Black Women Are Lying? @Lip Gloss #4Chair #Blackwomen

Whats gucci team!!?? We are back at it again with another video!

Black women are lying?

Black women are lying about Black Men’s attraction to us? This is what I think…

Black Women I want to hear from you, do you think Black Women are lying about Black Men’s attraction to us?

Sound off in the comments!

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#cynthiag #4chair #blackmen

Hang it up boo, we see you and you [, __ ] lost you're, a loser. What'S Gucci, you already know who it is. You already know who it a welcome back for another video, as you can tell from the title, we are back in the Raggedy Tick. Tock streets for today's video, let's say I have a lot to say per usual. What'S new, you have a lot of cleaning to do. I'M not judging you, okay, I'm not! Personally, I'm gon na sort the laundry I'm gon na get all the little smell goods and put it in there wash it dry it but fold it in baby. That'S a whole other task and I need a distraction, as do you hello to your distraction. So, let's jump straight into the video, those two perspectives, we're gon na watch, one video and then come back for the rest of the commentary. Before we get into it, you can tell that your girl's a little bit sick. You know um whatever this is we're not claiming nothing but you're, trying to take your girl at the game. Okay, and we wasn't having it me and you next. We like this son like this, so I was able to bounce back, but it was a little bit. Raspy so bear with me: let's watch this video okay, black man. Riddle Me riddle me this. Let'S have a seat, however, see let's let's talk about it. Riddle me this okay, so black women, we we made it the lie that you guys don't find us attractive. Okay, if black women are lying, why is it that Ralph Richard Banks, Pew Research, Center Supreme, the countless black women on social media who share their personal experiences with you? If, if we're lying, why are all of those methods and resources and people in their respective Fields, proving what black women are saying is correct if we're lying? Why is it that every three to five business days, y'all got ta, go viral for letting the world know that you hate black women, that you do not desire black women, that every other race of woman is better than black women foreign? Why do a lot of black men go for White Chicks? I mean, in my opinion, black girls. No offense. They just like have more attitude. The white girls don't have attitude, but I think black girls have more attitude and I don't know for me myself, I'm just more compatible with a white woman. I guess I'm a pass, I'm not into dark skins. Dark skins ain't my type, but I smash it to see what it's like. You feel me if we're lying right. Why is it that your preferences like when we say something that they don't like? We like, for example, when we call them out for fetishizing you and fetishizing mixed babies. Why is it that they always say this is why your men don't want you? Why is that because they're for damn sure not getting it from black women, so who's really lying here for a lot of you? This is what we date white women. This is why we they non-black women. This is what we did, that is your common go-to. When black women say or do something that you don't like foreign of black men marry black women because help me help me help me figure this out. Okay, listen! I'M not the best at math! I barely passed statistics on a Prayer. Okay, so generally, please, right if, historically and statistically speaking, right of all Races, black people are the very least to get married right and underneath that for black people, out of black men and black women within the community, black women 48 of black women have never been Married so if you're marrying 88 of us, how is it that 48 of us have never been married again, there's clearly something that I'm missing. So, please feel free to reiterate in the comments. Math is not my best subject which, in my opinion, marrying us doesn't really, in my opinion, equate to loving us and caring for us when a lot of y'all date, black women as a stepping stone or the come-up woman. It'S really obvious, like my natural, do not value black women, because if you did, you definitely would have made black women, the largest population of single mothers. I mean present day, that's obviously changing, because your preferences are seeing that they're getting the same black men and that their pale skin does not make them any better than black women they're. Seeing that everything that black women were saying about our relationships with you wasn't out of jealousy, it was out of truth because now non-black women are becoming the face of biracial children and single parent households, but we can all agree for the longest time black women were The face of a single motherhood because of your absentee um good because of your absence, okay, and also the reason why I also feel like you guys, truly do not give a [, __, ] or care or like black women, is because y'all are really out here. Killing us every five and a half hours scratch that it's actually 4.8, which means it's going down, which means it's happening more frequently. That'S not love, and please do not miss me with this whole. If he likes you - and he hits you because he likes because I love to play - Let's Stop teaching our daughters that please, because all that is doing is reinforcing abuse. I mean y'all were just celebrating and threatening the lives of black women in Vengeance. For the the demise of a man who made a career out of hating black women, foreign platforms and podcasts, with millions of subscribers and millions of views that sit here and say things like we don't date, shaniqua's, we don't do Night Riders, we don't dabble in the Dark, I really did black girls like no no, like most bikers, are like annoying how to put this uh ratchet and they don't know how to like be reserved you're like the complete opposite. You are not The Stereotype and you are not the star. They a bunch of shaniquas, go for it, man look. We should yeah like me and fresh aren't really down with the brown like that. We ain't Knight Riders. So I'm good uh, you know. Sometimes, if they're you know Redbone but like in general me and fresh, don't dabble in the dark. If you don't stand up hearing that, I don't I don't hear it's it's not giving black women or lying about our attraction. It'S giving very much true. The actions speak louder than the words. If you aren't seeing that when y'all first got off at the plantation first, we all got off the PlayStation. The first thing you wanted to do was go fight for your rights to be with a white woman. It wasn't too stay with the woman who number one still has to Bear your children by being raped and beaten and tortured and bounded and killed it wasn't. Let me go marry this woman. It was. I had to go fight for my right to be in the between the legs of a white woman yeah, because again, black women are lying right. Okay, I mean looking at this video. A part of me wants to say that this guy is trolling, because a lot of people understand that black outrage brings views. It brings clicks followers, even but a part of me also just by looking at those comments, really believe that a lot of you black men, feel like black women have made up this lie that you guys do not find us attractive. You know disregard the stats, disregard studies, disregard the personal experiences of black women reality TV, but no black women are lying. Okay, hey y'all, so I try to learn how to wear my natural hair untouched. This is how it looked when I woke up. Y'All was talking about all type of moisturizing gel distance that I have product in my hair. Dude hair is very moisturized, [ __ ]. This is just how the hair looks. That'S what I don't want to run from anymore. This is what the hair want to do. So I have to let it do what I want to do. I want to learn to wear it completely shrunk. I don't want to stretch it. Hair is not meant to be long, will never be long, and it's time Society came to terms with that. How you gon na tell me how I was born is ugly like stop [ __ ] playing with me. Anyway. It'S a struggle. [ __ ], I'm [, __, ] struggling you gon na see [ __ ], I'm struggling to accept how it looks so bad. It'S shaped like that from the side. Anyway, I put this outfit on. Let me tell you right now: I can only put white boys with this hair, but I'm not mad because of that one sentence. Somebody decided that they were going to as some kind of gotcha. Like on this, how many black men you can get and then they decided to write about it on Twitter, first off to the boy, because you're man, boy man, child whatever to the man that made that fake profile of that woman you're unhinged? And not only are you unhinged, you need to be arrested for identity theft, because there's so much to unpack here. Y'All, please keep up with me. First off your little social experiment proved nothing. If anything, the only thing that you displayed is how y'all don't give a [ __ ] about what black women say or do you might as well just hold this woman to choose better 24 hours of data or these men liking. Her profile does not account, nor does it equate to this black woman's life experience. You know what, like man, white, supremacy black man, two sides of the same coin hear me out, because if black men don't do anything, they are going to invalidate and disregard and disrespect black women's experience, knowing that we are the most disrespected and disregarded in this country. You see black man, what you did is exactly what white people do when they want to disregard or say that racism doesn't exist, you'll take the small instances or those people that will say, for example, it didn't happen to them, so it must be a lie, and You use that to discredit years of research years of experience, Etc. Why people do the same thing? They will take the black people who are bothered by racism. I'M black and it didn't offend me and they will sit here and say, see, look at this black guy. Look at this black woman, they didn't care so clearly racism isn't a problem. That'S exactly what the [ __ ]! You guys did and that's exactly why I stand on what I say: why should pregnancy and black man two of the same size of the coin? I don't care what you say: fight with your mama, what I also notice in this video she never mentioned anything about black men. Didn'T disparage them didn't, say how white men are better. She simply said she could only pull white guys with this hairstyle. So here's the thing with that right, unlike y'all black men like women, we don't feel the need to disrespect you to uplift, another race. You get what I'm saying um. Will we compare sure I honestly feel like black women. We need to start returning energy, but that's a conversation for a different day, because I've definitely been doing that video for most black women. We don't need to disrespect you or drag you to uplift, someone else right like I said she never mentioned anything about black men, but guess what it didn't. Stop black man from calling her [ __ ], a black [ __ ] a monkey talking about her hair, which again was exactly proving her point and the name calling is just such from men to stay here in fat. Shame and call her mustiness that in a third it's giving very much [ __ ], because how many [ __ ] do that. Ladies, I'm sorry I love you, but it is what it is: [ __ ] Only [ __ ], don't do kind of [ __ ] like that, so all the men that was sitting here talking [ __ ] to this woman. When she never said anything about you, you're a [, __ ]. If someone is presenting you with an argument and they're using logic, and you have to resort to name calling have a seat baby because you lost, I mean you know how to see. It means you shut the [ __ ] up because again you lost the argument. If you have to resort to name calling hang it up boo, we see you and you [, __ ] lost you're, a loser and I hate to say it. A lot of black women are taking notes and we're starting to go where we are appreciated by the way. If you haven't checked out my video on black, remember that investing or why black men don't date, black women, you should highly highly. I highly suggest you check it out on a Wednesday. I definitely think you should check it out. There'S some really good information in there so go ahead and watch that video which brings up my next question. Black man be honest, okay. Why is it that, like you, guys, have already made it clear like a lot of y'all a lot of y'all? Don'T like us a lot of y'all? Don'T like black women, you hate Blackness, okay right! So why is it that when you are not the topic of conversation, you're, not the center of attention and black women have shifted their interests into non-black men, non-black men, Asian men, white men, not black Hispanic man, Southeast Asian men, are expressing love and giving black women Praise, why is it that y'all having a visceral reaction? Why is it that y'all having a visceral reaction, it's giving very much I'm a kid playing with this toy, and you know what I don't think I want to play with this toy anymore and put that right here. I want to pick up through this one, but that doesn't mean that you, other [ __, ] kids, can't play with this goddamn toy. That'S what it's giving and why is it that y'all always want to bring up fantasization, because when white women are out here talking about black men having you know BBC and you know pretty babies and like eyes, you never want to have the fetishization conversation then. But now that black women see that they have options other than you now all of a sudden, we got ta talk about fantasization, my queen, he is fetishizing, you no he's. Not. People got a problem with some of these women married to white men. Yeah, I'm gon na go there this morning. Oh my god. Oh what what well well look, I don't know they situation, but this is what I do know some of them. A lot of them are dark-skinned. Black women and some Negroes got a problem. Seeing the beauty in dark-skinned black women, don't you be mad? Cause a white boy came along and saw what you threw away. Some of these darker skinned black women - don't get, no love would be, could be at a place like Harvard Princeton and Yale, and the Brothers Dayton all white women. Now that's their choice if they want to do that, but look kind of look at the demonization of Darkness, so don't be mad at black women who refusing to be by themselves if they wanted to be a partner, accepted the love and devotion of a white man Who saw their value beyond their skin in a way that that that certain black men could or saw the beauty and value in their skin, not transcending their Darkness, inhabiting it in delicious fashion? But that's another story, no he's not right and let's I'll entertain you even if he is right again was never the topic of conversation when it came to you and your preferences dating you and let's be real, do y'all, not fetishize black women, black men, because a Lot of y'all only date like one because they got fat, asses fat, asses, big titties Kirby bike did I lie. Did I lie? I mean you, don't have any level of accountability, so you're gon na probably say I'm lying, but I said what I said, and many black women understand that the way we wear our hair determines the people we interact with in our interactions as we navigate the world. We are not like non-black women, where we can roll up out of bed and give it a little shake and get on about our day. Black hair, specifically Type 4, because I got ta specify because I know there's some of you: three A3 type, chicks that want to come in and you know, infiltrate and invade the natural hair community. We'Re not talking about you so go ahead and have a seat. 4C. Hair for for Type 4 hair, a 4C hair specifically requires a different level of [ __ ] care. It is so delicate. I mean you know. It'S crazy. Y'All was really out here having us, believing that our hair was just wore it unmanageable unkept, but we are the group of people that have to sleep on satin pillows, because our hair is so delicate, okay, so and before, because I know it's coming, I know there's Going to be a few of you guys in the bag, well, I've been doing that since sleeping on satin pillowcases. I was an infant. You are the exception to the rule. You are not the majority, so still go have a seat. So my point is the conversation around black women's hair. Isn'T anything new right? We literally have had this conversation for years and years and decades upon decades, just in 2019, we had to pass the crowd act, which is pretty much telling you [ __ ], to stop discriminating us for how our hair grows out of our head. Yeah, you see a lot of y'all. Have such white supremacist ideologies engraving your head, that if a black woman walks outside with her hair just in a bun and it's not Slicks or burnt or straight it's always her hair is not your hair is disgusting. Oh, my God, and for black people, black girls - I don't listen. I expect nothing more from black men, because a lot of y'all are self-hating but black women. A lot of you need to get your [ __ ], checked too, because how [ __ ]? Dare you sit here and talk about another black woman's hair? I need you to knock that [ __ ] off okay, because it's absolutely disgusting black women, hair black women's hair is done so she rolled out of bed and she put it in a bun and has no gel and it's not her. Hair is done if she wears her hair shrunk and not stretch her hair is done, her hair is done and she decides to wear a weave. Her hair is done and she, if she decides to wear a fro, her hair is done if she decides to wear [, __ ], bantu knots, her hair is done, leave black women's hair alone and black women. Here'S the thing: that's what I'm telling you sweetheart, I'm gon na, need you to Buck up. Okay, if this was if there was any time to be in your masculine energy sis, it's right now, it's pretty right now, because you do whatever the [ __ ]. You want to do with your hair if you want to wear a weave 24. 7. You do that. If you want to shave your [ __ ], you do that if you want to rock it stretch, not stretch. Do that because guess what they're gon na still talk? [ __, ] you're gon na still talk [ __ ]. Additionally, all of the hair slender that I've ever received in my life very small percentage of like I said it's been other black women, but the bulk of that hatred have come from black men in their preferences because if it's, not black men, calling me a weave Head it's. Their preference is telling me that my [ __ ] is nappy or you know you have no hair or you wish. You had my hair, which, by the way, white women we've been going to the beauty, supply, store and asking for Kentucky bundles, and they don't have them. I wonder what that means, because you see it's interesting, how you guys want to call when black women get extension, because that's literally what it's called you want to call it a weed. It'S a weave. Oh, so you have extensions, you have IQ tips and Q-tips and tips in your hair right. But I have the exact same thing and it's a weave god um just say you're racist, just say: you're a racist and keep it pushing and, like I was saying to Circle back on that topic of the hair, the hatred that I've received from my hair. That'S come from black men calling me we've had, amongst other things, and I'm bald headed ass, so their preferences. Just recently, I had a black man out of nowhere. I was on Twitter, Charming it up with this other black guy mind you we're having a great Discord. We are literally praising each other right. Some random black man comes and tells me that I'm a wee pad. So, of course, I caught back and called his ass, a bullet bag and he lost his [ __ ] telling me how dare I, how dare I this is why we don't date. This is why we don't date black women and I should have just ignored what he said to me. A black men understand very well. Everybody understands that the hatred surrounding black women's hair stems from racism, and yet black men use it as a common attack practice. Why is that? I can speak personally from my own experience when I wear my natural hair in a low bun, uh center part Bond, a top knot or a ponytail. I get more attraction from non-black man. That'S always been my experience from college to my adult years. When I'm wearing my jet black 32 inch bust down lace front, I'm getting more attraction from black men and that's just my experience and I'm almost certain. That is the experience of so many other black women and black men. You you have the power to change that, but instead what do you do? You Gaslight? You manipulate and you deflect it. I say this to say that y'all prove your point, black man, you proved every bit of her point. You, you know you let your anti-blackness. Just you let that thing fly, he was letting it fly in her comments and again you just proved us right time and time again, because again, the way it happens is black. Women will speak on something it'll get disregarded and then we'll be Vindicated by karma. In the universe, because she's gon na always come through and show up with receipts so before you guys go, please make sure you follow lip gloss. She is a [ __, ] goddess. I love her so much she be speaking real [, __ ]. She has literally started this movement and, under her sound there's, so many black women coming out with their stretched hair with their 4C hair - and I am it's just literally just Chef's [ __ ] kiss here - are her show her show her socials. Please go ahead and follow her and make sure I also put it in the description box and in my comments, thank you so much for watching today's video black women. I want to hear from you. What is your experience with your hair? Are you like is? Are you on board with us like what has been your experience? I want to hear from you guys black man preferences. Your comments are not needed. You can feel free to like the video and share it on your way out. Thank you guys so much for watching this video supporting me and supporting this Channel, and I will catch you in my next video peace.

Bryant Robinson: Homemade black man and I love black women. My mom grandma sister but the new generation American black women I do not find them attractive as far as the weave the ratchet attitude and it is not their fault America purposely polluted or women's minds with the negativity and masculinity just like they did us with gangster rap music because my grandma was very feminine she raised four boys one girl and she was very feminine. But if you go to a different country black women or different as far as afro-latinas African black women they are more feminine and I still find a woman with her natural hair beautiful if she's feminine but if she's doing the same thing as I'm doing and her hair is the same length it's kind of a turn off. A woman could be bald headed and if she's very feminine she will be very attractive but I know in this country that makes you vulnerable to getting abused and mistreated by lots of people so your guard has to be up and you have to build a wall to not get hurt I understand that

Research Twins: So at what point do black boys go from being y’all’s sons to being these abusers and such?

Bryant Robinson: I noticed some black people act different around white people

carl jackson: I hate the hood dude too so....

iHighKick: I couldn't get past 6 minutes without laughing lol You chicks are starting to sound like WS. Gee, I wonder why? Oh, yeah... because you're taking on feminist talking points. Feminism = WS. And, I think we should have all figured out by now that feminism was never meant to include BW because look at what happens when you dive head first into that shit. You're looking at stats (that you didn't compute yourself) and saying anything. A BM hurts a BW every 4 hours? Lets just say that's true... Its due to proximity. Not a justification, but...yeah. We date each other mostly. If you think WM aint beating and killing their spouses, better go look that shit up. Hell, at least with BM, you can get some justice. This divestment mess and not knowing yourself and your people's history is getting our boys and girls KILLED. Looking for love in all the wrong places. In and out of the community. As someone in my mid-30s...I feel so sorry for our people. Sometimes I think we're lost, but we've been through worst. *sighs*

Don Drayper: The 2 statistics that you're referring are 2 "different" statistics. You're comparing the rate of marriage as a whole among the black community, to the rate of black men who marry black women. And yes, although the overall rate of marriage is below 50% in the black community, OF that total amount, most of those marriages are black men with black women. So although it may seem like you're losing us to whatever races other than black women, statistically speaking, it's not the epidemic you're making it out to be. This video feels very personal. (I could be wrong im just going off what I see and hear) but if that were the case, if you go back to where you found the statistics and look objectively at everything, you may perhaps have a change of mind that would allow some self reflection (NO im not saying there is anything inherently wrong with you) I'm simply saying sometimes understanding certain factual information in its entirety will allow you to adapt a different perspective and ultimately change your results. One thing I do know, once you're able to achieve that, you won't worry about who other people date or marry. .....unless you're an activist or sumthin I don't know lol. Good talk

carl jackson: With a capital H

coreyjo channel: Really the CAP is escalating. Sus, marriage is the beginning of family and community. I wish our men and women stop spreading this type of info and get back to the real. I have son's a daughter and grandchildren who I feel really bad for. This is all pitiful I crying tears as I listen to the hurt in your voice and commentary.

Reginald Herd: What is the purpose of this video? Is this a curative video? Is this helping? This attitude is as destructive as anything she is pointing out. My preference is my black women but can't deny the prevalence of this masculine angry attitude. Black women please stop emulating masculine manners like this Ahlaya person.

theenigma071: Welp!!!!! ….. The Gender Wars are still escalating

Bee Grizzly: Wow... You really didn't bring any facts. You mentioned statistics but didn't provide any in the context of your point. As you respond in the comment section I see that you confirm what KS was saying. And by the way KS roasted black men as well when they didn't have their stuff together. I'm not gonna say that all men are perfect, but it's also some BW out here who ain't perfect either. Women still like the bad boys and guys with options(rich and famous) and pass over the blue collar hard working BM then make blanket statements about all men. No shawdy. It's the men YOU like that are like this. BM across the board aren't like that.

David Burt: I stumbled on to this video, but since I’m here. Black men “don’t like” Black women? Nah, they just don’t date BW and barely marry them like that (the black community has issues with marriage as whole since it’s at 30%). Just cuz you date out, doesn’t mean you dislike BM so don’t say the same for us (unless you do than loool).

Dominic Tinnel: So...... do you like black men???

TBC Reloaded: Weren't you just talking about divesting? and now you're crying about black men dating out and what black men like? buzz off, black men can and will prefer whatever they prefer.

madant22: This video makes no sense

carl jackson: BW you disrespecting yourself by getting with the hood dude no one is disrespecting you until after

Deon Covington: Be Want a real man but bring nothing real to the table hair fake up

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