Beaded Sew-In Hair Extensions Tutorial



This is not the Malaysian technique. A lot of people are confusing the Malaysian and flat trac technique. This is the flat trac or beaded sew in technique. The Malaysian technique does not involve beads., just thread.

For clients with normal - thinner hair. Very similar to braid/sew-in extensions. If you want a more in depth video on how to sew, check out my other videos.

***ABOUT ME***

I've sold Glo Salon and I'm now working independently in my own studio! I'm SO excited! Here is all of my new info:

Hair Extensions by Nikki

Santa Rosa, California

Hey everyone: this is a new technique that I kind of thought up that I'm going to teach you that works really good on clients with thinner hair, it's similar to the Braden's, but it's not as thick as the braids will be in the hair, so you're just Gon na start with a part at the nape of the neck, going from bottom of the ear to the other bottom of the other ear and you're gon na make a little part and you're gon na use these bead things that you use on. When you do. The individual micro beads, but I'm using blonde beads on my model, so you can really see them. But if this was a real client, you'd use brown beads to match your hair. So that way they blend in really well so to apply the bead you're just going to take a small section of the hair, wrap the thread around it and then thread the bead through the string and then as you're pulling the bead down. You kind of pull on the string and the hair just goes right through the bead and then the bead is on the hair. Then you use your extension pliers that you can get at a beauty store an extension supply store to clamp the beach shut, and these beads are made of aluminum they're pretty thick to the touch and then will stay very well. If you clamp it shut really good. You have to use a lot of muscle that bead will stay. It is not going anywhere until you use suppliers again to loosen it and take it out. So then I measure my hair wefts and so the weft onto each beaded base. I poke the needle through the end of the weft and then begin sewing under and over through each beaded base. If you don't know how to sew these on, I have a tutorial video on sewing that walks you, through the steps really good, and you can view that by clicking this little box that just popped up and sorry about the notes. On my hand, I don't look at anything else. What I need a reminder, so I just write it on my end. So right now I've kind of slowed down the video. So you can see the sewing that way. Hopefully, you can avoid watching a whole other video. Even though I want you to watch my videos but um yeah, so you kind of just put the thread through the loop and then sew like you normally would under and over you so now you're, just gon na repeat that same process. Usually you do this on clients with really thin here, so I only do three rows normally, but if you're doing it on a client with thick hair, you probably want to do four rows just depending on their hair. You'Ll know when you see it and you're just going to repeat the process this time, you're going to do apart from top of the ear to the other top of the ear and then do the same thing. You then, for the final track: you're going to do a part going from Temple to Temple. That way she can have some hair in the front and you want to make sure to leave maybe about a half inch when you're doing your beads from the hairline. That way, if the wind blows or something like that, she doesn't have a track popping out. You really don't want that so right here, you can see when she turns I'm left, maybe an inch to a half an inch from the hairline, and then you just repeat the process you so I've gotten a lot of requests on how I curl hair. So I figured I might as well just throw this one in here. I know it's kind of random, but I was recording. So I was like hey. Why not? And so that's how I curl my hair. I use a high straightener. It'S I swear by this straightener. It'S the best straightener of all time. I like it better than cheese. I like it better than any of the new titanium straightener as you'll get it's my favorite one, and it takes a lot of practice to do this. It took me a long time to get my technique down. I can't really explain how to do it. It'S just you got ta, feel it out for yourself, you kind of just wrap the hair around the straightener and then curl as you move down. You have to have the perfect amount of tension, but then you also have to make it loose enough, so the straightener can move through the hair and that's the hardest thing to learn when you're practicing this. So if you want to straighten hair or mean curl hair like this just practice a lot or you can just get a huge curling iron, but I'm just not a fan of curling irons. I find it to be smoother and prettier when you use a straightener. So this is how I curl here, if you or anyone you know - wants to get this extensions process done. I do this and you can go to my website and look at my prices. Section and you'll also see a bunch of other types of extensions. I do. I have an option for everyone and every type of hair. So thank you for watching and I hope you give me a good rating.

Gaby Montes de Oca: Excellent tutorial! I have been watching many and this is the best one. I have to said ! Better than the instructor where I get my certification. Congrats

TheProzacBarbie: This is brilliant! I've been a professional hairstylist for nearly five years and have been wearing extensions for nearly 10, and I must say this technique is genius. kudos

Karen Spencer: This video is exactly what I have been looking for! Genius using the blonde on brunette so we could see exactly how it should look. You have just made my life doing extensions so much easier. THANK YOU!!!!

Jugete5265: Thank you for the simplistic and honest advice given. I'm older and I'm used to curling irons and can't quite get the hang of a flat iron. I also appreciated your using lighter beads and thread to illustrate the installation. Finally, thank you for not having blaring fast-beat music playing in the background (it's distracting, to me). Great job! If only you lived

Ginger Beer: Hi, I have recently mastered this technique thanks to your video, and have been practicing on myself. What training did you do for the hair extensions?

turdnugg4: freaking awesome! thank you! now I can do my own hair without finding someone to do cornrows!

Myron Maze: My clients love this!! thank you so much for posting this! works well for people with 4 inch silky hair vs the braid sew in on 4 to 5 inch silky hair.. I use two beads at the hairline and every few beads I'll add one extra to keep secure =]

Lilybelle Locks: Love this method, such a great idea especially since cornrows don't work very well in caucasian hair (they feel too tight to start with and quickly get way too loose) Thanks for the demo!

Morgan Tait: thank you so much for this video, i was just on my main screen and this video popped up on the side and i thought i would take a look. i have been putting mirco beards in my hair for the last few months but all the beads get very annoying to deal with and my hair always ends up looking too thin. next time i do my extensions so in about a month, i will be using this method! you saved me a ton of time and will give me a better natural long hair look! youre a lifesaver lol

Sharee Nicole: thanks for posting the whole technique! Looks good!

Lulu: I love your videos! I really appreciate that you used the white string and bead so we can actually see how it works. Keep it up!

E’erii Antonia: Very informative thank you! I have a client growing out a pixie and it's not quite long enough in the back to braid. I think this would be perfect!

Charlotte Allen: This was the best video I've seen on youtube for hair extensions! You didn't talk a lot but your hands on technique was awesome! I also loved how you had the video go a little fast. Thank you sweetie!

Kie Ellis-Peal: Great video-- first time I ever put weave in... Your videos taught me what to do from A-Z. It came out fantastic!! Bent nose pliers work as a comb and a clamp. Thanks!!

Biancah Neal: i LOVE this! when sewing the weft onto the hair, do you go through the beads?? thanks for the video! i plan on trying this very soon!

Mallory Akiko Nora Miller: five-star tutorial!! :D I will definitely try this method for my next sew-in! I hope it's safe for sensitive scalps

StashaD113: Never thought of doing a sew in that way, that is a great idea, thanks!!

Christina Gallea: I absolutely love this video. I am latina, and because my hair is thin and naturally "silky" its hard for braids to stay put in my head, this method works best for me. I absolutely LOVE IT! IT's a little tough doing it on yourself, but if you are careful to pin your hair up right, and keep your parts clean, its awesome. GREAT VIDEO!!!

Florida Salon: Great video! Thank you! Where you folding that weft in half for a double weft? I'm sure you get a million questions...I hope I didn't miss the answer in the video.

Katie Carroll: Thank you so much for this video! Very helpful! Where do you purchase your hair from?

Alexis Navarro: I'm loving this technique. I have two questions though. 1. How long do the extensions stay in? 2. Would it be a good technique to use on somebody who has medium to thick hair?

Tasha Clay: I love the way you did this! Going to this Monday for my friend.

Moni Whitaker: I do hair and Im always on the look out for new ways and techniques. This is my my first time seeing this. This is a really neat technique that you're doing. This is something Im gonna have to try. I enjoyed the video.....nice work! :-) ~Monique

SiaSofieRenee: I did this on my mom, we have tried a lot of different extensions techniques, but this is so far the best one we've tried yet! -Thank you for sharing it, it have made such a difference!

Shear Luxury Beauty: Love it! Ive been wanting to learn this method thanks

natalyb33: I can't believe you invented! this is so awesome! How long would you say a person can keep this in their hair?

Hapamanda: I have been using this technique from your video for the last year and it's AWESOME! This is the best video on sewn in weft extensions. Thank you so much for making this. It's unbelievable how expensive they can get to be done professionally (up to $1200!!!!). Thanks again. because of this video I have had awesome extensions for a year :))))

Shana Thomas: Such a good idea!!!!!! I'm currently living in a sew in and have natural hair but when I relax my hair. I think this is how I'm going to wear my weave. It looks like it feels natural.

Crying child: My stylist uses this method on me, I love it!

wisediamond830: great tutorial! the results are amazing!

Lacey Denae: thankyou soooooo sooo much! ive been finding a new way to use my wefts and micro beads with my super thin haair this is excatly what i was looking for!! keep up the good work!

Ola Tyler: Love it. I am going to try this on a client I have Satrday

hellodaralyn: I am just amazed! thank you for sharing this. I am used to the braiding way but my new client has fine hair and this is going to work out perfectly! I appreciate you sharing this technic.

marlenis trillo: Me encantó, demasiado facil, con la experiencia q tengo lo haría mas apretadito para evitar perderlo tan rapido con el crecimiento

LsdWizard: I love this technique! thank you so much.

Rocío Mier: that is an amazing technique!! i would have never thought of it

LadyCashGetta: I've been getting my hair like this for almost a year now and I love it. It is a really good method if you're trying to grow your hair back. I can wash my hair, comb my hair as usual, where it in a ponytail and where it in different styles. The thing i like about it is that I dont have to put any heat to my real hair and it is an easy way to let your perm grow out if you're trying to do so. All my friends have been asking me how to do it and I finally found a video on how to do it! I love it

Tracy Pike: hi could you upload a tutorial on how to tighten beaded sewn hair extensions and also braided sewn in hair extensions once they have started to grow out due to re-growth???????? thank you :-)

Natalie Bishop: I did this amazing method and found myself not sewing them in but clamping strands of my own with the extensions for the hold. It was great still is :)

Angelique Silva: Definitely a easier technique, thank you (:

christina rice: Really want to try this on my hair hope I can figure out the sewing part

Keila Ortega: yay now i can straghten my hair with my straightner<3 thank you<3 !

isabelle leaor: Great technique thanks so much for your great videos

Lisa Larsen: The reason she is using white or yellow thread and lighter color beads is so that you can see what she is doing against the color of the dark hair. If she used dark beads you would not be able to see the demonstration! If you paid attention to the video you would not have had to ask such a dumb question! 

ngumss k: You are a real teacher....i like the way you have used light color thread so we can see.....n the slowing of the video to show are great

ilbaule verde: madre mia!!!!! felicidades eres unica!!!!

Johanna Saarijärvi: omg! I always wanted to sew in my extension and this is just genious!

Lola Siebert: Thanks so much I love your videos. you a wonderful woman helping so many women out their to make them feel beautiful again and a inspiration to all woman xxxx

boomdiddyah: how long does this last? Also, Whenever I wash my hair my extensions get loose...any tips?

Vinuss Virgin Hair: Enjoy your channel so much! Good Job!! looking forward to your next playlist

Shanisnotonfire: Hey, I was on another site that had your video on it and someone said something about an upside down triangle for the beads and you said you were trying it on a client. What exactly does it involve and does it make much difference to the method used in this video? I've done it like this before and was wondering whether the upside down triangle thing was an improvement on this. Thank youu, your vids are great :) :)

shanidiva1: Love it! Thx for the tutorial!

LuvNdatMakeUp: Can u do a tutorial on how to tighten them with out taking them off? Or do u have to redo them??

Ambie Michelle: this was a really good video I like how u used color thread and color like to show what exactly your doing and showing! nice job

chilone24: This is hte same method my beautican uses and it works so well! It is far less demaging than other methods. It does not pull on the hair like the cornroll or braid techniques. Good job!

Ashley Nacke: How do you keep the weft from shedding on the open end?

kSkel: Thanks for that! I'm definitely glad to know! I'm still only brave enough to do clip ins. :)

Bombshell Bath co: thank you used to doing micro bead and found your video very informative for me!

Felicia Johnson: Where can you get these type of beads? You made it look very easy and looks great.

En2Hair: Fabulous Job!!! God Bless!

Dawn Love: Aemilie hair extensions are the best! The wing extensions are my favorite.

yami Rz: esa forma es muy buena y no se necesita el gancho felicidades .exelente

Glenn S: Awesome. Your work is very neat, continued success.

JaeJae2012: Hello! My question is an odd one. If the little beads are made of aluminum, does that effect them if they go through a metal detector? Thanks!

7jandi7: I love this ! :-)

LaTreka Dailey: This is a great technique where do you get the beads

Kthomsin: Whoo! You hooked her up ! (: Great job !

easternhair: Thanks for tutorial! Very easy way for sew-in hair extensions!

BB McKinlay: hi nikki, just seeing and its sooo clever! well done! one quick question though.. how long will you say the weave will last with this technique? does it loosen faster? thanks!

Maria Arias: how far apart do you space the beads?

Maria Arias: how far apart do you space the beads?

THEkidNurCLOSET: wow this is wonderful, does it really do any damage to the hair and how long does it usually stay in?

StylesbyTaraTucker: thanks for sharing you did an excellent job!

Rebecca Sanford: this is genius!!! Oh my gosh!!!

Elime J: You have the best extension videos <3

Amanda: omg thank you for this great video! this helped me a lot

Jean Edmonds: Great video! Thnx for this option:) as someone else mentioned, I am only concerned with extensions placed in my hair also trying to get away from full sew in w braids...I heard with the beads, however, certain products can cause slippage like certain oils...can u plz tell me of certain hair products, specifically for African American or ethnic hair, that won't cause the beads to slip out?

Ariana Singleton: This has been the best most natural long lasting method of hair extension installation I've tried n I've tried many ! Love the tutorial .. I'm sharing with a student so that she can practice on my hair

peepla7: Great job. Hope you went back and used brown beads and thread cuz it was peeking a little when you curled it. Question...this would be a one direction wash, correct?

A Lynch: Hey Nikki, I dont suppose you have a video showing how you installed the beads do you? Xx

Kaitlyn Marie: What would an estimated price be to get this done? Thank you for this video! I have very thin hair and have been looking foray effective method for some time now.

Giannathekiller: i have clip ins...i shaved the back of my head about 5 months ago...ive grown it to about neckline... i see that your model has longer hair, this method still works well with very thin but short hair? with my clip first it was so insanely obvious they were there, but as time went by, it looked more natural. would my hair be long enough for this do you think? also...whats the difference between say, normal skinny pliers and hair extension pliers? wonderful job btw :) <3

WatchGames456: Wow! TFS

Beautiiful Rose: Best how to video I've ever seen everything was clear n easy to learn!!! Thanks

Olufunke O: Girl you are such a talented lady I love this technics and I will keep watching more of ur work thank u for sharing this.

sexymarieg: this is really neat..thanks for the video

Ivy: How long do the bead in extensions last? (~:

kaylah a: This is the first time I have seen the use of beads to sew in extensions instead of braids, and i loveit!! take a lot less time looks like! where do u do these?

Go.Moon.Go!: What a great idea!

UBE Salon & Hair Loss Clinic: You are great I love your attitude thanks for sharing this is very generous of you to share your technique

C.Wright: Great job!!! I am going to try this on my daugther's hair. This will be something different from braiding her hair all the time.

LaurMitMom: I wish you lived near me. I have tried glued in wefts and sewn in weft. Each of them only lasted a little over a week on me. And, yes, I'm very careful with how I treat and wash my hair. I have fine, stick-straight hair. :(

Maria Arias: Which type of micro beads did you use? I found 3 different types... I tipped, I stick, and I bonded. Not sure which one to use, Also what size mm do you use. I need to order them asap, can you let me know? Thanks

alysialilly: OMG-U just rocked my world THANK YOU FOR DOING THIS! i wouldve never came up w/this-I Love it

Jazzy Gore: great idea! i am so going to try this

T Ri: Cool idea! Think I'm gonna try that sometime!

Arian Augustin: "it's the best ... of all time!" that's what kanye said!

salonnoelle: @lollipopindio I was trying to figure that one out too, but I looked more closely and she is actually threading behind the bead, not through it. It works pretty good, as long as you tighten the beads enough so they don't slide down.

LionGoesRoar16: Thank you. I was ganna get them but considering that i brush my hair 'harshly', i dont think im going to. i'll just let my hair grow out naturally c:

tami grotz: is this method uncomfortable to the head in anyway? i found having my extensions weaved in really uncomfortable, how long does this last and where can you get the beads from?

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