Removing My Tape In Extensions And Losing My Hair *Help*

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Hey yeah, i'm aware i have a stain on my sweater, but that will hopefully like dry up in a few minutes: okay, hello, everybody. How are you all doing today on this beautiful sunny, but also extremely rainy and terrible day um? I have been kind of like m.i.a recently and i'm sorry for that, but i just have not been feeling very well recently and it was just not an option for me to film, but hopefully that's going to change now, because i already feel a lot better. After taking like a a two-week break, but the thing that i really sucks about not being present in the last few weeks is that i finally have long hair and i wasn't able to show it off and unfortunately, today, i'm already gon na take it out. I kind of do not want to take it out, but at the same time i really have to okay wait. Let me take this braid out, because you can't really see it right now: oh beautiful long hair. I love it, but yeah i've had these bad boys in my hair for over a month already - and i got ta be honest - they are holding up like pretty well like none of them slipped out of my hair, but the hair itself is actually pretty terrible. I don't know if you can tell, but it's it's just not good. I didn't buy like the best quality hair. Obviously, and now i'm at a point where it's like - i don't know it's very crusty and they are a different color now than my own hair, because my own hair is fading faster than the extensions and i'm actually gon na dye. My hair a different color pretty soon, so i do not want to like dye my hair red again. You know because then it's going to be more difficult to get it out. Anyways long story short i'm going to take stuff out of my hair, hey, oh my god. I said i was feeling better now, but at the same time i'm like sick. I have a very sore throat, i'm actually not i'm actually not doing that good. Today, um anyways, oh i'm gon na miss this hair. I look so much better with long hair, but i'm gon na take it out. I know that a lot of you are actually like terrified of me taking the extensions out of my own hair all by myself, because you all think that i'm going to just rip them out of my hair and completely destroy my own hair. And i know that that is probably something that i would do, but i'm not going to do that, i'm actually going to do it in a way that will cause my hair no damage at all. Hopefully i have a remover. It'S like super easy. You can just spray it on there and the glue dissolves and just take it off literally so freaking easy. So you all do not have to worry about me because i am being a very wise woman today, yeah [, __ ] also unrelated, but also very related. Is it normal that these statements are like itchy as hell, it's so itchy? I don't know why that is anyways. Let'S just get started, i'm literally trying so hard to postpone this process because i still want to have long hair, but it's time. Okay, it's time, i'm just gon na take the spray and then like spritz it on there and just kind of like try to like spritz it in between the two sandwiches and i'm just gon na. Let that sit and like soak in for a little bit. It should work right, i think that's gon na work. Oh my god! This is gon na take so long because i got so many tapes in my hair. Oh damn boy, how many tapes did i put in my hair? They just keep coming and coming and coming. Okay, i want to see if i can already take one out, because i am in patience. Hey this one yeah it's getting looser. This is open, but still it doesn't want to come off. Oh yeah got one. I still have my own hair. I hope that i have enough solvent because i already used so much and i only got two pieces out of my hair right now, like what the hell okay. So what i'm going to do? I got some on here then i'm going to use the back of this brush to see if i can get in between there yeah and once i'm in there i can add some more solvent and then just like work that in don't pull it just let this Oven do its work, but i am too impatient for that. Oh, my god, how do people do this? This gon na take forever, i'm already so tired - and this is my third piece i have to be honest. I did pull my hair a little bit. I hate this. I hate this so much. Oh, my god! This glue is intense. Okay, um! I was a little bit too aggressive this time. I actually put some of my own hair out. Can you see that oh helping? Oh, my god, i put so many hairs out, though, like one two, three, four, five, six, seven, no, no! No! No! No! I said i was gon na be careful, but this is a lot more work than i anticipated. I'M still taking hair out, though, like i'm pretty sure this is my own hair. Is it on all of them yeah what the hell! This is all my hair wait, there's like hair stuck on the extensions no way there's so much hair coming off of it. Ah, did all these extensions just rip it out of my scalp oopsie? Well, i guess that that is just the price that i have to pay. Oh, my god, and i literally thinned my hair out for this okay, whatever nothing that i can do about it right now. So let me just continue and try to be careful, yeah, there's so much hair on here. Oh my [ __, ] god. Okay, i got like a quarter of them out, but let's see what my hair looks like, because i actually don't really know how short it is. So we're not gon na see, oh my god, i'm already set. This is my actual hair. Oh, my god, look at the amount of hair; no, no, no! No! No! No! No! No! I'M going to save up all the hairs that are leaving my scalp right now and at the end of the video, i'm going to show you how much i lost. Oh, this is so bad hey. I have short hair again, oh my god. It took a long time, but all the extensions are out of my hair right now. I feel like there's still some like glue stuck in my head, because i can't really go through that easy anymore. There'S like a big chunk of glue over here. Can i take it out? Oh, i can finally pull my hands through my hair. Ah - and i can scratch my scalp - oh my god, this feels so nice. Oh this feels so nice. My hair really didn't grow that much. In the meantime, i was kind of hoping that i would have like beautiful luscious long hair underneath my extensions, but unfortunately it's still very short, so yeah. This is the end result. I am kind of sad. To be honest. I already missed the long hair, but i do think it's so nice that my scalp is finally freed taping extensions, even though they look cute, they are not very comfortable. This is the hair that came out of my head, and this is the hair that i took off. I have more, though, let me show you this is all the hair that was glued to my scalp, so yeah anyways. This was today's video, i'm just gon na go ahead and wash this oily stuff out of my hair and i'm going to give my hair some love some like deep treatments, because i'm pretty sure she really needs it. Oh, my god, my head is still itchy. Thank you for watching, i hope to see you in my next video bye, bye, ciao, you

Soiledpetals: Don't worry too much about the hairs! Most were probably some that shed naturally but were stuck in place by the tape! When I get depressed and don't brush my hair for a few days I get SO MUCH shedding haha

Justice Matthews: Okay babe, coming from experience as well as having a license… I have some tips for next time (: - take a metal tip rat tail comb to “pop” an opening in the tape before adding the solvent. - your naturalhairwillshedpleasedonotpanic ! your natural hair is “trapped” in the tape and that’s your natural shedding just built up. That’s why it feels so good to scratch your head. -I’d also recommend a clarifying shampoo, to get rid of the tape residue & to get the solvent out.

annaëlle: You’re not losing your hair, it’s just hair which glued with the extension couldn’t fall as usual so you see them at once (when in “normal time” you’re not cause it’s falling daily)

Rachel Frumkin: I love reading all the comments of like" girl don't trip, your hair sheds naturally." Your community loves you very much.

Vivien James: To risk of repeating, you loose around a hundred hair per day, and you taped a big part of them, and they couldn’t shed‍♀️ Now you can do the math for 4 weeks You can start with the resolver and go on with a hair oil, but only if you don’t want to reuse the tape. Otherwise the glue might not hold on the next time, if there are some type of silicone in the oil But the rest of the glue in your hair is easier to remove with some hair oil AND then followed by shampoo. Hope you fell back in love with your short hair by now

valarya: Natural shedding, no need to worry!! They were trapped and couldn't fall out or be brushed/washed out for an entire month so it's less than I thought it would be LOL.

aden abdulla: I was expecting so much more hair at the end. I lose that much every time I brush my hair and I brush it almost daily

KafkaCartoon: It's unfair how you look so darn good even with big ass roots and greasy hair and barely any makeup on. God has his favorites haha

Sam T: You have to remember, there’s a bunch of hair that you were supposed to shed that was caught in the extensions. So you probably didn’t actually rip out much hair.

Tara Kennedy: The hair you would naturally shed over the period of a month has been literally glued in place. You are going to have hair come out when you take extensions out. You do have to be careful not to pull too hard taking them out though. Or you will pull more out. Also be wary of excess glue left over. It can pull hair out too if you aren't careful.

A: I love short hair on you! You look amazing with long and short hair (and no hair!)

Alexsandra Belford: I use acetone or baby oil to remove my tape ins, causes me no damage or irritation, just deep condition my hair afterwards, all is gd. Love ur videos x

MsTeacake1982: Is it hair loss or is it just the hair you naturally shed over the course of the month that got caught up in the extensions now being released?

Katy H: First of all, I’m so glad you might probably be feeling better maybe! Secondly, I don’t think there’s any need to worry about the hairs that were lost as you took the extensions out. I’d guess they were just hairs that needed to be shed anyway. I tend to shed a ton of hair too because I have quite thick hair. Sorry you’re missing the longer length but you always look great! I’m excited to see what you do next.

Łucja Ząb: just Lindy finding out hair falls out daily at a ripe age of 27

katie rose: you look amazing with long hair but i honestly like the short hair better. it just looks sooooooo good!

Sohela Suri: Next time (if you do tape ins again) use a hair dryer to get some heat on them before removal and applying the solution, it’ll loosen the adhesive of the tape and make them come out more easily (and help you get your hair out more safely from the loosened adhesive)

Johannes Halberstadt: Like everybody else already wrote: you probably didn't rip your hair out (and 7 single hair strands per tape wouldn't even be that much, considering you have hundreds of thousands of hairs on your head and shed around 100 naturally on the daily), it was just the hairs that would have fallen out naturally in that period, but were stuck to the tape.

Apathina: You should probably just start looking into wigs if you want vastly different color and length that way you dont damage. (obviously keep dying your hair its fun but this would allow you to change up more often)

Max Brandt: The average person naturally sheds bout 100 -200 strands of hair everytime,it's completely normal to lose some of it like when you're combing,brushing or washing your hair.

Jodie Funnell: You look really glowy and beautiful! Duno what's changed or perhaps your body rejuvenated while you were under the weather haha but your skin is looking incredible. Xx

Adda Elliott: I actually think you look better with short hair, much more chic and cooler, ive always loved this lenght on you <3

kkdksokekekskskekejee: Am early hehe , ngl ur hair is still cute, I lose 4 times more hair in 1 week then the hair u lost, can u do purple or pink hair next so u don't damage ur hair

Jamie Lynn: I actually love your hair with this color and swooped to one side❤️‍

Brooke Johnston: I know you said you like your long hair but I honestly think you look amazing with short hair! So cute

Fatima 125: You look sooooooo beautiful with red hair it makes you look so healthy

Lucy Gresham: I am finding this so soothing watching them pull out x

Pixie Eames: I lose more than that every wash day which is normally once every 2 weeks, don’t worry girl it’s from shedding!

Vampyricx: your short hair looks amazing!!!!!

amy: last video lindy: do i even like myself with long hair???? this video: i look so much better with long hair

BH: You can actually use coconut oil to take tape ins out. It works really well and it’s very inexpensive.

Misty Ruckl: I got an ad for hair loss before the video Edited to add: That’s the amount of hair I lose every time I wash my hair (1-1 1/2 weeks apart) I think it’s probably just fine and wouldn’t worry about it

Jak to Alga: You must remember that for a month your hair, which you naturally lose every day, could not fall out and only now you take it out of your head ^^

Niphyra: If you ever do long hair again, please do a fun hairstyle for experimentation before you remove it. That would be so fun Also wtf how is everyone in the Netherlands sick and having a sore throat this week. Including me lol

Luci: I would LOVE to see you with a side part and side shave with long hair. I think it would look amazing.

Kinky Little Chels: Damn girl! Your hair grew so much!

jamie vivian: Your hair naturally sheds everyday. Part of the hair loss you're experiencing is natural, part is probably because if the extensions lol

Stefanie Davies: that’s how much hair I lose every time I wash my hair and I’m not bold I wouldn’t worry lol

Nashali R.V.: I hope everyone has a great day❣️

Maja B: This is honestly not a lot of hair to loose over a month so don't worry

IM Inna: Justamente venía a decirle que no sé asustar de los pelos que se venían con las extensiones y ya habían comentarios así

Jesie Sipe: Unless you feel it ripping your hair out its just normal hair loss. Its been a month and we loose about 100 hair a day

Assbat 1: Lindy, the more build up on your hair after having tape ins is extremely itchy. I love my tape ins but it's a pain in the ass to maintain because they twist if you don't sandwich well in the back sections. The first week of tape ins is great but after sweating and not really being able to wash your hair as much because the extensions and also the extensions need sulfate and paraben free shampoo it's a real pain to maintain. Generally I take mine out, give my scalp a break, wash and deep condition my old extensions and take the old tapes off and then once dry I retape them for when I want to put them back in. The gummy glue build up also is a pain because even using rubbing alcohol or solvent still doesn't break down all the gumminess.

Ashley Angell: the average human loses 50-100 strands of hair a day, if you had these in for two weeks that's 700-1400 strands of hair and when you wear extensions those strands have nowhere to go so you will see them on the tape/glue and when you brush it out. This is totally normal! -hairstylist

Cherry Tea: It’s probably hair that would of shed but couldn’t because it was stuck in the tape. Like when you take synth dreads out? Make sense? Looks pretty good and healthier than if you used glue in wefts. Also olive oil/coconut works to remove them too.

Brandie Henry: I wear extensions all the time. The hair that came out is what would naturally fall out. It seems like a lot but the human head loses an average of 100 strands a day. They can't fall out naturally with the tape in extensions in.

Mika Haley: Don’t worry bby!! You’re supposed to lose up to 100 hairs a day so that was just what was trapped by the extensions and couldn’t shed

Rachel Foreman: You look great Lindy.

JasperCatProductions: I hope you feel 100% better and stay healthy for a fun summer.

Mama_Be@r: You're not ripping your hair out don't worry. You lose an average of 50-100 strands of hair a day, and since your extensions have been in your hair for a month, you're gonna see quite a few strands attached to the glue.

lucy wren: Don’t worry, your not losing hair, it’s the hairs that have shedded over the month that you’ve had the extensions in for, you lose 100 hairs a day, so don’t worry

billy brown: Walker Tape also makes a tape called " easy release " that's the best one ai have found for ease of removal and using on my fine, bleached hair.

Kinky Kong- Ape Babe: Think about all the hair you lose every day. It has no where to go and gets trapped in the extentions. It's totally normal

Piera Marzucchi: Hi Crystal, i want to give u an advice because i know how hard it is to grow back hair after a shaved haircut or a pixie cut... You should go to an hair-stylist and fix the different lenght of your hair. I had youre same problem, i hated how short my hair was on the front in comparison of my back hair, and the only solution is cutting off the lenght of your back hair: hairstylist can do miracles for this type of situation. Anyway you' re so beautiful that every hairstyle on you is gorgeous❤️

Ryan Pooley: This looks like an actual nightmare taking those out!

Brandon Styles: It’s natural shead from having them in for a month you loose up to 100 hairs a day so it gets trapped in the extensions. Don’t worry it’s fine

Rebecca Coddington: You look so good without makeup!

Sarah Anne: You have such a beautiful face. I think you look better with short hair :)

Bri: Ive used tape in extensions for 2 years now and the crusty breaking hair is normal. sense its not attaching directly to your scalp it hard for the extensions to get enough hair oil on the ends so your hair will start to break off extremely fast. ( I lost 20in of hair in a week just from brushing once) Applying some hair oil in the mornings makes a huge difference and will help your hair to last a lot longer if you ever decide to use this method again.

Pumpkin Queen: I actually love short hair on you so much

Diane Reed: Oh baby girl that was hard to watch!!! Please don't ever do that again. I do love watching your videos.

Lyndsy Carson: Any oil will work to remove them. I soaked my hair in coconut oil for like 20 minutes. Started brushed at the bottom and then worked the rest of them out. and then I messaged my scalp with warm water and shampoo.

Hannah Singleton: i want extensions now even tho i know it’s a lot of work to take them out

RoseJustDied.: Its normal that there was hair, those parts didn't shed because of the tape, but people normally shed hair everyday, from 100-200 hairs a day

Amanda Kilby: Isn't the hair lose, normal hair loss. Cuz we lose hair everyday.. and her hair was sandwiched in.

Alannah: I used to wear tape-ins. That amount of shedding is normal. We lose around 50-100 hairs per day so over a month thats fine

reira: Those earring are giving ✨ I need some like those does anyone know where she got those from

Its: I just turned on my tablet eyyyyyyy This I the reason I got clip in extensions instead ouch! I hope you're scalp can rest for a while, best of luck!!!!!

Apples Oranges: your hair sheds everyday and since you had tape ins they weren't able to fall out. It's normal to see a large amount of shedding when taking glue/tape hair extensions off as long as you're not pulling your hair it should just be normal shedding.

Viper7410: I love you with short hair, have fun!

Liisa Refa: But damn, red suits you soo well!!

Nina Softic: that accidental emo hair at 04:01 looked so damn good on you

Violet/ Alexei: It's pretty normal. Humans loose 60-300 hairs per day, you had your hair glued in place so they had no way of shedding. So it's all coming out at once so it looks like more than it should be but it's normal

Be Sharpe: On average everyone sheds 50 to 100 hairs a day so when you wear extensions the hair is caught and can’t be removed. So it is normal to loose this much hair when removing your extensions

MyBrainFeelsNumb: Lindy, I love you and I'm not in any way trained to know anything about your hair, but I'm pretty sure all the loose hairs you combed out were just grow out that you weren't able to brush out while you had the glue ins.

ememstarr37: The way your roots look purple is really cool

Lis_Kid: Omg you need to do a Vi from Arcane cosplay with this haircolour!

Phantom Midnight: That is normal it’s the hair that it’s supposed to fall out ,don’t worry

A L I E N: I don't know, I hate long hair, so I prefer you with short hair muchhhhh more than with medium or long! It fits you wayyy more, seriouslyyy ‍♀️

RedHairedRiot: Neutrogena healthy scalp clarifying shampoo. It’ll be exactly what the doctor ordered after taking those out.

KelchaLP: You didnt rip it out. This hair was stuck between the extension for a month you said. so it is quiet normal. Dont worry

BlackMetalBroad: Sometimes hair gets stuck between the tape so it doesn't fall out like it would naturally, don't mind these strands just getting out now

Johannes Halberstadt: I suspect that baby oil might work nearly the same at a fraction of the price. Or even WD-40.

Lucas Official: 10:49 I actually think your hair Is looking a lot longer since the last video

Khira The Sagittarius: That’s why I think I’d trust clip ins cause the others one be trying to take your own hair with it lol

Ivy is Dead: I could be wrong, but most likely, the majority of the hair that came out with the extensions was just natural shedding that was going to fall anyways, it just got caught on the extension glue. I would not go crazy on the remover though, they can have some pretty heavy stuff in them, so try not to put so much into each strand and try to be more patient... i know is hard, but try.

Bonita Brewer: I hated tapes, they were sooooo itchy and being a hair stylist i know how to take care of them but omg never again.

Rebecca Coddington: I don't agree with some of the people saying not to worry about your hair. I had tape ins & they destroyed my hair.

rachel tanasa: You would rock synthetic dreads!!!!

RainbowRibbonVisions: Oh that’s not pulled out hair. It’s all the hair that usually falls out during such a long time but can’t be combed out because they’re stuck in the extensions trapped by glue so now they’re all freed. I feel like if the extensions were more affordable for my finances I’d be doing them all the time. Only problem is that my hair falls out easily and I’d probably loose twice as much during a month. But I still like how easy the whole process is.

Jen nifer: I loose this amount of hair every time after showering

Alexandra H: I'm having a life crisis and thinking about getting tapeins

Mlem: This is why i would never want to cut my hear. Short bobs are SUPER cute, but when i want long hair back i wouldn't have the patience for all this ... or the money to let make this professionial xD

CrazyCatLady: mybe u should try those halo extensions they shouldnt be to hard to put in and then u can enjoy the long hair I myself used clip ins for some time but it’s pretty annoying to put them in every day.

Sophie Inspired: I dont think you ripped them all out. You had in on for a month and one loses a certain amounth of hair per day naturally, it was just stuck because it was tapped.

LauraTheStrange97: Well... at least you don't have to thin it out again after this!

Alea Pena: I want Crystal to do like baby pink with her extensions if she decides to do them again. I think with her eyes and skin it would look so pretty and she can’t put any color on afterwards

Mellowmelon 04: I love these earrings! Where are they from?

Lucas Official: I’m a hairdresser. We lose up to 100 strands of hair a day so some of that would have been trapped In the tape Instead a brush

Nikita Brown: Remember a good bit of that is probably shed hair that was stuck in the glue

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