enough for normal hair. But if you want thicker look you could order two packs. If it's not a good color, they'll exchange it so anyway, there's a bunch of tips here, I'm not gon na read them all, but it tells you about how to comb them when you should wash them when you dry them and then, while you style them again, My main concern with these is just how they are going to take to heat, but I think honestly, the color is like pretty close. I mean your roots are always going to need a tad darker and but I think, as the color fades slightly, I it will be pretty much on par with this, so either that or I can't own these as long as you're not putting bleach on them. You should be able to tone them no problem, but anyway, I think that's all. I want to tell you guys today about these, because I think part two will be me actually putting them in, so you guys can see like what they look like, but yeah. All. First impressions, they feel really good. You have these really tiny clips which hang on to the hair really well. I will tell you that not all hair clips are created equal. I just ordered some recently and they were terrible. So you want the clips that don't have just like the individual spikes. You want them to kind of look like a zig zag. You can see that, but you want them to kind of lose the eggs Aggie. If they're just straight down, they don't really grip. The hair that well, but I think that these are going to hold on to the hair really well so I'll, show you when I put them in in part two what they actually look like, but yeah you have seven seven pieces, so you'll have like the main Pieces for the back of the hair and then there's usually smaller um sections that go on the left and the right to fill in around the front where hair tends to be a little bit shorter, so yeah, I think the color is going to be pretty good. I'M actually kind of excited they they feel good. The clips are, are nice and tight, so I think that's it. I think that's all I want to go over for this part one. Thank you guys for tuning in and stay tuned for part two where I actually put them in to thank you guys for watching and I'll see you guys all

Madison😋: I just ordered the grey 20 inch and 18 inch for a layered look I’m literally so excited to get mine thanks for this review

lucaminxu: I saw these on amazon and googled "vesunny hair review" on google and your video was one of the first results! Thank you for doing this!

BeguileMe: I just ordered the #60 through your link. Thanks!

Ashlyn Horne: Well crap I just ordered 18 inches

Ariana Chapple: What brand did you used to wear?

Barbara Fortier: Is that the dryer in the background lol?

Jodi Cherry: Gurl you talk to much. Had to keep fast forwarding just to get to what I came for.

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