How To Remove Hair Extensions/Glue By Yourself! 2021

Three ways to remove hair extensions + excess glue by yourself! I am wearing tape in extensions from Amazon (2 packs) but these techniques will work for any type of extensions that has a glue/keratin bond. If your hair extensions are very new (or if you misplaced them and need to move one to correct the placement) you will want to use a flat iron to remove them & then follow up with one of these techniques to remove the excess glue. This will take time, be patient. The slower you go = less damage to your natural hair. New content every week- twice a week, subscribe! I'm happy you're here❤️

products used here:

tape in hair extensions:

liquid coconut oil:

spray bottles:

rubbing alcohol:

rattail comb:

lotion glue remover:

oil glue remover:

sauce hair mask:

Kenra clarifying shampoo:

Xmondo prismatic glow:

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Saved by the Bell x Wet N Wild Makeup:

Sally's Bleach Wash:

Sally's No Bleach Color Remover:

Amazon Tape Ins: A Review:

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#02 Taco Bell Crispy Chicken Sandwich Taco:

#03 Wendys Big Bacon Cheddar Burger:

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Welcome back to my bathroom, my name is brittany. I'M a real hairdresser, and today i'm going to show you three different ways to remove your hair extensions at home by yourself before we start shedding my layers of self-confidence. Make sure that you subscribe and like i'm here for you every single week twice a week on wednesdays and sundays, the first technique that i'm going to show you is my personal favorite, and this is what i use pretty much every single time that i remove my Own and it is done with coconut oil, i'm using the liquefied coconut oil, which is easier, but if you don't have this or can't find it or if you're at the dollar tree, they have a brand called butcher boy. It'S about this tall and it's the solid form of coconut oil and how you liquefy it is with heat, so just put some in the microwave, then you'll want to transfer it into some sort of spray bottle. I got this one at the dollar tree and it came in a kit with about six of these. It'S the perfect little size, you're gon na take a rat tail comb or a chopstick, or something that is pretty pointy. We'Re going to take our bond here and we're gon na stab this through the middle just like that, and we're just going to kind of wiggle it back and forth to create a little pocket. We'Re not over directing this too much because we don't want to rip our hair or make it break now, if you're wearing fusion bonds or keratin bond hair extensions. You obviously skip this step because you won't have a weft you'll, just have a little bead we're getting this loosey-goosey in here straight down the middle. Then we're going to slip. This thing out open up our little pocket here and we're gon na spray coconut oil down there. Now this can get a little messy, so you may want to be wearing either an old shirt, a cape or the patent-pending trash bag. Cape your choice, then i'm going to take the rat tail comb and go back in now. It'S easier to navigate through this and i'm going to start pushing side to side we're just working the coconut oil through here spray. It again, i'm taking my nail and the rat tail comb and just kind of poking this through working in the coconut oil. I'M going to lift this little lip here on the corner and see how i've got it spread out and i'm going to keep spraying oil. Then you're just going to rub the bond. This will heat it up and move that oil around. Now you should be able to pull these apart and you will slide it out and this one's being a little tough. So i'm going to spray some more oil on it, massage it in and gently kind of tug at it, not tugging too hard. I don't want to rip my hair out there. We go now don't be alarmed when you do see some of your hair on the weft or the bond on any type of hair extension or don't be alarmed unless you have a whole lot. But if you have just a little bit like mine, i don't know if you can see that some of this may be where i was yanking at it a little bit too hard, and some of it is our hair's natural shedding process. So don't be scared if you see some little hairs hanging out. Those were just the ones that couldn't shed out naturally, because they were stuck between two pieces of glue back in with the coconut oil massage it through. I'M going to run it through my ends, because it's not going to hurt it's actually going to help brush this way brush under brush on top brush to the side brush to the back. I want to get all of that out. If you do this whole process and you go in the shower and shampoo your hair, your hair is still going to be oily. This is very hard to get out of your hair. How to get rid of that is to take 70 alcohol. You know rubbing alcohol, not other alcohol, or this is 91, but that's okay. I'Ve got it in a spray bottle here spray this on: it's not going to damage your hair. In fact, a lot of people actually do use just straight up alcohol to remove the hair extensions. I don't prefer that i prefer to use alcohol as a clean up method, not to totally remove the bond. But you can try that if you want to that's going to get rid of the excess oil that we're not going to be able to get rid of. In the shower also any makeup that you're wearing now, i know what you're thinking like, isn't that going to dry your hair out yeah, it is a little bit, but we're going gon na follow this up with a conditioning treatment which i would recommend. If you do this alcohol method or not, that you're, following up with a conditioning treatment after this process, because your hair has just been through some traumatic events, you've put a bunch of glue in it. You put heat, you've been swirling twirling, putting in high buns putting in pigtails doing all this stuff to it, give it a break, let it rest let it breathe for method. Two we're gon na use. This super bonding remover. This is by salonpro, and you can grab this at sally's. I believe it's about 6.99, but i'll link it below. If you want to try this, this one is a lotion, but they also make it in an oil based. I prefer to use the lotion one if i'm going to use this, because it doesn't get oil all over the place and still works good enough. It doesn't work as good as the oil, but it works good. You do the same kind of method. You want to get in between this sandwich. You'Ve got the bond the bond, the hair in the middle, so you're, trying to get in between that and down up and down up and down making a little hole or air pocket for this product to seep through and spread out to the rest of the hair. Inside this bond or weft, i'm cranking it put my fingernail in that little hole and then cover the top with this, and all we're going to do is try to scoop this in here, just kind of working it through by taking our fingernail and kind of pink Pink pink poking little air pocket holes in it. If you don't have any fingernails, just use the tip of your comb or your chopstick and start poking little holes at it. Now the older, your hair extensions are the easier. This is going to be the fresher they are the harder it is to kind of get them to budge. This will take a good hour or so so be patient with yourself and a lot enough time to do this without rushing your hairs. Quality is important from my experience. Using this, you will use a lot of this. I almost use the whole bottle every time. I'Ve used this to do my whole head. I'M gon na lift this up. Take it on the back side, run a little line. There take my finger and try to push the product in there we're gon na massage it just kind of feeling for it to give us a little leeway to be able to rip this off. This little side is being a little stubborn, so i'm going to create more air pockets through here, just taking my rat's heal comb up and down up and down cranking it a little bit now it's starting to work. So i'm slowly slowly separating this, while also being mindful of moving that product in okay. There we go. This one should be able to slide on out this one on the bottom. Here, i'm gon na massage give it a tug and there she goes good girl. Sassy thing feel that i have a lot of residue left on here, so i'm gon na put some more lotion on it and start trying to comb out those huge balls of glue taking a clean comb to make sure i can run smoothly through this. And it looks good now, with this bonding, removing lotion, you don't have to run alcohol through it or anything. It'S going to come out the first time in the shower with any kind of shampoo, so it doesn't leave that slicky or slick oil residue. So that is a perk to using the lotion versus the oil moving along to method three. For this we're just going to use a basic conditioner. This is actually a hair mask. This is sauce beauty by sally's. Any conditioner will work conditioner from the dollar tree. The one you have in the shower, i just wouldn't use a really expensive one, because why same kind of method, we need to create a hole crank it a little bit to give it an air pocket, move it around, take some conditioner and really get in there. The front and the back, putting the rat tail comb back in that pocket to move around the conditioner taking our nail and scraping it across the top to kind of lift or separate the two bonds. I'M just going to go through and create a few more little pockets to get this conditioner on the corners here, because they are not budging cool. We finally have a little pocket. You see that i can get my finger through it and we're just going to try to separate these very carefully. The conditioner method takes the longest or the maximum amount of time to do it's the least effective, but if you don't have any of these other things, all you have is conditioner. It will work just be prepared to spend a lot more time on this. There goes one side: oh there, she goes now we're gon na repeat it. We'Re just gon na take the comb, run it through get out any extra hair that needed to shut out or any balls of glue. That feels good. I'M gon na go through and take the rest of mine out with the coconut oil method. Here they are and it was about two different packs. So once you're at this point, you're going to want to take a comb and you're going to want to comb through your hair, you shouldn't have any skips or hiccups when you do this any snags, if you do, that is where you did not properly remove all The glue you do not want to yank it out, though it's very, very important, you shouldn't have a headache or your scalp should not be hurting if it is, or you do have a headache you have tugged at these too hard, but give yourself some grace, because When i first started taking mine out myself, i would just rip them out just out of sheer frustration of how long it was taking. But again you have to have patience with this. This is a very slow process, even though it's only an hour but doing anything for an hour is 55 minutes too long. Now, to finish this up, i always like to go through and shampoo my hair with clarifying shampoo, my favorite right now is this one by kenra this deep cleanse. But honestly, any clarifying shampoo will work. If you don't have a clarifying shampoo, you can use regular shampoo and put a little little bit bulks of baking soda in there. But that's not um, that's not really recommended, but it does work and i'm gon na follow it up with a conditioning treatment. One of my favorites right now is this ex-mondo brad mondo prismatic glow, i'm almost out of it. I hate that i do that too, like don't let air back in the bottles. Looking all neanderthal like, please take care of your stuff. It'S an exhausting process. All right. Ladies gentlemen, hey these days and gays thanks again for joining me in my bathroom, if you have any questions, leave them below godspeed on this you're gon na. Do fine, don't worry and again take your time. I can't wait to see you on sunday for episode. 20 of sunday service and again on wednesday, with another beauty tutorial. So i will see you next week for something cool, something cool you

The Fit Therapist: Thank you for doing my request! I have been waiting for this video to take mine out. I did alcohol last time and the glue did not come out all of the way. It was a goopy mess.

h r: Loved this so much! I always write to you how wonderfully patient and clear you are while talking us through doing all sorts of cool hair processes and today i realized how absolutely calming your voice is. All those excellent qualities has helped give people the confidence to do their own stuff AND have a laugh. You are encouraging and inspiring. So happy i found your channel Britnee

Gina Palm: Thank you Brittnee for brightening my day!! Had a bad one today and your videos really make me smile!! Love ya!!❤

withintheword: Thank you so so much ! I used some hair oil under the cabinet . Had tape ins professionally done 2 days ago and they aren’t for me although they looked pretty nice . My hair is pretty short on one side and it was too much to try and cover and wanted something a little less high maintenance for my trip coming up . The oil worked like MAGIC . I put the oil on first and rubbed it , used the end of the comb to separate the bond horizontally and then rubbed some more and they slid right out - zero breakage and no pain and I did not have to use alcohol which I cringe thinking about . What an expensive lesson to learn ($650 later smh ) but I Thank you so much for this !

Brittnee Alexus: HAPPY WEDNESDAY!!!! Hope you are all having a fantastic week! I can't wait to see you on SUNDAY, we are doing something oh so very festive in honor of FALL See you there!

lauren leon: My favorite second day of the week here for it all I knew you could do it 42k!!! So happy proud of you

clipinqueen: Thanks for this. I used to find when I wore tape-ins, that applying the remover and then letting it sit for an hour or so, would always help in taking them out easier. I would even workout with the remover (Goo Gone) on my hair. All of this, is why I started sewing in my extensions rather than taping because I just couldn't stand the mess and the multiple hair washes it would take to get it all out! You are awesome Brittnee!

Cake Boss: Fellow Hairstylist here! I like to make a little spray solution of 50/50 Coconut Oil/Cherry Alcohol (from Sally’s) Question: Have you ever tried the beaded extensions? I think those would be easier to apply and remove solo?

Rock ‘n’ Roll Rebel: Thanks for the extra methods! I just got the spray oil specifically for taking them out, works great & not too greasy on my dried up ancient hair. Jet ⚡️

Cassie Medina: I’ve been wearing tapes forever, and THE best thing to remove them is the Garnier shine spray. All the alcohol in that stuff makes them slide right out.

M. S.: Hey! To remove oil from the hair: wet your hair - use a lot of conditioner - massage it - rinse it out - use shampoo Hair are clean and healthy.

Heather R.: You know you're entertaining when everyone watching this likely doesn't have hair extensions to remove

Lightening Gazelle: Overall does using extensions damage the hair or cause long term thinning?

99whiteshadow: Loved seeing how you remove these extensions - your hair is so beautiful with and without them. I really want you to do my hair, but I’m all the way in Iowa… Can’t wait for Sunday service❤️

GiGi Ness: It's amazing how well Coconut oil works and for the price, you can't beat it!! Cool video. See ya' Sunday!!

Mercy: All the more reason for me to get the hubby to hide all my scissors and Just grown my own damn hair out because Extensions are just wayyyyy more effort than I'm willing to commit. Great Vidi!

Savannah Nightshade: What method do you feel like is best if you have a vivid hair color and glue in extensions?

Kate Eadie: I wouldn't want to see what the back of my head would look like if I tried to put in extensions by myself.... Loving the pastel peachy vibe you have going on ❤️

Holly Meltvedt: Have you ever tried removing the tape that comes on FullShine tape ins and replacing with better tape? It seems impossible but you are the super hero of hair hacks so maybe you know!

jaimé g: “Shedding my layers of self confidence “ oh my lady!!


Lucie Lariviere: Not that I’m thinking of wearing extensions, but if ever I do, you’d be my go to girl see you Sunday

Ronda Adams: Your so great. !

Michelle K: Here’s a tip, look for fast hair growth fortified shampoo to double hair growth.

Maria Kadas: I love the color of your hair!

#cute 💐 challenger 100: I love you natural hair it's so beautiful.

micalea marvin: Do you apply your extensions yourself?!?!

Gina Palm: Can't wait for Sunday Service!!❤

Thaynara Dos Santos: Hair growth checccck!

Ms. Bee: Diy make your own tape extensions video --->

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