Is It Better To Be The Sidechick?!

Could you be a #sidechick to a man or no?? Answer in the comments!

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But as a side chick, I don't have to deal with that. I am not dealing with that call your girl about that. Okay, so crystals came out with this side: chicks, commercial and it's like starring, Brittany, Renner Reiner. I don't say it wrong, but y'all know who I'm talking about, but everybody was kind of up in arms about it, because they were saying that it was kind of glorifying being like a side chick and basically that is not any what anybody should aspire to be. Like that she's not a role model for young women, why would somebody be promoting being a side, chick yada, yada? All of that good stuff? And I wanted to make this video, because I cannot stand when people act. Holier than thou, like y'all, really want to sit here and act like y'all. Don'T know why it's appealing to some women like why y'all don't understand why it's appealing to be a side chick to some women like personally, I I'm not, but I can't be anybody side. Chick, but there are several reasons why, for some women it is better for them to be a side chick than the main, and that's what we're going to talk about we're going to talk about some of the reasons why some women may find it appealing, and I Feel like for those of us or some of us that don't ever see it in our future to be a side chick. It'S like judging people like oh you're, a homeworker, oh you're, a hoe, okay, being a side chick does not make you a hoe. It also. Don'T make you a homeworker, because that's not my home, that's his home, he reckoned it what they got to do with me. I understand that there should be some type of like code for like women to women for us to, like you, shouldn't want to be with a man, that's with somebody else like I I get it, but I just don't like how people are just acting like they. Just don't understand how anybody can be a side chick, so I'm gon na talk about why some women find it appealing to be a side chick okay. The very first reason is finances. Now this would be for women who are dating, who are the side chick of men who have money? Men who have power are of status. Those type of men like married men who can't afford for people to find out that they have a side chick like those type of like men, which, if you are going to be a side chick I'm not judging anybody. If you are going to be a side chick, I would hope that you are getting something out of it and not being the side chick to a broke um. But finances is one of the main things some women are side chick to men, but are kept. You are a kept woman, but you don't have to live with that man every day and that is very appeasing to some women that yeah he's paying my rent he's paying my bills. He buys it whatever. I want and to be honest, he's probably doing all that to keep you quiet, because, as long as he's footing your bill, you're, probably not going to say you're not going to try to put the man on blast. You'Re not gon na like reach out to his wife or his girlfriend, or whoever you're just you're gon na stay quiet, because you don't want to lose that lifestyle, but to some women. If I don't have to actually be with this man every day, I only have to please you every once in a while talk to you every once in a while deal with you when you mad at your wife but you're, paying my rent, my or your mortgage. My mortgage, my car, is paid for all of my bills are paid for. I can get anything I want. I can hit you up for money at any time and you just gon na send it to me. Do not tell me that you don't understand why that can be appealing to someone. Don'T tell me that you don't understand that again. That'S not for me, but don't tell me that you don't understand why that is appealing to some people. The fact that everything can be paid for and you ain't got to deal with this man on a daily basis. All you got to do is put out whenever you see him every once in a while. Don'T tell me how you don't understand how that and before we get into the second reason I do want to give a shout out to today's sponsor, and that is sunbur hair. This hair, that is on my head, is a V part wig. It is 24 inches. It is a kinky wig, and this is one of my favorites because I feel like it looks natural like when I do V part wigs I like to do curly. This is like, I think, my second time that I've done kinky, but this is the first time that I've actually like straightened it. So when I first put this hair on my head, it was actually really puffy and that looks good, but I have like a really little face, so it didn't look good on me, so I wanted to kind of like tame it a little bit, but I didn't Want to give it like a a silk press, so I didn't put any product in his hair. I didn't put like any type of like oils or anything in it. That would make it more straight than I wanted it to be, because I didn't want it to be silky straight. I wanted it to be straight, but still look like it could be my hair, because that is the goal always to have your weave. Look like your hair. You guys know that V part wigs. Are you tired of me talking about the apartment widget? I really don't care because they're, my favorite, you part wigs are dead. I do not like you part waves anymore, because I have very fine, thin hair and you can see the track through you part wig with a V part wig. You cannot see the track because there are no tracks at the top. The tracks are all like back here, but like up here, it's all net and the hair is like tied on to the neck. So you can't see my hair. Even if my hair, like kind of separates, you won't be able to see any tracks because there aren't any tracks there. And that is very appealing to somebody like me. Who does not want to have a lot of leave out and also very appealing to me, because when I straighten my hair, especially it is very fine, it is very thin and it'll be easy to see a track with the u-part wigs. I had to leave so much more hair out. I actually timed how long it took me to do my hair and it took me three minutes to install the wig and it took me nine minutes to strain it so all together. This hairstyle took me 12 minutes, and then I timed how long it took me to do my makeup and my makeup took me 27 minutes. So it took me longer to do my makeup than it took me to do my hair, which is for me unheard of usually when I do my hair. It takes me like over an hour, but this was easy. My real hair is not as kinky as this hair, but I feel like it is a pretty decent blend. What I might do is, I might take my um, my hair waiver and I might wave my hair and then brush it down to make it kind of straight, but that way it'll have some texture and be straight at the same time. So I think I am going to try to do that to see if it'll make my hair blend better. Do you guys think that this Blends pretty well, let me know be honest: should I hit it with the waiver and then brush it down, or do you think that this Blends pretty well, please, let me know in the comments all the links to this hair will Be in my description box, thank you so much to sunburn, hair for sponsoring this video and if you are interested in this wig click the link, let's get into the next reason. So the next reason that I have on my list as to why it would be appealing to someone to be a side chick is because of the aspect of creeping. It is very appealing and it is a turn on to them, to creep the fact that we know the song TLC Creep. We know um My Little Secret by Escape like those types of songs like do you get what I'm saying where I'm, where I'm trying to convey that it is very, it can be a I'm going to say it again. It can be a turn on to people to be creeping. The fact that you're messing with somebody and his girlfriend doesn't know the fact that you're messing with somebody, and maybe his wife doesn't know like the fact that some, maybe, depending on how bold the man is y'all, can be at this, be in the same room and The girl that he with don't even know that he messing with you where he just left from your house or he really about to come home with you and tell his wife or his girl that he going out with his homeboys. That is a track. That is appealing to some people like I like I. I know that people think that that is trifling, but that is appealing to some people like again stop acting like you, don't understand how that can be attracted to some people, because even people that are saying I can never be a side chick. That goes against everything. I believe in you probably were singing that song My Little Secret by Escape. That'S my song. I don't know if I could live that life, but that is my song. The next reason that I have - and I feel like this may be one of the main reasons. Next to finances like, I feel, like finances and this reason kind of go hand in hand, but it's the not having to deal with him every day and not having to deal with his drama. So when you are with somebody, you are the wife of someone. You are their girlfriend. You have to take the good with the bad. You have to deal with everything you have to deal with the ups and downs. The arguing, though, when he's not in a good mood like you have to deal with all of these things. With being, I don't even want to say the main chick because I feel like most of not all of but most of these women when they're men are cheap when their man is cheating on them and they have a side chick or whatever. I. I would hope that you are left in the dark about it. I hope that you're not just staying with a man who is blatantly shooting on you, but whatever that's that's neither here nor there. I feel like what was I saying: oh yeah, you, you are having to deal with everything that comes with that man, because that is your man. You are expected to deal with his mood swings. You are expected to deal with when he's not at his best. You are expected to deal with if he takes like a blow to his ego if he takes a blow to his finances, like just all the different ups and downs that you have to go through with a man ask his woman as his as his girl. You are expected to deal with that and not not in a bad way. Like I deal with Amy's ups and downs, Amy deals with my UPS and outs like that is what is expected of me and of her in a relationship, but as a side chick. I don't have to deal with that. I am not dealing with that call. Your girl about that. That has absolutely nothing to do with me. Call me when you want to go, have fun. I am your your peace away from your home when you, when you don't want to deal with your drama at home and you don't you're tired of your kids and you're, tired of your wife and you're, tired of whatever you have going on in your life. The side chick is the girl who you go to to have fun with it. That'S so you go to have like a little sneaky link with a sneaky vacation, a little shopping spree y'all having sexual escapades. That'S where you go to have fun, and I can understand why, as a as a side chick that's appealing, because all you're doing is having fun with this man he's throwing money at you and you don't have to deal with the negatives of it and sometimes that's All somebody want in a life. To be honest, to be honest, I feel like if a girl really does not have herself together and she's, not ready to be in a relationship being a side. Chick is probably the next best thing for her, because she can have fun with a man. She can have the security of finances with a man, even the security of kind of low-key having a boyfriend but not having to deal with him every day. Somebody with my personality type would probably want to be a side chick because I like to be alone a lot, but I also like nice things. Luckily, I found a partner who understands that. I like to be alone. We got a two-bedroom apartment and if I ever need to be alone, I can come over to this room and chill all day by myself and she will not bother me um. But I feel like a lot of people. I'Ve dealt with a lot of people that just don't understand that it's not about you, I just want to be by myself like it literally has nothing to do with you. I just don't feel like being bothered right now and a lot of people don't understand that. So if you can be a side chick and you can have somebody that you literally don't have to deal with every day - you don't have to deal with all day and when y'all ready to go off and have fun y'all can go. Do that? Why wouldn't you want to do that, and I want to be completely clear that this video is not about condoning being a side chick? It'S just that. I see a lot of people going in on comments and going in on podcasts and really just coming down on girls who are okay with being a side chick or girls who have been side chicks before or girls who are coming at least side chicks, like y'all. Really just been going in on them acting like they have no morals, no morals, they have no, they don't care about themselves, they don't love themselves, and that is probably the furthest thing for the truth. Now that may be true for some girls, but I feel like a lot of girls. They don't enter into the role of being a side chick lightly. They know exactly what it entails and they know exactly where they're going to get out of it. They'Re not stupid. They'Re, very smart, I'm interested in hearing what you guys have to say about side, chicks and the roles of side, chicks in the comments. If you have ever been a side chick, if you would ever be a side chick or if you are just one of the people who just who despise side, chicks and you want them white from the face of the Earth. So I kind of understand where these younger girls are coming from when they're saying that relationships aren't appealing, and they would rather just rather be a side chick now, if you're about 40 pushing 40 you in your late 30s early even early 30s, like if you're around My age and you're still out here, like being a side chick all right now like come on, come on, you had your fun, but you can like all right now. I know you had fun when you were younger, but let's just start reevaluating some things. Let'S start finding other things to do with our time, but that's it for my TED talk. Let'S continue this conversation in the comments as usual. Thank you so much to somber for sponsoring this video and sending me this amazing hair again. The links to this hair is in my description box. Thank you guys for tuning in to this video, and I will see you in my next one.

ayana fite: Hi guys lol. I think some of y’all are not understanding the point of the video. I’m not saying it’s right or wrong…. The point I’m trying to make is that people are acting absolutely clueless as to WHY someone would be ok with being the side chick. That’s it that’s all. I’m not condoning it OR villainizing it. Lol. I love hearing all of your opinions…. Just keep it respectful please. ♥️

Aiyana Wallace: I think it is definitely appealing to younger woman because now a days if your dude going to cheat no matter what why be with him and get nothing out of it over being the side chick with luxury items, bills paid, fun vacations and drama free as long as you stay in your lane it makes sense I personally just wouldn't do that

A Journey With T: In some cases, the sidechick gets better treatment than the wife Also, a lot of people don’t realize that it’s married men out here leaving their rings at home, or in the car, and pursuing women, pretending to be single Other than that, a sidechick role isn’t my cup of tea, but I understand why some women do it.

Dot S: Let's be clear side chicks used to be called mistresses have been around for centuries. If everyone involved agrees to the arrangement and they are adults then it's really noone else's business. The problem comes when there is deceit and lying from one side and the other side or sides doesn't know what's really going on. I hate when people say they hate people who judge. You just made a judgment.

Tricia Martin: IMO: I think to be a side piece you need to have hardly any emotions or feelings for a partner. I’m introverted and like to be by myself but I don’t like someone hurting me intentionally. I love hard when with someone and don’t like to share.

Jeanell Reynolds: I love too hard to be a side chick. I wouldn't want that done to me. The wig is cute. Thank you for the conversation on this topic.

Leggs: Funny you posted this. I’m binge watching Scandal for the second time. Olivia Pope the only side chick I support.

Kerry Levett: I have definitely been in that my little secret faze in my younger days, but in my situation I was dealing with the guy and his girl didn't know. I also was dealing with his girl and he didn't know!‍♀️

Tyi: In my opinion, it comes off as childish and tunnel vision. Anytime someone intentionally assist infidelity or general cheating has no morals when it comes to their part in the situation of aiding cheaters. Once anyone crosses that line of enabling a cheater by being the person cheaters are cheating with, that can also unintentionally give the green-light that they are placed as a non priority and only for random pleasure, I feel like women are worth more than that and the idea behind it is an illusion because if a woman or man feel special that they are the “chosen one” who is picked as the mistress or mister then they need rethink the alignment of their role. It’s all an illusion, there’s literally nothing special about being picked to be the one who the person cheats with, if anything the married man or wife can assume you have no boundaries which can be an outline for other disrespectful behavior that can even be done to the ones he or she is cheating with. Also, the root of cheating comes with an attached understanding that the person who is doing the cheating is a deceitful, selfish and unsatisfiable person. This is why the illusion of feeling special doesn’t make sense because it’s not even about how “special” they are it’s more so about the fact that cheaters implement the action of betrayal, deceit, and character change just to deliver the method of cheating. So for those who gets pleasure out of thinking they are in a good spot for being the side piece are sadly mistaken. Cheaters do not care about your position or their wife/husband position. Cheaters like to discard folks like trash and move on to the next simply because they are getting away with it. Side chick does not equate to being taken care of, anyone can take care of you wether that be your own person or not, it depends on the person. I just hope these young girls out here understand that coming second to anyone is never okay for the things I’ve mentioned here.

MyView: The wig is fire!!! Also, thank u sooooooo much for being soooo honest, organic, relatable, real, true to urself. Ur contents are real!!! U are just urself.

gregory18000: As long as you don’t catch feelings and are being financially supported. I can see the appeal to a younger girl. Just keep it on the DL because the woman will always be to blame. I’m older so, sharing ain’t caring

Nicole Ryan: I was a side chick... Back in the days and it was great to me because I didn't want a relationship. I was going out on dates with other men and because I had him they didn't matter because I got everything I wanted... Money sex trips and I didn't have to deal with any of the extra stuff. I always knew my place so I never thought about him leaving his wife. His wife knew about me but looking back that doesn't make it right

Kirk Xavier: I am the same way, I enjoy being by myself a lot. And it’s not a sad thing or anything, that’s just when I’m the most comfortable.

NiyaDaNinja: I have had very beneficial arrangements so I can understand the hate but I understand it's not for everyone. I don't look down on the next woman, we are all oppressed as the "inferior" gender so girl use what you have to get what you can, I aint a hater. Thanks for explaining some of the nuance Ayana.

D K: I think it's cruel to the partner of the person you're messing with. You know it's going to hurt them

Kasey Smith: Everybody is going to do what they want to do. I’m a prize and I get whatever I need and want for myself. Time is to short to waist it with somebody else’s man especially knowingly. I’m good. I need all my blessings period. The only opinion that matters is the ultimate judge (our creator). There’s a reaction for every action you take good or bad. Be prepared for for the reaction you choose.

Tywan Brown: Great chat girly, In my opinion alot of time the female doesn't even know she is the side chick. In other cases the female is well aware and doesn't mind for alot of the reasons you stated and they don't wont the commitment or attachment

kylia2009: IMO all "side pieces" have low self esteem and a lack of morals. Yes, it is the man's responsibility to uphold his commitment to his woman. I am fully aware of the fact that a lot of men lie and am not taking the ultimate responsibility from the man. However as women, we need to have boundaries and never agree to be apart of deceiving another woman. If you want to be a fun girl.. be a fun girl with a single man. If you know he has a wife and a family.. be insulted that he even thinks he can try you like that. And when his wife finds out about it and beats your a**... don't say sh*t.. you deserve it.

Joycelyn: This v part kinky straight hair looks so good on you

shebad10: Hey Ayana!!! Good conversation/points!!! Love your hair

Ashley Salazar: Sidenote, love the hair and makeup in this video ❤️

The Freckled Afrikan (L. Redmond): You lost me when you said a side chick is not a home wrecker. There is blame to both. The difference is with the man is that it’s his obligation and responsibility so holding him accountable is solely right. But they both are surely most definitely homewreckers especially if the side chick actually knows that she’s the side chick from the beginning to the middle to the end

Dana Benson: I don't agree with the choice but I understand why some people are content with that type of arrangement. Unfortunately, the arrangement will likely change once one of the individuals get too clingy or obsessive. Second, the arrangement changes when one gets tired of either having to do things they don't want to get the things they want. Bottom line, those type of arrangements can work for some but not all.

Ashley Salazar: I understand women doing it to get their bills paid. But to a certain extent. I don't think you should sell yourself short just for some money. If you don't like a man then I don't think you should be with him, and if you do in fact like him, how could you share him? Realistically, you can't respect and love yourself and do that. I am not shaming anyone who lives like this but I think in hindsight you'd see it's not really helping you.

Dean Billy: hmmm i dont know about this take. cheating is wrong for me, period. I've seen what it does to a family and a person, and their self-esteem. its evil

fatoumatta camara: What goes around comes around

Jas Moo: I was a side chick and let me tell u NEVER THE FLUCK AGAIN

Q Couple: Side chicks and chicks who date people in relationships will always get their karma. They will never have a healthy relationship or marriage with anyone. If you get involved in bad karmic activities when you’re younger you destroy your future. Karma will never let you have a happy ending lol

Capricorn Diva: That's sugar daddy if buying u gifts. My friend was side chick n now she's the wife. But he still doing the same ish.

Shay Patterson Thompson: I just cant be a side chick , i’m too selfish plus i wouldnt want no one doing that to me.

Glendonna McIntosh: you should try the waver but it still doesn’t look bad

Devine: Never been one but I don’t judge and I definitely understand the financial part and being alone. But in the long run it’s all fun and appealing until the side chick one day be a main chick and he haves a side chick

Urban_dope: I think people understand perfectly fine. But no matter how appealing it is, its still morally wrong. And saying that its wrong doesn't make someone "holier-than-thou."

Jae Denise: loving the consistency .. love you

The Scales: The v part is gorgeous on you literally bomb!!!

Talyaaa: Can you send us updates on hair you use. Like how they hold up with long wear.

Julie Lewis: I had a side chick at one point in my life and had to let her go because she forgot her roll.

TP McClanahan: The hair is very cute!!!! And love the subject matter…..

JaCora M 🖤: I understand to a certain extent. Just to a certain extent

kaylah williams4L: Love the hair it's very pretty

Nomzamo: I think cheaters have zero respect for both their partner and the person they cheat with.

Jennifer Dieppa: Is true but i wont do it i stay single and independent i wont do it either

music: Good afternoon I love ❤️ the hair

Purple Haze: I like the wig!

callmebeauty12: Chilleeeee the wives not gon hit the like button on this one

Antionette: It’s all fun and games until someone ends up deleted ⚰️

Stephanie : …. it don’t matter how good y’all try to make it sound. It’s wrong, period.

latrice flawless: I can’t be a side chick

buggy627: Ayana you look so pretty ! I love that hair on you

Protege Martinez: Hey boo good morning Early

Ruthkie Morris: Hey love yes now every woman has been through that cause it comes a time when it best to be the side chick and not the main cause hell at least I know where I stand frfr period

High Frequency Seeker: This man’s world but it would nothing without a woman or a girl… rip James brown….

Naturally_Nique: ❤❤

avelina roman: A side chick gets everything like trips and plenty of sex. But, doesn't have to cook or clean or do laundry for him. That is up to the wifey. You say bye bye go home to your wife let her do what I refuse. That is what my sister told me. She was with a dude 10 years. His wifey never knew.

Batricia Parker: No ma'am!

JayDee 2020: 4:10 It may be appealing for some men to only want to be with virgins and be pedophile's but that doesn't make it right. Just because something is appealing doesn't give justification. One thing I do know is what you sow you will reap! That side chick that loves being that in her 20's will definitely feel what she reaps when she finally gets into a relationship with someone that she truly loves. It's just the way the universe is set up and I didn't make the rules. What goes around definitely comes around!!

MidasTouch90: For example Yung Miami

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