Getting My Dream Hair + Grwm (Goo Goo Hair)

HELLO MY LOVES!! i love and appreciate y'all more than u know. i hope ur staying safe, healthy, and mentally okay.

Hair in the video:

Goo Goo Tape in Human Hair Extensions

Hair Length: 24inch

Natural Black (1B)--3 packs

Platinum Blonde Balayage (17/22/60)- 1 pack

Hot Selling Collection:

DISCOUNT CODE: Korie15 for 15% off




P.O. Box 463026

Escondido, CA 92046



insta: koriereynolds

twitter: korieindahouse

snap: koriereynolds

tik tok: korieindahouse

biz: [email protected]



bobby brown vitamin enriched face base

elf power grip primer

maybelline 30 hour foundation

estee lauder double wear

nars radiant creamy concealer

rare beauty liquid blush in bliss

juvias place foundation stick in guinea

sigma loose powder

physicians formula butter bronzer

essence mosaic blush in the berry connection

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one size beauty matte setting spray


tarte lights camera flash mascara


abh dip brow medium brown


Hello, welcome back to my channel I'm going to get my hair done and I'm bringing you guys with me. I am gon na be oh, that's my eyebrow piercing you guys like it. I'M also breaking out really bad, but this is like tamed. You guys should have seen it a couple days ago. It was absolutely terrible um, it's been making me sad, but that's okay, um we're going to my work right now, because I work in a hair salon. I don't know if you guys do that, because I, assuming you might know that I used to work in one, but I'm working one again. Do you guys remember how I did that tutorial on like Y2K chunky highlights like a couple months ago with, like clip-in extensions? Well, I'm gon na get them taped into my head. I'M gon na do that same style, but with tape ends and I'm really excited and um. We also have tinsel, like um silver tinsel, that we put on some of the extensions, so I'm gon na have sparkles in my hair. My goal by the end of this is to look like a walking Monster, High doll. Why is the bottom of my eye so dark right there? I should go to the salon I work at. They have really good stylists um called strands. It'S in Rancho Bernardo San, Diego I'm gon na film, when I get there and I'm probably gon na, feel really awkward um. So that's gon na be fun. So if I start acting awkward, it's because I'm nervous of filming in front of people I work with. I don't like filming in front of anyone, but like this fighting sucks, guys I'll see you when I'm there love you hey y'all, so I'm gon na do a voiceover. This is me at the hair salon, my cute little shoesies um, we're using Google hair extensions. Today, amazing quality hair, I'm gon na link it down below these - are them right. Here I got a pack um. I actually got three packs of the 24 inch natural black and then one pack of the platinum blonde Balayage they're, both 24 inches um. This is her putting them in my hair and I've seen okay, so this is like showing like the middle half of my head. It looks so cute we put tinsel on some of the black ones like on one row of my hair um, and we also did this little technique of like to really blend the blonde ones in um, maybe like sandwiched, a black one and a blonde one. So it would really blend, and she's gon na show you that right here, yeah, if you want to get Google hair extensions, I'm going to link them down below um. You can use my code Corey 15 to get 15 off of your order, but they have all types of um hair extensions. They have. Clippings tape ends just hair if you want to find some [ __ ] hair, to make your hair look beautiful, go to Google hair, but look how gorgeous this looks. So it's really like my dream hair. Do you see that that's literally gorgeous any losing? This is me, I don't know why I added this, but next is gon na, be my my cute little boss. Look how cute she is ready, go Empire, say hi, introduce yourself to the camera, she's ready for her close-up, yes, yeah say who you are and where we are yes, beautiful and I hope you come and see us. Oh yes, um, I'm so rude that I didn't even introduce Rebecca, but this is Rebecca. My co-worker hi she dyes, my hair, like the black yeah, and it looks like these extensions in and the dye and she looks super cute. It looks so cute, I'm so excited. We had some fun tonight. We really did we've stayed up, we've won like an hour and a half longer than we used it out. So I look terrible, but I realize that I don't have enough footage when I got my hair done um, so I'm just gon na do like a slight get ready with me to add more stuff into this video, just the reality of having hair extensions. I know they're like an amazing thought to have, because they're beautiful but like maintaining them is a lot of work, and you should know that if you ever get them also, it's been two weeks since I've got my extensions and tinsel put in and everything's holding up Great, nothing has came out everything's good. What do you have this hair is super good. I'Ve had clip-ins and tapins that get tangled very, very, very, very, very quickly and it's like matted within like a couple hours, if you don't brush it, but these ones like I haven't brushed them in two days because of depression, but like they're, really not that matted, Like I'm almost done brushing this side out and then they're good, so good quality, hair, less sweaty, [, __ ], I don't enjoy doing my hair. I really don't. Oh, did you hear this? It'S because my hair is wet on the top, because I because don't see my [ __ ], okay, I think I'm gon na do my makeup sitting on my bed, because my hair's done um I'm having in this little side part - and I don't know if I'm Gon na Keep it I'm gon na, do my makeup and see how I feel and then we'll see, if I want to keep it like this, a quick little something something to make me feel beautiful talk about life lately. I know that when I go mute, what the [ __ ] know that when I go missing from YouTube for like sometime people start to get nervous. Maybe they think that I'm out like I had relapsed, because that's usually what happens um. But I'm here to tell you guys everything is all [, __ ], good I've honestly just been kind of like I don't know what the feeling that I'm feeling is like. I don't know how to explain it, but it's kind of just like uh. I'Ve just been feeling like dude this [ __ ] bang is gon na make me [ __ ] punch someone in the [ __ ] face. Who wants to be the lucky candidate just kidding? I won't punch any of you guys, but um yeah. As I was saying, I just feel like you know this time last year, a lot of terrible things happened at this time in, like the anniversary of me, trying to take, my life is coming up in like a week, um, and it just feels like I don't Know how to deal with it? I just don't know how to feel you know, and I think that's okay. I think I'm like anxious about this time. Coming up in the holidays, it's crazy, like the slightest things trigger me. I don't want to go too into detail about this, but like even seeing the Christmas decorations up is like so triggering for me, because this is how my house looked on the two times. I tried to take my life, so it's weird like it's just weird the things that can be triggering um, so I'm kind of bummed about like having a Christmas tree be triggering to my suicide, because I love Christmas time. Um and my birthday is coming up too. Just like some fun things happening and like they don't feel fun, and I think that I've just been in this weird mental Funk. Because of that - and I just haven't like wanted to film anything - and I I don't know - I've been just working and laying in bed. It'S not like I've been like so depressed like. I have been a couple of days where I'm like so [ __ ] depressed. I don't even want to get out of bed, but, like I'm just like disassociating from life, I think I'm just trying to avoid the things that I feel and it's kind of like leading me to like disassociating and like not dealing with how I'm feeling, which is Like not a good thing, and I'm admitting that but like damn little like off, I don't know what else to call it. I'M just off. I feel weird, let's [ __ ] do my makeup and feel cute. I think this will help. If I look like a bad [, __ ], I usually start to feel better so um. Let'S just do that. I'M making a crazy concoction of all the stuff I'm gon na put on my face right now. It'S like three foundations and this blue pigment, and hopefully it looks gorgeous trying my best to just to get through life and stay sober, and you know I'm doing the best that I can going on Accutane soon in like the next two months, I'll be on it. We'Re like going through this whole process of like getting on it, though, which is like so annoying because you have to take so many pregnancy tests like throughout two months before they even like. Let you go on it so and then I have to have an appointment with my psychiatrist and my therapist before they even approve to have me on it, because it makes you really like mentally unstable and [ __ ]. To be honest, am I that [ __ ] mentally stable? No, what if they tell me, I can't go on it. The [ __ ] like I know you should be honest with your therapist, but damn I might be not honest in my [ __ ] appointment. So I can get on [ __, ] Accutane and treat my acne finish with my cream products and I'll be back. I want my bangs to [ __ ] grow out. I hate this [ __ ]. I hate it I'll be back um. I tried a new technique with like my blush and stuff. I don't know how I feel like about it I'll feel like a little like chab chop check. Is that mean to say? Is that, like I look like a British girl but whatever - and I said that I was gon na - come back when my cream products were done, but I've done a lot more than that. I only have like a short small pair of lashes today and I, like I'm kind of bummed, because I want to like feel like a bad [, __ ] and look like a bad [, __ ], but we're gon na have to do that with a small Pair of lashes, because that's all I go look how teeny these are Teensy weeny! Oh the ends, I'm pretty sure that these are ioni lashes from the Dollar Tree. Excuse me: okay, so eyelash clothes from um, levana Beauty, and it's very good like it's. Actually so damn sticky and it doesn't make my it - doesn't make my eyes itch, because I have like a issue with some eyelash glues, where um makes my eyelid like on the line like after I wear them like the day after I'll, be like puffy and crusty, And itchy, like the kiss lash glue, does that to me specifically, I hate it. It'S such an uncomfortable feeling it like and then it'll start to peel a couple days later and it gets like yeah it's terrible, but with all that being said, this is really good. So I don't think I'm feeling the side part anymore. I think I'm gon na change that in a second, because I thought it was a good idea and now I'm not really feeling it. I think it's ugly, I'm gon na try to take an Instagram picture today, because I have posted once in like the last seven months and I'm like supposed to be an influencer, and I don't even post on Instagram ever no, I you know, I think it's because Ever since I got out of rehab, I've had like these like bad thoughts about like my body and like my acne, and just like how I've looked but yeah. I think I've just not felt gorgeous in a long time and that's why I haven't posted any Instagram photos um, but that's why I'm gon na try to boost my confidence today and look cute and then try to take a picture and feel better about myself. I know that sounds insane but, like I feel like when you get like a good picture of yourself and you're feeling like super cute, it like makes your brain feel better, and I know that sounds like terrible like. Let me take an Instagram picture and I'll feel better about myself, but the girls I get it, get it okay. Thank you. What the [ __ ] is that loud ass noise. No I'm! I can't. I can't stop calling myself ugly, no, I'm literally so gorgeous like the most gorgeous girl. I know I'm so Flawless, I'm so beautiful. I love me that didn't really help. I look better um in this camera than that camera. This is not a camera guys if you've been here for a long time. You know this has two. I think that I've had this like I've used this in videos like I don't ever really use the powder in it, but I have used this as a little mirror in my videos for probably four years now. If you know you freaking know, oh, are you effing kidding me right now? I want to punch someone in the head. I don't think I've ever punched, someone in the head. Maybe I need to let this dry and then I can scrape it off, but I'm gon na go eat some rolled tacos and I'll. Be back my teeth. Look! So damn white! That'S gorgeous! This is a lip liner from Saint Lux and it's in Morganite, and it's like a nice little brown, okay and then what I've been doing lately is taking the rare Beauty liquid blush in Bliss and just using it in my lips like this, because it like matches. My cheeks and it like all, goes nicely together on my whole face. You see how cute that colors together, I really want to curl my eyelashes. I need to find an eyelash curler. I probably smell, like an obvious accent: eyelash curl, eyelash curler. I need to find an eyelash curler, so give me one second, okay, I just tried to take some cute pictures of myself um, and hopefully I got a good one. I do feel cute though, and I was applying this video. I ended up doing this hairstyle because I kind of wanted my hair out of my face. You want to get some hair extensions, go to Google hair. I will link it down below. They have amazing quality hair. I love it. It'S been in my hair for so long now and it's doing great yeah definitely go down below. If you need some hair extensions, but I love you guys so freaking much, I'm sorry! I haven't posted a long time. I'M really gon na try to get better at that. It'S just I bet she's been feeling weird. This time of the year is messing with my head, but but yeah, hopefully, it'll go away and I'll start feeling like myself again but happy holidays everybody. I love you all so [ __ ] much be good to your goddamn, brain or I'll beat you up, but you already knew that I love you so much. I hope that you have an amazing day wherever you are, and I will see you next time -

Megan S: I’m so glad to hear that you’re doing well. Christmas can be a hard time for many people, just think of it as look how far you’ve come since last year and how much you’ve accomplished. U should be so proud of yourself ❤

꧁Lisa꧂: Ngl Kories like the big sister that I never knew I needed I FUCKING LOVE YOU KORIE

Zemiii: when i look good i feel good is one of my fav things to say. when im going through it looking good keeps me a bit happier. also since this time of year brings bad memories create positive ones. as simple and as silly as it sounds just do things that make you happy with people you love to drown out the bad memories. love ya korie

Tiana Joy: This time of year effects everyone differently, I lost my mom in 2018 and I still struggle with losing her, ESPECIALLY around this time of year. You aren't alone Korie, <3

Adriana Ayala: Korie I can watch you all day long you’re literally the cutest and my fav YouTuber love you sm

Maja Ada: This is like the second of your videos that I have ever watched and Im literally in love with your vibe and personality!!! You’re so pretty and hilarious at the same time! Im from Poland btw so greetings from here<333

Carolina Hernandez: youuurrr gorgeous korie! positive energy going your way. love the lip combo

Sarah Joran: I absolutely love when you give us YouTube videos. They make me so happy. You are one of my favorite people

Marina Cassandra: Hey girl, just wanted to say super proud of you and appreciate your vulnerability. Take the little wins and you’re doing amazing.

Emily Bradham: for some reason you saying that you loved me caused me to burst into tears. this time of year is really hard for me as well. wishing you love, health, and prosperity in the new year! ❤

konic af: i’m so glad you’re back to youtube i love your videos so much u make me feel so much better about myself I LOVE U

Kat : That is some dream hair. U definitely just set some new trend, cause that hairstyle is so cute.

Aryssa Alonzo: the eyebrow piercing is so slay and you’re so gorgeous korie!

Ms. Daniella Renée: I love your makeup aesthetics. Thanks for being you.

Leillah: Ok but why do you look INSANE with shorter lashes like they suit u soo much ❤❤❤❤

Stephanie Pugh: I love your nails girl! So cute! Happy holidays!

ɴᴏᴇʟ♡: lol you’re such a vibe hope you’re doing good girl & hair looks hella cute✨

drizzyyy222: korie i LOVE YOUUU so much!!!!! u give me the serotonin my body doesn't naturally produce : ,)

nana: watching ur vids makes my day good, love uuuu

eneri_444: i’m planning on sending you a letter to your p.o. box soon! love you and any type of video you make, i’ll watch!

chrysalism: you look so beautiful!!!! love the hair omg

Brandy Spears: Girl! Are you crazy, you are beautiful. Like for real. You're right about the Mac mirror, you have had that since you had like a couple thousand followers . You're so cute, merry Christmas sweetie.

Marie S: I ordered hair tinsel because this is way too cute!!

fairydust: Korie what was your lip combo when you got your hair done??? It's so pretty!!

Lizzie Schultz: you make my days sm better

Marsha .M.: I hope you feel better soon!! I love your videos and always look forward to them ❤️❤️❤️ Our birthday is coming up soon and I hope you have a great one filled with love and positive vibes

Mia Monday: I have to say this you are so fucking stunning ❤and I love how your you!!!

Jennifer Gonzalez: R u kidding meeee love the hair and makeup look you ended up doing

marissa kingery: korie thank u for being my comfort creator :) hope ur having a happy sag season bae

Misty Tells: I like you with shorter lashes better, way better. Looks so perfect on you!

Deanna Corona: Korie you,re so beautiful babe!! I want to help you with how you feel. My sister had really bad depression and tired killing herself multiple times 2yrs ago. I’m so happy god kept her & same goes for you beauty. She found a doctor that helped her so much! She had a hormonal imbalance & really high copper. I myself have really bad anxiety and also suffered from an anxiety attack two years ago as well from stress at work and my sister situation. Her and I got on antidepressants and it helped us a lot but we gained so much weight from it. But this doctor called Mensha medical helps you so much through your family history and your symptoms you deal with daily. If you ever like to reach out message me back and I would love to help you!

Yailene Rosales: omggg i’ve been looking for an eyelash glue that doesn’t make my lash line itchhh what eyelash glue do you use?? btw OBSESSED with your hair and makeup. you are STUNNING

Jenna: you make me feel better about being in the gutter :,) thx

Aybüke: Take care Korie we love u

nicole: I’ve been using the Ulta stick foundation as contour and shiiii it’s so nice figure I’d put you on

Sandra: I went on accutane with depression and lied to my doctor every month telling him i was fine and okay just so i could get rid of my acne. Let me just say it was the worst 5 months of my life and would never go back on it. but my skin is doing so much better now so it was worth it.

angela: i love the eyebrow piercing i wish my parents could let me but one day when i grow up

Brianna Bagshaw: Winter is honestly always a bitch.. tis the season for hibernation. Keep treating yourself to things you know will help you genuinely❄️

Amparo Silva: Lol to hear you say my name that’s funny I never hear the name “Amparo” since it’s not very common anyway love how you do your makeup

Melissa A: You are very pretty and I mean it.


Kyomi: omg yes my eyes do the same thing with eyelash glues it’s terrible

Mar: you are incredible

Julia Martinez: Beautiful hair, and you look gorgeous ❤️

drizzyyy222: try tretenoin cream for your acne! just make sure u moisturize a lot and only use it before bed since it can cause sun damage. i had the same type of acne u seem to have my sophomore year and it literally went away a week or two after using it!

Carina G.: missed youu lovelyy! ❤️‍❤️‍

claire : you look gorge! glad to hear you’re doing okay. sending lots of love

Melissa Kraemer: When am I getting my hoodie delivered?? Been waiting 5 months

Gillian s: the chance of becoming depressed from acutane is very low but they go insane with the precautions. aka covering their ass.. and the pregnancy tests and monthly abstinence promises its so much to get on and be on that shit. but it works. lol ily korie

sarah: i’m so happy you’re alive

Alyssa Salazar: What eyelash glue was it? I have the same problem with my eyes every time I wear lashes I have a bad reaction haven't wore lashes in almost 2 years now. And it started with the kiss glue as well it was the only 1 I used up until my eyes got swollen and crusty

Grace Green: Your base is so damn flawless. Tell me why everytime I have a bad breakout it causes major anxiety because I know I won’t be able to cover it properly your skin looks soooo smooth.

000: HEAD ME OUTTTT get a WOLFCUT! it will look so so so good on u and easir to brush ur head will feel so lightweght

yassified ted cruz: 5:16 HAHAH GIRL I CANT

saruhHhHhh: the hair is gorgeous but is the tinsel heat resistant? like can you curl it and straighten it like regular hair?

Perizhana Throne: Life gone take you through trails and tribulations but sometimes of us feeling off and weird might be good change in us God is always beside u keep him first feed into yourself in the best way possible through all things rather it’s food , taking a shower , drinking or shopping etc… positivity over negativity! Help your depression all the way positive from the things u day and eat or do. Just live don’t let the pat take over move forward with life and things will be better

Allison Knoerle: I LOVE YOU GF

🌻☘️Green Eyes☘️🌻: I hate the holidays soooo much since I lost my Brother six years ago… I am just going to be home with my family, I am so lonely and sad. I decorate for my sons, I do so much for them to have the Christmas spirit. I hope things get better fast. I wish anyone going through tough times, depression, anxiety, mental health issues, that they do things to keep busy, feel better, take care of you… I’m trying one day at a time.

joanna: GIRLLL I LITERALLY WENT TO RB HIGH!! Did you go there?

Lyn H.: omg so i’ve been dealing with cystic hormonal acne my whole life but never went on accutane bc i’ve been really nervous about the side effects so my doctor put me on spironolactone and it cleared my skin up so quicklyyy. just wanted to let ya know incase you wanna try something less intense than accutane!

Alex Promnitz: Please post more! Seeing you not doing well makes me feel better for not doing so well! Love you!! Be good to your brain!!

Isabel Taylor: You look like Nikki de Jager twin

SimplySafiyah: I’m from daygo but I moved to DC for college

Patchara Khamsuwan: What lash glue??

Abbey Elyse: Girl I’m on accutane right now and also a licensed esthetician and you should NOT take it if you have a family history of depression or suffer with it yourself. Accutane is a VERY high dosage of vitamin A and vitamin A toxicity can cause severe depression, psychosis and suicidal thoughts due to the drug blocking out certain pathways in your brain. I don’t recommend lying to your psychiatrist or therapist about any of your feelings because since I’ve been on it for the last 2 weeks my mood has been all over the place. I totally understand the harsh reality of adult acne, as I’m 25 myself. But please be careful. Too many people care about you to potentially put yourself in danger. Much love sis❤

jalyn johnfon: I LOVE U BABE

Nikita Chanel: I can't say for sure without skin analysis and more info but you mentioned drinking soda more lately which has a lot of sugar. Sugar is very triggering for acne prone skin because your skin bacteria loves sugar. Also sugary drinks make you blood sugar and insulin spike which creates an inflammatory response in the body and also increases sebum production. Hope that helps xx

Bell Uh: hi bae!

Lailanie Mejia: KORIE I LOVE YOU and im so sorry.. but i hate the eyebrow piercing

kiara richardson: how many packs of hair extensions did you buy ???

Poshhe.A: Korie you Like Zatarans?

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