My Hair Care Routine | Favorite Products, Hair Extensions & Styling Tips

Hair Routine, my do's and dont's. Favorite products and more!

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Owner of Life Altering Fitness INC. (IG @lifealteringfitness)

Ladies of a long awaited hair care YouTube video, I'm gon na kind of go over a few of the products that I use, but I don't use much of because I'm always in the gym, I'm always sweating. My hair is always up in a bun unlife, but I'll kind of give you a rundown on the product that I really like that have really helped keep my hair fresh, especially if you're blond, I think, before it start. The biggest most crucial thing is diet, diet and water having variety in your diet, so not restricting, because you want to get all your natural minerals nutrients and vitamins from your food that help keep your hair and your skin nails everything healthy. Having your a good diet, not eating crappy food, all the time, lots of water and sometimes supplementing even multivitamins - which I do that as well, because how often I am training, oh, how much I am working out and how much my hair is always gym hair. I don't like to wash it more than one or two times a week, my son gross, but it's not I'm not that gross. It'S a ten, this leave-in product here and I usually put it in because I have a couple spots that are a little bit weaker. A little bit frat more fragile, and so I usually will put this in almost every day in those spots, not all over my fool head, because if there's areas that are already healthy and conditioned, I don't want to put extra and there him for me is like Right underneath underneath here, because recently I went all blonde so of course, is gon na be breakage, because this all used to be black. I don't know if some of you remember that so this you know, there's it's a little bit dry, there's a little bit of breakage on underneath here. So I like to put this underneath every day, just to help protect it and then, when I am pulling it back, it makes it so it's not super dry and brittle need help with their Drive, blond, hair or even dark hair. It'S ten! It'S a miracle! I use my most favorite ever dry shampoo. This one here was by TGIF CIGI Pro TG Pro love. Love love all this and it smells so good, but it helps to keep my hair fresh and smelling good, especially after all those gym sessions a lot of times. What I like to do is after I get I'm super sweaty I come home. I usually will take this mousse and love love-love-love. This mousse, it's in my hair after a gym session. So when it's still a little bit damp and wet, then I blow-dry it. So this kind of gives you that, like freshly kind of just washed hair feel and smell for the next day before I get ready to begin my day, I usually use my dry shampoo, so it kind of gives an extra freshness and I usually can get away With doing this particular routine, without washing my hair, let's say I usually wash my hair Sunday, I can wash it by Friday and I'll be good and it still smells good. It still looks good, it's good that at least wash your hair a couple times a week, but because of being blonde, I don't like to wash it too too much, because it's cute, I think it keeps it healthier top aside from the dry shampoo. These are my favorite shampoo and conditioner I like to use, which is the Redken. The color extreme color extends a lot of times. I actually do take my conditioner and I shave with this so use. This is my shaving gel, but these are my favorite ones. I like to use when I wash my hair, keep my blonde. I like their Redken hair cleansing cream. This is the best stuff you ever ever. I'Ve been using it for years and it helps keep my hair and my color just vibrant and blonde, and this smells good too. I don't know I for some reason. I think this one in particular has kind of made it my hair kind of gives a volume to which I like that, after I wash my hair. I usually will do these two when I actually do wash my hair, the biocera mousse and then the root boost by catwalk. I put this all in my roots, so a lot of you're always wondering how I get a lot of volume. Usually this and then so. Right after I wash my hair, I will put these these babies in this leaves smell good because of my job schedule. I don't get to spy all my hair and that often, but when I do style it, I like to use the TG Pro hair spray. They also make the bedhead hairspray, which I have obsessed with that one too it's in a silver Kansa. This is the one I've been using lately, so this one for an all-over hair spray whole to give myself a little extra volume in the roots, especially when I tease my hair powder play by big sexy hair sprinkle this in your roots, tease it up a little Bit and you got yourself some ba-ba-boom - also another item I like to use. It'S almost down to the lots of everything I use is the joy Co pomade. So this stuff is nice because it's like this little gel and you can usually put it into your front of your bangs and your ends of your hair. It'S kind of smooth them out to make them just pretty and luxurious. A lot of you asked me about teasing. I used to tease my hair like it was babies. I got crazy with it and I kind of toned it down a little bit and just depending on what I'm doing at all. Go it's fully tease my full head, but everyone. So I just do a little bit. I like to use a brush like this and I usually when I tease you just start in the back and work my way forward, so I usually will take a section like this softly starting up top on the bottom. So you see that that and then you brush it up volume, 4, yeah good thing being on the other side. Just to give you kind of an idea and take a section I'll piece it out perfect and there you go. There'S some volume used a little bit of my hairspray as I'm going along to do it just to give it that extra hold I'm going to the tools I like to use this tie on my hair, so I recently just got this little mini straightener. It'S just by Chi mini it's a travel one works perfect because I don't straighten my hair that often I don't need to get like anything. Breezy, big expensive. This works perfect to straighten my hair. So this is the new me one inch curling one. So this is my absolute foo. This is what I mostly curl, and I found that when I use this versus my curling iron, which is just by Hot Tools. This is a two inch one difference, but this my curls hold so much better when I use this versus this, these kind of get more loose curls, they kind of fall out after a while this one, my curl with this, I can go actually a couple days And even sweet and my hair is still curled and ready to go my go-to for curling and styling my hair. I don't dial it and heat it very often, and it had me once a week. So I think that's what really helps to protect my hair and keep it healthy and is because I'm not putting up the heat heat on all the time. Usually, when I'm at the gym after I train after I've been sweating and my hair is all wet, I usually will take my hair out and let it dry naturally, and so I usually just let it dry natural I'll train again, then, when I come home depending On the night, depending on how I'm feeling I will do my little routine of my bio Tara, blow-dry it the roots and then I'll braid it at night too. That'S the other thing is that braids, my hair. When I go to sleep, because that helps to protect it too, instead of putting in a ponytail or a bun I've, almost I braided my hair almost every night before I go to bed, not perfect brain just to help, keep it from being pulled and wrapped around. My hands or whatever happens when I sleep, because I do get crazy when I sleep sometimes so breathing it helps that and when I am at the gym, when I'm training, I don't put my hair in super super tight, bun or ponytail. I keep it a little bit loose because that's what's gon na cause a breakage, especially if you wear your hair the same way all the time. A lot of people don't realize. That is when you pull it back, like that you're gon na start getting breakage in that area, because it's being pulled tight all the time and that same same spot, so I usually leave it loose or as soon as I'm done, training usually take it out. Let it dry natural and then I braided it again most of the time or I put it back up and it's usually no loose bun or loose ponytail. So water diet not frying your hair with hot heat tools all the time again, I probably only do it means I've washed, my hair, maybe one two times a week, I've styled it once a week if that sometimes not, even that, it's usually always drying, naturally, so That when I do style, it's just help me think I think that's the what's really helps my hair cuz. My earring used to be really really fried all the time, because I was drying it and I was doing something fun every day and I remember it was just right off a lot of you guys asked me about extensions too. I used to wear a lot of extensions, probably every different kind. You tips the metal tips the glue in everything clip-ins. So now I just have Vince from Delilah hair. We didn't see me post about that. So I have these. These are the long ones. I think these are the 24 inches, so I'll wear these every once in a while, but again it takes time to blend them all in and sometimes they get in the way, and I don't like it when things are in the way I like to be able To just throw my hair up and go not have to worry about seeing them, so I haven't been wearing these as much lately, but I really do love Lee so a lot of times for photo shoots or specific events. I'Ll put these in apparently right now. I don't have any extensions in all of my hair except a few little pieces right in here, so if you can see a one right there, so I have a few pieces that just up in the front here, because my hair years ago got completely fried off The rest of my hair didn't match at the front of my hair, so it was like super short. It was all fried off. It was terrible. You know a lot of you probably have experienced that yourself, so I decided to get these by a research and research or something that was going to be healthier and more gentle on this part of my head, which, because I would wear them up here. So I end up finding these tape with wets, which are awesome. I don't know if you can see these and you can see how then they are, and you can't even feel them when they're in. So I have a few of these that go right up top hair. So I'm almost at the point where I just I won't need them anymore. Something super excited: it's not the haps to have extensions anymore and I'm just going to keep letting it. These are awesome for people who want something simple, simple, easy I put these in myself. They stay in really well, I can do everything I can sweat in them and go swimming. I can wash my hair and dry and do everything normal, and none of them come out like this has been the best I found them. It'S called vivid, vivid, hair vivid Beauty, something off of ebay, something that's not gon na damage, your hair cuz. These I find when I go to take them out. I have a special stuff that, like softens up the glue, I just heal them right off and they come out. You wash your hair, it's out, hopefully that this helps you, ladies I'm, knowing what I use and how I use it. If you have any of your questions, just please comment below

Audrey Luttrell: I just got my 30" extensions and I am in LOVE. I have never had extensions this long of such a high quality.... feeling like Kimmy K. Thanks ZALA xxx

Geo: FINALLY a video like this! I broken down google, trying to find how everyday (HARD) workers in the gym deal with long hair!! Thanks! :) (Also I think I see a fellow spray tan addict :)))) )

Yasmin Gomes: Honestly the best thing about ZALA's is that the hair is so soft, it makes it incredibly easy to style, braid and do updos that look so much more of a statement!!

Wendy Hollmer: Hi Jen, would love to see your morning and nighttime skincare routine....

sylvia doss: Finally a video on hair care. Thank you so much!! This video is my reason for subscribing.

Kitty Paws: Haha used to tease your hair like the 80's! You are so funny hunnybunsfit. Love all your videos, I was hoping you'd show how you throw your hair up in a bun for training. It always looks so good, volume and it doesn't fall out. My bun without fail will fallout especially if I'm doing plyo work etc oh and also my bun looks crap :( is there such a thing as bun envy? Haha well I wish I could do my bun like yours! Could you pretty please show us?

Michelle D. Arnold: ZALA girls unite!! Love this video, and love how ZALA has such a community - they share such great content on their blog and youtube - give me so much inspo for my next looks!

Tânia Sousa Cardoso: I have quite thin hair and was a little nervous that my ZALA extensions wouldn't blend well with my natural hair but I was wrong! I have been using the 5 piece set and it add such amazing volume and length. Can't get over how thick and bouncy my hair looks

Kimmykim: Hi Jen!! Love your videos! Can you please please share your hair color routine? How often do you get it done? Do you get highlights or just bleach your roots?? How often do you get cut?? Thank you!!! Xo

Rachel Carrez: Really nice of u to make one of this videos for us that workout!

Sarah Lempicki: Which product do you use to remove your tape in extensions?Thanks! :)

Beautiful Hope: Do you rinse out the sweat in your hair after with just water or do you just spray the dry shampoo in and style?

Danni Grumbt: Great video nice to see you do something different but still talk about the gym. Please please do a foundation routine and fake tan you are so beautiful. All you videos are great xxxxxxxx

Ez Clean: lmaooo idk why but I love how she's chewing that gum.

Kimmi: Are the tape in hair extensions reusable? And how do you colour your hair with them in? Love your hair!! <3

kerry burke: Love you and your videos!

SaraL Gaming: I love that top! Your hair at 6:07 looked cool :)

Emileigh Barker: Does this work even with oily hair? Meaning the hair products to keep your hair looking and feeling fresh. I can't go even 2 days without having to worry about my hair becoming oily.

Jessica Panfile: Jen, What kind of multivitamin do you use?

Paighton Nelson: Yessss with the products

Ashton Riffel: Washing your hair every day is actually so bad for your hair! I only wash my hair a few times a week too. My hair looks awful when I wash it too many times a week.

Ginger Carco: I like you and your honesty beautiful girl too, I subbed.

MVP Productions Beats: Your smile is stunning!

Emilie B: TIGI products are the best! You should try the Catwalk Fashionista purple shampoo/conditioner. It's sulphate free and it smells amazing!!!

Chelsey Rae: Yasssss hair goals girllllll.

Megan McCreadie: OMG where did you get that top? It's so cute!

Charleen Hopkins: do you know that rosemary oil is great for your hair my hairdresser said

Melissa Baker-Colson: Do you use any oils or serum's on your hair to get it looking so sleek and shiny?

Jase Corleone: What products would you recommend for my hair? @whoisjase

Theresa Liso: How do you pin your hair short into a fake bob?

A Campbell: haha I laughed so hard when you made an aggressive face at the beginning smelling shit.

Laurelia: i love your top. where is it from?

Kaitlyn Laseter: What is your gym schedule

Geoff Blight: keraste is the best shampoo you will ever get i like american crew

Tilly: I love you and your videos! But please take out your gum when you are talking .... please!!!!

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