Styling My Grown Out Hairstyle | Men'S Lockdown Hair Tutorial

How I style my grown out hairstyle at home. This hair tutorial shows you how to make the most of your hair during lockdown... especially when you can't get your hair cut by a barber. You might think that with grown out sides that you need to flatten your hair against your head. If anything, the opposite is true! Working volume and texture into your hair helps to blur the lines and disguise the fact that you definitely need a haircut. Go big!

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— Shave Your Head OR Grow Your Hair Out? | Lockdown Hair -

— Men's Medium Length Haircut For Fine Hair | 2020 Hairstyle -

— Budget Hair Product Routine | Men’s Hairstyle Tutorial -

— Men's Medium Length Haircut and Style | Textured Hairstyle Using Clay -

#StyleWithMe #StayHome #MensHair #MensHairstyle #MensHair2020 #MensHaircut #HowTo #Tutorial #Haircut #Hairstyle #Lockdown #RobinJames #ManForHimself



— Bumble and bumble Tonic Primer -

— evo Salty Dog salt spray -

— Kevin Murphy Rough Rider - (Discount code: MANFORHIMSELF)



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I’m Robin James. My YouTube channel is a destination for men’s grooming; looking at hair, skincare and fragrance.

I make videos showing how to achieve different hairstyles and haircuts; exploring grooming products; and reviewing men's fragrances.



Edited by PurpleYam Productions.

Music licensed via Envato.


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Hi guys, how are you I'm Robin welcome back or welcome to my youtube channel this little world in my bedroom? Right now is ma'am from self. If you like, hair product reviews, grooming, skincare, fragrance and hair tutorials like this, then press subscribe right now. Okay, I have been quite excited to do this one, since we kind of been all working from home and doing our bit and just generally changing the way we live. I'Ve really enjoyed doing my hair just getting up doing my hair getting to my desk and getting on with my day and my hair is grown. Eight. It is M, it's long. It'S long around the ears. It'S like losing its shape rapidly. The top is so long. The back is a mess and I've kind of changed the way I've been styling it to make the most of what I have and you'll have seen a video I did last week on shave it or grow it at the moment. I am most definitely growing it. So if you're with me, let me know in the comments below I don't know: I'm not the only one to know a lot of you said you were gon na cut it off um, okay. So the key thing in this is really ensuring that you work with the weight you work with the volume you don't try and pretend it's not happening. If anything you make it bigger, it makes it then look styled. So I've been just really sort of focusing a lot on pre, stylers and mixing stuff. What I've always done really so I am going to go with and Bumble and Bumble tonic primer. I'Ve used it a lot. I love it. It kind of just coats, the hair. It gets it set it's good for adding natural-looking volume. It also protects the hair from heat if using a hairdryer. I'Ve also loved this anti-gravity. I'Ve got not so many products at home with me most are in man from self HQ, so M, so yeah. So I'm just gon na spritz in okay, that's just going to start to prep the hair. This hairstyle is gon na, be all about huge cartoon character volume very much than me of like mm and when they start like 2012 up 2013, all a little bit silly. I'M then gon na add a little bit of texture. I'Ve been doing this sort of mixing of sea sorts, breeze and sort of tonics, even like volumizing lotions and a lot, because I've really liked the way that it's added movement and definition to my hair. If your guy was really fine here or you feel like you just need that little extra boost then see sort sprays. Are you gon na be a friend and the most premium sea sort sprays? I know them they are expensive, but it means they're not going to dry. Your hair out they've got conditioning agents in it so kind of way that up I'm gon na go with. I always use this one sash wine, so I'm gon na go for evil. Salty dog and you just kind of just want to mist over the top. I should also say, if you're looking for some sort of like hairstyle inspiration of grenade hairstyles, I've got some celebs on the new men's hairstyles section on man from self also, my hair style. Soon, as I've done, this I'll put it on, this will just tell you how you can draw your hair out to that length. What products you can use to achieve it and just have a bit of an inspiration board, and you can also like rate it and stuff. So you can see what other people have thought. Okay. So now what I'm gon na do is just grab a hairdryer and I'm gon na go for a medium feet, medium feet, medium heat and a fast speed and don't over dry. You here just be really careful that it's not feeling like you're scarps, getting hot or that the hair is feeling like crispy, hmm, also living by coffee at the moment, as I always say, if it's not coffee its wine, medium heat, fast speed and I'm gon na Work up and over normally I would go like this way to really build the volume and but the volume is already there, so I'm gon na go this way, and actually you gon na see that the hair looks even bigger when you're drying your hair, be rough With it, I say, be roughly don't be pulling it out and don't be like ripping at it, but just really kind of to start to work in some texture. If I want this, if I want smooth and glossy and that sort of really formal here, then I'm really smooth with my hands, I'm brushing it, I'm teasing it, I'm placing it against the head, but with this I'm just like really working it in because I want It huge and it doesn't matter what the hairstyle always finish on a cold blast will either take the temperature of the hair dry down or blast it for the cool shot just to seal the cuticle. I mean you guys noticed even follow me for a while seal. The cuticle up the shine it and also prep the hair so that it's ready to style. Okay, the hair is huge. It'S messy. It looks a bit unkept. It'S looking like. I need a haircut, but the next bit of this styling is really going to start to like put that style in and really make it what it should be. So at the moment I've been using a lot of clay. I love clay anyway. You know that and but I've just been using a lot of rough rider'. Actually I find that with Rough Rider. It is oil-based, so it's slightly wax here sort of in the way it looks. It'S also really great for adding texture. So there here feels like it's got more movement to it. I'Ve actually been going back to claymation to buy hansa food cool. I just actually think this is a really great product and it does what it's supposed to, but for now let's go with some Rough Rider. So it's always about the layering. Please don't overload your hair. You will regret it, especially with an oil-based product. After wash, I wouldn't start again so I'm gon na go like that into the hands here at the moment is insane. My hair just seems to have been getting bigger and bigger the longer that I'm at home in isolation, not seeing anyone yeah. I think I'm just going a little bit like here crazy at the moment we're all in it. Together, though, you guys are keeping me sane. Okay, let's just brush at it, looking in here you'll see normally I kind of go like brush that way. Then I scoop it up, but this I'm really kind of like need. I hate to use like baking terms, but it's like I'm kneading flour in order to like make some sort of cake and but I'm just gon na kind of like really brush at it, just sweeping it. I used to see a lot of guys on YouTube doing this sort of movement where they were kind of like shaking out the hair, and I always thought is that actually doing anything but the longer my hair gets the more that I'm doing this too. I'M just really like picking it up and placing it and it's this messiness that I absolutely love and it's this messiness that I feel like you can only really do when the hairs really grown out. The perfection is in the imperfection there you go and what I'm just gon na do is I'm gon na kind of just shake at these sides of it, because I'm gon na let them overhang lit years. If you were just if you were just to sweep the hair back, you would see that it was totally overgrown that you'd lost the shape, but by shaking it you're almost kind of just merging and blurring those lines. Then I'm just gon na work with a natural part which is on my recession, line, which is here and I'm just going to allow that to come in and I got a bit more product and I'll make sure that all these products are linked and they'll also Be on that hairstyle page! So if you do want to have a little bit more of a look into the products where you can buy them best prices, you're gon na see that on that page, for this and just doing the same, there pick pick pick and it's just these little bits. Now, just to finesse it I've not been using a lot of hairspray when I've been like at home, just because I'm not going out so the we're not gon na blast it and I'm enjoying playing with it and that's what an oil-based product is. Gon na give you it's not gon na dry as much so you can sort of manipulate it through the day. You can mess it up and you could actually just change the stealth depending how you feel if you're, not following me on Instagram, come and follow. I'M sharing sort of like daily tips, I say tips, I'm not the Messiah, I'm just telling you what I'm up to and showing what I'm wearing I've got my hair and some of my favorite fragrances of the day. So I just got up and had a look in the mirror and I'm I didn't like it. I thought I actually looked far too neat, so I've just literally, let's just so, you can get this for you, I've, literally just like messed it by proving it around the ear a bit more. It'S exactly what I wanted to do. Get yourself a mirror robin get yourself a mirror, but yeah just sort of shake at it. I'M pulling it. I much prefer that use that texture from the sea, salt spray use that volume from the hair, dryer, the sea, salt spray and the sort of prep lotion or volumizer and then kind of work it in with your hands em. And that actually just shows you can keep on playing with it. I am much happier with us now there you go all the volume, all the texture, with my messy growing outsides and my hair. That'S far too long in the moment, but I'm gon na stick with it. Thank you very much for watching. I hope you've enjoyed this there's stuff on screen the hairstyle directory. Is there there's another video? I think it's gon na be there subscribers also here and my Instagram for all my goings on in my life, which doesn't consist of much at the moment up there, but I'll see you in the next new video bye, bye. You

Robin James: Have you seen my new Hairstyle Directory?

Sam Felton: Absolutely growing my hair out - hopefully I can get through the awkward phase and it’ll look decent long! Nice freedom I guess idk

Jayden Jewell: 100% growing my hair out. I shaved it off a few months before this lockdown and found that it did not suit me. Great content, as usual, Robin.

Strapping Young Ladam: Been growing mine since well before this outbreak. I'm just going to keep going. My goal is shoulder length or at least long enough for a ponytail. My hair routine has been very simplified lately. Most days I just get out of the shower, comb it back and let nature take it's course for the day.

Danny dB: Yeah, I also chose growing it up. But my styling totally changed. Since I don't have to go out I just let it dry naturally with some Label.m Matte Paste or Shear Revival Northern Lights in it. It ends up very slick and easy to manage and if I get bored with it I break it up to see the volume and let it have movement.

General Grizzy: Giving it another go growing out my hair. Already clean shaved my head last summer

Tri Monster: Thanks for this Robin, I'm growing mine out too and it's a similar length to yours so this was really useful

RussianWaffle: Hey robin, since I've grown my hair out the left side of my head(where my parting is) has like twice the volume of the right side after blow drying. Any tips?

BFCVoltron: I’ve been growing my hair out since around mid January but my hair grows out extremely slowly so I’ve never had the patience to grow it out but now I have the chance and it’s great

Leo Nicolay: 2:10 loved the videos back then, watching your videos since then. the fist video i remember was the one in which you treid to explain how to get the biggest quiff possible using dry shampoo spray as a prestyler. In that video you said it might not be healthy for your hair but lets make the most of it as long as we have got our hair haha

Shahril Dhp: I really love this hairstyle

Edgarez: I have been cutting my own hair at home for many years so you will never see me without a fresh fade. Not even in this quarantine

Raul Rivera: Thank you for this video. I have fine hair and growing it out. I need a new look and trying everything in this quarantine.

Jordan Thompson: Really liked this video Robin, and the hair looks great!

Big Dave: Part of the growing out gang. Currently got a sort of faux hawk/ quiff with a skin fade. Big metal fan so having long hair will be awesome so hopefully I’ll get there! Edit: spelling

Joe M: I've just been whacking coconut oil in my hair every day, giving it a much needed break from products and enhancing the growth while combating split ends!

Jaymations: I'm growing out my hair! I'm with you Robin!!!

Jason Earl: i am differently growing out my hair but i took out my trimmers and cleaned up my neck, around the ears and bangs and i feel so much more comfortable now. so just a note feel free to trim you own hair its not that hard and if you mess up it will grow back.

Edwaarrrddd: Hi Robin! Any tips for someone who's sides grow forwards heavily? Getting them to go back with a hair dryer can be tricky

Paweł Schoepp: Messier and more volumized, but I love that look on you Robin! So do you style it in the opposite direction, or the natural where it grows right now?

Tom S: At least in these uncertain times we can always rely on Robin! Let's face it we have all been eyeing up those clippers but thankfully we got Robin to save the day.

Chinmay Amonkar: Great video! Do you think thinning shears should be used on hair that is fine?

Stewart Baillie: New subscriber Robin - going to get the hair growing out and take the chance for new style!! Armed with Hanz de Fuko and your videos.. bring it on.....

Pat Mash: Hi Robin, great stuff! What confuses me a little, in the video "Best Products For The Quiff" you explicitly recommend not to use sea salt sprays and thickening tonics for building up volume. Did something change here, what am I missing? Greetings from Berlin.

S.: Robin, do you have any advice about dealing with a front cowslick? My hair naturally parts to the left but the cowslick swirls to the right.

michael skidmore: I’m growing out my hair with you robin. You are not the only one my friend

Jerry Wilk, Jr.: I like your longer hair; it looks great!

Sulaiman Rahman: Growing it as well. I shaped up the back of my neck and around the ears yesterday though. Won't be doing anything to the top even though my fringe goes to the tip of my nose.

Henry Theakston: how often do you wash your hair? I've not used shampoo for a week now and it's still frizzy after I shower--you have similar hair to me and yours looks great

CPL Robben: Stay safe guys!! Keep rockin !

Jason Arriola: I was already planning on growing it out so I’m sticking with it, the only difference is I can’t get a trim to shape it right now, but oh well.

DeepPoseidon: When I put the product in I just like to go back with the hair dryer just to give it that extra bit of volume it works well for me I think.

Eric Smith: Im about 4 months ahead of you on length, but I live in a tropical climate and 5 minutes outside my hair would be flat on my head unless I load up the hairspray, which looks dreadful. Any pointers?

GameBred Gaming: I am with you brother!!!! Let do this together..... And i hope you and your country safe and healthy!!!!! Love. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

ian iskandar: Just like what I thought.. we feel the same now 1month after my last haircut

Alex Velazquez: I was thinking about cutting it, since my hair is as long as yours , but the way you styled it, made me keep it long lol

H3llHoundd: As a guy who always keeps hair very short. How do you deal with wind in a longer length hairstyle? what type of products to use?

Ma'en Makhadmeh: great job as always ..... can you please do a video for people's with thin hair?)

Kosta Kyriacopoulos: Growing it - hoping to figure out how to get the sides shorter, but surviving's pretty important, now.

Mason Johnson: I normally have a skin fade with a textured fringe, but I haven't had it cut in around 3 months. My sides are almost as long as yours! When the barbers are open I think I'll go with a skin fade but faded into a longer length rather than a grade 2 like I normally do. I wonder how it will look when I have the top cut too. Hopefully it will look slightly more classic with the longer length fade

We Remotely Low: Honestly, I think it looks pretty good messy like at the beginning

norirfan tubcub: Im growing out my hair, even though my front hair is long. I actually missed my back hair as it doesnt touch my hair. So thats why im growing it out

Michel Bruns: Are you really doing your full hair routine every day during the lockdown?

Mahesh M: I love when the hair curls at the nape, which looks so majestic, when it grows out.

Eidref Navarro: Im actually digging your hair right now. Its kinda a good new look for you

Musa Raj: Growing them out and loving your videos

Muhammad Salmaan Udhani: How long does it take to grow your hair

bag ofhammers: I think it looks really nice like this

مختبر بيروت Beirut lab: Thanks for information ♥️

Andrew Wass: Looking fly hope you’re safe and well Robin.

Muhammad Ahsan: "The perfection is in the imperfection"

connor 74: Ive been growing my hairout since may last year and havent had it cut once

Jason Arriola: Great video

Tips For Him: Planning to cut my hair. Gunna upload a video of myself doing it, whenever this new clippers arrives. My hair is too long now and just annoys me. I might make a balls of it but sure it's abit of craic

Priyanshu Singh: I gave myself a no8 disconnected undercut it works on me

Sagardip Choudhury: I am also growing out my hair Robin so the hair journey is with you.... But have to atleast neat my hair in the sides around my ears

Beauty Brain: Omg! This “hot moms” tee is hilarious

Mateo Valencia: I'm with you, growing it haha

Raphael_ary: I’m growing it

unknownpseudonym: Could you do a review or your thoughts on Lumin Skincare? They seem to have ads everywhere and sound quite convincing but I‘m not really sure if it is that good

Luke: favorite pre styler out of sachajuan sea salt spray, aveda thickening tonic or kevin murphy anti gravity?

Richard Geddis: lol i cant wait to see the state of peoples hair by the time this lockdown is over anyone who has grown their hair out will look crazy.

William Stock: Do you have any plans for a man for yourself app in the future? Also love everything you post mate! Favourite channel on yt!

Cupar Wearing: i know things are getting bad when I’m having dreams about buzzin ma hair off

StraightFlush: Robin, you have never had a buzz cut before. Although you said that you want to let it grow, I think buzzing it off would be mad cool, especially because you never had a buzz cut since this channel exists (At least i cant remember it). Would be an interesting new chapter and it gives you the opportunity to experiment with many styles while growing it out

mark bainton: With you man camp grow it. Why not no one can see me. Keep it up be strong.

George Osborn: 6:26 yep you’ve gone hair crazy ma friend

Elias Danaskos: I’m with you my guy

ChaCha: How do you style hair when you have a receding hairline?

Mariusz Grudziński: How did you stop your hair lose? And how you bring your hair back?

Narayan Devasi: I'm with you robin

Ru Wells: I'm growing it out for now.

Himanshu Dutta: Growing... My hair is just like yours.. Fine hair. But your hair is more straight then mine.

Sahil K: Which shampoo and conditioner do you use

Matt Roberts: I'm with you!

damienfarron: can you give me some help! i want my hair to look as thick as yours, i have high density fine hair too and its a nightmare

Hary: Why you don't use mousse anymore?

Waldo: i ma guilty...i forgot to put on Notification button, so for months now i've been living without your videos Robin...that mistake is corrected now !

amongus: is it just me or he looks like Robert Downey Jr.

Umair Khan: Hey. Please review moroccon oil shampoo and conditioner .

Matt Wall: Team grow it!

Coach Aesthetics: Hi Robin. Do we need so many products to have a good hairstyle. It's a expensive affair.

samir murad: Grow it✌

Callum Adams 101: Have u ever done a brand battle with Shampoo?

Sohrab Chegini: i don't why but he reminds me of graham norton

Darren Harrison: Growing mine out rather than give in and shave

Shreyans Mehta: Grow it Robin

Humza Elahi: I'm with you brother

Jutt Honey: Yes i am with you

Robin: I'm also growing it

Ronan Fitzgerald: you should try doing the jack o connel unbroken hairstyle

Juan Andrade: Anyone else growing it out???

Alex Riley: 4:26 wolverine hairstyle

Raf Tash: Stay safe mate

Jamie Druitt: what shampoos?

W3R7Y: Grow it defo

S.: Growing it.

apbourgeois1: Growing!

Thanasis: Feet. I got you babe ;)

Nattan Pires: I need a haircut asap. But with the quaratine, all the hair salons are closed. I’m going crazy. Any tips?

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