Removing Hair Color With Hydrogen Peroxide!? No Bleach Does It Work?

Hey guys! Today I'm trying something I found in my comments section. According to Payge, we can use regular hydrogen peroxide to remove hair color. So let's try it! Perfect during these trying times so be able to remove color with only household items most people have. Does it work? Watch the find out!

See my regular bleach bath video here:

See my baking soda method video here:

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Welcome back to my channel welcome if you are new all right today, i am finally doing another hair video. It has been way too long. First of all, i want to say this is a new light. I'M still trying to figure it out. So if it looks a little off, that's why um, i'm just i'm just happy to be back in my spot with my actual background and not in the bathroom so with that being said, let's get into this video all right so with all this covered craft, that Is going on in the world today and another possible shutdown looming in the future um, you may be needing this video more uh sooner than what you thought. So i wanted to do a lightning video to get rid of your hair dye with no bleach, which would hopefully mean less damage, which should mean less damage and with products that you have in your house that you don't have to go to the store. You don't have to go to sally's or anywhere else to get it um, because if they're shut down you can't go or you can't leave your house, you just got to use what you have so i've never personally done this method, but i did have a comment. Um shout out to to that said that this worked, so i'm gon na try this now. This is just basically a twist on my normal. I have a bleach bath video and then i have a baking soda method, video. So if you are okay um using if you have a developer, you can also definitely check that video out and this one is using peroxide as a replacement for the developer, and this is i'm using off-brand. I don't care it all works the same so from what she said. Three percent right, which is this hydrogen peroxide, should effectively work to lighten it. Just like a developer would so we're going to use the baking soda method, let's get into the mixtures, and i'm going to show you exactly what i'm using, how we're going to do it and we're going to see if this works alright. So, to start, we have our bowl and our shitty towel that we don't care about, and i'm gon na do this method with our baking soda first, any baking soda will work. This just happens to be what i have, and this will act like your bleach and then we have to activate it. So, according to our friend paige in the comments, six percent peroxide is equal to 20 volume, which and then most household is the three percent, so that should be equivalent to about a 10 volume. So it's not going to have a whole lot of lifting power, but a 10 volume is good because it will definitely keep it less, damaging it's less damaging to lower the volume. So i expect this is going to be very liquidy of a mixture, we're gon na wing it and see what happens what the hell. I don't really know how much to add i'm just kind of mixing it in there and seeing what happens all right so we're gon na make like a little paste with the baking soda and the peroxide all right. So after adding some more baking soda and more peroxide, i'm trying to get a little more in here. This is the thickness. That'S like a paste of just peroxide and the baking soda and then next we're going to add some dish, soap and i'm using dawn, but literally any dish. Soap will work hello there. This is editing. Jen uh interrupting your regular programming uh just here to tell you that i do realize that in her regular comment she does not mention the use of dish soap. This is just what i usually do for a bleach bath. So that's why i added it feel free to not use it at all. It'S not really necessary. This is just what i do. No specific measurements just kind of putting it in there and this will aid in the lifting as well of the color all right. So this is all we're gon na do is just what you saw me put in there, and this is the thickness of it and what it looks like we're, literally working with what most people have in their house, and this is what we have. So, let's get this on my head all right now that we have our mixtures before we get this on my head: let's go over a few things to start out. First of all, you want to fade your hair and have it faded as much as possible before you do any type of mixture on it, meaning clarifying shampoo, dandruff, shampoo, hot showers as much as possible, um all that good stuff. So this is where i am left. After i previously had it dyed black, if you have not already seen that video, you can watch it up in the icards or at the end of this video i will have the video of me dyeing my hair, as well as a full review on the actual Black hair dye arctic fox transylvania, the other thing that you need to know is before you put it on your hair, make sure that your hair is greasy and unwashed. The natural oils from your hair will help protect the hair itself. I am already wearing a crappy shirt that i don't care about because you never know what kind of effect it's going to have on your clothes and then also gloves, because i'm pretty sure this stuff burns just like bleach and with the regular bleach bath and the Baking soda method: i know that it lightens your regular root color as well, which i do have some so that'll, be interesting to see. Now this is acting like a 10 volume, so i don't expect a whole lot of lifting, but this will be the least damaging, and i think it's something that we can do multiple times if need be. So let's get it on my head now. If this was an actual bleach, you would stay away from your root like that and then do those last, but i don't really care and i'm not a professional. We just do us book it all right, so first thoughts on trying to get this in my hair. It'S very it's like rubbing bacon, it's like it's, not you see, it doesn't mix very well. It'S like rubbing straight. It'S so thick. It'S like it's not doing it right or something it's freaking, weird shampoo. I was supposed to put shampoo in it. Oh, please, a few moments later alrighty, i'm back so for shampoo, we're gon na use a clarifying shampoo. Any shampoo will work, i'm just using clarifying because in my theory, clarifying does get uh fade your hair, some so um. Maybe this will also aid in that. So i just poured some in there. Hopefully this will help with the spreading of the mixture on my hair, because is it already lightning? It is it's already working. What do you see that? Am i seeing things crazy just a little bit all right, let's see how this goes. Let'S try it again, this time i'm gon na do like a section. It is dripping everywhere. Oh yeah, that's definitely better! It'S so hard. It'S really hard to to to mix in. I don't know it's so weird: it's making a mess everywhere, it is lightening away. You know what this might work good too. If your hair is wet, i think it would mix in a little easier kind of like a bleach bath, but without the bleach. This is a mess all right, so i have this on my head and i don't see a whole lot of difference like it's. Not it didn't come off on my gloves at all. It did get everywhere, but it does not burn like bleach. So that's a plus and my hair is very, very heavy which reminds me of when i did it before, and this was a pain in the ass to wash out. So i i fully expect to have to wash my hair several times to get it out. It'S very very heavy um and i did end up adding some water to kind of get it in there and lather it a little bit. So we will see i'm gon na go ahead and put it i feel, like. I have a big dread. Um, i'm gon na go ahead and put this in a bag, even though there's not really any heat, so just in case it does want to process in that way, um that will help it and um so yeah. I'M gon na put this on my head. I'M actually gon na leave it for an hour and then i'm gon na wash it vigorously and rinse it out and um. I will be back with the final results, i'm very curious to see if this works, alrighty i'll be back with the results. All right. I'M back: what do you think i am blown away. I cannot believe that this worked the way that it did considering peroxide freaking peroxide, something that most people have in their house like anyone can do this and it's like. Basically, it's supposed to be act like a 10 volume and it lifted this much holy crap. I am just mind blown so again. Let me go over some things that you should know before you try this. So, first of all, it did dry the ends of my hair um. I guess basically my hair was previously fried if you haven't seen it. If you watch me, you know i i do a lot of stuff to my hair so because of that the whole bottom half of my hair is pretty freaking dead. It'S not super healthy um, but um, so it was already dry. So it did. It did make it kind of dry feeling, but i have done a conditioner mask and of course, anytime. You do any kind of process whether it's baking soda, whether it's no bleach at all, whatever you're doing always use some kind of hair mask, and this is my go-to one. This is the ion repair, repair solutions, deep conditioning, hair mask thing. I always use this or some kind of hair mask after every treatment. So that's very, very important. The other thing is, i was right. Baking soda is a to get out your hair. I washed my hair so many times it's a heavy mixture and it was a pain in the butt to get out so just know that you're gon na have to wash your hair a lot to get it out. So, but it's so worth it, it's so worth it. So i did. I guess, because it was a little bit hard to kind of like mix in my hair and really get in all the spots. It'S definitely blotchy and i'm going to show you underneath. I definitely also have some dark spots still there, let's see, so this is where we're at definitely still have some dark going on, but for the most part it's definitely definitely. Definitely, let's say the word again. I can die over it. That'S the point. I'M just excited that i can color over this and it's okay and in reality you could probably do this again and it's not gon na you know do but so much damage it's freaking, 10 volume and it's not even bleach or a real developer, but it works As with any mixture or treatment that you do also, i really hope you're still with me and watching this um be careful. Everyone'S hair is different. If your hair is highly damaged, maybe don't leave it in the full hour. Only leave it in for 30 minutes or 20 minutes and check the process and see how it is at that point you know, but do this at your own discretion according to how the health of your own hair is. So if it's super healthy and it can take it - leave it in for the hour if it's more damaged, don't leave it in as long anyways. I hope you guys have enjoyed this video. I'M super super impressed that it worked. So thank you to paige for commenting that and the first placey i got. I do listen to you guys comments and i do respond. So if you guys have more things that you want me to do, i still have a list of things to try. Thanks to you guys you, you are awesome, so i am going to be getting to all of those, but for now my next color i will be doing red i'm going red for christmas, but really splat was kind enough to send me a whole pr box of Their colors so definitely want to try out some of their dies. So i chose the crimson red color. So that's going to be fun. I'M excited, i've never went red. I never thought i would go red we're going to try it. My next video so stick with me if um yeah so give this one a thumbs up. If you thought it was helpful, leave a comment. If you have any questions - or you know things like that and if you're not, what do you do with your life subscribe for? More awesome videos turn on the bell notification, so you do not miss my next upload because it's gon na be a good one. So alrighty, i will see you guys on my next one. You

karen furtado: Add olive oil to that mixture and will NOT dry it out, in fact it will be really soft and shiny. Another tip?? Final rinse with cool water and white vinegar!!! Leave in. White vinegar also lightens and softens like a conditioner!!! I have jet black hair, bleached it as light as yours, and it did not break at all. Oh, and i put coconut oil in hair before i did the baking soda mixture. So add olive oil to that and see the difference

Wendyzzx: Thank you so much! I did this on my pink hair and usually hair color removers never work on my hair so I wasn’t expecting any changes but wow! It brought me back to blonde hair with no pink at all!!! This definitely works!!

Grace Vazul: Ok, so I’m a former Paul Mitchell student. I just graduated a few days ago. A few things I can mention, try making your mix less runny. Don’t add as much shampoo. If you add shampoo, add more baking soda. You need a good consistency. Also, never, ever, ever apply to your roots first. Your roots are the closest to your scalp and your scalp generates heat. That will make your roots lighten faster, hence why you saw it already lightening after putting it on.

Cassidy Guzman: I did this the first time ever bleaching my hair about 2 years ago, and I put some very hydrating hair conditioner in it as I used it along with a oil treatment of your choice after wards not to much damage or breakage and it lighted my hair from dark dark brown to blonde but now I’m trying to remove purple from my hair so I’m try this once again lol

blue 888: Thank you so much! I had just colored my hair too dark with permanent med ash brown and wanted to lift it back out and it's working! After an hour I can see the color is already lifted by 2 or 3 shades. I used some blue colored old spice shampoo instead of dish soap. Thanks again!

Sherri: Hi Jen, question for you. I have grown out my hair to my natural gray/silver. I still have remnants of brown root spray. Also the purple shampoo stained some areas. I did this method today and it seemed to fade the brown root spray but didn’t touch the purple. Any idea how often we can do this process to try to fade it more and more? (Once a week or more often?) Thx so much!

Raelynne: Hey there! What would u suggest for Demi permanent ion color remover? I posted on your other video with baking soda and developer. I’ve used vitamin c last week and then colorfix a couple of days ago and I’m still at like a level 6. My bottom part of hair is pretty damaged from previous bleaching.

Journey Bogue: Ok girl, so I dyed my hair with Splat (although its bright and vibrant, it's the WORST to get out, don't use) and used color Oops which usually gets out my dye but it did NOTHING! So glad I found this, imma try it! Thank you

Kristy Close: When I was a teenager my mom's friend used peroxide to lighten my hair she put it directly on my hair and I set out in the sun for a couple hours and it lighten my hair to a almost like a strawberry blonde.

NefFy: Yes! I thought this would work but I’m glad that you tested it for me first!

D Sanger: How did it effect your roots? I can see at the end of the video that it does appear that your roots are lighter, but I'm not sure if it just appears that way or if it did actually lighten your roots. I have a very very faded pink that I want out of my hair but don't want to bleach it again.... I just am not certain that I can avoid my roots... let me know how much it lightened your roots. You can see in my picture that my natural hair color is a super light brown/dark dishwater blonde

Crochet Cricket32: Omg. I'm soooooo super excited and happy that I found your video! You just saved me a ton of $$.$$! I had everything besides the developer from another video. An I almost didn't click on your video but I'm super glad I did! Love the clarifying shampoo idea. Although the other video I watched they used purple shampoo. Which I had to but special. Wish I woulda found yours 1st. Oh well. Thanks again and God bless!

jlow bob: Does this slow down hair from growing? i really want to know because after i cut my hair i wanna do this.

Jorja Shannon Risinger: 11/30/2021. Dear Jen of All Trades or Editing Jen, Why are you wasting your time making videos? You are fantastic! Soooo funny!! You should be in the movies! You are so much fun, so entertaining. And,oh, by the way, thanks for the good Salon Perfectic! advice. Happy Holidays/Merry Christmas from TEXAS! Texas Girl - HooYa!

Joanne 🌻: it really does work, especially on purples and pinks! I used a cream developer tho it's easier to apply

Dreamoutloud 103: Thank you I am going to get what I need tomorrow to do this.

Judy Baptiste: Good morning good morning and thank you so much for the info I’m trying to take the colour out of my hair to do a honey blonde I just did a big shop about a week ago but I love the colour of your hair thank you

Monica Mora: Thank you for this awesome information!

ke. m: I have permanent red hair color on my hair. Years worth... I want to strip color out and start fresh with another red color. Which method would you prefer. This one of the bleach bath?

Sophisticated Squid: do you think it would work with just hydrogen peroxide and shampoo?

Brittnie Al ibrahim: I tried it without the dish soap and without the bag on a big strand of blue dyed hair with artic fox hair dye. I let it sit for 30 minutes and nothing happened. The blue is still there ughh I guess next time I'll try wrapping that strand in foil and using the dish soap and leaving it for an hour.

Mz Kitty M.: I had ash a blonde color. I colored it light pink. Did this method. Hooray Im a blonde

Nicole Wheeler: I'm so excited to bleach my friends hair today!

NefFy: And although it’s not doing much of a chemical process it is doing some and there is also heat from your head so the bag is a good idea. I have my cosmetology license so I understand as I just never have tried hydrogen peroxide on my hair

shy Angel: Do you think this will work on fresh dark blue dye? I'm trying to get a job but I just did my hair

Joanne 🌻: love your content <3

Bia Beauty: Hi dear,i dyed my hair dark ash blonde with the box dye ,will it lighten my hair?? I had highlightd before dying with box hair dye lol i want it lighter again,and also i have thin hair cuz ive been coloring my hair alot ..

Alexis Rock: I used Punky Colors 3 in 1 conditioning shampoo, and this method faded it, but definitely did not take it all out. Going for round 2 tomorrow.

pjwhite1002: Well, I gave it go tonight, tested it out, no results. Maybe a slight lightening of a dark streak in my yellowy multi-gray colored hair. Maybe I didn't mix it right, maybe I didn't leave it on long enough (30 minutes). Things like this just don't seem to work for me and I have no idea why. Guess I need a pro to help me get there and I can't afford that anymore. oh well...too bad for me, I guess.

sanchz: you guys, head and shoulders fs used for a week, ALONE, does the SAME THING if you are patient... it removes color

emooyandere: I have black hair I'm currently trying to remove the black out I miss my red hair

SkyeDraven: How long though? How long do you let it sit or do you just wash it out immediately?

Li$a Marie: Did you use just hydrogen peroxide mixed with a little conditioner?? Nothing else at all?? And it worked ? So I think I'll try this is it as harsh as bleach or less damaging then bleach I'm afraid my hair will fall out I have very damaged dry hair I haven't dyed in awhile but it's just so easy to break and fall out when I use bleach or dyes so I'm afraid but if this is safer then the bleach powder and it seems toe idk pretty fast

Naraa ChanMaliChann: How about black hair? I felt regret dye it black

kittykatkate Katlynn: Everyday this become more and more tempting to do

Mindy R: Peroxide is a bleaching agent . :)

A: This is basically bleach lol also if you do try this and use colored shampoo it could incorporate the color into the final results. Tbh it's interesting seeing people go from wanting to be blonde to ending up with a blue tinted color.

Kaylee Baker: I just use my hands to put it in my hair for the first time

Cheree Porter: Great video!

Li$a Marie: How was ur hair when u were done was it falling out and breaking

Backwoods__23: Idk if you'll see this in time but I'm doin this to my black/ red box dyed hair tomorrow and I have a couple of questions?

a3lya albi: It actually work i did it many time

Iqra Arooj: What about if someone dyed her natural black hair into brown color This remedy will give back natural black color r will bleach it?

NefFy: You don’t really need shampoo and dish so they do the same thing but it’s self is stronger I would put it in a squeeze bottle with a little more water in it and then just squirt it on your head and let it dry up

NefFy: Don’t let your hair put more water in the bottle if you wet your hair it won’t absorb as much but if you put it in the bottle it will spread better

Sarah Clark: would this work for black hair

a3lya albi: Its magical concoction

Mckenzie Garrett: Does this work with black permanent dye??

Nicole Wheeler: Amazing

a3lya albi: ❤these videos have nice weeknd

Cynthia Stevens: Nvm found it ❤️

pk: Never,never,NEVER use peroxide on your hair ,or at least more than once,I did this, and my hair turned to yarn then fell out in the handfuls.

Corey Themaan: Trying this right now

Lee Ann: Can I use regular alcohol? I just got that lol

Squeaky synthRave: thank you i had black hair it worked went back to my blonde when i was 16 i had blonde wow x

Nicole Wheeler: It's burning and otching

Sammie Jo Peters: Luv your channel!!

kaylea jackson: I didn't waer gloves

Carolyn McDowell: Hi

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