How To Travel With Wigs

Wigs make life easy. Who wouldn’t want to put on perfect hair? We wear wigs because we want to look our best… and for the convenience. So traveling with them should also be a breeze!

The Best Way To Travel With Wigs

Here are 5 of our Wig Expert tips to keep your wigs and hairpieces looking good on the go.

  1. The perfect storage. A super stylish way to travel with wigs and hairpieces is in a functional and chic bag that’s specifically designed for them. The ResQ Bag & Kit + Mini by Amy Gibson protects wigs, hairpieces, andres Q wig storage bag by Amy Gibson extensions in a unique mesh lining that minimizes tangles and frizz, making it safe for traveling. It’s also beautiful! This is by far the best solution… but in a pinch… you can also use a Ziploc baggie. Just make sure it’s filled with air to keep your wig from getting squished.
  2. It’s all about options. There is no way to get the versatility of hairstyles with anything other than wigs. Think about when and where you’ll be going on your trip. For peace of mind take more than one wig with you. If you are going somewhere hot… bring a short style… you’ll thank us later! The ability to change your look from day to night will be worth it!  We suggest taking a great human hair wig as you have complete versatility to style anyway you like... then throw in a fun synthetic wig which gives you a perfect option for, rain, sun, or just plain running around without having to take the time to style. Both human hair wigs and synthetic wigs have their advantages.  Take the best of both or see what works best for you.
  3. Love your hair, and it will love you. When you’re traveling you don’t want to have to stop and wash your hairpieces. The easiest way to keep your wig clean longer is by wearing a headliner. The No Sweat Liner by HEADLINE IT! keeps you dry and comfortable all day long. It absorbs any sweat and moisture so you and your wigs stay fresh. The individually wrapped packages make it easy to take anywhere.
  4. Together they stand. A great way to reduce the daily maintenance of a wig is to place her on a wig stand when she’s no longer in use. Not only will this keep her free from tangles and creasing. But it will maintain style and shape. The foldable versions are best for traveling!
  5. The right products for the right occasion. Wigs require special care products… even on vacation. And depending on where you’ll be, the right products may not be available. The 4pc Synthetic Travel Must Haves is a line of special daily care products that make it easy to take just what you need on vacation. The 2 ounce bottles are perfect for travel and safe on both synthetic and human hair fiber.

Long Blonde Human Hair lace front Wig

We all need to get away! Hopefully you get to do it often. However, no matter the frequency, make sure you are prepared. Let your hair work for you and not the other way around. Keep yourself as low maintenance as possible… but by all means…. Look good doing it!

Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. And don’t forget to leave a comment below let us know if this information was useful to you. What are ways you like to travel with your wigs and hairpieces?

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