Taking Out My Sew In Weave - Start To Finish



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Hey guys, what's up its me mr. Ruby, this video is going to show you how I properly take down my hair after wearing a sewing weave and how I do it with love, so that my hair remains healthy and beautiful. I'Ll be featuring products from a line called Cherokee Naturals. This is my first time using the product. So if you want to see a detailed review of how they worked with me, go ahead and subscribe to my channel that video will be up shortly now. I'Ve had this weave in for three and a half months, which I know is kind of crazy, but I did install it in a way that made it very easy for me to keep it in so good that most people told me I should have kept it In longer, so if you want to see a quick review of how I installed it and how I was able to manipulate the hair to continue to look good then subscribe to the channel and that video will be up shortly as well, so let's get started. First things: first, we're going to cut this weave out. I have a razor and a pair of hair cutting shears. Typically, when I take weaves out for my clients, I use a razor. It makes the process much faster, but my visibility is different. With cutting my own weave out, so I'm going to use these scissors I'm going to go through and I'm going to feel around for the knot that is tying this all down. Then I'm going to go through as I'm taking the weft out, I'm going to continue to feel for thread. There should be a clear distinction with your fingers from the hair, wefts and the thread so anytime. You feel thread feel free to cut it out. Also, as you are cutting, I would recommend since you're, taking your own weave down that in order to minimize cutting you just kind of pull thread through now. The way that I install my weaves is I'll loop, it a few times and then I'll put a knot. So there should be at least a few times: you'll be able to pull and get that thread out to minimize the amount of times you have to cut. Only because you can't see and there's always that possibility of cutting in the wrong place. Cutting your weft or even worse, cutting your hair, so I do have a net on be very, very careful when you're cutting your net out, because this is when you can really cut your hair. If you can get your husband's your girlfriend, you somebody who has better visibility than you to cut this net out after taking your net out if you're wearing one, then it's time to unbraid your hair. Now, here's when I start to get more instructional, my hair tends to loosen up and get softer with water. So I'm going to use this spray bottle and I'm going to spray my hair down before I begin to unbraid it. Some of you may choose to use oil or a conditioner, whatever you need to do to loosen your hair up. Do that take down your braids with care, the faster that you take your braids down and the less careful you are, the more likely your braids are to knot at the ends and the harder is going to be the take down, thereby causing unnecessary amounts of additional Breakage, if you've had your weave up for a long duration of time, you're going to have breakage, that's just a fact, but we want to minimize that with this process. That'S what I'm doing. I finally get it all down, and this is the stage I love because it looks like I have a braid out. It looks amazing, like I can wear this. I can pin it up, but the problem is, it stinks and it's very flaky. So I'm not going to do that. I am going to spray it down some more with water, though, and I'm going to comb from the ends up and every once in a while. I get to a part that is tangled to detangle that I spray some warm water on it. You know, and I kind of like work through it with my fingers, softly rubbing it, because when you get frustrated - and you just grab that comb and that comb is thin tooth and you're, just like pulling away you're, ripping your hair out unnecessarily so use a wide Tooth comb as wide as you can for the first process of combing this through and use as much water and care with your fingers as you can I'm doing this to prepare my hair for my pre-wash conditioner, where i will be using the organic coconut oil. What I do for this conditioner is, I take the oil, I warm it up a little bit in the microwave or whatever, and then after my hair, you know I go section by section and make sure that my hair is properly hydrated with water. Doesn'T have to be dripping wet, but I do want it to be somewhat moist. So I'm going to go through with the coconut oil kind of dip my hands in the bowl, and just rub that into my hair. I'M also going to comb it out a little bit just to smooth. It now haven't fully combed my hair out because, as you saw when I got close to the root during the comb out process, it got a little tougher well. What I want to do is I want to apply this coconut oil to my ends and to my roots, and I want to massage that into my scalp, and I want it to penetrate so that when I go in and I comb it next time, it's easier With less breakage, so once I get my entire head lathered up with this coconut oil, I'm going to wrap it up, put a cap on and leave that on for at least 30 minutes. Meanwhile, I'll be cooking cleaning whatever. So I'm back now and I'm going to take this off now, like I said this was a pre wash conditioner, which is very, very oily. It'S not time to wash my hair out the shampoo that I'm using as you can see. It does not set up like typical shampoos because it is all-natural, that's fine, but I'm just giving you an example of how I wash I do like to scrub. My scalp there's a whole lot of flakes on my hair right now, so I'm washing my hair, like two or three times before moving on to conditioning and when I condition because I'm just coming out of a weave. This is the best time to do a deep conditioner in your hair and I'm going to take it section by section and apply this deep conditioner by the way. I love the way this deep, conditioner smells and feels, but make sure you check that review out. If you want some more details on this, ok, so I'm just applying that from roots to ends and combing it a little bit because this deep conditioner is going to set in my hair for like 30 minutes, so the less tangle that it is the more that Is going to be able to penetrate every single strand of hair, so I'm going to do that then wrap that up and put the cap back on and go do some more cooking and cleaning or whatever I'm gon na do now I'm going to apply some of This mu oil - I hope I pronounced that right, but this is the oil that I got from the Cherokee Naturals line. It'S emu oil - I'm not going to apply too much because I'm getting ready to blow dry and flat out in my hair. Now, if you're about to go straight into a natural style now, if you're about to go straight into a natural style by all means apply as much oil as you wish, oil is wonderful for your hair, so I'm just gon na apply just a little bit just To kind of like soften it up before I yet again, comb it and I'm going to prepare it for drei. I would recommend spraying a little bit of heat protectant on if you're going to use high heat, if you're not going to use high heat that emu oil should be enough to protect your hair from the heat, I'm not using extremely high heat on this blow-dry. Now that it's all done, I am just so in love, because I haven't had a chance to enjoy my hair in some months now, so I am in love, but I see these ends and they look really bad. So now we're going to get into cutting your ends. Um! Yes, I'd recommend going to a professional to get your inch trims and to proceed with flat ironing your hair, but if you're going to do it at home yourself, here's how I do it. I take it section by section and I kind of comb through it with a finer tooth comb pull it as far to the ends as I can, and it should be very obvious where the dead ends are now. I have a whole lot of dead ends. I'M not going to cut all of them off in this video you're. Going to see me cut about half an inch make sure that you're pulling your hair out at somewhat of a 90 degree angle and that then you're pulling it closer to you without letting it loosen up like hold it tightly between your fingers. So when you pull it closer to, you can see what you're doing but you're not compromising the angle that you just created and then just cut up with your hair shears and do that evenly like section by section going through that way, you can get rid of Some of your dead ends as I'm doing here, then I'm going to apply some heat protectant spray and then I'm going to begin to Flatiron. Once I Flatiron my hair, I'm able to feel a little bit more deadness than I want and that's when I went through and cut a little bit more out as well. So as you'll notice, when I'm flat ironing my hair, I'm doing it section by section trying to get close to the roots, but because I'm not trying to do a hard press, I'm not getting it extremely straight at the root me personally. I like that, because my head is very thin when it gets straight and a little bit of added volume underneath it all isn't so bad and that's it so I finally have my hair out. It has been properly combed through pre-wash conditioned washed deep, conditioned, trimmed, and now it is straightened. I recommend you do this every single time you take your week down like I said you don't have to straighten it. If you're staying away from heat, I don't put much heat on my hair either. But if you are going to straighten it, just make sure that you take the proper steps to protect your hair after all, you're paying all that hard-earned money and doing all that hard work to go into a weave or into braids to protect your hair. So give yourself a little bit of time, give you her a little TLC when taking it out, so that you protect your investment. Thank you. So much subscribe to my channel. If you want to see more videos like this there on the way, god bless you all and make sure you ask any questions in the comments below I'll talk to you later. Bye, bye,

HelloKaybear: Her weave looks so natural

NiJaia Jones: You deserve way more subscribers

Poison: look at all that HAIR OMG BEAUTIFUL

afrikahchick: your real hair is amazing. can you do. a video installing your own weave?

Amanda’s Curly Chronicles: How much did your hair shed even with care? Because it seems like every time I get a sew in it seems like a superfluous amount of hair comes out

Mary Brown: your hair is so pretty!❤

Nicole Washington: Beautiful Real hair lady...!!!

Laviana Hampton: Good job !!!! More videos

Nelle Nelle: How in the WORLD can ppl thumbs down this video?? You are a TRUE professional. #JustSubscribed

LeSha baby: Your hair is so pretty how do you grow your hair?

njeri magda: I would to see you red ruby/ wedding ring it's gorgeous

J D: She don't need a weave at all

Flora: hello where do you live or have a shop?

Diana Arline: I live in Las Vegas. Do you have a business address? These "stylists" out here cant touch you.

WitchRunnerVampireDivergentSquad53Werecoyote #24: Hey guys, I'm Mexican but I'd like to have a weave, I dyed my hair way too much and eventually messed it up, so I thought getting a weave might be a good idea, but some white people told me I shouldn't because it's a black people thing. What do you guys think? Do I have your approval to get one?

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