Diy Bundle Wraps | Make Them From Home



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Hey y'all, so today I'm going to show you how to make your own hair labels at home, alright guys and the reason why I'm doing it this way today. It is because I ran out of hair labels and I'm waiting on my vendor to send me over some new ones, but I have a few orders that needs to go out, so I have no choice but to get creative and make my own hair labels. So right now, I'm just in Word document and I'm just gon na upload the photo of my actual hair labels that I created using Paint Shop Pro and pretty much what I'm doing now. I'M gon na change the margins of the word document. I kind of forgot how to change them. That'S why I'm kind of playing around with it right now, but I'm just going to change the margins that way the label is closer to the edge of the paper, and now I'm just gon na play around with the size of the labels. I want it to be side by side all the way across the page, so I ain't gon na lie because it's my first time doing it. It took me a while to figure out how I want the labels on the page. So that's what y'all pretty much see right now that everything is not perfect. Sometimes you just have to go with the flow. Do what you think is best delete it redo it all just trial and error. That'S pretty much! All I'm doing right now to pretty much get the results that I'm looking for all right so after I got it to look the way that I wanted it to look. I kind of went down towards where the middle of the paper is and decided to add a gap only because of the adhesive paper that I'm using to actually print these out on our it's paper that I got from Amazon for my labels, my hair labels. So this is pretty much the packaging, not my hair labels, but my shipping labels and pretty much - I don't know if you guys know this about me, but I always work with what I have. This is what I have in my house right now. It'S a heap of paper for shipping, but I'm about to use it to create hair labels. So I don't know if you noticeably in the right there. You see how it's a line, a space right there in the middle of the adhesive paper. So what I decided to do was to just create a space in between each row of the shipping labels. I have on line as you can see, and pretty much. This is how I'm gon na print out the DIY hair labels alright. So the paper is printing out and I don't know if you guys can see at the bottom, but the paper was folded over and they completely messed up the whole training process. I kid you not. It messed up the whole printing process, but it's ok. I'M pretty much just redid everything and printed it out again. You don't see the mess up now, but it's coming, and this printer is just a basic printer from Walmart. It was the cheapest printer that they had I'm all about getting the most affordable options so yeah, but I think you guys can see now that a messed up, so I went back in reprinted it just so I can have a good copy all right. So now it's time to put the actual labels around the bundles. As you can see, a lot of it is messed up, but I still have some good ones printed out on the first page. So all I'm gon na do is just lift it up a little and then I'm just gon na start cutting out one of the good pieces all right and not. If I have that piece cut out, I'm not just gon na wrap it around the bundle. I will say the hair sometimes does get in the way, so it does make it tricky, but you're just gon na wrap it around the bundle now the key to making it stay because boom boom wraps like to unravel. You want to put both sticky pieces together. As you can see, and then fold it over pretty much what I did and that's pretty much how to get you up on the wraps to stay, and this is pretty much what the end result looks like and so right now the bundle wraps just look matte, But if you wanted to look glossy, that's it really simple to do just take some tape and wrap it around your labels and they'll give it that glossy finish look also. Another thing is, if you don't have a he Civ paper labels like the paper I print it out on, you can just print out your bundle routes with regular printer paper and then just tape it on down so you're gon na wrap the regular printer paper. You'Re gon na cut it out you're gon na wrap it around a bundle and then you're gon na tape, it down with regular tape and that's another way to pretty much make your bumble wraps on a budget or very affordable. If you don't have the money to Bob on the wraps, if you run out of them for some reason like I did or you know any, you never know what happens, but this is just a great way to make your own bundle wraps at home. You

ThatgirlCoco: Can we get Eboni to 30K already she’s deadass the best and most helpful YouTuber


Business and Bekesa: I so appreciate you, you always keep sharing tips, hope your business does exceedingly above whatever you expect

Nails & Natural Galore: This is such a good idea! You are so creative and resourceful! Great DIY video!! ❤

JBug Jamie: Yes! Work with what you have. My kind of people. I'm currently trying to create a DIY jewelry display for an upcoming vendor show. Let nothing stop you.

SimplymeTv: Thank you so much for this idea... You don’t know much you’ve helped me as far as starting a business goes . You deserve WAY more subs than what you have now. I can’t wait to see your channel grow. Send you lots of love & Light from Texas

NapolinaOA: So grateful for your tips & tricks. Thanks Girlyyy xx

KASH HAUSE: You are a freaking creative genius. This is perfect

Tahnee Campbell: Omg girl thank you!!!!!! This was so helpful!!!!! Like as a start up business i find it pointless to pay for 1000 bundle wraps when i really dont need thT many. Thanks!

Pink Riot: You are just everything!!! Thank you so much for this!

Exquisite Hair: You've been giving us gems! Thanks so much!

Brittany Crisp: Can you do a tutorial on how you make your flyers/thank you cards that you included in the package?

Lawren Rae: Whew! Thank you for this! This will really save money!

Tuana Caesar: I swear I did this exact thing 2 nights ago and I thought to myself that it looked so tacky. And look at God better believe I’m gonna be doing this!

Queen Brea: I been watching all your videos. In the process of my hair business

Rica Rockettt: I love it❣️ I was just looking for a bundle wrap vendor but not I can do this until I find one thank you soooo much !❤️

Bella Lace: The labels for the bundle wraps came out really nice.

jennasie Starr: Where do you get your label paper from canyou leave the link below

Opps Doll: Hey, I have a question about packaging and labeling along with hair tags, how should I go about that for the hair vendors that offer custom packaging and labeling and how should I deal with the vendors that say We can do drop shipping not customize packages. I am wanting to work with a vendor that does dropshipping

Makemeovernay: You’re so smart and helpful! Omg

PharmTechPatty: You help me so much

naya mosley: Can I say i am so thankful for this video I truly am, you should be a hero because you just saved my life . But thanks for this video it was very helpful due to I have fanned out of labels .

Crowned Life Chronicles: Oooo u just taught me something with the wrap technique!

GG SkinTV: NEW SUBBY! Love this video....Your videos seem very fun & informational #Heartsallover

Family Loved: May I ask where exactly you purchase your sewing machine?

Amaka Megafu: You are so creative ! Question can use any printer to print out shipping labels ? Or do you need a special type printer ?

sheniqueb18: Thank you!!! I swear you are a god sent!

Melnetra Williams: Your are a life saver. you are the best. great diy video

Christina Gallimore: My God !!! Eboni is everything.. like her name states "Everything Eboni" lol ❤❤❤❤❤

Bella Lace: Eboni have you ever thought of becoming a consultant on the hair business. You can set a consultant price and people can pay to speak with you from any where from 15imin to 1 hour and you can answer their questions. If you ever start doing that I will be your first customer.

Destiny S: I've been WAITING on you to have a need to make this tutorial I hate paying people man

Nola Smith: Your sooo talented

Yetunde Ologundudu: what was the size of the lables?

Cali_Kimyahta _LBC: Or you can print then laminate then cut too

Queen Billionaire: OMG, I always like before watching, you are a blessing.

P S: I was just searching for this. You are a mind reader.

Americasfinest: I promise you read my mind ! I literally just YouTubed this 30 mins

Chaelas World: What are the lengths of the labels

Nikita Daley: What size labels did you buy?

Glam queen Hair glam: Ohh sist i was thinking about this when i got notified of your video,, may God bless you, for helping out with things like this,, you dont know how much impact you have added in me since the day i saw your video on youtube, you are truly a blessing to us all, dont stop be good and helping others out, once again know that you have people like me who truly appreciate you alot for all you have being doing on your chanhel thanks alot sist

Keyla Scott: How to get them long like that what height in length you used?

peace456me: You are just a sweetheart and I love you so much. Thanks for the video

neka parker: What did you press to make them side by side...I have everything except That omg lol

BimBen: What size did you use for each in microsoft word?

MrsTheGreat: Ebonyyyyyy when I say I love you I really doooo.... you are soooo rreaaalllgirl..

LavishLayjia: What size should we make them

Iesha 8111: U r everything Boo

Lynne Auryanne Zaddi: Please what kind of paper did she used?

NKenga Warren: Did you use the column insert

Queen KING Kong: Hi.... I like to think I'm computer savvy I down loaded Paint Shop Pro and failed.... I don't have a clue on how you did this.... HELP lol

Jhanaya: What kind a paper ?

Lola Simone: ❤❤❤❤❤❤

Malinda Suzanne: Off topic, but how do you like your laptop? Looking to buy a new one. What brand do you have? If you don't mind me asking?

Jessica Cammock: Walmart has DIY hand band labels........I was just thinking to myself that it can be used for bundle labels.

jennys hairghana: You are God sent

Phoebe Castro: I just got here and im dyin to know howd u got to order in alibaba its so confusing

Epiphany Arina: Do you sell kinky hair?

Biafra Ekpoma babe Annabel: Eboni I don’t really think you know how good you are. I respect ✊ babe. You’re just too good. Thanks for everything darling

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