Watch This Before Getting Tape-In Extensions | Big Mistake!

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What'S up, you guys was really really good. Welcome back to my channel today, we are in for a treat because, after showing you guys the process of getting my tape and extensions and then getting my. I tip extensions in the middle of my tape and extensions and then showing you how hard it was to remove the tape and extensions, and then you guys yelling at me, for a getting hair up. Amazon, be not just having my girl, get the hair herself and see. Calling me clean we're back again with me experimenting with my hair again with the product from Amazon, but today we're gon na, be removing my hair extensions, my tape and extensions, because, if you're not caught up yet and you're new to this channel, I basically got her Tape and extensions - and that wasn't enough and I'm gon na talk about why you don't like this tape and extensions um. So then I put ISIF extensions, which is like the little metal bead that goes into it and that's where we're at right now. So I have 270 grams of hair instead of main heading out, but we're gon na take out the tape pins, which is 150 grams, and then we're gon na go ahead and have them installed us. I tips button there right now later on the product that I'm gon na be using is something that was recommended to me and it's also Amazon's choice. That'S number one tape and remover for your teeth bands. You guys seem a little off today. I feel like my throat is starting to her and I just don't have time to get sick because it doesn't have time to get sick ever well. I'M gon na go ahead and start by brushing my hair and then I'm gon na kind of talk to you guys to his steps. If you haven't watched my first video where I talk about removing my teeth pins, basically, I don't think lady who did that dessert. Like she had the right equipment to be removing the tape pins, because if she did, then it wouldn't have been just gon na start off in the site. Just so you guys can see. So just let me show you the very nice in real quick. Let me show you what my tape is actually look like right now. So, as you could tell, I have like tape and then I have like little. It panel beats. I'M gon na be removing the tapes one by one, so that should be fine. There should be pop in, I think I might have about twenty sandwiches. That'S what like the people's tape. It'S called wanted, looking forward to it. What time is it right now it I'm gon na put my hair out of the way like the hair. That'S in the way, so the first thing you're gon na do is you're gon na grab this release and reuse big kiss a professional one thing, so the instructions there wasn't really any like YouTube videos talking about like how to do it and stuff. But basically I just figure. I would open up the tape because otherwise you're just like trying to like you're just spraying at like the outer part of the tape you know, so I'm just gon na go ahead and spray it a little bit and it smells really good. It kind of smells like hairspray, which I love the scent of hairspray. Now something about this hair. You guys is this hair on Amazon does say that a mostly say that it was really hard to take off, but it was harder than other hair. I could feel it opening up right now, but yeah apparently this hair, because it is cheaper hair than normal. It'S like harder to take off, which I was kind of super [, __ ] bummed about cuz. I was like cuz I've seen other tape off tape in videos like I've, gross taking them off and I'm like oh [, __ ]. That looks hella easy, but the reason why they're so easy is because the glue that whatever company you that the company used was probably like, not [, __ ] silicon nation. Like can you see this, I mean it's definitely not as bad. I just I'm probably gon na finish the whole [ __ ] model yeah. So anyway, for all those people that were like, oh, my god Stacy you should just like. Have it professionally done under molds polle, hair, [, __ ]? I don't think the girl who first had my tape and extensions, probably wasn't someone someone said to me: oh okay, one half of this [ __ ] came off look at this and this is what it looks like because I gave myself layers. Remember yeah, so I didn't end up. The girl would like first in my tape and extensions, because I was like oh she's fun and I'm gon na want to talk to me like after she saw like the headache that I was to remove the 300 there's. Some hair loss right there, but can't see it, but it's nothing like. I think you would expect, and apparently you just go back in with the remover number two and then you just spray it on your hair and then with their with the comb. You take the clue, residue yeah, you guys. This is honestly like so much [, __ ] work I, after having the tape fans like if you guys are thinking about getting tape, ends you just somehow stumbled across this video or you're one of my viewers. All I can say is literally dump the tape ins in the beginning, the problem I found what I'm like. Even you guys, some of you who are like. Oh, my god, you should have added more hair. You should have added more hair, but the thing was like there was no more space in my head to add more sandwiches like, as you could tell, this is like really bulky, so I already held like 20 of them all over my head. So there was literally no more room for me to put more sandwiches in there. You know when you guys were like. Oh, you should adding more hair, especially for someone with the blunt haircut like the haircut I had before, like it's really like straight, you know, so I heard you but I was like honestly. I don't know that, there's more I can do you know. I personally think that unless you have a long hair like already medium hair, like it's kind of not worth it, because otherwise, like it's just gon na, be real hard for you to be able to blend it. Aside from the fact that it's really hard to blend, if you have like super short, like bob haircut, I've had that items before like the little the little metal be ones, and I feel like those you're able to hide them better because you can put more of Them more closer together, you know the tape ends in the beginning. I was like. Oh, it doesn't feel heavy like it's kind of a little bit weird and uncomfortable, because I just kind of felt like a bunch of like heaviness back here with, as opposed to like other method methods of extensions like the eye tips or the key tips. I don't really feel that, like heaviness in the back, I think when you do a saw in like it does feel like that, because, like there's something back there literally but yeah, I think the tape ins definitely felt heavier. I feel, like I'm kneeling on the tape and every time I spray out here, Shirley looked apeman's, definitely felt heavier and more like more like they were definitely pressing. You know and the bad thing about tape bins is. When I have the I tapes I could put half of my hair up, I could do braids in my hair. I could do a side pony. I could freakin do like whatever kind of pony and I would be able to maneuver the hair any which way, but with the tape fans, because they're so bulky, all you can ever really do is just grab like either. Have your hair down or put your hair in a low pony? You can really like say not to any other way. You know so. Look you guys. This is what the I tip extensions look like the little like metal pieces. So, as you guys can tell each and every piece is like individually in there, so I feel like it's easier to like wrap and it just feels more like natural, another bad thing about tape. Pins - and this is just if you want to tape and switch to each your own - I'm not what to tell you, yes or no, but I'm just telling in my experience with them. I literally had them in for a month, and they were already like growing out. Super fast - and I don't think it's because my hair was growing fast. I think it's because the tape was sliding down. My friend, Stephie cohan was actually the one who recommended this to me. She saw my previous video. She was like [ __, ], [, __ ], get your [ __ ] together, we're always cuz no shade no tea. By like yeah like the last video. You guys have to go see it like. If you haven't seen that one we're trying everything we're trying alcohol hand sanitizer everything to take on my demonstrations, oh and this is this another lesson where I'm like, if y'all [, __ ], see me with bleach, am i have ever again show me all of these Videos show me all of these videos, because this is my fault for wanting to be blonde anyway. So to keep talking, show our tape and extensions. Do this if you guys have tape in extensions. This is not a direct attack on you if you're a hair, stylist and you put in here to Harry Chapin extensions. This is not I'm a tech out you or your business girl. I'M just saying these things are like to rough-in too heavy. You know: look I'm gon na show you guys what I mean when I say that tape is, is really hard to put up your hair. You guys, because when I used to have the other type of extensions, I could put a minor no problem, and now, if I put my hair up with P pins, do you see how bulky this looks like if, like first of all, I already took their extensions Here but you wouldn't be able to see a demo front of me. I know you wouldn't be able to see like the whole tape, like literally like this, and that's just not cute visually. I don't know how long it's been, but I literally have all this hair over here, so we're making really good progress baby. What time did you get here? No way you got you ready. You have not been here two hours, it's probably been like an hour to an hour and a half to be on it. I had three packs of like tape and extensions in my hair. It'S just time consuming so right now from what I can count, I have one two or I don't know which I don't even want to count. I just want to take them off as I go. Hopefully it goes by faster. My hands are super sticky with this arrested. Yours like sticking to my fingers as I'm taking them off, but you know I was kind of sitting here thinking and I was like man what all the youtubers have done alike. Should I do to myself whether it's my hair, my makeup or like my nails or new things, I try for you guys. I have spent so much time of my life. Doing [, __ ] like this and that's just crazy. Oh definitely leave a like them below. You know it's funny. Normally, when I do something like my nails, for example, here on my channel, you guys would be like. Oh my god, I do my nose look. I love it because, whatever reasons right now that I think about it, I don't think anyone said that they love tape and extensions and my tape, an extension video. I should say something I think about it: okay, just break the chunk of my hair over your face. What is it's not like alcohol yeah? I always like to smell like alcohol. Gasoline Danny has like really subside overdose. So if you have a sensitive nose, you're gon na think this thing's, if you don't you're gon na like it, this is disgusting. You guys I'm definitely never doing two things again, but that's what the hell this channel has turned out to be. It'S like. Let'S just let Stacy try everything and then we'll see if she gives it the green light and if she doesn't, but at least better pay for it and we don't suffer the consequences. It'S fine! You guys I'm willing to be your guinea pig. I don't even animals. Look at it how cute she's like in her winter coat. You have to give a quick shoutout you guys, if you're here and you don't care about hair extensions but you're just watching me because you, like anything, I post. Thank you so much you're really leaving you lose here, you're over your anger. Coming back here. Yes, oh no you're gon na be [ __ ] up. You know back here after the club awesome. You don't have to come home to your girlfriend after you to the, and I don't want no freaking your hairstylist at the bottom. Commenting like I just can't take it. [ __ ], I know but y'all were to charge me like $ 800 for this [ __ ] one eternity later I for sure for sure finished. I already did a thorough exam than my scalp yeah. My definitely feels like Gracie. You know, because, obviously I used this oil, which the ingredient was hydrocarbon, solvent with added fragrance. So I don't really know what that is, but it just feels like an oil. So I'm assuming that's what it is. I'Ve seen other videos where people use like coconut oil and like olive oil and stuff like that. But I definitely don't think I should be using that when this thing is like 30 bucks for two products on Amazon - and I still have more than enough - and it was like 150 grams of hair. If I was to leave my hair like this, as you can tell it's definitely not enough, and this is about 120 grams, which is what I'm gon na go back and I'm gon na be adding more hair. This is the length of my actual hair and the fake extensions go all the way down to like my bellybutton. So now, when I put my hair up - and I want to flip it - let me show you now: I can grab my hair up here and put it in a bun which, with the tape is, I could not do because they were just so heavy and it Just looked crazy and it felt heavy, so let me show you guys the quality of the hair from Amazon. I talked about it in the last video. It just was really chewy now like when it was brand new. I feel really good, but if I try to run my fingers through it like I struggle, you know which kind of feels like a synthetic weight. I think this hair is actually fake synthetic hair. I might not all be fake synthetic hair before the price and the quality. I definitely think like at least 50 % of it might be real and then 50 % of it might be synthetic cuz about as much hair as I lost, which is disgusting, I'm so sorry, I'm showing you this, but for the purpose of this video I don't Think it's a lot. I have seen more hair come out of my head or like out the shower, so I don't think it's a ridiculous amount, which is a good thing. I just think the bad thing about extent like tape and extensions, is how heavy they are. How bulky they feel and how fast they move down through your hair and it's just a hassle to take them off. You guys ever use different extensions. Do you use extensions? What kind of use I know a lot of you have said: clip ons and I like leap onto the bad thing about clip ons. They say you have to put them in and out every single day in [ __, ] ain't. Nobody got time for that because if I have the option to take something off, I'm gon na take it off. Let me know what you guys thought I know. I know if your hairstyles you're, probably cringing you're, just like girl, you should just come to salon. I know, but also I miss that and I like to find things out for myself and I like to try them out for myself and I think this actual product hashtag not sponsored, but so so so worth it again. If you guys want to know the name of it, it's called big PC and it's the release and Ryu spray and them the remove rest. You spray that's gon na be here for me, you guys. I hope you really enjoyed this video and if you did please consider leaving a thumbs up if you haven't yet consider becoming a part of the family. You might hit on the subscribe button. And if you want to see more of me - and you want to hear more cheese mate, you can click down below to join my patreon page for just a single that eat those 5 bucks, and you can see a whole lot more. There'S there's plenty of videos. You haven't seen there: ok, ok, so this new year! For me, you guys just get on with your lives, like all that and I'll see you at the next video

GiselleTell: "If you're here and you don't care about hair extensions and your just watching me bc you like anything I post." That is meee. :O

Brenda Melendez: I have tapeins and theyre great! It just depends on the company and quality of hair you buy. Theyre easy to take off you just need the remover or any oil

Diana Fitness Bakersfield: You're hilarious I bought Clip in extensions and I'm so glad I never considered tape ins. Lol

alejandra rodriguez: If you ever get tape in soak your hair and put a bunch of conditioner and let it sit for an hour and they should be able to slip out

nereida avila: I've really turned into that bish that watches your videos no matter what they are about just cuz I have fallen in love with your style and your sense of humor! been binge watching all week, low key watching your videos back to back aqui en la chamba ;)

Guille V: I would have cried, but you took it like a champ

Melody C: Omg yes I hated tape in extensions I definitely can relate I now use clip ins tape ins made me nothing but paranoid lol.

Ana: I love these videos! I’m learning through you

Jessica Busse Prieto: I literally dont even care about hair or tape in extensions but I loved watching this video. I have so much hair and I was about to dye it again and remembered you saying not to do it. So here I am with 3 colors in my damn hair

Kim Jynee: we love a diy queen

silentstellarechos: I don’t really care about extensions but this is the first time I saw a video for you that’s not jk so I jumped in. I was entertained even though I don’t know nothing about nothing for extensions. Subscribed

Biscotti Og: I love ur babies coat she looks so cute and warm

Tasia Cross: Girl you better be careful. I wear wigs lol. Love you

Jesskuhhh: Omg tape ins were the worst! I have so many broken baby hairs now from them tearing. Never again

LilC Ram: Love you Stacey!

Olivia Vasquez: “Ya me voy a perrear” “Df with who” Me asf

Jenna Charland: Keep going love you

jenna j: I care about you so I watch everything

Maria S: This hurts A LOT, I ended up crying .. had to take a painkiller for headache.

Blingbl0ng: U can deal w cheap clothes cheap accessories but when it comes to hair always got to be if my hair doesn’t look good I feel depressed af

Amy Landeros: How about an amazon wig review ?

J: My stylist does good hand tied extensions she is in the OC

Carl: I don’t know what are you using to get these removed but definitely not the best

Liliana Gutierrez: Girl that’s too much of a struggle

JAYY LAFLARE: Stacy ima need you to restock again I came late to the party

Alex Dominguez: Notification gang wya?! Love you Staceyyyyy D !!!!!

Jasmin Hernandez: Nessa15 went bald with them. Be careful

Adriana Ortiz: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

AVV: Pobre Denni le metistes un buen chingaso

Biscotti Og: That’s me! I love ur content

Jennifer Guillemin: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

April’s Crafting: 17:10 lol just like your videos

Rawrabbeh: Patreon gang

Marie Luna: I was waiting for this vide

guadalupe rodriguez: your cry!

upcyclesarah: Girl, you been saying shitt on jknews too. It's no tea no shade. Not no shade no tea. I don't know why but it drives me NUTS when you say it backwards LOL. Freaking OCD. Thanks for the tip on the extensions of girl! You probably saved me a lot of hair loss and trouble :-)

Audrianna Lee: Sorry Stacey, I thought this video was funny

Yesica Hernandez:

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