5 Weeks Microlink I Tips Update, Remove And Reinstall Ft.Ywigs

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Hey guys, so this is the micro links that i installed on my model same model, we're gon na be taking it down, so so she's had it for over five weeks, and this is what her roots look like. She has a little bit of like new growth, so you guys can see. Let me bring the camera closer, okay, all right, but yeah. So she has new growth, as you guys can see, and we're just gon na take it down. She said she didn't wash her hair for the whole five weeks. She said she's. She was scared to wash her hair. Like you know, it did kink up. It got kinky because you were sweating, so you blew it out. Okay, i mean tell them how the experience was because there's some people that haven't tried this, that want to try it oh yeah, so it was um, i loved it. It was very natural to like just just it looked super natural um when the hair would um like cause that would work out, and so, when i'll get really sweaty um your roots, like they start puffing up, so you just um. I would just tie it down, but when i'm finished with my workout i would take a blow dryer and just do like a little just a straighten it and um. If i was going out on the weekend to make it look more sleek, i would put heat to it like i'm flattering it, but other than that um yeah. It stayed like how it looked in the video. It will get messy if you don't take care of it. Like yeah sleep on it yeah. You have to tie your hair down, but i loved it. So many compliments yeah. You said they thought it was your hair. So many people was like wait. Did your hair always been this long? I was like yeah. That'S one thing i like about the microwave because it just blends you have to use the one that blends with your hair type, though, because this is would be great for, like her hair type like 4c hair type and stuff um yeah yeah, so i'd have to Use like hair moisturizer too, because, like that's the thing so you have to brush your hair uh with the micro links because um you don't want it to just get tangled um, so making sure you're brushing it daily. Um moisturizing oil, just like your natural hair, like i just have the pliers, the freaking flyer, okay, okay, so i'm gon na take it down with um her hair kind of damp, because i don't know if you guys could tell like. I don't want like her hair to snag while i'm taking it down, so i want to kind of freed up, so i'm going to spray some water on her roots, just a little bit some leave-in conditioner as well, but yeah. I see why i sprayed the leave-in conditioner so that any hair that is kind of like snagging on the bead i just want to free it up. So i don't like um, break break her hair or anything like that. So once i have it nice and loosened up, no hair is like in the way you guys can see it's right hold on okay, yeah, okay, so no hair is in the way i'm just going to take the plier. Like i showed you in the video you see it's nice and flat like this, so i'm just going to raise it up and then just use this plier to press the bead, just gently: okay, okay, it's nice and round now. So i could gently just slide it out and that's it. So this is what it is. When you take it out, um, you guys were asking if you could reuse it. Yes, you can reuse it like. You could reuse this because the bead is not like cracked or broken, so it's still intact, so you could reattach it to her hair um. Let me see if i could do that i'll probably do that when i'm like getting to the top. So just keep on watching yeah i'll show you guys how to reattach it in the second row, because you're gon na need a different tool to reattach it. If you want to reuse the hair but yeah just press, it gently just slide it out very easy to take out again you just press it gently. Okay, once it's round, you just slide it out, and she has like some viewed up here so make sure you spray some leave-in conditioner to soften it out, so that when you comb your hair, all this can easily come out again press the bead okay, and then You just slide it out. Okay, so we're taking out the first row, i'm gon na detangle, our hair as we go yo it's sunday, you guys my. I have a headache right now, but listen savannah said she couldn't take the hair out so she's like effie. Can you help me take it out like no problem? I usually don't do my videos on sundays. So but savannah is like my sister. Okay, i'm just going to detangle these slowly gently move those beautiful and this one is free. So you guys worrying about the hair. Breaking with this, someone left the comments about. Oh, this is not a protective style, please. What is not protective about this eh yeah. It'S not protect. Is this your i'm protective? Is it your protect? You yo? Well yeah! I was not protective about this. Huh. Tell me see it's free. I had an outbreak. I hear i see that her roots is too good, eh, very exactly it's so simple, let's, let's reinstall the ones that we took out, so you guys can see how to reinstall it. Okay. So but first i want to show you um, so this is the hair, because i still have some left over from you know when i use it on her, so these are the brand new ones, the leftover ones. So what you're going to need to reinstall it you're going to need the same loop that you use to install it you're, going to use it to reinstall it as well. So when you um install this loop, you need to um. Instead of throwing away the loop, you need to save it if you're going to reinstall okay, so you see how all of them have the loop okay, so so this is from a brand new one. Okay - and this is one that we took out from her hair yeah, so let me use this one to show you, because this one has some hair. So this is a brand new one and then this is the one that was on her hair. So to install this one that i took out of her hair now, so i'm gon na take the loop from this new one. Okay, see it and what i'm gon na do is to pass the loop through the old one. So, let's try to see if that's possible, i'm gon na pass. Let me see if i could pass it through. Okay, so i pass it through the old one all right, so we basically made it look like like the brand new one. Okay, there's always a way. There'S always a way, so this is the old one that was removed, and this is a brand new one. Okay, it looks just the same old one new one just take the loop pass it through the bead again and now, let's reinstall it. Let me take a small section so again to install this. You need a small piece of hair, so i'm going to install it into this. So this is the old one, as you can see and where's the other plier. So you can actually use the same plier for both installed and removed, so i can't find the one i used to install so you're just going to pass the hair through the loop, like i showed you guys in the install okay and just push it up. Sorry, sir all right and then you're gon na press it down again and there you go so the same hair that was installed can be reinstalled and vice versa, and it was gon na look just as good as new okay. So you don't have to throw away the hair, you could always reuse it just make sure that when you're installing it, you don't throw the the loop. Okay make sure you save all this stuff, save it all, don't throw it away. You'Re gon na need it to reinstall it next time. Let me take this down again. Let me take this down so the same way to take it down, raise it up like this and just push it down until it's round and slide it out boom. That'S it same micro links, use it again, you take it out, save it for next time. Use it again. It'S always there for you, you don't have to buy, buy a new one.

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