3 Best Essential Oils For Your Hair!

Oils for Human Hair Wigs

It’s no secret that essential oils are incredibly good for your beauty needs and for your health overall. Everything from moisturizing skin to helping you feel relaxed, using in the form of a diffuser, or a dropping on your pillow to help you sleep — whatever it is, I think we can all agree that essential oils are the ultimate natural health and beauty product.

Essential Oils For Hair

Did you know that you can also use essential oil for your hair? Believe it or not, many women love to use essential oils to help rejuvenate and bring life back to their hair (it’s also great to use for styling, too). So, without further ado, let’s talk about a few of the best essential oils for your hair and why you need them in your life! 

Lavender Essential Oil

Okay, seriously — what health benefits doesn't lavender have? Everything from helping you to soothe an upset stomach, moisturizing skin, fighting insomnia, and more — yes, lavender is even good for your hair too! Studies suggest that using lavender essential oil on your hair can actually speed up hair growth and reduce the stress on your hair follicles. This in return will also improve the health of your scalp overall (lavender is basically the real MVP). Massage a small amount of lavender oil into your hair everyday to start seeing and feeling the incredible results of it’s magical healing abilities!

Cedarwood Oil

For all my ladies that may have dyed their hair one too many times, this is the oil for you! Cedarwood oil is believed to help to promote healthy hair growth and reduce hair loss by balancing oils-producing glands on the scalp. This is ideal for anyone who has undergone extreme hair loss for medical reasons, or by chemical burn from bleaching.

If you’re a sucker for regular hair coloring on natural hair, make sure you incorporate cedarwood oil into your routine to ensure your hair is always full of health and beauty. You can massage cedar wood into your hair daily and leave it for about 10 minutes before rinsing. You can also combine it with rosemary or lavender oil to help combat hair loss!

Lemongrass Oil

Our third top pick for our favorite essential oils for hair health is lemongrass oil. Okay, I know dandruff can be an embarrassing problem to deal with, but unfortunately it is a common problem that many men and woman deal with. For that reason, lemongrass is actually thought to help promote a healthy, flake free scalp, and help to moisturize dried hair strands and follicles to ensure your hair is at it’s maximum health. Massage lemongrass into your scalp daily when using shampoo to clear away any dandruff you may have, and just give your hair an extra boost overall (and watch your hair love you in return!).

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