Weekly Vlog ! Being Vulnerable + Self Care + Healthy Eating + Raising My Vibration Ft Alibonnie Hair


In this weeks weekly vlog i was feeling very emotional and stagnant... i decided to be very vulnerable in this weeks vlog. In this vlog ill be doing some self care things like doing my hair, spending time in nature, i even went to a reiki healing therapy and shared my beautiful life changing experience, i took care of things for my online business, i even shared how living in miami, florida and living alone has been effecting me mentally and emotionally. i hope you guys enjoy this very raw and realistic week in life. Things get better ! STAY POSITIVE ❤️

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What'S good, what's again, instagram we'll see back on the scene with another freaking youtube video guys today and i'm not really too sure what this title is. I'M pretty sure it's probably going to be like a day in my life or something like that. I don't know today, i just i don't know i just don't know today. It'S probably gon na be like a realistic day in my life today. I don't really have anything to do and that's what i've been feeling every day i feel like. I don't have anything to do so. I'M gon na talk more about that uh later on, but today i'm i just don't know what to do. It'S like um a minute into this vlog and i think i feel like crying, but i'm not sad or anything. I just feel like i'll freaking know y'all, but i do not all right i'm about to try this again. I just brushed my teeth. Obviously let me put you all somewhere. Obviously it just may be that today well, not even today, like i'm gon na speak more about it, but i guess today i do not wake up in the most ecstatic mood and like because i don't try to think like i wake up every day and i'm Just like [ __ ] ready to take on the world like today. I don't feel like that at all. I'M sorry if my energy is not like up there during this vlog um, but hopefully by the end of this vlog, i will be feeling much better. I don't even know if i should feel today like i just i don't know what it is. I mean i kind of know what it is. But then again i don't know what it is it just sucks. When i had a plan to like wake up and film and then boom i just i don't. I didn't wake up necessarily feeling shitty i just i today i woke up and felt like. I don't want to do anything but, like i have i feel like i'm. I don't know, maybe that's the cat recording me, i'm being too hard on myself. I feel like i haven't. Well, i've been doing things obviously, but i just haven't feel like i haven't been doing what i actually want to do all right uh to make myself you know kind of feel better. I guess right now, temporarily, i'm gon na cut this into a bob and i'm about to do my makeup and just talk about how i've been feeling so yeah, i'm gon na cut this into a bob. Just to you know, give me a different look. Just i don't know. Is this gon na make me feel better? I i [ __ ] hope so so i'm just going to go ahead and cut this into a bob. Just to give me a different look, i'm just trying to make myself feel better. Not that, like there's something wrong with me, and i just i don't know, i just hey guys, quick little interruption, i'm so sorry for stopping the video like this, but i wanted to let you guys know that i am starting a room on riff. If you guys don't know what riff is, rift is basically an app where we can go on video together up to 12 people can go on video at the same time, and we can also add music in the background, so make sure you guys go ahead and Add your favorite songs to my riff room i'll, have it linked down below in the description box, i'll, be starting weekly rooms and riff? Where i talk about manifestation, the tea on my life, i'm gon na be doing get ready with me, is on there. So make sure you guys go ahead down below description box and make sure you guys go ahead and get ripped now and then i'll be bringing on a co-host and a co-host could possibly be one of you guys so make sure you guys are following me on Instagram, so you guys know when i am going on riff and make sure you guys also follow me on the rift app. So you guys as well know when i will be live right on riff and you guys can join me and we can talk to each other and i can get to meet some of you guys so make sure you guys join me on riff. So i can see your faces and we can get to talk to each other live while listening to music come on. That'S not a vibe y'all, so make sure you guys go ahead and get ripped. People like niely, choppa, t.i and a whole bunch of other celebrities are also on riff, so make sure you guys go ahead and click the link in the description and check out riff because period. If you missed on any of my past riffs, you definitely have missed out, but i'll put a clip right now, so you guys can see what it's actually like for me to be on riff, but without further ado. Let'S go ahead, play this clip and get back to the video. I have this tiger's eye. This is supposedly supposed to resonate with my um zodiac sign, which is capricorn, and it's supposed to bring focus and it's supposed to boost your energy in general, and it's also good for capricorns too. But i know that this is a good um crystal for, like focus. I'M a capricorn - and i think, oh my god, i kind of regret this good one mental breakdown later or two mental breakdowns later so i cried so i got out all the motions that i needed. I was not about to get on camera and cry because you know that's just unnecessary one of those unnecessary because we're all human and we cry, but you know i cried in my own time. I did my crying it's good to cry because you know you release all those emotions and i'm sorry like i know, y'all used to me being all uppity and [ __ ] and all like. You know in a good mood speaking with confidence - and i am confident like this - has nothing to do with my confidence, but my energy is definitely slightly off. I'M just gon na shave, my eyebrows a little bit, but i'm like do. I really want to do that about to do my makeup um, just because i'm hoping i'm i'm just trying to find something, i'm just trying to put myself in a better mood. I signed up for this uh reiki energy healing session, so i'm waiting to get my appointment approved because i booked that [ __ ] for today at three because i'm like [ __ ], something need to be. I don't [ __ ] know. To be honest, i still haven't like explained like why i'm feeling like this or what is making me feel like this. Basically, i don't know, i literally don't know like i know, but it's like. I really don't know at the same time like it's just basically. Basically, i don't know my energy is off. This is something that i cry about all the time. It'S like it's not that i cry about it all the time i don't know if it's like i miss home or something, but i'm not gon na lie. Uh living in miami has is boring like i'mma. Just say that is boring is like i'm grateful. I had the opportunity to move here on my own. You know all that good stuff, but other than that, it's boring and i'mma get into like why. I feel that it's boring or why i'm just like completely over living in this state. I don't know like when i first moved here i was, i would feel homesick once in a while and then i'll get like distracted, and then it's like when i really have time by myself for real. I realized that, like not that this, like not that living here is not for me but like what am i really doing here like? I know that sounds crazy, because this is something i manifested, and this is something i wanted, but that just goes to show you can manifest things, but that does not mean that, like it's going to cure all your problems and make you happy and i'm not saying That i'm unhappy here well, obviously, some part of me is definitely unhappy like unhappy as in like i don't want to just be happy. Sometimes you can feel me like. I want to be happy all the time, especially if that's somewhere, where i'm living and i'm spending my time at like i don't just want to be like okay, i was happy yesterday. I had fun doing this that in the third yesterday, but you know tomorrow when i wake up in the morning. You know i don't really know. I don't know what i'm trying to say, but basically, what's been going on with me is like i noticed like it'd. Be like once a month i'll always cry and it'll, be me crying to my mom or whomever i'm crying to it'd, mostly be my mom and i'll cry to her and i'll just be like and i'll just be crying about the fact of how i feel like That this is no longer for me, like my time here in this city is finito and i could be like just speaking off of emotion, maybe possibly like i said, maybe once a month i'm getting homesick, i don't [ __ ] know what it is, but i Don'T know y'all, that's just how i've been feeling it's really unexplainable too, like i'm, not sure how to explain this to y'all, because this is not something i have ever shared on my youtube channel, but i don't know i just feel like i'm over living in this City and i feel like i moved here first of all, i manifest this, i'm very thankful, and it showed me that i can manifest anything i want to. But when manifesting, you have to be specific, and if you are not specific, the universe is going to give you exactly what you asked for. So i moved here kind of like on impulse. I would latio. I had first came out here during march and [ __ ] like that, and you know i was never really the type of person who would party and stuff like that and when i came out here i got introduced to you know that party lifestyle, because that's What is out here in miami really like if you live here really the only thing to do for real is party. In my opinion, i i didn't party much as a kid or as a teenager. I still am a teenager, but i did not party much growing up in my own hometown and [ __ ] like that. So i guess i was really open and stuff like that. It was like a new experience for me. You know most kids already be partying when they're like 16 17. You know 15 but me my parent did not. My parents did not allow me to go to parties and places like that. I was not really granted much freedom till i was 18 years old. So what i'm assuming is that i seen an opportunity to gain freedom and i kind of impulsively went with it, not really thinking somebody told me like. If you don't party, then you shouldn't even live out here, because that's really all there is out here and i'll. Let that truck pass and that's 100. True, like let me tell y'all i basically, i did not have a drinking problem, but i was drinking every day going to the club every day when i first moved out here and that definitely was a big distraction. I feel like there's a lot of other things i could have did um with my youtube channel and it was just a setback. You know - and you know my instagram recently got deleted at like 50k for not apparent reason, and i'm not saying this has anything to do with me moving to like florida, but i'm just saying like it's just really a buildup of things. That'S going on so i'm gon na go back to how i was going to the club all the time and you know drinking a lot. The only thing that really came, the only good thing that came out of me going to the club. All the time was that i got to meet my boyfriend, and that was really it like every [ __ ] night. I was going to the club getting drunk getting drunk and it became a habit and it's like drinking alcohol is a sin and i think we all know this. It'S a sin and i'm not saying like i was drinking every day like, oh, my god, i was an alcoholic because i definitely i'm not an alcoholic, but anyhow i kept up that repeated behavior. There is possibility that i definitely could have. You know picked up a drinking habit and i feel like that's all there is to do out here in miami is [ __ ] drink. I don't know me personally. I just feel like this is just not it for me anymore yet, but i just feel like i done. Did everything already here: it's like okay. What now you know it's just it's not really giving. I don't go outside much. I don't ever feel like going outside for real it's a little. I don't know it's a little weird to me like i don't like the people here. There'S some flaw as people out here. People in florida i thought [ __ ] get gritty in new york. No love [, __ ], get gritty in florida for real and then like i get asked like. I got a comment like oh, why don't you go? Do something different. You know like explore miami. I don't like not that i, okay, it's like all the things out here to do - is really like tourist [, __ ] and it's like, even though i am technically a tourist. I don't want to do like tourist stuff. Like i don't know, i barely explain it for real, but you know it was fun while it lasted, i guess, but what also makes it a little worse is like. I don't really have friends out here like at all. I don't have any female friends in miami and i don't even really for real. Have female friends in new york, like i don't have no friends in new york, so having no friends is something like okay, that's something i'm already used to. I don't have no damn friends, i finished my makeup um. I tried some new techniques, but i really don't see a difference or whatever but yeah. I don't really know what i'm about to do today. I'M gon na call and really see if i can get this reiki energy healing done at least this week today. I don't know i just need. I need it and i know that i need it because i don't know if, like all of you guys, will know what reiki energy healing is, i feel like the lighting is a little weird, but basically i came across this place on tick tock and they do Like reiki energy healing and [ __ ] like that, and while i was on the [ __ ] website, i seen one one one. I go back to look at the reiki energy healing again. I see two two so baby universe. I hear you obviously i need some. I need some reiki energy healing some type of you know. I don't really know if you don't know what reiki energy healing is. Just you know, look it up, but i'll go ahead and rate my makeup, [ Applause ]. I think i did a pretty good job. I got ta do a little flashback test because i do be struggling, i'd be having like flashbacks. So, let's see if i did a good job, concealing and all that [ __ ] but yeah. I just want to update y'all and let y'all know how i've been feeling, even though i didn't even clearly explain how i was feeling, but i guess this is my outfit for today, these jeans from julie. She there's a little basic fit. So i'm about to head to this metaphysical shop to make an appointment to get a reiki energy healing, get back to you guys when i'm on my way there or when i'm in my car area, i'm in my car i'm about to head over there um. It'S not really much of a long drive, so i left some lashes in my car. These are my lashes from my lash brands. I will have it linked down below i'm gon na see if i can pop them on, if they're, even sticky enough right now, yeah pop my lashes on these are from my lash brand i'll. Have it down below it's in the last style, zaza it'll be linked in case. You guys are interested in purchasing it's 15 on my website, but i'm about to head over there and you know see what the vibe is giving and after that, i'm probably going to get some chick-fil-a and take you guys along with me period. Hopefully i get to you know book an appointment for today for this reiki energy healing, oh my god, i'm so sorry. I totally forgot that y'all are not on a [ __, ] stand and y'all just went flying just now, but yeah. Hopefully i get to book an appointment for today, because this is definitely something that i know i i need so we're putting prayers up that your girl gets an appointment today and i'll get you cuties later, all right y'all. So i went ahead and i made my appointment for my reiki energy healing um session, which is saturday at like 1 15 p.m. So i'm gon na bring you guys along with me till that, so i might just continue this vlog. You know throughout the rest of the week or whatever, but i got some chick-fil-a. I got my chick-fil-a sauce got some french fries and i got a spicy chicken sandwich, the deluxe meal and i haven't had chick-fil-a so long. So honestly, like that's cap, i had chick-fil-a. Probably like a week or like two weeks ago, but y'all, i'm really excited for my reiki energy healing session, i'm gon na. Definitely let you guys know how that goes if i feel a difference after or not, but my camera's running out of storage. So let me show y'all what this chicken sandwiches looking all right. So that's the chicken sandwich i haven't had a chicken sandwich is so long. I'M gon na take me a bite a few moments later. I have made it back home and i definitely do feel a little bit better than i was feeling earlier today. I'M just glad i got out the house and got some like fresh air. I just feel like there's not much left for me to do in this city. I'Ma just sum that up, i don't know i've been living here for six months, and this is something that, like literally, if i call my mom right now, like yo mom she'll, tell y'all like i call her once, like, probably once a month about the same [ __ ] [ __ ], probably once every two months, but i'm not really too sure because i don't know, i'm not sure if i'm oh well, i don't know, i really will know what i'm feeling when i once i get my reiki energy healing, i'm so excited For that um i already booked my appointment, i repaid for it. So it's saturday and you know i'ma basically read. Actually let me for those of you guys who don't know what it is. I'M gon na read what kind of like um healing thing that i'm gon na be doing. So let me pull it up on my screen really quickly. Energy imbalance is the leading cause of health conditions and diseases. Reiki energy healing is a modality used to aid in unblocking and releasing stagnant energy. I'Ve been feeling very stagnant like and i need to just need that energy cons, so let's keep reading through the transmution of universal life force. By doing this, the body begins to rejuvenate repair, a line back to its original state of being crystals possess, ancient knowledge and frequencies that healers are able to access and use during healing sessions. The use of crystals within a reiki energy healing session magnifies and intensifies the healing energy, so i'm getting a reiki energy healing session, but i'm she's also going to be using crystals like on me and throughout my chakras and stuff, like that sounds heal the body through The emission of vibrations at different frequencies, vicky uses the i'm not sure it says, sulfa g music during her healing, set a series of nine tones used to positively shift the energy in the body and balance the seven chakras. So he is about to get her [ __ ], chakras balance, i'm so excited for this y'all y'all, don't even know. I wish i could have gotten it done today, but she was busy and then she was busy tomorrow. So i was like okay, [ __ ]. We gon na do saturday. Aroma aromatherapy is a holistic healing treatment used to promote physical, psychological and spiritual well-be. Being vicky will combine an essential oil mix for you to inhale through this session adequate for the healing you are requiring, so i'm definitely going to give you guys the whole t on like what was keeping me stagnant and all that stuff like that. So i'm really excited. This is like a 60 minute long session at that. So, okay, let's keep going as you take in sofa g frequencies and aromas. Vicky will begin to cleanse your aura and guide you into her created healing temple, where you will be in connection with your higher self for the duration of the session. This is what i need bro during a crystal energy healing session, vicki channels, the angelic realm ascended masters, ancestors of life, master, healers, pleiades, master, healers, your higher self and counsel of light, as well as her highest self and council of light, as a guidance for the Healing session, but so be she's about to get in connection with her higher self, and this is what i've been needing. My tarot cards say everything has. I need to connect with my higher self and that's something i have had trouble doing by myself. I'M definitely trying to do that by myself through meditations, but sometimes you need that extra push that extra force. Oh that's, how real it is. Can we just saturday me please, like i'm, ready, what's up guys, it's the next day, today's 11 11 and i'm definitely feeling in a much higher vibration today today i um. Let me tell you what time it is: [ __ ], what the [ __ ] my phone at give me my [ __ ] phone. It is currently 11 14 right now, i'm also seeing you know triple one, so [ __ ] period on the right path. I got a lot to tell y'all and two two two somebody who just followed me: well, y'all, don't see it, but somebody just followed me and they got teacher to an invite, but whatever i'd like to move on angel numbers and right now, i'm about to install This kinky curly [ __ ] wig period. I know i look like really crazy right now, but trust me. I want to install the hair dry and then i'm going to show y'all what the texture looks like while it's like wet and stuff like that. But this texture here is very natural. I'M going to be installing this wig from au bonnie. That'S where this wig is from. Thank you to albany for sponsoring today's video and they sent me over this beautiful wig period. I can always install this kinky curly hair. I never tried curly hair, so this is definitely gon na, be something different but yeah. So let me just talk about what y'all see yesterday, i'm so sorry. If some of y'all are confused, you know watching that you know like. Why is this [ __ ] sad like i don't even know, if i correctly explain why i was sad, but i watched some of the footage back just now and i definitely you definitely could tell that like. I was not in a good mood, but i don't know that's just how i was feeling that day and you know i just i'm here to sit down and explain now that i'm in a correct state of mind, i'm here to sit down and re-explain like what I'M really feeling - and you know what are my plans and what are my next moves? I'M not really gon na say my next moves for real, but i'm just explaining how what i've been feeling - and i am literally living proof that y'all y'all can get out that funk period. I don't know who needs to hear that, but baby you can get out that funk. Okay, it definitely can be hard to get out. You know a funk sometimes, but you will get through it and i promise you that, like yesterday, i thought was it yesterday. That happened yeah it was yesterday yesterday i thought my my world was [ __ ] over, not that i thought my world was over, but it just like it felt like that, but like in the moment it feels like that. But then you got to think about all the things: you're grateful for and say your affirmations all that good stuff. But i'm about to install this wig, because this week's vlog is about elevating and raising my vibration because we started off on a very low vibration and no, we don't like that. So today's 11 11, i'm in a positive state of mind. I did some manifesting today because you know today is the 11 11 portal. For those of you don't know, i don't know if you missed out on it, but today was your opportunity to manifest your. You know your life from a year from now. Not that today was the only opportunity, but you know today was like where the portal was very strong and stuff like that. So i did that earlier today, um and all day i didn't vlog because i just been like washing wigs and [ __ ], like that. So if you guys want to purchase any old wigs check out my website double c wig closet, i will have some old wigs going up and follow my business page. I double c's wig closet. I also sell spiritual jewelry period shop with me. I also sell lashes period shop with me, but yeah, so i'm about to install this wig and just talk to y'all and let you know what the [ __ ] is been going on with me and how like i'm, really feeling because i'm an open book, i'm Very, like you know, open on my channel about like how i feel mentally and [ __ ], like that. I'M i'm not afraid to like act like i'm, a [ __, ] human, because that's what i am even though we're not really humans we're just spirits. Having a human experience, but i'm not afraid to like open up and show my emotions and you know not every day, because i know that i prefer. I know that i portray you know like positivity, i'm all about positivity positivity but y'all. I can have my days where i'm like [ __ ], this [ __ ], i'm out period, hold on. Let me cut these ear tabs and i'ma talk to y'all. Like can y'all y'all. Can i know y'all see the difference in my energy from this clip compared to the [ __ ] last one like i was so [ __, ], sad but yeah y'all. I am getting a reiki energy. Um healing you know session on saturday, and today is what's today today's thursday and tomorrow's friday. I'M really like saturday me, please. I know i said in last clip too. I said saturday me please like ciao. I am ready for that. You know session and i also got like a mini reading done by taraby here on youtube. I definitely 10 out of 10 if you want to get a reading if you're interested in something like a reading. I know a lot of people, don't believe in readings and stuff like that, but i personally got me a little reading, which i'm gon na get into detail about and everything she said resonated. So it's like. I just needed that extra confirmation. Sometimes you just need that extra confirmation and that's why i'm also doing this i'ma, let that [ __ ] loud ass police siren pass a few moments later. Sometimes we just need that confirmation, and that's also why i'm doing my reiki energy healing, because i want to know what are the things that i need to work on like deeper within, like what chakras do i need to work on. I definitely feel like my heart. Chakra is probably a little bit closed, that's something i probably already know and that the lady is gon na. Tell me because i'm very intuitive, so i just be knowing [ __ ], and i mean no one should, but i still be liking to know that that confirmation, like you know, i'd, be trusting my intuition, but not as much as i like should. If that makes any sense like, i should definitely be going with my intuition a little more like i mean knowing that i'd be right, but then i'm like, maybe i'm not you know so you definitely got ta. You know trust your intuition with [ __ ] like that, but y'all. This would look crazy. I look crazy about to see a [ __ ] trust with my [ __ ] [ __ ], and now we can begin our gluing process but y'all where the [ __ ] is the glue. Oh okay, y'all, but y'all. I'M i'm feeling really good. I'M very happy that i'm feeling really good i'm feeling great, i'm feeling good. I'M feeling great! You know you can't let that negative energy [ __ ], take over you, that'd be the [ __ ] you know he'd be trying to like, should be going so [ __, ], good and he'd be trying to make you feel like [ __ ], going back When ain't, nothing going bad, you just being you know a little bit in your head, too much child being a little too much in your head. So when i get like that, i just start to think about all the things i [ __ ] grateful for you know i got a roof in my head. I got y'all, you know it's a lot of good things, so it's like why focus on the little mini itty bitty that bad things not saying like. Oh completely, ignore you know all the bad things you know you entitled to feel what you want to feel like. If you're feeling sad, that is perfectly normal love, okay, that [ __ ] is normal. Don'T let nobody tell you nothing. It is okay to feel sad like it is a oh [, __, ], okay to sometimes just be feeling like you know, hey today's not a day. That'S perfectly [, __ ] normal! Don'T let nobody tell you otherwise and that's not period. But let me explain yesterday or what you saw yesterday, you know or in the previous clip, because that wasn't yesterday for you, but that was yesterday for me. But basically i woke up you know. Actually i went to sleep feeling good. You know cleanse my crystals all that stuff, all that goody, good goodie and you always just sleep feeling good in a good vibration, but i just woke up and i'm like i had before i went to sleep i had like made plans to you know like get Up and film decided in the third i'm gon na have to cut myself off, because i got a [ __ ] [ __ ], like i was saying, i have made plans. You know film videos, this center get out content for y'all and then i woke up and something was like psych [, __ ]. You know like i just woke up in this mood. Like i don't know, i just felt a little bit sad like i wanted to cry, and i definitely did end up crying off camera and stuff like that, because it's important to release the emotions like that negativity go vapes. So first, as y'all saw, i [ __ ] went ahead and cut my damn wig my [ __ ], beautiful 26 inch, stormy wig. I cut that [ __ ] into a blob out of sadness. I didn't mean to do that. I was too busy in my feelings. I did that [ __ ] out of sadness. I did not mean to do that. Y'All ever cut your hair or dye your hair, because you're sad and you think that you're going to make you feel better and it makes me feel better for like 10 seconds yeah i pull one dose and that [ __ ] did not make me feel better. I actually regret cutting that wig, but you know what it's: okay, babes, it's a wick. You know as long as that, as long as that [ __ ], without my real hair, we're good. This is [ __ ], but basically i just like the truth really is. I appreciate the fact that i live here in miami, but is my soul truly happy here all the time every day? The answer that comes straight to my head is no. No it's it's truly like it's. Not. I don't have any friends here. I don't have any family, i don't have any friends, no friends at all. I don't. I don't have friends in new york, but it's like at least it has some people that you know call up and hang out get out the house with femi. I got you know, i don't even really jack that i got family for real because i don't only family. I really got. Is my mother, like that's like my best friend so but out here, i'm completely isolated, like i have my boyfriend? Yes, but it's like you can't always, you know just be like up in your other partner's face, because y'all still need that, like that balance that space i enjoyed it during spring break right - and you know my mom was going through [ __ ] at the time. So it was like oh perfect opportunity that let me move away to get some [ __ ] freedom, that's what the [ __ ] i did, but i think i was acting on impulse now that i look back miami. This city is not for everybody. Let me just say this living here six months. I noticed it is not for everybody and i'm not saying it's not for me, because i'm vibing real good here. You know i'm fine, but my soul itself is not truly happy. There are days where i wake up and i'm just sad as [ __ ] and i don't want to do. [ __ ] and i feel like the reason is because i feel like i'm so far from home and it's normal to feel homesick. But it's like damn. Why am i feeling like this every once a month? Why am i crying every almost once a month like, and it's not like i'd be crying, because i want to go back home. It'S just like it's just something about here. Like i don't know like it, just feels like i'm so like i just feel disconnected. I guess you could say, like i just feel really disconnected, and maybe i needed this because i manifested this so i am definitely very much grateful that i have this opportunity and i'm gon na thug, this [ __ ] out i'm still gon na live here, because You know miami is a great city to live in, but i'm just not truly truly happy here and i definitely have learned a lot. It'S helped me grow as a person as an adult. I'M learning you know adulthood and stuff like that. So i'm very grateful and happy that i do live here. I am it's. I noticed that, like it's teaching me, i came here to be taught a [ __ ] lesson. You know and i'm sorry for anyone who was very inspired by me moving here. I am not saying any of this stuff to discourage you if you feel like you want to move to miami, maybe do it by all means, but what i'm saying is you know it definitely isn't for everyone, and i feel, like a lot of people, know that, Like if you know about the city miami, you know that this this place is just not for everybody. Do look at these [ __ ] curls, it's giving real [ __ ] hurt right now. Wait till we [ __ ]. Take this dan off but i'll come back! I'M gon na! Let my hair uh melt! Let the hair dry up a little and we'll be back with the [ __ ] t or what the reader told me [ __ ], but i'm about to do my eyelash extensions y'all. While i wait for what you call this, while i wait for my lace to melt because [ __ ], we want that [ __ ], give me scalp skin like don't mind this. I lit i over bleach this area, but that's not even gon na really show for real, but let me zoom out holes and i'm about oh we're, gon na roll up and close and personal anyways, but yeah. I must do my eyelash extensions, because i must look like a bad [ __ ] period, this tutorial babes, i'm not telling you to go and do this because this is probably not even good for your lashes for real, but your girl is boogie on a budget. Okay, she is bougie on a budget because if i don't need to spend all that money on eyelash extension, so i saw i i did this. I used to do this method a long time ago, but i did it in a different way, but i saw this girl show a shortcut on tick tock. She was like just take the lash glue and brush it brush your lashes with it like. This is probably not healthy, but girl. I'M gon na put right now, so you brush your eyelashes up with the lash glue. Hopefully i have enough because ciao i'm actually running up now. You take this piece and you put it on top of the little lash things. Let me show y'all, i don't know why i jumped like that serious. So now you want to take, you know the lashes and you want to put it on the strip, but you want to put it on top all right. We got the first one. We got ta make sure the hole is sticking y'all and plus i'm not a cheap, [, __ ]. I just feel like. If it's not for me going on vacation, then why would i be paying a hundred dollars to sit up in my house with a lash extensions, [, __ ], i don't even [ __ ] go outside, but i'ma pay a hundred dollars plus to sit in my House with lash extensions, i'm like nah, nah, nah beloved only if it's my birthday or i'm going on vacation other than that we're going diy that [ __ ] period, save your coins love. I just saved myself a couple hundred dollars and this [ __ ] was free period. It'S definitely giving classics all right, y'all, lash extensions is done period. Now we got to cut this lace all right. Can we get a lace check going because baby she's giving scalp period she's getting [ __, ] scalp all right loves. Let'S get into this hair, though, let's get into this mother [ __ ] hair. Look at the curl pattern! All it looks so natural looks so good lace check, melted really. Well, i did some soft baby hairs, so i didn't put much gel on them. Make sure you guys go check out our bonnie ali bonnie hair period i'll have the link to this direct wig in the description box. Thank you guys so much for sending me this beautiful kinky curly wig babes. I definitely will be doing more kinky curly because maybe it's giving. I look like i'm supposed to be on an island somewhere, but i changed my shirt because i wanted to feel more cute and it was getting hot [ __ ]. But let me tell y'all what tara reader told me: i'm not going to tell you everything, because i don't need nobody's bad opinion matter of fact. I'M not even going to tell y'all what the [ __ ] tarot reader told me, because i don't really think i'm supposed to do that, especially if this is going on the internet philly. I don't need no negative energy, but just know i got a reading and it resonated like crazy. I didn't even tell the lady much about me. I asked her one question. Her name is tara by icy on youtube. I asked her one question and she literally she just knew so much like he's like how do you know this? You know so anyways yeah um. I installed my hair and i did my lashes so tomorrow i have a lot of wigs to ship out and i have some packages to go out for my business. Oh, my [ __ ] eyes are true, so yeah tomorrow, i'm gon na be up early shipping orders and i'm gon na go to the post office tomorrow. I also have some furniture that i need to build so yeah we're going to be doing that tomorrow. I feel really good for a really great period. This hair is so freaking, cute and yeah. Now i'm about to go to sleep, looking like a habit just kidding, because i'm actually going to wrap this [ __ ] up. It'S currently 1am and i finished doing my hair and my lashes - and i hope you cuties you know enjoy this. You know little tea time, but your girl's about to get ready to go back because we just got to be up early tomorrow to ship orders, and you know ship out out. I also have to ship out the orders for the giveaway winners they were already. I will see you cuties tomorrow morning when i am shipping orders. What'S good um, it's the next day, it's currently friday november 12th and today i'm going to ship out. You know all the orders that i have for the giveaway and i sold some wigs. Let me go because my wig, my bathroom, is really looking like a [, __, ] wig closet period. Look at all these damn wigs! Look at all these damn wigs and there's more, but i have sold a few of them that i have to gather so yeah. That'S what we'll be doing, i'm gon na be fixing them up really quickly and shipping these wigs out, but the first thing i'm gon na do is go ahead and make shipping labels. The first thing i'm gon na take care of is the people who won the giveaway, so i have them in my messages right now with their you know, full name and address, so i'm about to go ahead and make their shipping label and after i make the Shipping level i'm going to go ahead and package their order now y'all about to do my favorite part, which is printing the shipping label. I have my printer over here in this corner and i'm gon na just use my boyfriend's laptop to printing [ __ ] out period uh. I like the way that came out so i'm gon na reprint that came out a little crumbled like it's got it all right. That'S a better [ __ ] period, [ Applause, ], so all of the stuff has been printed. So i'm gon na go get the wigs that were bought. Let me go look on my instagram to be sure that i'm grabbing the right wings. Okay, so one person bought this wig right here, so i'm gon na bring that over here. The next wig that was bought was over here and this wig was purchased. This wig was purchased as well, and then we got one more wig that was purchased, which is right here. I already packaged it so those put in the envelope. But let me get my phone: it's 12 14.. We bout to be out here in a few minutes. So what i'm about to do is go ahead and package up these wigs according to you know who bought them and [ __ ] like that, but i'm also going to like hot comb them for my customers. So they're, not looking all crazy do response. I packed up all the wig orders, as you can see now. All i have to do is prepare a giveaway order and - and we should be [ __ ] out of here period so for the giveaway winner she picked up. My holly miller is that what that she was called so she picked. What does she pick? I got ta go look on my phone. I think she picked um a 222 necklace and an evil eye necklace. Our giveaway winner picked a 222 necklace. That'S what it looks like if you guys are interested i'll, have it linked down below in the description box, and she also asked for an evil eye necklace. This is what our evil eye. Necklaces look like period, make sure i'll go shop, double c's, wig closet. I sell things like spiritual, jewelry, wigs all wigs, all that good stuff make sure you guys follow my business page and so that's the two things she's asked for. So i'm gon na go ahead and package that up for my good sis, we're gon na put her shipping label on top of there and she's very supportive, so shout out to harmani that's her name, she's, always supporting my youtube channel and stuff like that. So she most definitely deserves this. Thank you so much for money for supporting my youtube channel and supporting my business you're the best period. I have another giveaway winner to pack on her order, but she's international. She lives in australia and i need her phone number and i text her uh asking for her phone number, but she hasn't replied yet so she doesn't reply um before i get these orders out, then i'm most likely gon na have to ship her package tomorrow. So we got all our packages lined up ready to be shipped. I think that's everything right there, i'm about to go, get dressed all right, y'all! This is my outfit for today, i'm wearing this shirt or sweater that i got from a subscriber girl if you're watching this. Please dm me on my new instagram because she sent me over this beautiful merch from her brand and it has the angel number seven and it says seven saints and in the back. Let me try to show you this. I don't know if y'all can see, but in the back it says [ __ ], you i'm protected. I really hope y'all can see that hold on it says [ __ ], you unprotected in the back. I don't know if y'all could see this, but this hoodie is dumbfound and hopefully she reaches out to me on my new instagram, because my old instagram was disabled and that's where i had like her instagram name and stuff. But i can't find it because you know, obviously my instagram is able to have access to my messages so girl, if you're watching this youtube. Video, please reach out to me. So i can go ahead and shout out trevor in the proper way, but yeah this hoodie. So far i wear like every day i [ __ ] love it then i'm wearing these stacked, um sweatpants from jeremy. She and i'm just wearing my air force ones, because it's not really that nice out today, it's like 77 degrees and it's pretty cloudy. I look you want to take pictures today, but maybe we'll do that tomorrow and i kind of want to get some piercings. But we're going to see i'm not going to like promise that. But you know i got to go to a new piercing place because the piercing place i went to the guy tried to hit on me and made me uncomfortable. So i'm not going back here, but yeah uh, i'm about to go ahead and throw all these orders in my and we about to head out [ __ ], all right trail. It'S currently 12 45 and i wanted to head to the post office before one. So we're definitely on time. It is low-key, hot, like it's humid, which i shouldn't even be [ __ ] surprised because it's [ __ ] florida, so i'm gon na take this sweater off because what it's pretty humid. So let me turn on this ac boy. It'S kind of hot, but it's not even hot it's just like really humid, but [ __ ], i'm about to head to the post office. Apparently we better get this day started. I'M not really sure what i'm about to do today, but we just that all right. Y'All, so i am currently at marshalls, i'm here to pick up like a duffel bag or something to travel on an airplane with, because the only type of duffel bags, i don't even have the whole bags. I only have purses and i have two suitcases, but i also want to carry stuff in a bag. When i get on the airplane, i am going to new york for thanksgiving, so [ __ ], i'm gon na need a duffel bag period to carry like my makeup bag and all that good stuff. So hopefully i find a duffel bag here or like a really big bag that i can like put mash it and like bring it as a carry-on on the airplane saw [ __ ]. Let'S go inside marshalls, i'm currently in the garage right now, but let's hurry the [ __ ] up because they charge [ __ ] per hour just to park in this [ __ ] garage and there was no parking outside. So i got ta find marshalls. I don't know where to shut hey y'all i just left um, which one call i just left marshalls and i found me a duffel bag. It'S currently in the back seat right now, uh, i'm gon na show it to you guys. When i get to the house. I bought two bags. Actually i bought like a little purse that was so cute. It was like 20 and then my duffel bag is from steve madden. It'S super cute as well. It'S really big: it's going to fit a lot of stuff, but right now, i'm on my way to a pet adoption center, i'm not adopting a pet literally right now. I just want to go and see like what kind of pets they have also because which i don't have nothing else to do so, might as well do that, but but what you might call it? Yes, i'm on my way to a pet adoption center in hialeah. Um, so i'm gon na see what kind of like pets they have there and stuff like that, because i'm really interested in like getting a dog again, i kind of want my old dog back, but it's like how would i look if i go back to the People who i gave my dog to him was like, oh you know, can i get my dog back so i feel like that. Would just look mad crazy, even though i do miss my old dog really bad um, but you know, i guess you can't go back in time, but yeah i'm on my way there and then, after that i might head near the piercing shop near my crib and Might get the other side of my nose re-pierced, and i also want to snake eyes, but i'm scared as [ __ ]. So i don't really know i'm not even scared to get the snake eyes. I just i like to eat. I might have to eat soup, which i don't really mind because i like i like ramen, i [ __ ] with ramen, so i might just [ __ ] around get my snake ice piercings today, but as of right now, i'm 27 minutes away from the adoption Center beach, so what if i want to take a cute like i'm, i don't know if i don't know if i should do this, but i'm sick. I don't even know if i should do this, but i'm about to tease myself like. I just want to look at a dog like i really miss having a dog and plus, like i said, like living out here by myself. I'Ve been feeling you know, i guess you could say. Lonely, like i deadass, feel lonely, and you know i'm not gon na lie. I feel lonely and i kind of want an animal like to just you know be there for me for me, like i just wan na know, i'm just having a [ __ ] dog. I must be in the dog, [ __ ], how many times this camera gon na [ __ ] drop all right. Y'All. This camera is dropping way too many [ __ ] times so i'm gon na get to y'all when i'm at the pit adoption center beach. A few moments later all right guys, i'm here and i just seen a whole bunch of [ __ ] puppies outside [ __ ] like like a little ass kid i got mad excited, i'm about to go, look at them. They look so [ __ ] cute. Oh, my god, um [, __ ], i'm ready to see. If i can get me a dog. Well, i don't know, i don't think i would get a dog literally right now, i'm just here to look and like find out information on how to go about adopting a puppy, but that's [ __ ] go so i definitely played myself um. I went in there and it was sad to see like those dogs are just sitting in their own [ __ ] like and it just smells horrible and they're they're not being properly taken care of that was. That was not, i don't know, and it made me miss my dog even more because i didn't feel like i'm just like just like you know me and my dog had like a bond, so it's like it's just like you're, not hurt for me. So you know. I'M just go home right now because or i'm gon na get something to eat and then i'm gon na go home. I still wan na get a piercing, i don't know, but that adoption center bro, like the dogs, the it smell like they, don't clean their [ __ ] at all and they're like it just smells crazy and i'm looking at two stray cats. I wonder if those cats escaped from the [ __ ] place, but i don't know what i'm about to do. Uh you'll probably see in the next clip, but i just finished [ __ ] crying. Oh my gosh she's just going on but like i really miss my dog and i do regret giving her away so. But you can't go back in time and you know maybe me and her one day will be able to reunite. So hopefully, when i go to new york, i see her, but i'm gon na see how far this food place is home, and this is the duffel bag that i bought from marshalls i'll show you. I wish you luck so so this is duffel bag. I bought from marshalls it's super cute and this is the little purse that i also bought. It'S super roomy, like i'm gon na, be able to mash it in here and look at this bag that i bought y'all tell me this is not cute as [ __ ]. I don't know it reminds me like a shoe like the bottom reminds me like a shoe, so i thought this was so tough, so i had to buy it. This was twenty dollars and this was sixty dollars from marshall's period. It'S giving very much bougie, but i'm home now, and the only thing i have to do today for the rest of the day is um. Add some more wigs to the website, so yeah make sure you guys check out the link in the description see if there's any wigs still up on the site, but i didn't decide to get any piercings today because i do have my reiki healing tomorrow, which i Almost forgot about - and i didn't want to get my tongue pierced and have to go to the reiki healing and you know, have the lady speak to me and then i'm [ __ ] struggling to speak because i just got a [ __ ] piercing. So i'm probably gon na wait to get it before i go to new york like a week before like coming up. You know, because i go to new york next week on the 17th and that'll be in next week's vlog, but i'm gon na just wait until then, and i'm also getting tatted next week, so make sure to stay tuned for next week's vlog. Because i'm getting my nails done doing all that good stuff period, but what i'm about to do right now is just chill be on my phone and eat, because childhood [, __, ] old, say and the bitch's [ __ ] did.

JustJay: To the person reading this: Even Though I don't know you, I wish you the best of what life has to offer ✨

BEAUTY BY NOVA: This is another transition in your life. I was all over the place yesterday and this morning. Yes I'm pregnant but it felt different. My mother always said when you don't know why you feel a certain way it's your mind saying your body is going through another phase and it's uncomfortable but it has to happen. Not everyone can experience these changes but you so woke that your gonna experience it. Random crying can also mean your crying for someone or something else. It's deep. Luv ya babe and your amazing just know that Much luv from Vegas

Jess W.: Girl you’re a workaholic you shouldn’t feel like you “do nothing” it’s you feeling overwhelmed probably. Everything moves so fast and you haven’t had time to pause. You definitely deserve to take time to breath

Kay K: The last scene or clip looked sooo relaxing I love that. I love being out in nature and just vibing in peace. I’m so happy for you!! I’m going to look for one of those sessions in nyc because lord knows I probably need that. What you said in the end about what you’re going through was very relatable and a sign. ✨

Rayal👸🦋: Omggg she back with another long vlog. U LOOK AMAZING WITH THAT BLUE JUMPER U ARE MOST DEF SLAYINGGGG ❤also thank you for always making bomb ass content!! Never regret being part of this family lovee uu girlyy❤

Sylvia Watt: So proud of you Chanel for taking these steps to heal. It’s not easy but walking this path in itself is a form of self love and self realization. One thing us black girls know how to do well is keep progressing. Praying and uplifting you always my sister

Sarah Lovee: We get the best you every single time ! We should be able to take to at your worst we love u Nelly ☺️

_ItsMiiing: Awe it’s gonna be okay double c Still gotta get use to your new life Your doing great keep writing You got this !!

Jenel Amellie: I felt the exact same way over that weekend and I went to the crystal shop brought sage and my first two crystals I got two tiger eyes. It’s crazy you used the tiger eye clip in this video. I moved out of my city too and It’s so easy to feel alone. I love your vulnerability because we really all are going through the same motions of life ❤️ best wishes C

lul nehaa: i love how true you are & show us the shit that goes on in real life some people are afraid to show emotions or talk about mental health but that’s what makes you unique , i love it !! thanks for being you

Nicole Rose: your soul is too pure for miami. i always hear that it’s bad vibes out there. but you keep being positive and keep your vibrations up. i loved this vlog and most definitely can relate to your chat at the park we all have things we need to work on to better ourselves. ❣️

lolasrage: i feel the emotion and i totally understand why you feel that way and im glad your comfortable with talking it out with us all❤️ keep ya head up babe we love you❤️

Destany Holder: I am so happy how you grew throughout this video and how you raised your vibrations. I'm very grateful that you found your inner peace within this video and I know it's not easy, but I'm glad you made it through the storm baby. I love you so much!!!

Lashawn Jones: I hope you feel better love. Take some time out for yourself.

yaya.: you’re so consistent ! even if you can’t get a video out every week we understand bc you have a life too and these are 4-5 hours videos you somehow turn into 30 minutes or an hour , i love youuu chanel ! ❤️ *correct me if ian spell your name right*

Brittany Pittman: I love the weekly vlogs babes ☺️☺️. Keep em coming

Lena Rose: Yes girl I moved from ny and nowhere is nothing like ny and I had to come back cause this is where i feel at home♥️

Akilah: i appreciate u being vulnerable with u

RH: i love how positive your channel is and the comment section i rarely see any negativity

K G: honey .. this is all alright . me living born & raised in Miami. I can totally understand, that move definitely will have you home sick especially when you’re by yourself figuring out everything all at once but just know you’re doing the damn thing ✨. Your timing for wherever you land will be destined. I’m 20 & totally understand since I want to move up north ! Keep faith .

Shalena Jahnaee: I love the at you’re coming to NY. Hopefully the city vibes give you a boost. The cooler weather will be comforting too. Everything will workout the way God planned for you.

Lana Rose: Thank you beautiful for sharing your vulneralbility with us. You're amazing❤️

niy cxrti: I love you! & I feel you!! I’m working on showing up for myself and my goals and dreams and wants and needs as well. I’m 20 and I didn’t take the college route either and it’s like now we don’t have anyone giving us instructions and due dates and what not, and it’s legit in our hands to make the decisions and choices we need to get to where we want and be who we want! I believe in you! You got this!! A moment at a time❤️ I’m proud of you for getting to where you are and growing!!❤️ I appreciate you being vulnerable on your platform as well love❤️ I’m here for it!

Diamond THE GEMini: Thank you sooo sooo much for sharing this journey with us and being so transparent with us even on your bad days. I’ve been feeling a little down lately and this video came right on time! You gave me hope better days are ahead and the storm will soon pass!!! Thank you so much for just being you!!! Love you lotssss

TheLife of Jazmine: I don’t remember how i found you.. but i’m new to watching you & honestly i love you . your path and how you felt in this video reminds me of how i be sometimes & its great to see imm not the only one that experiences this on a healing/ spiritual journey. I love how you found things to pull yourself up!!! Im defenitely learning to do the same. I haven’t been connecting with any friends lately either And this video has defenitely encouraged me to start my channel back up because i felt like transparency of these moments and emotions is what should stay hidden… but this has defenitely gave me insight to just be who you are.

Lea Johnson: It’s ok to feel the way you feel I’ve definitely been there before we all have those days but at least you keep pushing and made a great vlog your human and me personally i love to see this side of you raw and uncut love u sis

Tyla Monet: Love this vlog❤️❤️ good to see you smiling and feeling better throughout the vlog

The First Peace: I understand how you feel Chanel, I’m actually in same position right now, I just feel like moving elsewhere.. I know at the end of the day, you’ll go where you’ll be genuinely happy, you can manifest anything babes, you got this

It’s Dekontee: This whole vlog was honestly so relatable sending you positive energy ✨

Tara Sanders: I wish that you and tahoney would link that would be so dope both of y'all vibes are so similar and I hope you know your exactly where your supposed to be in this time in your life keep working on you nothings wrong with feeling out of place when you are alone in a new place hope you know everything will get better self care is always needed

Lauren: The last clip is beautiful. You can tell you’re in a higher more positive vibration, and that’s a beautiful thing. Yes, it’s totally okay to not “fit in” & I get it ab not having friends that truly understand you. Because a lot of people are not “woke” or spiritual, nor do they understand the deeper meaning of life in general. When you’re on your spiritual journey, you realize how “alone” you are, or at least how alone you feel. But that is okay. It’s better to rarely or occasionally meet people who just get it & when you’re a content creator, it can help to find people who are spiritually woke all over the world. Friends don’t have to just be local, especially when you understand that there’s more to life than what most people are searching and chasing for. I’m glad you had this experience, because I’ve been interested in Reiki, so this made me want to do it even more. When I first started working on my chakras, my Sacral was the one I needed to work on most, but my heart chakra needs work as well. So this really helped more than you may think I love your spiritual content, because it inspires me on my own journey.

Nali: I feel like this video is very relatable. When we’re in a weird mood that we can’t explain it makes us feel alone, but we all have our days. We get soo stuck in our heads thinking about what we’ve done(the past)and what we should do(the future) but don’t live in the present moment. We’re so stuck on regret. It makes us think we’re not doing enough because we’re not being productive everyday. But it’s okay to have off days. Also we set certain goal(s) for ourselves to be completed by a certain time but it’s like why we have all the time in the world to reach our goals just because someone else LOOKS like they have their life together by a certain time in their life doesn’t mean you have to. Everyone moves at their own paste. We’re still young. We shouldn’t be comparing our lives to others. Girl I’m glad you’re in a better mood tho! I appreciate you for being vulnerable with us❤️❤️

itspapi_t: This vlog is so beautiful. Enjoyed every inch if it

Alycia: Appreciate your realness. whether you share or not just continue staying strong!

Lovebriaa: Chanel babe you are so brave! I moved from my hometown to Miami , and lived there for 6 months, and felt the same way you do! Its a party city, and its just a very particular vibe there. However, it really proved to me how strong I really was, and it proved to me that I actually can do whatever I want. Now with that being said, I got tf up outta there lol I am now in Charlotte, originally from VA and couldn’t be happier. I’m 26. Just know that you are so strong. And this journey really developed you and helped you grow, hopefully it taught you about all of your strengths, and hopefully it taught you that the world is limitless. Don’t let anyone ever make you feel like you failed or that you made a mistake. This experience happened to you for a very specific reason, and one day you understand. Some adults live their whole life in their hometown afraid to ever venture out. You broke that barrier so young. Life is about learning yourself and discovering yourself because the truth is, we will never be the same person tomorrow that we are today. Just have fun with it, meet people, get to know yourself more and more, and grow. Take what you can from life experiences and lessons. I wish you all the best.

Brianna Brice: There is a lot more out there for you .I lived in Florida my whole life and honestly spending time by yourself and watching out for yourself and being productive is the best you can do .it’s a great place for the beach and nature .Florida can be a trap when it comes to hanging out with people or partying .don’t trust no one and just vibe with life and do your thing .you gotta be strong .you can find people and do things that’s goin go to help you grow as a person .

Lindaa K.: I definitely have to agree with you Miami is definitely a party city but it’s just about you’re mindset I been here since August and I really like it and see other things to do besides party.

Modelchina: Your different , your one of the choosen ones . Keep Loving yourself , reflect and keep shinning your light . Your growing , your learning so much & I love that so much for you .you moved which was a big ass step some people are scared to make . your making a life for yourself that’s still new . It takes time , always be patient with yourself , keep doing your thing because your doing great . I know exactly how you feel when it comes to a lot you brought up but remember go with the flow .. accept where you are .. Be present and remember with everything happening in your life .. your one step closer to where your meant to be

Phiaology Dior: I found comfort in this video because I’ve been feeling like the beginning of the video, keep up the good work thank you

Misty LaShay: Yesssss missed you so much but love the surprise of an hour long video to come back toooo <333 // also I definitely feel you on feeling like everyday is a repeat of not knowing what to do with yourself and wondering when that feeling will go away but you got this and everything you’ve been manifesting will soon come into play

Dhesii Taylor: The end of this video really helped and inspired me today, thank you i pray your vibrations stay elevated

Rasper Harper: I love the hour long vlogs for some reason they relaxing to me

Daisha Holloway: I’ve been feeling the same way ; just know your doing a dam good job to be so young . God sees you and your positive inspiration your giving on people like us your one of them he wants to break the generational curses

Jas: I’ve been waitinggg for a new vid & you came through with this hour vlog loving how consistent you are with posting

Kahliyahhh B.: I really needed this video lately I’ve been feeling like my decision of college out of nyc ain’t for me like I’ve always wanted to get out of nyc but when it comes to me leaving nyc it’s like is it because I’ll feel better in the moment or I’ll feel better in the long run right now I’m still debating but thank you for the venting because I really needed to hear something for someone other than family and close friends

AhjzhaneTV: I swear I get exactly how you feeling still I’m the beginning of the vlog, but i feel it. It might just be the universe testing your manifestation like you sure this what you want? Okay let me keep watching now

ChatRoom Ent.: Loved watching your growth within the video I literally been feeling the same way & know that my heart charka is closed because I feel lovely & have no friends I’ve been looking to accept me as me and find genuine ppl definitely want to try the experience

yaya.: stay strong nelly ! you got this !

The Real World of Nanni: Hey love! first thank you for being so vulnerable with us because it’s not a easy thing. Secondly I can definitely understand where you’re coming from with the Miami statement. I am Born and raised in Miami. with that it’s definitely struggles with living here a lot of people just do come here to vacation and when they come here to vacation they get stuck on the the nightlife in the wildlife. But in a hole Miami is expensive with a whole bunch of dedicated people just trying to make it. Sometimes I feel the same way you do because I feel like my head gets crowded living here sometimes because it’s so fast pace. I had a chance to move to a small town in Oklahoma, and I hated it because I missed the fast paced lifestyle. Some Times you’re only in a place for a reason in a season so if you feel like Miami is done for you take that win because Miami will always be here trust much love. Ps. Your friends aren’t your friends in Miami. Unfortunately a lot of people here just look for a handout.

Zoratheblackbarb: YOU GOT THIS CHANEL!!ilysm whatever your going through you will get through it because being home sick is normal especially since this is your first place by your self in a different state but as time goes on you will get more and more comfortable I pray that god keeps you safe at all times no matter where you go or who your with also I’m happy you will be able to see your family for thanksgiving I hope that you will have a nice and blessed time and hopefully you will get to see some friends over there but anyway let me stop rambling ilysm and keep your head up queen Chanel

niy cxrti: I just made it to the end of the video I’m proud of youuuu I’m happy for youuuu

Solange Harper: Ahhh I'm loving these videos!!!!❤️❤️

Nailah Tonae: i love the nature seen and calming music in the background, watching your videos really brings me peace

Hannah Marie: your are a beautiful hard working young girl i love you so much Double C you been inspiring every since i seen you when you first started your journey were in this together

Beyonce B: I feel like some times you should go back home & just be with family sometimes when you alone it’s like dam but God made us alone sometimes it’s hard being along but your stronger alone you see a lot of these alone your strong & you got this!!

le sosa: hope you feel better nelly ❤️

Authentically Me,: You are amazing, thank you for being so open

Tizzyyyonna Tate: I swear everytime I'm sad chanel always post and makes me feel better because recently I been feeling stuck... and I been crying so much recently idky but I have been feel so unmotivated and stuck and I don't know what's wrong but I love that you talked about this because everyday isn't always a good day its okay to have bad days it just matters what you do after that I love you so much chanel

Lakita Knightt: It’s crazy because over the past couple of days I been feeling so freaking overwhelmed and emotional. But the same things you were saying is exactly how I been feeling. Like idk if i just need to do something new or what but I just feel like I need to change something or do something.

LifeOfLes: had my full attention all video❤️ you’re such a beautiful person, the right friends will come … can’t wait to Riff ilyouuuu

Keisha: you're so beautiful . you deserve the world and more

Tati Kay: Homesick is actually a real thing ! I'm from Broward and recently moved to orlando and I feel the same way now ;/

Shadari : One of those wigs are mine, OMGGGG! It’s me buying everything from Chanel lately Lol always gunna support this channel . But love you girl, stay safe<33

Beyonce B: Yay you posted & girl I feel the same way ion her having nothing to do either

The Virgo Fam: Hey Double C I been so emotional lately like it’s a lot that I mentally have to fix and I been crying and don’t but it’s a lot I have to deal with alone and it hurts

_ItsMiiing: I went out Saturday & it was euphoric & it was so fun !!

Brianna Nikia: Over an hour yes just what I needed

dora: me and u moved here around the same time <3 hang in there, i be feeling the same but i think at times do i really wanna go back and be with those i intentionally moved on from/left??? or do i boss up and out the fam too... i be so conflicted... if you move back girl i’m taking my ass back up north too. you’ve really given motivation to push through and live out here as long as i have lol. loved the videos

_ItsMiiing: Good energy feels good !!

Lala Banks: You should do more make up sessions with talks

Journeys With Deja Monay: I just moved to Atlanta and hunnyyyyy I am bored as well. All my friends are in Chicago and my family too, makes me depressed. Although your new there, take yourself on dates and learn your new city. Gotta take that leap of change like when you moved there. You got this love hope you feel better and do what makes you happy

Zoratheblackbarb: Bro I been just straight crying yesterday and today because I had such a bad day yesterday and today was pretty good but rn I’m literally shaking so much because I’m having a panic attack and writing this is making me calm down a little because I feel like I’m talking to someone and I can relate to them. Honestly I’m really considering a therapist so if y’all know anybody that’s does online therapy session please drop they info I just wanted to say this to everyone that being sad is normal and ok and whatever you are going through you can journal it because it helps you get all your anger anxiety and whatever your feeling out. I really hope all of you guys have a blessed day and just know whatever your going through your gonna get through it because we all have to go through pain to get through it I love all of y’all

Zamya Davis: angel i really pray you get better, prayers your way

_ItsMiiing: Loved this vlog

Plugg Action: We all have our days it’s ok babe thank you fir sharing with us

Maya Joseph: God bless Chanel for an hour a 20 minute video I was so bored like thank you

𝐵𝑒𝑛𝑗𝑖𝑖ᥫ᭡: it’s thee hour long vlog fa meeee .

Markia: loved this ! ❤️❤️

ADIII J: 1:19 Baby girl your not alone. Ive been emotional myself. I’ve had to take time and pray and speak to God . Ask him to guide you on the right path. Whatever your going through this to shall pass. I wish you happiness and joy love and light . Much blessings to you and future endeavors , Stay strong .

Dana Rose: i havent finished watching the video yet but im really sorry you arent feeling well thus far. i really hope you get better throughout the video and i hope youre feeling better now.<3

Lynn: i love the diy lash extensions

Akilah: i loveeee when u drop movies(long vlogs)

D'Shauna Anderson: Are you shitting me I rather be where you at then what I’m dealing with right now! But I highly understand being lonely that’s why I’m where I’m at right now… DO NOT GIVE UPP! This is just beginning it’s gets better boo ‼️ You’re very inspirational !

miriam n: girrrrl go get ur license & become a hairstylist ! ur wig installs are alway giving scalp . u can make girlfriends outta clients, expand, keep busy, & do what ur already flourishing with . i believe in u ! sn; i hope nothing but positive vibes for u & the family ! God bless mama

Cini Reacts: Sometimes you got to reset and go home and reevaluate. I am a Capricorn too we give the same energy I relate so much it’s crazy I went to Tampa to have that alone vibe . I was about 21 I’m 24 now I would visit my family once a month . And felt like I every time I went home I was getting my mind back right . Months ago I was like yo get me out of her begging my mom to transfer me to that hospital so I could get out of Tampa currently I’m in west palm beach . With a new job and promotion in my mom crib but move into my place in 2 weeks I feel like your feeling a lot of things loneliness but stuck on your goals . I feel like you need move back to New York but have your own crib which can be hard because New York is mad expensive . But also need friends that’s into traveling , brunches , buisness moves . And not saying you shouldn’t party but instead of the club maybe try a day party different energy .

Pre Dior: The wait is over ‼️‼️

Amanda Bertea: I don't have any girl friends either and I just went through a break up and this is what I needed <3 I hope you feel good soon :)

AE's BEAUTY GLAMS: I just like the way you always stay to yourself ❤️❤️❤️ much dear

BlueeChante: The blue bob looks amazing on you love and also you should link up with Nilus he lives in Miami, maybe he can show you different things in Miami fr.

Niamh Styman: Missed you

Mariah Haynes: Keep your head up && I’m tuning in now❤️

Nervous 2x: Love you and your soul❤️

Ky'Lajah Emani: bye- u crying made me cry. we got this boo❤️

Kayla Boo's Corner: As someone who’s from miami , and moving to Atlanta I get it check out wynwood wall they have nice art pieces , check out wynwood the spot they usually have events going on , there are some really nice crystal shop there one that’s in Boynton it’s kinda far but worth the drive , you can check out lake worth beach it’s more peaceful I used to watch the sun rise and sun set. You can also do museums out there they have are cool , you can try butter fly world if your big on nature it’s in coconut creek and there some bomb Jamaican food spots there one off Coral Springs and wiles I hoped this helped you some what . Hope the energy get right much love from the A

Mxdyyy 999: I definitely feel you

Nia Lakewood: Nobody: Chanel: *cuts wig into a bob for no reason*

TelAyna: I don't have a lot a freedom even if i'm not 15 or 16 but i just know i won't , anyways great video, love you and hope you prosper

_ItsMiiing: It’s the energy for me

Jiee Xo: its you holding back the breakdown in the beginning awww girlllyyy you got this

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