Coloring And Foiling While Wearing Hair Extensions At Noelle Salon

Foiling and coloring while wearing hair extensions. The proper technique.

So our clients been wearing extensions for seven years or so and a big question we get is: can you continue to color your roots? Foil, highlight and relax while wearing hair extensions, and the answer is yes. Now you have to be cautious in the way you foil and highlight pretty much wanting you want to avoid the bonds, although you can run a one process color over the bonding that won't damage the hair or the bonds. Now, how long have you been wearing extensions for almost seven years, almost seven years and in your in your experience? How has have the extensions work for you? Has your own hair grown in absolutely so definitely a way to help you here grow and when properly applied, you really will experience a really good hair growth, and I know you are concerned with who is having the right color and you do have some roots to Touch up today, yes, and I believe, we're going to do foil into one process mm-hmm and that's only going to be on the hair. That'S not in the extensions the foils are going to go on the top of the head about her sides yeah and a little bit underneath for when she pulls up around here, and the one process will go all of a head. So Sue's is her colorist and her extensionists. So soon as you're separating the top area, I'm just separating the parts that are going to stay, the darker that Jackie likes the contrast, so three back-to-back blonde sliced foils, and then we skip the section in between base color, which gives for the contrast now. I would think that it's important for people learning this or for clients to understand that you do need to clarify here at the end, if you're going to fill after the color yeah, exactly mainly at the scalp area, but I'm jet something like Jackie's. You know very light and very blond. I tend to put a nice additional focusing on the ends of the extensions in order to keep her own hair and healthy, beautiful, soft and manageable, because we're here as long a long blonde hair, regardless of extensions. Exactly it's important. You know properly conditioned while coiling also to avoid running any of the lightener through the front of the previously lightened hair, to avoid any any excess, breakage or overlapping. So are you working down the hair and doing a pretty tight foil so that she's really now? What would happen if any cup any bleach got on the extensions? Well, we do have a lot of plants who are, you know, dark double process ones, meaning we have to first use a bleach, lighten earth to lighten the hair all over and then go back in and tone orange or whatever to achieve the kind of going for Each in general, on the ones makes the extensions holds the extensions a little bit tighter. You know no bulky publicly elaborate on that, a little bit more. It can make the hair dryer. I would think which, which can hold the extensions, but over bleaching and over processing will eventually can weak in the hair that the extensions attach to so, where I guess, essentially, what we're saying is you can do a one process, bleach and tone with extensions, but you Have to be really cautious to not go over the bonds as much as possible and avoid any products that any color a lot of colors have oils on them. So you have to be very selective with the colors that you use, while color wines her own hair. Would you say how long is her own hair with you guys pretty long

Sara Paulina V: Hej, what hair extension brand is she using? :)

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