Bad Haircut Emergency Action Plan | What To Do When Your Barber Screws Up Your Hair - click here to discover the best natural men's hair products on the planet! - Click here to read the article - What to do when you get a BAD haircut

Your barber just SCREWED UP your hair...

WHAT do you do now?

It's hard to salvage.

When you're going after your dreams -making first impressions...selling your personal brand...

a bad haircut is always an emergency.

But you should never let one slow you down. That's why today I'm going to show you how to roll with it - and keep it from ever happening again.

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Bad Haircut EMERGENCY Action Plan What To Do When Your Barber SCREWS UP Your Hair, [ 0:00:00 ] Antonio. I am so sorry. If you’re watching this video yeah my condolences because most likely you just got a bad haircut. Don’t worry in today’s video three immediate actions. You can take to fix that bad haircut. Step number one to fixing a bad haircut is to acknowledge that you’ve got a bad haircut and to communicate that with the stylist or the barber.. This sounds obvious, but so many guys they are not even paying attention while they’re getting their haircut., They – the barber has – shows them. The mirror says, look at this and they look at it, but they don’t really or they don’t even notice that hey they just wanted a little bit off the top and all of his hair is falling to the ground.. When you noticed that things are not going in the direction that you expect, stop the process right, there. Communicate talk with the barber and let them know what’s going on that you’re a little bit worried or this isn’t normally what happens. But let’s say it’s already after The fact, in fact, you’ve gotten up you looked at yourself in the mirror and you’re like wow. This isn’t what I expected. Don’t be afraid to ask and to get what you want. So many guys they don’t want to be that guy they don’t want to be a complainer.. This is important because the barber or the stylish you’re working with they want you to be happy, and this is something that you – they can’t read your mind. You’Ve got to communicate with them., Also don’t be afraid to ask for a re-cut. And if you’re going to get a re-cut. This is something maybe you’ve already left. The chair, you’ve even left the barbershop. You went home for an hour, you washed your hair and you realized. This is not what I’m looking for. Okay., So let’s ask: do you have a relationship with this barber? Do you still trust this stylist that you just worked with? If the answer is yes, then communicate talk to them, maybe go to them for a re-cut, but I know a lot of people I’ve had this happen to me. I’m traveling. I don’t know this person, and this was the first time I cut with him and it wasn’t what I wanted. In this case I’m going to start calling around and what I’m looking for is to talk to somebody about getting a re-cut.. And this takes me to point number two.. So if you’re getting a re-cut, they can’t add hair to your head. We’re going shorter. So at this point, you’re going to be experimenting and looking at styles that are going to be for shorter haircuts. Now I’m assuming that you have like medium length, hair, perhaps like me, maybe a little bit longer and they cut it too short, perhaps over on the Sides then you’ve got to look okay. What are my options? Here. Now you’ve got to bring in a fade, or maybe you wanted to really try that undercut.. Well, it looks like you just got the opportunity. Now if they took too much off the top, you still have options here., And this is where it behooves you to seek out the best.. You may have to set up an appointment to get access to the best, but it’s something that at this point you want to make sure you go to someone who understands and really can communicate well with you and helps you on this re-cut. Step number three to Fixing a bad haircut. Don’t be afraid of new products going in your hair and this new style.. Now, before you leave the stylist or barber that just did the re-cut you’ve got that shorter style, something different than what you normally have. Here’s the deal talk to them and ask them how you can replicate how you can make it look like. It looks right now. If you’re looking at yourself and you like the look and you’re pretty happy, but you have never styled your hair in this way so pay attention.. Did they use a blow dryer? What product are they using? It could be that hey you’re, using a clay you’re going to now need to start using a pomade.. You want to make sure you’re armed with the information. Don’t be afraid to buy product directly from them there. You may pay a little bit extra, but you’re actually walking out with the product that you just used. Now, as we’re talking about hair care product guys I want to let you know I use Pete and Pedro.. I love this product and no they’re, not a sponsor of this video.. I just simply wanted to plug them, because the founder, Aaron Marino is a great friend of mine and they’ve got this amazing service. I’m going to link to it down in the description of this video.. But you can submit a selfie and just simply put your name and e-mail, and I have seen Aaron Marino actually sit and answer tons of these. He’ll. Look at your hair type, your hair length all the details. He will tell you what exact product you should actually try.. So if you’ve got a bad haircut or if you’re trying something new, simply take a picture, submit it and they’re going to recommend which product for your hair, because there are so many different options out there. Now. For me, 80 % of the time it seems like I’m either going with the putty or the clay.. These are my two go-to.. They just work for my hair type and I like the look., Both of them. Actually, the putty it’s got a high hold with a very low shine.. The clay has a medium hold with no shine.. Now, if I want a shine, I’m going to use a pomade., Pomade is going to be shiny and it has a high hold.. They’Ve also got this paste that has a medium hold and it’s got a little bit of a shine, but not really too much. He’s got some other great products.. The sea. Salt spray is really nice. If you want to add texture. And by the way, I’ve always talked about hairstyles hair products, if it’s got you confused guys I’m linking to my free e-book down in the description. And with this e-book, you can actually dive into hair types, all the different hair lengths. How and what products to go for. I’ve got some cool charts in there. All right.. So those are my three quick action steps that you can take immediately.. Now let’s talk about preventing bad haircuts., [ 0:04:57 ]. So the first step in preventing a bad haircut is to communicate to over-communicate with your barber exactly what you want. A picture says a thousand words so use pictures.. Take a picture of your best haircut from the front from maybe the backside. Even do a video going. All the way around talking about what you like, maybe ask your barber. What exactly he did. Keep that on your phone and a year from that you’ll be able to use that as a reference to get exactly what you want.. Now let’s say you don’t have access to that picture or that video? How do you still communicate with your barber.? The key is you got to be able to speak their language.? You got to know the lengths you got to know the tools. So as you’re getting your haircut, ask a lot of questions hey. What number of clippers are you using on the side As you go up you’re using a different clipper, you change it up.. How are you doing the back? What – are you squaring it, or are you rounding it out About the top of my head? Oh, how long are you leaving out there? Oh an inch-and-three-quarters., So all of a sudden you’re able to speak the lexicon of the these barbers of these stylists and you’re more likely to get exactly what you want. The next tip for avoiding a bad haircut work with the best.. So the best stylist in your town, the best barber - they probably got a wait list. They probably have a schedule that you’re going to need to get on and you can’t just walk in. Oftentimes. These people are booked solid.. Why? Because they are artist, they are really good at what they do. Now the best oftentimes are going to cost more, sometimes two to three times what you’re used to paying., I would say, give it a shot. And now let’s talk about referrals., Yes, it’s great. If you know someone who has a great-looking haircut and they rave about the experience, but most of us we’re going to go online and when you look at the Yelp, the Google reviews take it with a grain of salt because it isn’t averaged.. Did someone give them a one-star review because they were late and they simply did not honor that appointment because hey you were thirty minutes late., So you’ve got to read into that and don’t just look at the overall aggregate number.. Now this next tip for avoiding a bad haircut may sound obvious, but so many guys don’t do this and that is to schedule your haircuts and to shorten the time between it. Now I know a lot of guys want to save money and they’ll go six weeks. Eight weeks, but hopefully at the most you’re, going four to five weeks.. But if you have had a history of not getting exactly what you want shorten the time period to two weeks to three week.. Yes, it’s, going to cost you a little bit more. But here is the deal is that the barber could actually see where it was at before.. Now, if you go in there and spend eight weeks, it’s been twelve weeks, you’re coming in looking like shaggy dog and he’s like this is going to be – this is a transformation.. When you go in every two weeks, it’s more of just a trim and it’s much easier for them to get exactly what you want. And now the best advice. I can give you on how to avoid a bad haircut is to be loyal to your stylist or your barber.. Take the time to explore the different options in your town, but find someone that you connect with someone that you communicate well with and schedule times every month that you’re showing up to get your haircut.. So when you’re going to be traveling abroad for two weeks, you were in there five days before you got your haircut, you are covered until you get back., You leave him a nice tip. You treat him with respect because it’s, a great profession and one that I love seeing come back and there’s so many great shops.. Now I want to hear from you guys down in the comments. What is your favorite barbershop, your favorite stylist in your town, Just give them a shout-out down in the comments, and I have to probably go in and maybe put their websites in. I got to manually approve through YouTube, but I’ll have one of my assistants go in there and help do that even a month after this video has been out. And guys go check out, Pete and Pedro I’m linking to them down in the description. Aaron’s got that Awesome service. Send Aaron a picture of yourself, maybe have a crazy smile.. I don’t know, you know we – it’s funny. Seeing these things can excite --. I hang out with Aaron and I’ve. Seen him go through answer. These e-mails give people actually a quick little consultation. It’s, pretty much. The only way you can get a hair consultation from Aaron Marino is actually through the secret service., Again I’m linking to them down in the description.. The putty is definitely one of my go-tos and the clay I’m wearing right, now., So great product, great company, proud to support them. Go check them out, I’ll be linking to them down in the description. And that’s it guys.. Take care. I’ll see you in the next video. Vishal. What we’re really excited to see was that we ended up getting to interact with quite a few people who had a vested interest in who we were as people who we were as professionals. And not be cheesy. But in reality we felt like we walked away with kind of a brotherhood of people who are interested in seeing how we succeed, see what we do in life and see what we do with our – our venture. Chaz. I think, anytime, you have an opportunity to be around other positive folks who are striving to better themselves in whatever way it is that that just encourages you to step up and make positive changes, yourself. Antonio, All right, gents, quick bit of trivia.. If you take Pete and Pedro and you mix it with Tiege Hanley, you are going to instantly explode with sexiness.. This is a proven fact and I’ve got some of the scientific data down in the description of this video to prove it., But it’s. Something be careful with this is only for the experienced the guys that really know what they’re doing. Be very careful when you mix these things, amazing combinations, I swear. One time I did it and Aaron Marino just popped up at my door. It was – it blew me away., Powerful, stuff, guys. [, 0:10:29 ] End of Audio

Dammitimmad: bruh that feeling when you gotta lie saying "they did ok"

prod.mercenary: Imagine telling them what you want and they just completely mess it up anyway

Prathmesh Chourasiya: That sad moment when the barber just runs the trimmer cuts off the double amount of hair you wanted to and then asks is it OK or do you want them even shorter

OutNProud500: I messed up my quarantine haircut miserably. Thankfully, my hair is healthy and always grows back within 3-4 weeks. This is gonna be the hardest 3-4 weeks of my life!

Flight June: My barber just took like 6 inches of my hair when i asked for 2 off. She literally faced me away from the mirror

Danny: The momment when he says u like it? I look at him and "say yes thank u"

Joseph Yensan: You can’t even compare on how bad my hair looks. I honestly want to die

Kevin Carson: I think the big disconnect here is, if my hair is already too short, and I didn’t ask for it to be short, how is that to be “fixed”? The answer is, I might get a remedy but a true fix has been left lying on the floor.

Jack: I legit showed them a pic of the hair I wanted “I know what you want” they said They were wrong. They cut off all of my hair. I wanted to have it long on the top. I could’ve just shown them the pic but no, they claimed to know what I wanted. Fml

Universal_ Wisdom: So relatable! I haven’t had a haircut in a couple months because I’m trying to grow my hair out after a barber totally made my hair uneven. I tried for an undercut, and One side was longer than the other, The sides were average but when my hair wasn’t formed back everything just wasn’t even, I’d have to have product in my hair 24/7 just to look good!!

Ukrainian Perspective w/ Veronika Olson: I got such a great laugh out of the thumbnail thank you so much for the creativity & effort that you put in every single video, Antonio! P.S. When you will know Kiev event days , please, announce them ! It be a dream come true to visit your seminar ! I’ll be there with my subs July 14th to 24th ❤️

idk whatijustposted: I've been going to the same barbershop for the last 2 years. Found out the usual guy moved out, tried twice with some other barbers in the shop. The last 2 times were horrible. Too short, not following what I asked. It is actually heartbreaking that next time I cut my hair, I gotta find a new place

Evan H: I wanna fucking cry at this moment in time

Beastmode: Just got a bad hair cut, and this helped a lot! Thanks!

Kamez104: I hope my hair will regrow before my final exam. I just got the worst haircut I ever had and I don't want the whole school seeing me without my hood.

L P: My stylist literally shaved a line of my hair completely bald and im

Luis Diaz: Great video. All you points are spot on. I've been at my barbershop for almost three years. My barber always asks what I want to do. Sometimes a change up my style and cut. She always gets it right because we communicate well. I go to the Boardwalk barbershop in Riverside California. My barber is Danie. A great woman barber. Great place and people. You can have a beer while your wait.

Mark Suckerburg: I asked for a crew cut right (kinda short) and the dude he just cut he gave a perfect crew cut which made me feel like "ok he's not bad" so I asked him for a crew cut, and after 1 minute he shaved nearly EVERYTHING and he just left me with a semi bald. Now I'm here

Rob D: Just got the worse fade of my life and don't know how this is going to get fixed. She was so aggressive with the clippers. Thanks great clips. I guess you get what you pay for.

Dabmaster 9000: one more tip, buy a hat

Dark King gaming: That's the problem I literally told my barber exactly how I wanted my hair and it didn't come out the way it should have

Erick Galindo: This has happened to me many times, I've gone through about 10 barbers in the past 3 years. I finally found a good barber Hector Martinez at Hanks barber shop in Camarillo CA. Very happy with his work. Great video by the way

Adriel Rowley: My last haircut looked great, then she got the clippers out and in two seconds looked like I had a toupée! Second time she has gone too short on the sides, both times took three months to grow out to where looked okay. And yes both times clearly communicated, especially the second. This last time been over a year since had a cut, in December had a family/financial setback. Honestly, just past the top of my collar and with keeping it styled behind the ears, most don't notice being too long. Find also fun as can also go tousled/hand combed, with or without argan oil. Oh, and would love to go anywhere, but having THICK red hair must be a salon and of those, only found three in my lifetime (moved several times). So yes I probably should go in every month so gets to doing it right, but when too short, can it really be fixed? Thank you in advance.

Rabbit-: There was this one time when i told my barber to do an undercut, just a little cut on the top and he cut it like super short

SkuzzyJ: I met my stylist at a different shop, several years ago. One day, I went in for an appointment and found out she had moved across town. So I went to the new place, got back on the books, and got a call later that she was was able to squeeze me in that day due to a no-show. Love her.

Mabior Chol Appreciation Page: Just happened to me today. Asked for the barber to do the sides short but to not touch the back (as I had grown it out for months to create a mullet). But he went crazy with the clippers and cut the sides and back off really short. I didn't really notice at first but then my mum, who had driven me to the barber's, rushed over to stop the barber because she had noticed that the barber didn't follow what I said. Months of growing gone to waste because of a barber that decided to just do his own thing

Daniel Madsø: I use brylcreem. The look is awesome and how it feels is fantastic, but it is quite hard to wash out. But that doesn't stop me from using it!

Kellen Quigley: My girlfriend's sister's best friend Lyssa does my hair. She bring her stuff right to my place and does everything right in the comfort of my own home and takes the time to make sure everything is exactly right. For $15 a pop, can't beat it.

noah stump: So apparently the guy who cut my hair thought the fade goes up to the top I my head

yeah right: You know you can't trust your barber if none of the tips work at all, I swear I cried

Michael Lemasters: I’m really angry because I like my hair to be pretty long and shaggy on the top but pretty short on the sides. I told this to my barber (never had her before as I only walked in) and she just sheered off all my hair that was on the top and later claimed that I said two inches off the top which I never said! I almost felt like just walking out without paying but I decided I wouldn’t cause too much drama. I can’t wait to find a new barber.

Axaye: i explained for 20 minutes exactly hoe to cut and they always cut it the same way its so annoying once in my life they didnt

Michael McLean: I’m loyal to my barber Samantha (yes, a woman trained as a men’s barber!) over at Hollywood’s in Murphy, NC. Father-daughter family owned business. She knows my hair better than I do.

Notato: love the thumbnail antonio lmao. your serious and direct personality contrasts well with the humor in your thumbnails. also great info as usual!

J Johnson: Amazingly, the local Cost Cutters franchise gives me the best haircuts. There are three current stylists who know how I prefer my hair to look like. Regis used to be the best in my town, but they closed their space at the mall...otherwise I'd go there.

Haziq Ashraaf: I always cut my hair on 15th and 30th of every month. Scheduling it this way works very well for me

tookallyourmoney: I held the same barber in Tx for 15 years when i moved to Australia i had a hard time finding a shop that knew what i was talking about..i just told them i killed the last barber that got it wrong. Coming from familly in the business cant stress it enough, it its so true have and established relationship with your barber.

Ben Smith: Hey Antonio, love your videos. They help so much. Any recommendations for a good, stylish, professional looking bag for college?

Northside Shawty: You're such a great guy Antonio! I always love your complete honesty :)

Moctezuma M: Hey antonio I'm loving your simple yet stylish haircut. Do you ever think about changing your style a bit?

Sreerag C Manoj: This is exactly the kind of video that I am expecting form The RMRS. Thank you Mr.Antonio.

Sina Pourbeik: Thanks Antonio for the advise, I could really use this the next time my hair dresser crews up my hair

Jp Jp: I used to shave it all myself but when I decided to grow my hair back, I rely on friends who are trained.

FitSoul: I'm just going to close myself in my bedroom till my hair grow again. Thank you.

Goodtimes: Great videos - I watch your videos with my young sons to teach them how to behave and dress and have proper hygiene- please do not curse - thank you sir.

Additio S: I came in and I started explaining that I was growing my hair, but he was like "I'm an expert I know I know". HE MADE ME LOOK LIKE A FREAKING DOUCHEBAG. I am a Marketing Manager and I was going to a formal meeting, so my aim was to cut of the dead ends, that's it. Now, I can't even look into the mirror. I hope he goes bankrupt and doesn't make any money.

Carl Murawski: That thumbnail is hilarious! Your videos have come such a long way since I began watching, it's inspiring!

Nick: How do I fix a high hard part? My hard part used to be at the cornerish line at my forehead but now it’s slightly above and when it grows it looks weird.

Shahbaj Hussain: Great videos most of us forget the little things like discussing what u want with your barber n all. It used to happen to me

Hydrosphere5: AC - Really enjoy your channel and the topics you hit. Watch you regularly. One ask though, my son (9yrs) and I enjoy many of you videos, however, use of profanity on the covers make it tough to explain this is a gentleman's channel. Any steering away from that would be appreciated. Thank you for all your work though

E ra: A hair dresser cut my hair and brought it up too high with the clippers on the crown of my head towards the back. I asked her to blend it with scissors beforehand

Forever Mauru: Tip for the future: always refuse a haircut unless its the barber you have always gone to (never 'cheat' on a barber)

Young Skinnny: My hair is thick and straight and the lady was super nice and at the end of the hug my hair was a straight uniform helmet with really short bangs and a fluffy top. I told her I didn’t want my hair to be puffy but there was nothing she could really do. I look like a retard but whatever

Reis Gendron: I had a thick head of hair, and sweet sideburns. I said to even out the sideburns, square out the back, and bring down the top. I end up with no sideburns, no back, and a weird fring on the top. I couldn't tell what they were doing because I didn't have my glasses on. So now I'm in a nightmare.

mralex070: You have to be brave to challenge a hairdresser most will just accept it and grow it back.

Gentlemen of Action: The last portion of the video is good. It's like an "Easter Egg" and knowing that it's there keeps me watching until the end of the video. Marketing Gold!

FailedFuturist3616: Man, I moved 9 months ago and have tried 4 different barbers. So far I haven’t found a barber I like... hope I can find one.

Luciano Brancato: I had an undercut that went to my chin. I wanted it to my cheek. I got it cut and it was above my eye. My hair is frizzy so it made a triangle on top of my head. It looks so bad

Kathy Maduke: I asked for a Eminem type haircut years ago, the barber shaved my head. I am a woman. I wore hats and scarves for about 6 weeks

ELK: I've been cutting my own hair for almost a quarter century and the last time I can remember that I paid for a haircut was about 20 years ago. Yes, there have been a few times where I screwed up a bit but nothing that didn't grow back within a week or so. Truth is, I get compliments on my haircut quite a bit and nearly everyone that I tell that I cut my own hair says they would have never guessed. Pro tip: make very small cuts. I usually trim my hair once a week and just trim it a bit. Saves not just money on barbers/hairstylists but it also saves time because I can cut my hair in 5-10 minutes without having to go somewhere out of my way. That's what I call a win win! Bam!

Andreas Pesic: Well Antonio my favorite barber is Headmasters they are great the customer service is great as well. I want to recommend you to make a video about pens(fountain pens, roller ball and ball point) if you don't know much about pens just do a research. Thank you for your videos you are great!

Owen Jordan: i feel like no barber I’ve gone to knows what a slight trim is. everytime i say a trim and even show a picture of what i want they fuck it up and cut a shitload of hair

Bakari Jenkins: I have two, each in different cities. One is Q at The Chop Shop, who I have gotten haircuts from since the middle of my high school days, and the other is James at 5 Star Salon, who first cut my hair when i got a new style.

1701spacecadet: Option 1: join the marines. Option 2, a big hat Option 3, sue the ass off them (the barber, not the marines).

Samad Abdul Hameed: Definitely going to try mixing pede and pedrro with tiege!

Zetsoh: i cut my hair on my own and it looked super good but i wanted it shorter and they cut my hair like there was a bowl over my head

LouisL1963: I'll give a shout out to Debbie at Headshop in Ewell, Surrey here in the U.K. Have been a customer there for a year now - I book an appointment every 4 weeks, and she does a consistently great job with my hair 10/10 :-)

EpicMeme Productions: I needed this!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!

Steven: my mother cut my hair, i told her the school just wanted my hair little bit shorter... now i look like a monk

Gremlin: Went in for a laptop. The lady gave me a buzz cut. My regular barber was out for the day and there was a lady in there in his place. The lady apologized for her mistake I still walked out without paying

Ethan Fuhrer: My barber cut off about 5-6 inches of my hair when I asked them to just trim the sides

Jaden Fong: i’m currently in the bay area in california for a few years and my favorite barber is the “sausalito barber” or also know as the “caledonia street barbers”

gluten free lad: My dad went all up one side and did the other side the way I wanted it...

P: I told this man I didn’t like the cut and he told me he didn’t have enough time to fix it

Shaf Serious: Fortunately i started losing hair, now i shave it weekly! Barber days are long gone!

oldatarigamer: I'd be thankful that I had a full head of hair and that it'll grow back.

Alex .C: My barber is pretty decent but I'd say 1/10 times he cuts it too short.

xMoose338x: Another thing that has helped me immensely when buying product for my hair is the ASK the barber.... it's almost like that mouth hole is meant to be used.

krollic: HAHA at that thumbnail. If that ever happened to me I think I'd scalp myself.

That’s Random: Yea rip, I do the straight back and left style. It’s usually 4-7 inches, for whatever reason she thought I did something else and cut it down to 2.5 inches I’m pissed

Anze Osenar: Antonio, honestly, you should have hair style more like that on 3:12 than you have on other parts of this video. When you put your hair more up and put more volume on it looks better than when you put down. When you put your hair down it looks too much oldschool.

Bede: I’m just gonna straight up say it: don’t trust foreign barbers. I’m English and every time I’ve gone to a foreign barber they’ve messed up my hair, they were rude and took no care whatsoever. Native British barbers always given me a stellar trim and have treated me well.

Let's go Brandon: When you have to cut your own hair because of lockdown...

lukas m: "just take a lil off the top and front and fade the back" *proceeds to cut three inches off the top and front, doesn't even fade the back.* damn, i even brought a few pictures.

Killshort13: Thanks Antonio for your advice this video is a life changer

René Hillege: I always go to The Hairdoctor, Beukenweg 16, Amsterdam. Friendly barbers who take their time for a great result. They're very affordable as well!

Okifurbi: First, is going to a good hairdresser, you get what you pay for, period. Second SHOW PICTURES of exactly what you want, front, back and sides. Very easy to google them. Third, if he still screws up, no worries, hair grows. Go to a different hairdresser immediately to fix it or wait a week and go so he has something better to work with. Use a cap in the meantime

Soon E: What is the appropriate tip for hair cut? Going with 15, 20 or more % of cost of hair cut?

da5idnz: Mt problem is that I wear glasses and have to remove them during the cut so I really don't know what is happening....

josh posh: i did some crazy design to my sideburns and i thought it looked funny but so many people complimented me LOL!!!

Vybz: I had curly hair from lockdown and now its short on sides but long on top i miss it so much

Joe Mama: I asked for a trim around my ears and they cut the back super short and the same with the top

Nirvana Of Monkasar: love your videos. if you please Antonio what type of watches should i wear at work i am an airtaffic controller? Also what watch should i wear for other occations?

M Patel: My forehead is reaching unheard of sizes and my hair looks like it’s Lego, please pray for me

JMFootball: When you tell your barber to leave the curls up top or maybe slightly trim them and then he cuts them all off

X DICAP: I am currently growing my hair out until my next semester starts then I’m getting it cut really short.

Robbie KZ: I can’t even hide my hair with a hat at work because I work in retail

John Nerisa: Here in Philippines when your gonna go in the Barber,the Barber says I'll give you hat after I done cutting your hair.

RB: I usually get bowl cuts with a skin fade on the side. I have a wedding to attend to soon, and i went to a new barber out of impatience. Essentially what happened was the barber shaved off the sides instead of fading it in, left the top and pushed my hairline far back (and i already had a big forehead to begin with), if i were to put my hair down it won't look clean (shaved sides + hair from the top doesn't blend in). what are my options?

Subhanshu Thapa: Great piece of advice.

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