How To Get 360 Waves With Straight Hair

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I'M subscribed to a couple different types of youtube channels: some tech channels, mic review channels, music and vocal, editing channels. I'M also subscribed to a few hair channels. One of these channels that i sometimes watch is a brother with 360 waves. If you don't know what 360 waves are they're on the screen right now, but angel you have long hair. Are you planning on cutting it? No, but i watch this brother because i think he's funny. He does a lot of reaction, videos to people's waves and destroys dreams and aspirations kind of like how i'm about to now, not really maybe a little, possibly a lot yeah. So recently, i've been seeing all of these videos come up in my recommended on how people, with straight hair, can get waves or 360 waves. The majority of these videos are geared towards non-black people now, just to clarify anyone can have straight hair straight. Hair is by no means exclusive to white or asian people. There are black people that are not mixed with anything and they have straight hair, so they might watch one of these tutorials to find out how they can get waves back in the day when i was much younger than i am now around 13. Maybe i used to have short hair. I'Ve been growing, my hair since i was 14., but when my hair was short i would always have a fade and because my hair is naturally curly. It'S in the 3a 3b to 3c range. My curl pans are all over the place. Some places on my head are much curlier than others. Clearly, my hair has not had a meaning to the side uniform. They just can't, unite and agree anyway. So when my hair was short, i would naturally have a lot of waves. They weren't all spirally and magical like some of these youtubers you might see, but it was just naturally like that. Then, of course, as i grew, my hair, the hair would curl up even more some of you. A lot of the guys with my type of hair can probably relate, but there was always a trend of brothers getting waves and training their hair to lay flat and their curls to stretch out a little, and this was always a black thing. Let'S keep it 100. The only white guys you saw with waves were the ones who hadn't cut their hair in a long time and they had these weird little skateboard drips in their hair. So now, as with anything in this day and age, like braids, cornrows locks, afros, even white and asian guys have said, hey, i want waves too. They look cool. Now, of course, it's your hair. You can do whatever you want with your hair. It'S yours! It might not look good, but it's up to you if you want to walk around looking like a homeless, shyla buff go ahead, be my guest, so for all these white guys asian guys, non-black guys and even black guys with straight hair. There are all of these videos that teach you how to get waves, how to get waves. Like sir cruz, with this one proven foolproof method, you too can look just like sir cruz. Oh my god. What is it please tell me, i must know, tell me okay here it is, you got a pen, you might need to rewind this video. Just in case you miss it, it's a hidden secret. Are you ready? Are you ready straight hair waivers? It'S all about the brushing just brush brush and brush and brush and brush some more, and you too will have waves. Just like sir cruz rule number one brush rule number two if in doubt see rule number one so, yes, all you have to do is brush and people will think you have some black in you too seriously. Is that all i have to do? That'S great? No! I'M going to tell you what a lot of people are not telling you long story short. If your hair is straight you're not going to get waves if you're stripped it can't, but that's not fear, that's racist! So because i'm white, i can't have waves all waves matter, man, no, it's not because you're white, it's because your hair is straight. So let me break it down like this. First, we have to understand people's definition of the word straight when it comes to hair. You'Ll have videos with some mixed kid, with like 2b 2c hair talking about how to get waves with straight hair. Firstly, his hair was never straight in the first place, it had some curls, it just wasn't super curly, but their hair had enough of a curl to get the wave look as his hair would grow. Think of waves, like this, you have someone with curly hair and their hair stands up and grows towards the sky. If they were to comb it forward, the curls may separate and it might look frizzy if they were to brush it forward. The hair may slick down a little, but that obviously wouldn't be permanent. So you would then introduce hair products and do rags to lay the hair flat for a prolonged period of time. So you're brushing you've got hair product in your hair and moisturizers. You'Ve got 85. Do rags glued to your head to lay your hair down. You never take those do rags off you go to school in these do-rags. You go to the gym in these do-rags. You make loving these do-rags you shower in these do-rags. You become one with the do-rag. The do-rag is now an extension of your soul, my brother, what you're doing is stretching out the curls you're, laying the stretched out curve flat and keeping it in that position for a prolonged period of time. They call this training the hair. Your hair is obviously growing and it's starting to grow in this new curl pattern. Then the time comes and you cut your hair with the grain and you have waves now waving is like going to the gym. You don't go to the gym. Do all that working out and training to get a great body and then, once you look like simeon panda, just chill and eat like you, run a mukbang channel and get all lazy and stop going to the gym nah you have to keep it up. This is for life son once you wave, you never leave until we let you go son brush in and brush out, do rags up, combs down, you heard me so if you have straight hair, all of that is going to be pointless, but what about curl enhancing Smoothie the word enhancer is the operative word here. It will enhance your natural curls. You have to have curls in the first place without the curls you're, just making your hair greasy hair. Looking like popeye's french fries, hey yo bruh, i asked for curly fries. The hell is this, but i've seen some white guys with waves yeah you probably have, but their hair was naturally wavy. It just takes a certain length to get there, so you might have straight hair, but when it gets kind of long you might notice the ends of your hair start to curl a little. You might be able to create some sort of uniform pattern with that, but it won't look like the brothers that have much more curlier hair patterns. Naturally, all of that brush in all of the other techniques they have is to uniform their patterns. Some spin in a different direction, some make their waves wider apart. Some make their waves closer together. All of that you're not going to be able to do as a person with straight hair. So let's say it has mad straight, but you're doing all this technique and as your hair grows to a certain length, you know it might get a little bit of a wave, and you might have something like this. This might be the only thing you're going to achieve yeah this ain't. It chief, i mean, i guess, there's a wave there, but ain't, no goddamn tsunami, just stick to catching waves. Surfer boy cause you ain't, making! No waves! Look! Here'S a white boy with straight his hair, and he said it himself. Your hair has to have a little curl to it in order for you to wave uh. I just want you to kind of give me a little bit more information on things that i really just need to start out waving. Okay, this is like before you've ever had waves before in your life. Okay, if you know that your hair can get thick, and if you know that your hair curls up at a certain length - and you say - hey white boy waves - i want to get some waves. What do i need to do now? You'Re wrong? If i keep brushing my hair will eventually curl and i can have waves. Okay, there was a video i saw where a guy compared hair follicles to a piece of balloon, ribbon string and said if you run something hard against a balloon ribbon string fast enough. The ribbon will curl and then he said your hair will do the same thing with a comb yeah, that's a no for one. The reason the ribbon is curling is because the friction and the tension against the ribbon caused by the scissors or the knife is moving. So fast, it's also causing heat and that heat is causing the ribbon to curl. So it's not as simple as curling a piece of string: you're never going to be able to have the same tension or friction or speed against your hair. And if you did it the same way, you would destroy the hair follicle. You tear it out you're, going to brush a ball spot in the head of yours, praying for waves. Dear heavenly father, i pray to you to send me curls in the morning. Please there is only one surefire way for people with straight hair to get waves. Oh, my god, i'm listening tell me tell me how much do i have to pay anything i'll pay anything and that's curly perm. They would have to use some real thin, curl, flexi rods and some curly perm, so they would have to put a chemical on their hair and then wrap the hair around the rods and leave it for. However many hours, then all their hair would be hella curly. But all their regrowth would be straight again now the problem with that. If you use this method to get waves, it'll probably work, but if you have caucasian hair, your hair will eventually fall out, because that chemical will literally destroy your hair follicle with the quickness. So wait. You just made an entire wave tutorial video for straight hair. To tell us we can't do it yeah pretty much long story short. If you have straight hair, you cannot get waves, no matter how much you brush. If you stripped you can weave straight. I'M also going to put a link to a video called how to turn straight hair into afro. If you like this video you're gon na love that one hey man, that's racist, please remember that from now on brand new, never before seen, videos as well as live streams, will only be available on my website. Ikyg.Com via a patreon subscription. Ikyg.Com is a black owned; black ran platform 100 free from censorship. 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