Hair Extensions Care: Micro Link Wefted Extensions

A quick detailed video on how to care for micro weft extensions and also straighten them if you have ethnic coarse hair!!! love you guys all so much and as always stay tuned for whats to come next!!

How to microlink weft extensions:


-----Nadica Instagram: Twitter:

So we're taking care of your micro link extension /widths, it's not too hard, it's pretty low-maintenance! You just have to be gentle with them and not pull on them or anything, and you want to watch them like every like week or so. Just because your hair can't get a lot of build-up and you don't want your hair to be gross, you want this to last as long as possible. So I suggest you going to your local beauty supply store and getting some like type of shampoo and conditioner. That especially meant for extensions and the one I have here is the satin strands conditioning shampoo and when I shampoo my a micro Lynx, I literally like massage, like don't even like rubber, like make it sexy or anything, does massage the shampoo in your scalp and then Run it through like run the water through the ends and then just let it run down, because all the dirt and build-up will be at your scalp, not at your ends and if you focus it at your enter ends will become matted and tangled and really dry. Looking and you don't want that, so you just focus on your scalps and keep it like at your scalp and you run the water through and then with your conditioner. You don't focus it at your scalp with the conditioner. I use the matrix biologic conditioner and with that you don't want to focus that at your roots, because it'll make the links start to slip, because the conditioner is a very slick amine like product, it's meant to like conditioner, make your hair soft. So that's like stays on your links at all they'll be able to slip out. So what you do is focus on your ends and like work, your way up a little bit into like I want to say like what right here and then just rinse it out, because your ends are what's dry and that's what you want to make sure. It'S conditioned and also if my hair is selling a little extra dry, because sometimes it does I like to take a deep conditioner. You can take any kind of deep conditioner, but what's going on, why am i stumbling on my words? Get it together, the one that I like to use is by mystic divine. Is the luminous shine one and it's a smoothing one. So it's gon na lay down all your flyaways and help with all your split in, and that is also add Sally's as well, and once I'm done with that, I like to take a deep like this is a heat protectant, / detailer and I like to spray This all on my ends and throughout my hair, before I blow-dry it and when I just spray it all through and I didn't wash this hair. So it's a little bit like fluffy. I know I know a little bit fluffy, it's a little bit crazy, but I just take the satin strands: kindig detangling conditioner set it and I just take this and spray my hair. Then I take the blow-dryer and I focus it on my roots and then then go through the ends, because your once your roots to be dry, you don't want it to get like moldy or matter or anything. And then, after that, I take my looper brush, which I also got from Stanton strands. I really recommend this because, as you sorry there's care in it, I just brushed my hair, but there's um, there's no beads on it to pull your extensions at all. It has that little rounded, like tip just so it can like go live through your extensions without pulling on them at all. Like you see in this, like no pulling of my extensions whatsoever as I'm brushing my hair, so this is a really good product to purchase and then for straightening your extensions, especially if you have ethnic hair. What you want to do is you want to find where your first web starts, because I have the elected ones and when I find where your first web starts and just part that from there I just use my Qi heat protectant spray, and I just spray that Throughout the extensions and then I'm gon na take my looper brush again, and this is just like if your hair gets wavy and you have straight extensions and and you don't want it to look lumpy. What you can do is like my hair is kind of wavy. Underneath here, because I literally just watch this the other night, so what you can do is you can find your extensions and everything your key protectant and take a clean comb it through just a little bit, because your ends of your actual hair can be kind of Tingly and then you just straighten it like so, and this is really good because it's really gon na get into your scalp. So it's not super super duper, takeaway or anything get back your head, and I really like these extensions just for the fact that when I'm doing stuff, it literally just feels like I'm doing it to my actual hair and not extensions which I love. So you got this ring okay guys! So now, I'm just going to show you what the back looks like after it straightens like it. Just looks like that. I left my hair straighten and everything, so I'm just gon na do that throughout my hair, then I'm gon na come back and show you guys what I do after that I just finished up straightening my head and it's no longer baby anymore. It'S like straight everything straight. You just have to take your time with it. You know just work on it a little bit. You just have to get it, how you like it - and I really like these links just because they're so flat to your head, and it just felt like I'm like touching and pulling my hair, which I love topic comes to this low. Is that sometimes they do flip out and you can do them yourself, but it's in the back and you can't see them, don't do it because I try to do the ones on my back that, like flipped out and I dismissed it up a little bit. So I'm gon na meet my friend, I told mehe get out and fix it, but other than that. I really like them like it just feels like my natural hair and everything, and I really like them. So what I like to do next, I feel, like I straighten it everything I usually like to wear my hair curly, but it's straight so I'm not gon na like mess up it anymore, but I am going to take some oil, my Moroccan argan oil, into my Palm and I'm just gon na put this at the ends of the hair, just to give it a nice little luster, I'm just gon na take my spray, and you are done if you guys have any more questions on how like to do something with my curl Links or something don't be afraid to Exide in the comment section down below and I'll be sure to respond to you guys. Sorry, I keep looking at myself in the mirror. I just really like these micro links because, like I said it literally feels like I'm just messing with my own hair and you throw it up in a ponytail. That'S aside the point, I think you guys are watching and don't forget to go. Follow me on all of my other social media sites. I have Twitter and Instagram down below and if you want to watch how I actually put these in on my friend, just click in the comment or in the description box down below I'll, have a link to that video below and, as always guys, love you and Stay sexy stay true, but um stay watching and don't forget to subscribe. Bye,

xdaddyslilgirlx: How long does this last before you have to remove them?

SincerelySharon: Can I put my hair up in a pony tail with this?

Jenny Lee: Do you think you could use this on afro curly hair I'm scared if the links tangling my hair up.

lola 23: Hi how many bundles dud u use

annzo23: What about your own hair - how do you look after that?

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